Summer Vacation Time - San Diego, Hotel Del Coronado, Catalina, and of course DL

Oops, sorry...meant PCH (Pacific Coast Highway)

It's our summer holiday at Christmas and we figured that for the price we are paying for flights, we might as well make the the most of DH has been saving his holidays and the girls and I have 6 weeks off (I'm a teacher), so why not. So looking forward to much to do in that 5 weeks though :thumbsup2
I'm looking forward to the next installment but I'm bummed it is the last one. I didn't know you could go up those stairs in NOS. Sweet pics! :goodvibes
I'm looking forward to the next installment but I'm bummed it is the last one. I didn't know you could go up those stairs in NOS. Sweet pics! :goodvibes

Your not suppose to go up there but the security guard had the same camera as me and said that if I was quick about it that I could take a few shots. ;)
Last Day.

So to recap: We drove into Colorado to catch cheaper flights from the Denver Intl Airport. We saw Colorado Springs. We then flew into LAX and spent three days in San Diego. A quick drive up to Anaheim and spent a glorious six days there with a side trip to Catalina. All in all it was a total of over 12 days on vacation. This was our longest vacation ever in our history. In retrospect I have to say that were tired after this trip. We probably could have done without Colorado Springs but I am glad to say that we knocked out that part of the country. My wife and I had been to the Rocky Mtns before but we wanted the kids to see it as well. We had talked about visiting Yosemite Natl Park again but after all the hantravirus stuff going on I am glad we didn't.

So on our last morning we ended up sleeping in yet again. There was no sense of rush or going "commando" this time around. In fact the last day turned out to be a "let's soak it in" as much as we can type of day. Last days are killers to me. We always spend them in our favorite parks at Disney. In WDW its always got to be the Magic Kingdom. Of course at DLR its DL. So we made our way to IHOP this morning. We typically ate at McDonalds most mornings and did vary it up one time and ate at the Riverbelle Terrace. IHOP is usually good but I have to say that the prices there on Harbor for IHOP are substantially more expensive than any other IHOP I've ever eaten at.

We wanted to take in as much as possible today. It's funny that in the planning phases of going to DL that you pack in so much. You think I'm going to ride Pirates at least 4-5 times. When we actually get there its more like 2-3 times. I guess its kind of like when your hungry you order lots of food but when you start eating you find out that your eyes were bigger than your stomach. I think taking as many photos as I do it takes away from my ride time. I love photography so much that I don't mind. I do have to balance my photo time with the family time. I don't want it to become a burden to them. They are pretty good about my shooting time.

So we started out our day headed towards Pirates, HM, and Splash. I don't know about everyone else but Fantasyland and this part of the park are just draw me in. I tend to always go left at DL vs. towards tomorrowland.




I love the outside of HM.



But after leaving the building I saw this:


We then got fast passes for Splash and took a quick ride on...

From here we took a little break and found this little spot that we like to go to relax at DL........

Stay tuned.
So the tucked away little area is the Hungry Bear Restaurant. Everyone knows its a great little spot for the views especially downstairs when the Columbia Ship or Mark Twain pass by or even the hard paddling canoe passengers but I have never gone to the far edge before. If you walk to this far edge you will see that there are stairs that go upstairs to the top floor. I have never been over there and found it very interesting. The pathway that leads to the area is very tranquil and peaceful.





They hide the sea-doos over here for Fantasmic!. They put some green camouflage tarps on them.

Another of my favorite hidden spots is the pathway that leads away from Splash Mountain when walking back up the hill from Winnie the Pooh. It is just left after you see the many carts peddling food and mdse. Take that left and you find a back way around the area that leads out to the Harbor area.


From here we went back up towards Big Thunder Mtn Railroad. I personally don't think BTMRR is as good in Disneyland as it is in WDW. Maybe that's why they are choosing to close it for an extensive refurbishment? I heard they will completely put new track in and make other enhancements. I really enjoy the que at WDW. The ride to me feels smaller at DL but I do still enjoy it. I took some time here to really soak in the area and feel like I came home with some real keepers. I'm trying to save many photos that I have for pic of the day thread so I can keep interested in the boards while I have my long absence.

