Sunny Perennials


<font color=teal>I got it, I got it !<br><font col
Jun 6, 2000
OK we're putting in a pool and the mess of pretty much EVERYTHING being ripped up has afforded us the chance to revamp the garden. Now I need your favourite perennials for a sunny location. Our backyard is sun drenched all afternoon and it does get HOT out there - I guess I shouldn't complain - perfect pool conditions - I just want to enjoy some sunny perennials out there too! Send me your favourites!
Black eyed susans (rudbekia) are easy and really put on a long show when little else is blooming.

Love day lillies (low maintenance) also.
Replying from up in the North Woods here (well, OK, not as North as Canada).

Columbine has worked VERY well in our gardens. Has survived the coldest winters (-20) to the hottest summers (110).

They love the sun, and multiply quickly if you let the seed pods dry on the stalks.

Have fun with your pool!
... but my Purple wave petunias went CRAZY last year out by our pool AND have come back again this year -- STARTING OUT just as big!!! I'm afraid I may have a monster on my hands! LOL!

Lantana grew very well, too, but has not come back yet this year. They were supposed to be perennial -- guess I'll be taking the dead stalks back to Lowes for a swap out (if I can find the tags/receipts to be sure they were sold as perennials.....)

A tall sun loving shrub is Althea. We've got them in white, purple and pink. As you can tell, I like the flowering varieties of just about everything!

Marigolds have done very well as our annual out there. Plus, they can help with the mosquitoes. (They smell kind of like citronella.)

The Rhododendrons did NOT do well out there. (Although the tag said this particular variety could stand the sun.)

Good Luck and enjoy your pool!


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