Susan's Quest for Good Health After a Celiac Diagnosis (comments greatly appreciated)

Hi Susan,

Great job on getting your walks in! Keep up the good work!!:cheer2:

Have a great time at the vendor fair this weekend!:goodvibes
Hi Susan,
Great to hear from you.Yes a Disney cruise going anywhere would be fine with me too!
Great job on continuing to walk.Gluten free fair wow they have those?Have a great time and get loads of info.
My friend at work was telling me about the gas situation down there.It reminds me of 1979 when everyone paniced and bought the tiny cars-we got a Chevette!

The Applefest is Saturday and I am a wreck!

Yes exercising is easier with the weather but you are the only one from last year that occassoinally posts here.Where does Stacie post and all the others any idea?

Have a great week,
Hey there! Just dropping by to say Hello! You are doing fantastic on your walking!!! I'm glad you seem to be feeling a bit better!

I was in Wilson Sunday and one of the gas stations was completely out of gas!!! The one beside it had no regular. I had never seen such before!

Hope you have fun at the Gluten Free vendor. I'm thinking of going back Gluten free next week. I've just got to stock the fridge and make plans on what to cook for lunch/dinner...

Keep it up! You're doing great!

Good morning, everyone. Well, life has taken over a little bit and it's been a while since I had the time to post a journal entry, so I have quite a bit going on today.

First off, two major setbacks with my walking program. I had to go grocery shopping one night recently after work, and went straight from the park and ride to the grocery stores I frequent. Apparently, my work shoes were NOT made for walking, because I rubbed several GIGANTIC blisters across the TOP of my foot and by the time I got home, I was in serious pain. So I have to wait for those to heal up before I can wear my sneakers to walk. Second problem - the attorneys I support have all gotten majorly busy at the same time in the last week. When that happens, all thoughts of a lunchtime walk go out the window. I am fortunate to get lunch at all! So I am thinking that even when the blisters heal up, the consistency of my lunch walks is going to be severely compromised - and as we all know, consistency is the key to making any exercise regimen work. So, I have decided that the best thing for me to do is to bite the bullet and get up 30 minutes earlier to walk at home before I come in to work. That's going to be tough - I don't get enough sleep now as it is - but it has to be done. The exercise has many benefits that have nothing to do with weight loss (although weight loss is certainly one benefit I'd love to see happen quickly) - my blood sugar levels are not as high, my ankles do not swell as much and I have a little more stamina when I am walking regularly. So I know it has to happen, and if getting up earlier in the morning and walking around the block at my house is the only way to make it happen, then that's what I have to do.