BTMRR shots and the family decides to head back to the hotel to swim and relax and I go COMMANDO with the camera!
We've had snacks at the Hungry Bear restaurants a couple of times. It is a really restful place to stop for a bit.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like you enjoyed that UWA lens.
We've had snacks at the Hungry Bear restaurants a couple of times. It is a really restful place to stop for a bit.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like you enjoyed that UWA lens.

I do love the UWA. Someday maybe I can own one.
Mike, totally loving your 10-22 shots.

The Court of Angels pics are wonderful, how nice of the security guard to let you go up the steps.

all your pics have been fantastic, i've really enjoyed reading your trip report.
Mike, totally loving your 10-22 shots.

The Court of Angels pics are wonderful, how nice of the security guard to let you go up the steps.

all your pics have been fantastic, i've really enjoyed reading your trip report.

Thanks Mike. Appreciate your comments.
We've had snacks at the Hungry Bear restaurants a couple of times. It is a really restful place to stop for a bit.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. Looks like you enjoyed that UWA lens.

Thanks again Princess!!
Going "Commando" has its ups and downs. The positives is that you have the freedom to go wherever and whenever you want for the time allotted. You can sit in one spot and just wait for things to happen. I remember sitting just inside the gates of Disneyland just waiting, listening, and soaking in the atmosphere. I happened to catch the Lilly Belle passing over the bridge where the plaque that states "Here you leave...."

You can see different perspectives when you can stop and smell the roses for awhile. I bounced between the two parks. I had approximately two hours or more by myself. The downside to this is that while my family went back to relax and get some much needed downtime I went barreling through the day and never had anytime of this said downtime. It was like I was 20 years old again. I didn't ride any rides but I covered alot of ground. I first headed towards the top of mainstreet, then ventured out into the esplanade, into DCA and then back out into Disneyland. Inside Disneyland I went all through the park.

These next few shots are just me goofing around. I think I used mostly the 55-250 "nifty two fifty" as they call it. I found it to be my favorite lens this time around. I enjoy getting on top of the subject. Normally I shoot with the rented lens the most. This time I tired of the 10-22 pretty quickly. I used it alot of the time in San Diego and on Santa Catalina Island. I was ready for different shots this time around. I think I uncovered some new ground for myself. I really experimented with some different shots. I have to say that I am so inadequate at night shots still. Most of my problem is that I don't bring the tripod with me. Its enough for me to just to lug around the camera gadget bag. Like I stated earlier, I finally wised up and didn't take the bag with me for the last two days of the trip. I just would take the camera and the lens for the day (whatever I chose) and it was very freeing. I would bring the whole assortment though back in the night.

Ok enough rambling. On with the pictures and some insight when appropriate.

This is the another of the series I had from the hidden passage way by the Rivers of America back to Harbor Gallery. I have quite a few different ones from here and enjoy them all. I'm not ready to show all them but here's the first in a line of them...

This was one was shot with the zoom lens. You get different perspectives when you get on top of the subject. I really enjoy the differences.

Caught the Disneyland Band performing in the afternoon. I wanted to get them all in the shot and get as close as I could but had to settle. There were too many people around to get the perfect shot.

In the esplanade just goofing around

When two signs collide

Never really paid attention to this area before. Anyone have any clue to where this picture is?

So many shots of the transportation and this one is like many you have seen before. I just enjoy it because I think the colors pop.

I like the see thru part of the glass on the lamp on this one...

I thought this was a sweet shot. Balloons to make it festive, Walt's apartment in the background and again the colors just agreed with everything in the viewfinder.

Shot with the wide angle. Imagine (or I guess in this case you don't have to) stepping out of the Mainstreet Cinema

Last one for today. Standard Cigar Store Indian shot but shot with the 10-22.

