Summary of Moderator/Friend Posts About Bob

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I'm sorry to have to tell everyone, but Bob Varley passed away this afternoon.

We postponed todays show because Bob wasn't feeling well, he thought he had food poisoning. When his wife Diana came home from work, she found him in their bedroom and he had apparently been dead for a few hours.

That's all we know right now - all of us are heading over to their house to be whatever comfort we can to Diana and Brian. I'll update everyone as we find out more, but I ask that you all please keep Diana, Brian and the rest of Bob's family in your thoughts and prayers.

We've all lost a wonderful friend - a friend whose presence can never be replaced, and whose memory I will hold close to my heart for the rest of my life.

Hey Gang

I have info on the memorial service for Bob.

It will be on Saturday May 3rd at 3PM. Below is the address for the funeral home:

Becker Funeral Home
806 West Minneola Avenue
P.O. Box 120864
Clermont, Florida 34712
PH: (352) 394-7121

In lieu of flowers Diana is requesting donations be made to Hospice of the Comforter in Bob’s name. I told her that several folks here have already started donating to Give Kids the World in his name as well and that is fine if you wish to do that instead.

They are putting together a slideshow of pictures of Bob for the service. If you have any pictures of Bob that you would like included in the slideshow please email them to MaryAnna (a very good friend of Diana’s) at and she will include them in the slideshow. I think Bob would like as many pictures of him with his PodCast family included – and I know Diana will take great comfort in this as well.

If you wish to send something to Diana directly instead of the Funeral Home you can send that to the podcast email address that Kevin posted earlier.

Now - as far as May 4th goes - obviously, we will not be recording the live show. That would just be too hard on everyone.

We have kept the room at Gaylord Palms and would like to invite every one who is still interested to be please join us. It will be more of a 'meet and greet' and a chance for us to tell Bob stories and remember a wonderful Man. Diana will be there and she is looking forward to every one who was planning on attending the live show to attend.

There will be food and non-alcoholic drinks. The timing is the same - if you want to show up any time after 12:30PM that would be fine. We have the room until 4PM.

We will be in the Emerald Room #2. You will have to cross the lobby and take the evelators down one flight - we will have signs in the lobby to help you find it.

We hope to see as many faces there as possible.

I'm not sure any of this will be considered coherent thought but I decided I should try.

I first met Bob and Diana in the Magic Kingdom on the corner by Casey's...where the tip board is located.

John had been living with Bob and Diana when we met. He told me that these folks were "like family to him" and that it was important that I got to know them. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. These folks had been friends and co-workers with John and Pete and here I was...the new guy.

I dont ever remember any time in my life when I felt so welcome or accepted. Bob said to me that "if John thinks you're ok...then so do we." They became friends that night. That was in the fall of 2001.

Bob and I quickly fell into the routine of him mispronouncing things and me correcting him. It got to the point where he would do things just to make me roll my eyes and suck my teeth. It became a part of who we were. He loved it.

A lot of time transpired between those days and the beginning of the podcast but Bob and Diana, along with Ann and Majk (it's pronounced Mike....and yes....we've used every conceivable line on him because of this) and John and I, well...we became a rather tight knit social group. We had dinner together at least once a week. We spent holidays together. We traveled together. There is no other way to say it then to say we were best friends. These were the folks that we chose to spend our time with.

Bob loved planning our weekly get togethers and outings. We used to rib him about "synchronizing our watches". If we were going someplace new of different, Bob would get there hours early (sometimes the day before) and then call us with the best directions and where to park and what not to miss. And yes....I used to tease him about that...but that was part of who Bob and I were.

One of my very favorite Bob memories is of the Candlelight Processional. Bob's Mom was very old and frail and not in the best health. She had moments of lucidity but they were few and far between. Well, she sat there watching that show and singing her heart out. She knew the words to almost every song. I sat next to Bob and his Mom and watched Bob watch her with tears in his eyes. He was so kind and gentle and loving. I was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

Bob's Mom passed during that next year and he told me that the Candlelight Processional was going to be really hard this year. I sat next to Bob at the next Candlelight show and the two of us sang along with tears in our eyes. He thanks me for understanding and being ok with it.

Bob was the kind of guy that offered whatever he could do or had. John and I live about an hour away from Bob abd Diana. The airport is in between our two homes. When John and I would travel, Bob would offer to take us to the airport. He would open his home to anyone that needed a place to stay. Bob loved nothing more than a house full of people.