We enjoyed the gluten free vendor fair this past weekend. There was a chiropractor there who also holds degrees in several other fields, including nutrition, chemistry and sports medicine, who was offering free five-minute neck massages by the massage therapist who works with him. One of his employees stopped me to ask if I would be interested in the neck massage, but I told her no because massages hurt me - my neck, shoulder and back muscles are so stiff that I don't do massage unless it is needed for therapeutic reasons. It isn't relaxing for me because it is painful! Anyway, she began to ask me about any lingering health problems I was having after going gluten free. When I told her I have diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., she stated that she thought that might be the case and handed me a picture of herself taken about 18 months ago. She looked just like me in the picture - shaped like me, about the same size as me, the only difference was her hair is darker than mine. And then I looked at her now and she looks like she's about a size 12. She began to tell me about her own health struggle, and then her eyes filled up with tears and she said, "I know how hard it is for you to get through each day carrying around the extra weight and battling the fatigue. I know the struggle you go through each day, because I was you not so long ago." She went on to tell me that she has been seeing this chiropractor for over a year, and he saved her life. She was on several medications for different physical ailments, and was also severely depressed and almost suicidal. She now takes no medications at all and is a much healthier person all the way around. She was so impressed with his work and so grateful for his help that she quit her job and started working for him so she could help assist other people in the same situation that she was in not so long ago. She took me by the hand and led me over to the area where the doctor was consulting briefly with people who were interested in his treatment program. I was intrigued enough by her story and her before picture that I decided to see what he had to say. Larry and Tara went over with me, and we all met him and listened to his take on how best to treat celiac patients. In a nutshell, he said that we had taken the first step by going gluten and dairy free, but there were more steps that need to be taken to become truly healthy again. I won't go into all of them here, except to say that they involve lots more dietary changes than we have already done. Since he has worked with celiac patients for 10 years, he is very familiar with our unique challenges. He began to tell Tara and I what problems we were still having, even after the dietary changes we've already made, before we could tell him! We looked at each other and said wow, that's spooky. He says there are reasons why we are still having issues and that he can help us resolve them if we are willing to follow his dietary recommendations and make further lifestyle changes. He also says that he can help Larry with his chronic chest pain, which he has battled for many years without any concrete answers about why he has it or how to fix it. So all three of us are going to see him next week to do an initial consultation and see if we can get some benefit from the changes he is proposing we make in our lives. I have since spent quite a bit of time on his website, reading archived articles he has written about the lifestyle he espouses and what his reasoning is for why his ideas are the right way to go. I have to admit, everything I have read there makes a lot of sense, so I am looking forward to our consultation next week. I am thinking I will give this a six-month trial to see how it goes and how I feel. If I feel better at the end of six months and/or if I have lost a significant amount of weight by then (like the lady has who initially stopped me at the gluten free fair), then I will know it is the right thing for me to continue doing. If I don't feel better or I don't lose weight, then I will know it's not. I am thinking by the time we see him next week my foot should be completely healed, so the plan is to do the consultation, do the grocery shopping for the new diet that weekend (which will consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and some grains) and then start my morning walks when I start the new diet. This will also involve cutting out alcohol (that's no biggie, I'm not much of a drinker to start with), sodas (that one I don't like, but I can do without them), coffee (BIG issue - I love coffee, but I understand his reasoning for why it needs to go), meat (again, BIG issue, but I've never done a vegetarian diet before, so I'm going to give this a try and see how it works for me - I understand his reasoning for why it's not a good idea to eat it), dairy (already done), sugar (don't need it anyway) and artificial sweeteners (use Splenda a lot, so this one will take some getting used to). It will be a lot to do at one time, but I think if I can survive the first two weeks, I can make it for six months and then evaluate where I am. Since Larry and Tara have decided to try it with me, that will make it easier. I'm not sure how closely they will stick with it, but we're going to start out doing it together, anyway! Tara is pretty close to doing without meat already. She doesn't eat beef, is not a big fan of pork or chicken, and only really likes turkey, shrimp and fish. Larry, on the other hand, is as big of a meat lover as I am. He is not sure he will go completely meat free, but he is willing to cut down and only eat it once a week or so, so I guess we'll just have to see how this evolves as we go along. They would both like to lose some weight along with me, so it may be if we see good results in that department, it will help them stick with it. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

Well, that's about all from me for now. Hope everybody has a great day!

Hi Susan,
Hearing from you always puts a smile on my face.Glad everything is going well.I am intrigued about this chiropractor please keep me posted on your progress.

Tell those attorneys that lunch is not an option- don't they know they are interrupting progress here?

Thanks so much for the words of wisdom on my journal,appreciated as always!


P.S.When you are out walking in the morning in NC think about us poor saps in the north that will soon be freezing our you know whats off!!!!!!!!!HA!HA!
Hi Susan,

I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I'm interested in hearing about the chiropractor's program for you and to see how it works for you.

I hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Hi, guys. Just a small update from me.

We had our visit with the chiropractor last week. He did preliminary exams and x-rays on all of us, and said that we have to come back to put all of that together so that he can make his dietary and lifestyle change recommendations for each of us. Apparently, that will be customized to fit
whatever each one of us needs. I guess that's a good thing, but I was all gung ho to cut out all the "bad" stuff he lists on his website, so when he said we are going to wait until we go back to talk about that, I was a little deflated. Our next appointment is November 7, so I guess we will just keep doing what we're already doing until then. I must admit, this has affected my motivation for the exercise, though. I think it will be easier to make myself get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning to walk when I know that I am eating right and will hopefully see some progress in the scale going down (although I know that's not all walking does). Anyway, we'll see how it goes. He did say that once we get started, we should see "massive amounts of weight loss" (his exact words) as long as we eat like he says to eat. Larry asked how he could say that was a good thing, when everyone else says losing large amounts of weight quickly is bad. His reply was that it is bad if you are doing it the wrong way. However, according to him, when you eat the right way you are recharging your metabolism, so that it runs faster and burns more calories, plus you are feeding your body what it needs so it doesn't try to hold on to fat to ward off perceived starvation, and that's the reason you lose a lot of pounds in a short amount of time. That all sounds really good, but again, we'll see how it works in actuality when the time comes. I'll keep all of you posted!

