String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

Woohoo Beth! :Pinkbounc

WDW planning is so much fun! What resort are you staying at? If our plans work out, we will be staying at Pop for 6 nights and Beach Club for 4 nights in December.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday! Take care! :grouphug:
Congrats on your plans. It is fun isn't it? We have never tried Chef Mickey's for dinner but the breakfast is really good. LeCellier is our favorite. Try that chocolate cake for dessert. We did the CP package and honestly (I know I will get flamed here) but I would have been just as happy coming in at the last minute and getting any old seat or standing at the back of the rope not even in the area and just listening to it. You don't have to be in the theater area to enjoy it and frankly it was wayyyyyyyy too loud where we were sitting from the trumpets. Just my opinion. Sorry but we really did not like San Angel and the kids cried as they hated it. Just something to think about. Maybe it was just our family? :confused3 They were even more upset at the outside cafe in Mexico as the other people we were with wanted to eat there so we bought some light snacks/food. My son said he felt like he was eating dog food and he just couldn't believe we were making him eat it!:rolleyes: They had already eaten dinner so really it was just a snack but they were totally upset. We ended up throwing out what we had purchased because really it was bad. We all like the 50's Primetime Cafe at MGM. The Brown Derby is yummy as well and their presentation for food is really nice. We did their fantasmic package. HDDR was also really good. We totally liked it more than we thought we would. The Luau was a huge disappointment. The Rainforest Cafe in AK is fun for the kids and I have seen the chef come out to talk with the families of allergic kids. SciFi was fun for the kids too but stay away from the chicken sandwich. I was literally sick for the rest of the night and it tasted soooooooo bad. You can get the burger (just ok, actually Roaring Forks at the WL is better for burgers) on the dinner menu as well. Peco's Bills and Casey's in the MK are good as well. We LOVE CRT. Oh so many choices for you. We are going back this summer so if you want me to check anything out for you let me know. My friend wants to check out that Irish Pub so I will preview it for you! ;)
I hate when people are jerks! Nothing bothers me more. Get some sleep write down what you would like to say to him and burn the letter afterwards. It can work wonders for you!

On a great note, you are back on track girl. Keep it up!
Congrats on the tickets!! I am itching to do the same!!!! :cool1:

When are you going again??!!!
I will get to my Disney Planning in a second.

I am confused. I was lc, but not seriously low carb, and I backed way off in my exercise this week. I really expecteed a 2 pound gain, but instead I can post a 2 POUND LOSS! Taht puts me at 198.5 and in ONEDERLAND! I am thrilled, but trying to figure out what my body is telling me. Am I eating too lc, or am I exercising too much, or both? I'll have to think about this.

Now, on to Disney Planning...
We are going December 1-11th. Katie will miss 6 days of school, but it is only kindergarten. The kid is already reading and doing math. We'll also make up any work we need to. We want the Christmas decorations and festivities without the crowds. (I'm mildly agoraphobic.) We are currently booked at Coronado Springs. i won't stay at a value during Pop Warner. If we can get a code, we may switch to WL or AKL. Wilderness, the Brown Derby was the only restaurant last time that gave us bad vibes with Katie's allergies. They just treated us like we were bothering them. we are used to authentic Mexican, so San Angel works for us, and Katie LOVES guacamole. Plain chicken, refried beans, chips/salsa/guac and she is in heaven. I am still debating the CP package. Thanks for the suggestions. I can't believe I am planning already.

Plan for the day...
Cardio at the Y.
Trip to Costco.
Work from 330-4AM. I have 8 hours of training. Won is working from home today.
My work schedule this weekend is F:3PM-4AM, S:7PM_8AM, S: Midnight-8AM. I plan on getting up early to go skating with Won and Katie on Sunday. Unfortunately no nap for me today because of the early shift.

I doubt I'll make it to many journals this weekend, so I hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

Take care,
Party going on in Beth's journal today!!!! :rockband: :dancer: :thewave:

Beth is in Onederland!!! :banana:

Congratulations Beth!!! :cool1: All of your hard work and effort is paying off and your scale is reflecting that! I am so proud of you!!!! :grouphug: What are you going to do to celebrate this "onederful" occasion?

Beth, I am so happy for you! :teeth: Have a "onederful" weekend!!! :banana:

I am in awe!! Congratulations on your weight loss, that is GREAT to hear!!

Forgot while I was journaling to bring you up to date on our trip planning...right now, it looks like WL...DD would love the pony rides & campfires at FW, so that will give us easier access, I believe...also, this is a short trip in comparison to most DISers, so if, in the future we get to do a longer trip, we most likely would go value/mod to save $$$.

I would love to do Poly...a code would be nice, otherwise, there is no way!!

Have a super day!!!
:cloud9: :cool1: :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :cloud9:


:cloud9: :cool1: :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :cloud9:

Beth, I am just jumping for joy for you!! :hug: I can't explain why the scale chose NOW but rest assured that all your weeks of strict LC and exercise had a hand in this!

Many warm congratulations!! I'd put lots more smilies in here but the DIS will only allow so many.
Hi I am back. I did some new things on the Fitlinxx program at the Y. This month I have burned 9467 calories on the trainer. I have lost 71.5 pounds since I started lc. I'll take measurements soon. I rewarded myslef with the new James Patterson book.

I needed to thank everyone of you. I certainly didn't do this alone. The support of my friends, new and old on this board has been tremendous. You all have been such an inspiration to me on a daily basis. You guys have helped keep me sane. Thank you again.

Ok, my Oscar speech is now over. I did 45 minutes/663 calories on the glider today. A personal best. I also found out that my lunch break with this training is 1.5 hours. Ugh, give me 30 minutes and end the class early. I plan on taking a walk on that break. I am sorry that I am nor going to get to journals today, but I need to get myself organized for the weekend.

Thank you again,

:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:

Enjoy onederland!!!!!! I am right behind you on that one....well not quite RIGHT behind you....but I am working on it!!

You ROCK!!!
crazy work schedule going this weekend? I hope well... I know it takes it's toll on you.

Congrats. You are doing so well. It amazes me how much these boards really do help. Maybe because you can log on 24/7? So much better than a once week meeting to me. Plus we all have the WDW thing to bond us too...

Well, just wanted to stop in to say HI! :wave: Have a great day!
Hope you are having a good work weekend. :confused3 On second thought, hope you are at least getting through the weekend and it is going smoothly. I just don't know if the words good and work go together! Just kidding. At least your check will be nice. Take care. :flower:
Just popping in to say I'm thinking of you, dear Beth! :hug: I hope your work weekend is going well and that you're getting some restful sleep in between shifts. I know it's not easy but Katie will forever remember spending lots of quality time with her Mommy. :sunny:


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