Sunburn & 16 hours


May 13, 2004
Hey everyone...i have a bit of a problem
we are leaving for the airport in 16 hours (yes i am counting down lol) and thursday i got a horrible sunburn. I have EXTREMELY light skin that gets burned very easily even with sunblock, and skin cancer is heretitary in my familyand ive never been in florida in june, i'm quite scared that i'll not only get a worse sunburn over the one i already have....and that i'll be in pain beacuse of the burns...can someone tell me how to prevent this?
My husband regulary wears a long sleeve shirt in the pools and water to prevent the sun from burning him. he also wears a ball cap all the time.

I once got a sun poisoning rash when I was in California and I had to wear a light weight jacket even though it was in the upper 90's.

Maybe you can consider doing one of those two things. You can always wet the shirt or jacket to cool you.
My son is soo fair skinned-- he's had a few bad burns to the point he's lost some of the pigment in the skin on his back. Anyhow we use the coppertone spectra 3-- water proof, SPF 50. He's NEVER been burned using it. He got burned w/ so many other sunscreen's--- that I can't speak highly enough about this one.

Reapply often.

When it gets very hot, and you start sweating, it will run off, especially if you wipe your eyes or face; even if it is waterproof, it will eventaully wash off.
I've found that sunblocks with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide protect far better than blocks with similar SPFs but different ingredients. I'd also use a sunblock under my clothes and wear a hat at all times.
We've lived in South FL for about 22 years. I swear by Bullfrog sunblock. I comes in different SPF - really works. Make sure you get it all over - my son is in the water constantly (snorkeling, etc)doesn't need to be reapplied as often. It's expensive, but it really works. If you are still sunburned - get some plain yogurt and put that on the burn. It will be noticeably better by morning. Sounds disgusting, but it works.
There are lots of clothing (even hats!) with an SPF protection. They are getting easier and easier to find. There may even be some at one of the shops in or near Disney. From my own experience, these work very well - in conjunction with a good suncreen that you reapply often!!!! Also, it is VERY important to apply sunscreen about 30 minutes BEFORE sun exposure!!!

Good luck!!!

This may sound a little weird, but give it a try. I live in the Caribbean, so I know a lot about sunburn. When one of the kids goes overboard with the sunning, I use Milk of Magnesia on their skin. Works best if you cool it in the refrigerator for a while. It will help with the pain and in most cases will stop blisters from forming.

I learned this from my late grandpa's nurse, who used Milk of Magnesia on bedridden patients to prevent ulcers, and have used it many times with my teenager, when she stays at the beach too long.

Another thing, if you can take Advil before you go to bed tonight, it will help with any inflamation and will lower your body temp so you will sleep better.

After you get to WDW, make sure you protect yourself (industrial strength sunblock) and keep treating your sking with the MOM every night.
To heal:

Soak in a cool bath a few times a day (if you have time). Not freezing water temp. - you don't want shock to set in. If you are shivering, it's too cold.

Then, apply PURE Aloe Vera GEL (not the lotion)- Banana Boat has some. Sticky but a proven healer.

The earlier you start the process, the quicker and more effective it will be.

Cool water is proven not only to relieve pain and help heal but is suppose to even help reduce the odds of cancer from that particular burn. (Of course, this isn't a substitute for prevention in the first place.)

Thank heaven we are past the days of old wives tales when my grandmother (who was told to put butter on burns) suffered through a horrible burn on her arm from cooking. The last thing you want to put on a burn is any oil which will seal in the heat.

Simple cool water would have done TONS more for her.

Be sure your child, especially an infant, in a stroller or carriage is well shaded from the sun most of the time.

Was told that, for ordinary burns, if you are lucky enough to be near cool water, instantly soaking the burned area will greatly reduce the severity.

Around the time of my first WDW visit (1975) I was on the beach down on the Florida keys all day and got a terrific sunburn which was worst over my shoulders, over the next few days my skin became thick and leathery, then the zits became really noticeable because they peeled. From a distance, my tan did look good except for the light pink spots where the zits were. Then the skin became hard and cracked and it hurt a lot. It was so sore I stayed in the shade and only put on my shirt when going into a restaurant or some place that needed it. I had to sleep facing down too.

Health tips:
We just got back and I am very fair-skinned also. Didn't get burned, but was scared every day that I was getting burned! I wore waterbabies by coppertone sunscreen and always had a hat on. I stayed in the shade whenever I could. We went swimming at night.

I don't hear many people mention this, but I use Noxema to cool my sunburn. It works great! I put it on, and when it soaks in I apply more. The cool bath sounds good, but I thought I heard that doing that will dry your skin more.


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