Hope you all have a great week!

So happy to hear from you.I am glad to hear this MD is giving you some great info.
You sound so positive,that is awesome.

Keep us posted,
Hey! Wanted to let you know I had not dropped off the face of the earth! :goodvibes

How cool about this new Chiro. Sounds very interesting! I'm anxious to see how it all works out!!!
Hi Susan,

I am looking forward to hearing more about the chiropractor and his plan for you and your family. I bet you are looking forward to your next appointment!:goodvibes

I hope you have a great weekend!:hug:
Hi Susan,

How are you doing? Have you had that appointment with your chiropractor yet?

I hope you and your family are doing well!:hug:
Hello, guys. Thanks for checking in with me. Sorry to have been so long without an update, but you know how my life goes when it comes to journaling. Anyway, here's the news on our chiropractor visits:

The three of us went back to review our x-rays and talk about the nutritional part of things. He showed each of us where our spine is out of whack, and used a diagram on his wall that lights up showing which organ systems are affected by whatever nerve is compromised to show us each what was going on with us. It was amazing how accurate the results were. He gave me a laundry list of my complaints based on what nerves were being pinched in my spine, and he was practically 100% accurate! The same was true for Larry and Tara, so we are going in several times a week (which will taper down as we go along) for adjustments to correct those problems. He is also adjusting the stomach and other parts of the digestive system for Tara and I, since he said all celiac patients he has ever seen have digestive organs that have moved out of place and are not where they are supposed to be, and she and I were no exception. It feels weird, but is not painful.

As for the nutrition, he had us keep a food diary for one week to see what we were eating. He reviewed those and told us to cut out the following seven things from our diets: alcohol, coffee, soda (even diet soda), sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy and meat. My first reaction was - what's left!!! But truthfully, he has had such good responses from so many other people that we decided to give it a shot. So as we left his office, he gave us two CD's to listen to. They are lectures he has given concerning why he recommends cutting out those seven things and what the good foods are that he wants us to eat. After listening to his reasoning on why the above-listed foods need to be eliminated (he calls them the seven deadly sins of nutrition), we were all convinced that he knew what he was talking about. So we went home and cleaned out the refrigerator in preparation for going to the Farmer's Market to load up on the fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and the few grains that we are now choosing to make the staples of our diet. I had some leftover meat dishes that I had thought we could finish up before we changed our dietary habits, but I honestly could not eat them after listening to his lectures. I TRIED to finish up the leftover meat because I don't like to throw food away (especially now when it costs so much), but I just couldn't do it. The very thought of it turned my stomach, and Larry and Tara felt the same way. Since Larry has always been very much a meat and potatoes kind of guy, this should tell you how much of an impact Dr. Joe has made on us. So this has been our first week on the new way of eating and it's going okay. The first couple of days were hard for me, because I'm adjusting to something I've never done before. I had problems with getting really hungry soon after eating, and Dr. Joe said to eat more! He told us that right now he is not so much concerned with portion sizes (that will come later) - he just wants us to get used to doing without meat, sugar, etc. first. He did say that when we eat nuts as a snack to only get a couple of small handfuls because they have lots of fat. He also recommended that we eat brown rice instead of white rice because white rice converts straight to sugar in the body and it's not very good for you. Other than that, he said we just eat as much as we want of all the food groups that he recommends.