When we started doing the Round Table version of the podcast, it took a while but we all fell into being ourselves. We all agreed that the only way to do this was with sincerity and honesty.

I have been criticized for "picking on" Bob, but we were who we were in real life. I dont know if anyone will understand this, but Bob loved that we picked on him. He would set up situations with glee and warn me..."this is really going to get you". Bob loved nothing more than making me crazy. It was never malicious or hurtful and if I thought it was I would have never done it.

I would never do anything to intentionally hurt Bob. He was one of my best friends and one of the warmest, kindest nicest men I have ever known.

Bob also loved the attention and spotlight that this allowed him. It was part of why he encouraged it. We used to joke that he had "only child syndrome". It's why we used to tease him about only reading emails that had his name in them.

Bob also loved meeting the folks that listened to the podcast. He put Christmas lights on his "kaht" so folks could find him. He loved making people laugh and he loved helping people enjoy their Disney trips. Bob spent more time in the parks then any of us and he'd come to the podcast letting us know that he met so and so and that he posed for pictures. And yes....we'd tease him with him grinning the entire time.

I'm sharing this today out of my need to let you all know that Bob loved that you all cared about him and loved him. It brought him incredible joy. He'd recount meeting listeners with absolute glee.

I dont know any other words to explain this, but I loved Bob. While life will go and we will move ahead, our lives will be a little less full. There will always be a hole that cant be filled. He is truly irreplaceable.

I think the very best way to honor Bob is to make sure that you tell the people in your life that you love them and what they mean to you. Dont miss the opportunity.

I talked to Bob yesterday morning at about 10:15am. I called to ask how he was feeling and if he needed anything. He told me was ok and feeling better.

I'd give anything to have that chance again.

Dont wait. Tell them.

Thanks for letting me talk about this.

Please understand that none us of know what to say, or how to act, or where to turn.

Words and details of Bob's memorial will be more forthcoming later but for now....

Here is an address to which cards may be sent.

Please understand that it is a post office box, but we will see that the your things get to the right people

DIS Unplugged
4417 13th Street
# 475
St. Cloud, Florida

I am heartbroken. Bawb would make me crazy sometimes, but you'd never find a kinder, gentler soul. What a sweet man and what a terrible loss.

I'm comforted knowing that through the DIS he will live on. Whether it's his mangling of certain words or Kaht Kam, he will always be with us.

I just can't believe my friend is gone. Love you Bawb!! May you rest in peace.
Bob was one of the first people I met from the DIS many years ago. He was a thoughtful man with a true love for Disney. Through the tears, right now I’m remembering the time we spent in Southern California with him and Diana many years ago and how my daughter who was only about 5 still remembers the fun she had with him at Knots Berry Farm.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Diana, his family and all those who he touched in his lifetime.

This is truly a sad day.

Rest in Peace my friend……
I am just in shock. Bob was one of the original Dis'ers and the first person from the DIS I ever met in real life. He used to live near me and I went over to his house one day and put some computer wiring in while his son played soccer with my daughter in his yard. That was almost 10 years ago.......
I've never seen him get really angry at anyone and when he did it was funny, he just didn't know how.
He was one of the nicest people I have ever met and I will miss him greatly.
You were much too young my friend.
It’s too tough for me to write in words how I feel right now, so I would like to share some of the photos I have of Bob with everyone instead. Bob is the first true friend that I’ve ever lost and I am going to miss him very much.





Bob's #1 tip - take a nap









Bob loved sushi as much as me


Bob multi tasking in Laguna Beach - still camera in one hand and video in the other



Bob and Brian - photos taken at our wedding by Pete



Dec 17, 1999
Hey Gang

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up - this weeks show will be a little late. We are shooting for getting it up later in the day on Tuesday if not Wednesday AM.

Bob isn't feeling well so we can't record today. He thinks he has food poisoning and if anyone has had it you know how bad it can be.

So - get better Bawb!!!!! - and sorry for the delay.

I can barely glimpse at the podcast board, but I'll try to share some memories.

I first met Bawb at a DIS meet in Disney Quest around 10 years ago. He was such a character in the early DIS chats. He'd wear 'virtual' green tights, slap on some wings and pretend to be Tinker Bell flying around the chat room. I'm from NY so I'm pretty accustomed to strange people. Still, Bawb was up there in my top 10, LOL.

When Dreams began about 8 years ago, we did an "Around the World" tour with agents taking turns spending a night at each Disney resort. Our headquarters was a Fairways Villa. There was Bawb, always multi-tasking, always making sure everything was in place and always mangling the English language. I guess this is where the friendship started to really take shape.

