

Jun 26, 2002
Hello, I am curious about the strollers for rent at WDW. Do they also rent wagons? How much are they? And are they comfortable strollers to push? Are all the parks different? Thanks for you thoughts. Wendi
Disney does not rent wagons. In fact, wagons are not allowed in the parks at all. I'm sure it's a safety thing.

IIRC, the strollers are $8/day, but part of that ($1) is a depost that you can get back (usually as a Disney Dollar) when you return the stroller. If you keep your receipt, you don't have to pay again if you hop between parks on the same day.

IMHO, the Disney strollers were comfortable to push. Each park has a different color/style of stroller. They also have double strollers. Deb Wills has some pictures of the strollers on her site.
Stroller Info from WDWIG

You'll probably get more responses if you post this question on the Families Forum. Maybe one of the mods will move the post over there for you since it's really not a DVC topic.


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