More to come. Some very different shots on the next installment. Hope you all are still enjoying the report. Many thanks to all that take the time and comment.
Been silently following along...really enjoying your TR and beautiful photos! That last one if the indian is especially nice! My DD and I were there in early August. Going back with DD & DH in December to experience holiday time!

Looking forward to your big finish! Thanks for taking the time to post!
Great shots. I think you've done brilliant with the nifty 250 as well. Lots of different perspectives and what a great idea to walk around with it as the main lens for part of the trip. :thumbsup2
I'm exhaused for you at the though of you running around like a spring chicken takeing all the pictures your heart desired or your trigger finger would hold out for. :thumbsup2

Is it just me or does it look like there are two red-shirted mountain climbers on top of the Materhorn?

LOVE the picture with the horse pulling the cable car. That and the double decker bus just say 'Mainstreet USA' to me.

Penny saved .... On the guest services building? Just a wild guess.

Best picture award for your most recent post (as you know I smile over all your pics and wish I could produce some as nice) goes to the warping of the SH in the Disney Showcase through the glass of the light fixture. W.O.W.

I'm not the only one glad you are going commando - with your camera that is!

Thanks for sharing!
Been silently following along...really enjoying your TR and beautiful photos! That last one if the indian is especially nice! My DD and I were there in early August. Going back with DD & DH in December to experience holiday time!

Looking forward to your big finish! Thanks for taking the time to post!

Thanks for "being vocal". :) Have a great Christmas visit!
Great shots. I think you've done brilliant with the nifty 250 as well. Lots of different perspectives and what a great idea to walk around with it as the main lens for part of the trip. :thumbsup2

It really was fun to shoot with this lens more often this time around. I think it is one of the best lenses I've ever shot with. The IQ on this lens for the price is just fantastic.
I'm exhaused for you at the though of you running around like a spring chicken takeing all the pictures your heart desired or your trigger finger would hold out for. :thumbsup2

Is it just me or does it look like there are two red-shirted mountain climbers on top of the Materhorn?

LOVE the picture with the horse pulling the cable car. That and the double decker bus just say 'Mainstreet USA' to me.

Penny saved .... On the guest services building? Just a wild guess.

Best picture award for your most recent post (as you know I smile over all your pics and wish I could produce some as nice) goes to the warping of the SH in the Disney Showcase through the glass of the light fixture. W.O.W.

I'm not the only one glad you are going commando - with your camera that is!

Thanks for sharing!

There were two climbers.
It is the Guest Services building. First building on the right hand side of the park when you walk in.
I wasn't exhausted at the time but by the end of the night well lets just say...My head hit the pillow and it was lights out.
Thanks for the vote on best pic. I like that one too!
Your posts always give me a big smile on my face. Thanks for always taking the time to post and tell me your thoughts.
A few more of the time alone I had on the last day.

Carthay Law Enforcement;)


Zoomed in here you can barely tell that there is an outside world. I always find the backdrop strange down by the Hyperion Theater.

Here is one of my most unusual photos. I don't think I've ever seen one like this posted. Not sure what was going on in my head to take this shot. Not even sure If I like it all that much.

Might be time for a cleaning on this one?

You can now see the Carthay Restaurant from inside of Disneyland. A little strange indeed to be walking down mainstreet and see the tip top of this beautiful building just over the mainstreet station.

Inside Disneyland or out in some National Park?

One of my favorite quiet areas. A little different take here. I was trying to keep Snow White in the shot but had a hard time not blowing her out.

This one I included was when my daughter came back with me. We were getting ready to ride Mater's Junkyard Jamboree. It was one of our new favorite rides. The gliding feel and the fun music make it such a fun ride. Put those two together with my oldest daughter and you get an instant classic.

Different views on the Emporium

Alright that will do it with this installment of photos. I will try to finish with probably two more installments this week and wrap up on the trip report.

For all you Disneyland loving photo fans I strongly suggest you check out this website....

It has gorgeous pictures taken by three individuals and they posted a great one the other day called Cozy Feeling. I strongly urge you to take a look. They also post little comments with each shot that I enjoy.

See you all later this week.


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