Bawb always seemed to be juggling cameras and tripods wherever he went. If you got within 10 feet of him, you'd find yourself holding wires and bags.

One time we were all at a Disney Press Event which ended with a Barenaked Ladies concert. He scoped out the stage, parked his kaht at the perfect spot and I became his wingman. I stood behind him and was bopping along to the song when he turned and barked at me "you're shaking the kaht', knock it off." Whoops!! :lmao:

Our team went to California together. Bawb was the pilot and navigator and I swear he not only plotted which roads to take, but which lane to be in. Much to the annoyance of the drivers behind us, that was often the far left lane. Let's just say, Bawb wasn't known for speed. ;)

Wherever we went, Bawb became the "Dad" of the group while I became the "Mom" you wish you never had. We were the senior members of the team and well, that's just how it was. He'd keep "the kids" in line while I made sure tissues, gum, pens, paper, wetwipes, Advil, lotion and snacks were always handy.

I can't keep track of how many times we all got together in Florida. I'm heading down next month and was planning to say to Bawb "you get a break. They can pick on me today." Teasing each other is what we do best. I often wondered if Bawb thought my name was "shut up" since he said it to me so often. ;)

I just spoke to him a week ago and said "I'll see you soon." Who would ever think that will never happen.

Little did I know how much I'd miss this quirky guy. He'd make me crazy, he'd make me roll my eyes until I thought they'd get stuck in the back of my head, but he had a heart of gold. At the end of the day, that's what really matters.
Wow, I'm in shock. I've been a bit out touch on the DIS lately...and thankfully someone was good enough to email me about this.

As I read these posts, I smile when I think of WAY back when DAK opened, Bob and the Varleys still lived in Massachusetts, as we all met up in Boston/Cambridge to visit the Animal Kingdom "on tour".

It was the first time I met Harold :)

I will also never forget his fantastic dancing moves on the Disney Wonder, just before Dreams was launched. It should have been YMCA....but I think Bob wanted to go MACY's ;)

God bless you drove me crazy at times, but I am going to miss you.
We sat next to him at the Animal Kingdom rededication last week. He kidded my daughter about her singing the songs from Nemo.

He will be missed.
Oh my. We've known Bawb for many years now and have spent a little time with he and Diana at WDW over the years.

I'm so sorry to hear this. My prayers and thoughts are with Diana and Brian.

The DIS has lost a great friend.

R.I.P. Wilderness
This is such a shock - I even received an e-mail from Bawb on Sunday, in spite of the fact he must have been very unwell.

Going back to the early DIS days, before we had to register, we were a smaller community and his posts as Wilderness e.g. his trip reports were a great read - full of fun but also love of Disney.

Quite simply, he contributed in making the DIS a wonderful place to be.

Bawb was a kindly and fun colleague, and we'll miss him badly, but I cannot imagine the pain and loss his family, and his larger family such as Pete, John, Kevin, Corey & Julie, and other long-time close friends are feeling right now.

Hi everyone,

I'm going to take a little liberty here and speak on behalf of the entire podcast team - I hope they won't mind as I'm sure they share my feelings.

I've had this site for 11 years now and I really thought it was impossible for me to be surprised by these boards. Honestly, I was pretty sure I'd seen it all - then this happened.

I don't know that I could put into words the incredible comfort you have all been to Diana, Brian and the podcast crew these past few days. The overwhelming outpouring of love and support for the loss of our friend is staggering and such a wonderful testament to the man he was.

As I'm sure you will all understand, we're going to need some time before we get back to the show. This was a great loss to each one of us, so I think it's important that it be a team decision as to when we return to the show.

I won't lie - this has been pretty devastating to all of us. But we take great solace in knowing how fortunate we were to have had the time with Bob that we did, and that we have two years worth of shows we can revisit whenever we want, whenever we feel like hearing a comforting and friendly voice.

It will not be the same without him - his character, his personality were so unique - he was a true original that can never be replaced. But soon enough our grief will give way to a more positive and creative energy. The kind Bob always seem to have in great abundance.

Thanks again for all your prayers, condolances and well wishes. You'll never know how much we all appreciate it.

Hi everyone;

Thanks for your concern - I really appreciate it. I'm holding up pretty good. I decided to decend into the pits of hell and completely re-wire my A/V system in my office. This is no small task - I have A LOT of electronics in this office. I will confess that I did a LITTLE retail therapy yesterday, so I've been trying to keep myself busy.

