Summary of Moderator/Friend Posts About Bob

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We are not being intentionally vague or withholding information.

The truth is that we just dont have the information as of yet.

We have shared the details as we know them.

Bob called us early Monday morning to let us know that he didnt think he would make the podcast as he felt he had food poisoning.

Diana had come home from work earl in the day to bring him Gatorade.

I spoke with him at 10:07 (according to my cell phone record) to check on him. He said he was feeling better and that he had had some Gatorade and toast.

I tried calling again at 12:00 but there was no answer. We assumed he was napping.

We got a call at 5:15 with a very garbled version of the bad news and called Diana to see what was going on. We found out that it was terribly true.

These are the details as we know them.

When new information is available, and Diana and Brian feel comfortable with us sharing that information, we will certainly let you know.

Other than the above facts, anything else is speculation and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that at this point.

The feeling of friendship and love is evident.....and greatly appreciated.

We are all looking for answers...or at the very least...a reason.

I believe that understanding what happened to Bob will allow us all to process the information and move ahead.

We have always chosen to be upfront and honest and I believe Bob would want us to continue.

My reason for posting was to let you all know that we currently dont know anymore than we have already shared.

I didnt want you to think that we had "closed the loop" for any reason.

Thanks again,
Bob's memorial was beautiful and moving.

It was a wonderful and heartfelt testament to an amazing guy.

The gentleman officiating the memorial mentioned that while he had never been to this website, he visited after being told of Bob's involvement.

I believe he said he was in "awe" of the heartfelt wishes and good will and sheer number of people posting. He described us as a "world wide phenomenon."

So even though you may not have been able to be there in body, you were all certainly there in spirit and energy.

I am and always will be proud to name Bob my friend.

I am also proud to be a member of this community.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

One of the recurrent themes was how people from all over the world were touched by Bawb.
Pete gave a lovely, heartfelt eulogy that just blew everone away.
There were a lot of laughs too though as we celebrated Bob's life and that is how he would have wanted it.
I've known Bob for 10 years and even I learned a lot about him. He was an incredible person.
It was a beautiful celebration of Bob's life. He has a great family.

There wasn't a dry eye in the room when they were telling stories about Bob. They also played some very meaningful Disney songs to complement the memorial for Bob.
Thank you Kevin and Alex

I really wanted to be there but it just wasn't physically possible for me right now.

You have all been in my thoughts today.......
My husband, Robert, wanted me to share some words with you because he regretfully couldn’t be here today.

“My introduction to Bob wasn't exactly what you would call smooth. I had to call Florida and speak with someone to explain that Erin (his daughter) was in a car accident, but was ok. Seems noble enough, however when a man picked up the phone instead of Erin's mom I sort of panicked and simply said, "Who's this?" to which the voice answered back, "You called me, who's this?"
Then I got on with my story and explained that I was Erin's NEW boyfriend, and she flipped her car six times, but she's ok.

From that start, however, I got to know more of Bob through Erin's stories of him being very strict, but very encouraging, and how he was always there for her and her brothers. When we met face to face, it was another rocky start. Erin and I had to explain that we were starting a family. Bob was sure to let me know he was less than thrilled. But as we all know he loved my boys, and my boys loved Puppa.

From these beginnings, a new bond was forming. It started as he and I just busting on each other. But after a short while we were taking little adventures whenever we were around each other. A few that come to mind are: in NJ, near my home, and he had to have the Arizona Stress Tea. We went to every store I could think of until we found it, making sure to harass every store employee without Stress Tea along the way. When we finally found some, Bob bought every bottle in sight stating, "I don't want to go through that again."

When we moved to Florida for a short time, he and I spent 20 hours straight, unshowered in the truck together. I won't really go into detail on that, but he knows what I mean.

Our last adventure was to Kennedy Space Center last summer. Like his grown obsession for Disney, his childhood obsession was rockets and the space program. Once again, a kid in a candy store.

Bob Varley was more than a father-in-law, more than a mentor, even more than a friend. I was honored to be a part of his life and honored to have earned the designation of his "favorite son-in-law" (by default, but who's counting?). Bob will always be a part of me, and forever in my heart and mind as the first thing I think of when I see anything having to do with Disney.
You're the famous one, Bob.
Love you always,
Your Favorite Son-In-Law
Rob Shirhall”

Some of you may only have known Bob from recent years in Florida. I wanted to take a minute to share with you the Bob that I knew, the Bob that became a father to me when I was four, and influenced me to become much of the woman I am now.