Cooking has been an adventure for me, but I think I'm doing okay with it. Tara was pretty close to going meat-free anyway. She hasn't eaten beef in several years, and her tastes had changed to the point that she wasn't thrilled with pork or chicken. Turkey was about the only meat she really enjoyed, and she has had no problem giving that up. She seems really happy with the changes we're making and said that she is glad all three of us are doing it together. I so love that kid (sorry, young adult) - she's the greatest!:lovestruc Anyway, so far this week we've had black-eyed peas with onions and hot sauce, quinoa pasta with homemade marinara sauce, and roasted potatoes with baby bok choy and grilled asparagus. Tonight we are having stir-fried Chinese vegetables over brown rice and tomorrow will probably be navy beans with cornbread. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? I am going to a free cooking demonstration that Dr. Joe is having on Saturday afternoon, and I'm hoping to pick up some pointers then. Interestingly enough, the sweeteners we are using (stevia and agave nectar) are working out well for me. Stevia is an herb that I buy in packets (like Splenda comes in) to use at work with my herbal tea. Agave nectar is a substitute for honey. It is made from cactus and tastes sweet, but doesn't raise the blood sugar like honey does. The transition has not been effortless, but I think it's going to work out okay. I'm going to give this six months and see how I feel and if I've lost any weight (and how much) by then. If I don't feel any better or haven't lost much weight, I will go back to how I was eating before. But somehow I don't think that's going to be the case!:thumbsup2

On the home front, our little Pontiac is dying. It has 192,000 miles on it, so we weren't terribly surprised. The mechanic said he could make it so we could limp along with it for a few weeks, but it is definitely going to that big car lot in the sky soon. So we had to buy a new car. I was so upset - as you know, we are trying to get OUT of debt, not take on more - but in the end, it had to be done. So we bought a 2008 Nissan Sentra and we hope it lasts 100 years. I have never owned a brand-new car before, but they made us such a good deal on it that we went ahead and got this one. I do like the car - it handles like a small car when I'm driving in Atlanta traffic, but has lots of interior and trunk room which is important for our NC and Florida road trips!

Since we had to take on debt for the car, we decided to try to rent out the WDW trip we were planning to take over the Christmas holiday and use that money towards the debt. So far we haven't had any takers, so if you know anyone who would like to take a WDW trip over Christmas but hasn't booked it yet, pass on my name! We have also decided to rent out most of our DVC points for next year so that we can use the proceeds for debt reduction. We will keep enough to go once or twice, but we've decided we need to look at the big picture and where we're trying to go with our future rather than spending all our points (and a significant amount of bucks) on multiple WDW trips now. So again, if you know anyone who wants to do a WDW trip in a DVC villa next year, send them my way!

We have also decided to scale back our plans for celebrating our 25th anniversary next year. I still want to do a cruise, but we decided the money and the points this would take would be better spent on reducing our debt load. So we will do the cruise another time (maybe for our 30th???). We will still celebrate - we are talking about just doing a couple of days in the mountains as a quick getaway, which will be lovely but lots less expensive. Having said that, we are still going to exchange gifts for this milestone event.:goodvibes Some years we don't, but this one we definitely will because I personally think 25 years together needs to be recognized (plus I have wanted a past, present and future ring in the worst way for about three or four years now and I think a 25th anniversary is the perfect time to get one). Since Larry knew that was what I wanted, he has been looking around at them and found one that was on sale for half price. He just couldn't resist the bargain, so he bought it and then couldn't wait to give it to me! It is BEAUTIFUL!!! It is absolutely the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen - just the right size and matches my engagement ring. I am SO HAPPY with it! So now we are working on what his present will be. He can't make up his mind what he wants, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what I should be shopping for!

We are going back to NC next week over the Thanksgiving holiday to see the folks. Larry hasn't seen his dad since July, so he is looking forward to visiting with him. We will miss Stacie and Matt, since they will be in Florida (I am SO jealous!!!), but hope to have lots of time with our other family members before we have to head home.

That's about it from me for now. I will try to get to everybody's journals later today if I can. Thanks so much for checking in with me - have a good weekend!:hug: :hug: :hug:

Hi Susan,

It sounds like the chiropractor has a lot of good ideas. I can't wait to see how everything turns out for you!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a great time in NC!!!:goodvibes Happy Thanksgiving!:hug:
Happy Holidays, Susan! I'll be back to catch up on your journal as my life gets be to "normal" (relatively), but I wanted to be sure to wish you the best of the season. I missed you!
Woo hoo, Susan? Just checking in on you. Check out my new avatar! I missed seeing you at marathon weekend. I'm going Goofy next year. Plan on coming?


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