I have Bob's last show half edited on my machine -the Disneyland show. It was so weird - I edited the show Thursday night and it corrupted during the mixdown. That happens once in a blue moon, and basically means I have to go back and re-edit the show. However, it happened three times over the weekend and on two different machines. I don't know...I'm just sayin'....

I will eventually put that show up, but I'm not sure when at this point.

As for the show, I've decided that when all five of us individually feel ready to come back to the table, we'll resume our schedule. No idea when that will be.

I really want to thank all of you for your outpouring of support. You have no idea how much it means to all of us. I look forward to seeing some of you on Sunday.

I encourage anyone who wants to, to please sign the guest book.

I know Bob would have wanted it and I'm sure Diana, Brian and their entire family will get great comfort out of it.


Bawb sure loved them Dole Whips. This ones for YOU BAWB!!!!!

Let me start by saying I really enjoyed doing this. It just felt right and I can't say this will be the last time I do this. Like I said before, I 've never had me a Dole Whip so yet again Bawb has introduced me to something else I will enjoy for years to come.

So me and Brian are sitting there enjoying our drinks talking stories about Bawb when I look over and see a small souviner booth right next to us, not even 30ft away. It took me a second to realize it said "Bwana Bob's". I knew just then that Bawb was looking over us and was happy for that moment. I nudged Brian and did a head nod, he looked over and back and you could tell he felt the same. I think this is definately something that Bawb would love, so please continue this if you think it would help you to connect with our friend.
I must have started this over, about a hundred times already...not knowing how to say what I want to convey to you. Over the years, "Bawb and Dianer" bacame two of our dearest friends. It was because of "the Dis" and "Dreams" that we met, and for that, we will be eternally grateful.

There wasn't a time when we came to Orlando when he didn't mention you, all of you, even before the podcast became such a sensation. I felt like I knew all you, even though we had never met some of you. His phone calls would leave me in and Joel in stitches, as he would relate incidents like "Do you have Protective Footwear" as he told the stories of a series of foot related mishaps that was plaguing your "family" and he managed to escape the curse because of the sandals he kept by his bed. "You gotta get somethin' '"..he told me. He was always watching out for those he cared about. He told me of adventures from your cruises you took together, the many holidays you shared...including the processionals at Christmas, especially the one that Kevin wrote about. You were his family.

Once the Podcast was up and running, there were times when he would call and say "Did you listen to the Podcast? You gotta listen to the Podcast"...and you could hear the excitement in his voice. He was proud of the work that you all did to put the show together, and he was tickled that your audience grew to be what it was. He alerted us that the "send Bawb to the Parks" segment was going to happen, and he was insistant that I "stay tuned", (as if I hadn't been already). Who knew it would morph into "Kaht Cam". All I can tell you is tht when he was with us in the parks, he was always doing research, and he enjoyed it.

I can also honestly say he loved what he did for the DIS. Like Regina said, if you ventured with Bawb to the parks, you had better be ready to be his "grip" and cord tender. With Bawb, evry trip to the park was a "fact finding mission". It wasn't unusual to have him hand you a camera, to warn you "Don't touch it" and then get busy with yet another camera. I think one time he actually had three cameras going at once, but most of the time it was just two. He had lens caps and cords and tripods and remote thing-a-ma jigs...and he always needed whatever was the hardest to give him at the time. (It became a little less chaotic when he switched from film to digital.)And all the while he was doing that, he was either telling some stranger next to him about the DIS or interviewing a cast member. There was always "this one thing he had to get done". The last photo shoot we did with him was of the Block Party Parade. He and Diana were coming from somewhere else, and he knew where he wanted to be for the shot, and he sent us there ahead of time saying "sit big!" (Huh?)

Disney has this thing that they call on-stage/off stage. In all my years of knowing Bawb, he was never that way. The few times I heard him grumble, he got over it really quick. I know he loved the work he did with and for you, and your Sunday meals were very important to him. He looked forward to being with you guys, even after all of the ribbing he received...which means that he loved you a lot. I'm sure inyour hearts you know this, but I just thought tht you may want to hear it from an "outsiders" perspective.

Joel and I owe all of you a lot. I will never be able to fully express just what his friendship meant to us...and you made it all possible. He was one in a million..from his abuse of the English language to his incredible generous spirit. I know God got himself an extra special angel on Monday, and Joel and I consider ourselves blessed to have known him.

Thank you, for sharing the magic of Bob Varley.
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