1. He was a phenomenal athlete before he hurt his ankle. He helped his high school cross country team to 2 state titles. He could hit a softball like Papi hits baseballs. He coached Matt in midget football. He was a former Little League baseball president.
2. In Mansfield, he was the president of local cable access for several years.
3. He taught Matt, Brian, and I to build and launch model rockets. He and I made a rocket R2D2. Sadly R2D2 exploded into tiny pieces at about 10 feet in the air.
4. He made the best Boston baked beans.
5. He took us camping every summer since I met him.
6. He could cook a rotisserie turkey over a campfire… if you could wait until midnight to eat it.
7. He and mom never took a vacation without us… until we were grown ups.
8. He got the chicken pox at age 30-something. They were not nice to him. If you haven’t had them, get vaccinated!
9. He made us clean up our messes… but never cleaned up his.
10. Orange was his favorite color.
11. Golden Grahams and Cinnamon Toast Crunch were his favorite cereals. If he caught you eating them, you’d be sorry.
12. He loved hot air balloons.
13. He had no trouble hollering at people (speeding cars, bullies, litterers, boyfriends who beeped the horn out front instead of coming to the door) to stand up for justice.
14. He sneezed upwards of three times to signal to his dinner party that he was full… finally.
15. He never called “his boys” (Brian, Rob, Gavin, or Mason) by their names unless they were in trouble. He called them all “Buddy”.
16. He regularly drag-raced the kahts with Matt, Brian, and Rob up and down the neighborhood.
17. He could engineer a discount on a discount on a discount on any item he wanted to buy… if he couldn’t just get it free altogether.
18. He taught us to reach for the moon, knowing we could reach it (not just hit the stars if we missed, like the saying goes).

I want to leave you with one more message. If you are here today, you undoubtedly have been wrestling with grief, shock, maybe even anger. For me, the stress of this week’s events have had me on a roller coaster… not exactly the happy kind you’d find at DisneyWorld.

Believe it or not, over the years, Bob struggled to manage his tightly-wound personality. He stressed out easily, usually because he had to deal with a drama-queen of a teenage daughter. It took me 18 years to learn not to battle head-to-head with Bob because the exchange of words back and forth only made the situation worse. Since Bob was usually right about things, I did eventually learn to nod my head, and say, “Ok, Dad.”

As I poured through the drawers of my house, looking for pictures of Bob to share with friends and family this weekend, I came across that Bob had given to me after one of these confrontations. I have no idea what the problem was about, but I think you’ll agree that he found exactly the right words for handling how we are all feeling right now.

The card states:
“All stressed out?
Sometimes it helps to think of happy scenes.
Maybe a pastoral field…
A field with a babbling brook.
You’re there on a lovely summer day…
Holding someone’s head under the water…
Now you’re letting them up for a second…
Then BLAM!
Back into the freezing water
Over and over again…

Feel better?”
Bob had written, “I do. Sorry about last night. Love O.T.” ( edited:his old CB handle, Orange Tornado)

I hope you all remember to laugh with the happy memories of Bob as you deal with his sudden departure.

I will always love him as a daughter loves her father, and I know he will always be with me. Afterall, he is a huge part of who I am.
A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes
Best of Friends
Circle of Life
You'll Be In My Heart
We Go On (from Illuminations)

There was another one and try as I might, I can not think of it.

It will come to me...propbably at 3:00am. If I think of it, I will let you know.

I'm not sure who picked the music, but they did an awesome job.

Kevin, those are great songs. Who picked the song to go with the memorial on the website? It's beautiful.

I believe that was Corey and Will.

We had all just seen Wicked Sunday night and while I had no part in picking the music, I think it was an inspired and awesome choice.

I just saw this after getting home this evening and I will tell them tomorrow how great I think it is.

The name of the song is "For Good"

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return
Well, I don't know if I believe that's true
But I know I'm who I am today
Because I knew you:

Like a comet pulled from orbit
As it passes a sun
Like a stream that meets a boulder
Halfway through the wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you
I have been changed for good

It well may be
That we will never meet again
In this lifetime
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend:
Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you:

I have been changed for good

I cant think of a song that states it better.
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