Take 2 and 3 yr old to Disney?


Earning My Ears
May 11, 2001
My husband and I have wondered what age would be good to take our two kids to WDW. They are 3 and 2. Is this a good age to take them? Is there enough to do at the parks for kids their age? Any advice would be appreciated!
This is a great age to take your kids. I took my daughter last year when she was two. She still talks about all of the things she did. We are going back again in a month and she has a list of things she wants to do.
My 4 1/2 year old has been going since she was 6 months! I think that 3 and 2 is a perfect age. I would make sure they were familiar with some of the characters before you go. The Disney planning video is a good learning tool. We also like the sing a long Disneyland video since it shows lots of kids having fun at the park. My 3 year old watched it about 100 times before we went to WDW. The characters are great about sensing when a child is timid or frightened. My DD wouldn't have anything to do with the characters until she saw Minnie. She squealed with delight and gave Minnie a huge hug. After that, she loved to hug all the characters. Your kids will be able to ride most of the rides. We took small glow in the dark toys along when our kids were smaller. That was helpful during dark rides.
This is a great age to go to WDW!! Our kids went at 2 years old and loved it. They were small enough to either ride in a sling or in a stroller for when we walked. My (then) 2 yo ds last year figured out really quickly that you ride in the stroller when mom and dad walk and you walk when it stopped. Our kids look back at pictures of themselves with the different characters when they were younger and they can remember different things. My son (now 3.5) declares, "Mickey Mouse is mine best friend!" And he has a picture to prove it! LOL!

There is lots for them to do. There really aren't that many rides that they can't do and those that they can't they usually don't want to do at this age. My son is just now to the point where he wants to ride BTMRR, but he is finally just now tall enough and knows to hold on shere as last year he would have tried to have stood up during the ride.

Have fun (especially while one is still free!)

:earsgirl:28 more days to WDW!!!!!
Any age is the right age for WDW. There is something for every age group and many things appeal to ALL age groups. You'll all have a wonderful time.
If this would be their "once in a life time trip" I would say wait until they were a few yrs older, maybe 7&8. It it will theeir first trip but not their last then go for it. There is a lot they can do and although they won't remeber it for life they will enjoy themselves while they are there and will remember the trip longer than you would think
Some people say wait until they can remember. I took my 3yr. old DD in Sept. and she remembers everything and can't wait to go back. I think it is a great time to take them. Get to see it all those those little eyes. Have a great trip!
We purposely took my daughter just before she turned three so she would be free (admission AND buffets). Her brother was then 5. We had a great time and she rode everything she was tall enough to ride. She is very adventurous though, and that helped. My husband and I just didn't ride a lot of the E-ticket rides because we didn't feel like switching off. We also made sure to go back to the room for a swim and a nap each day (staying on the monorail made that painless). With those adjustments, I think it's a great age. Later I took my youngest son just before he turned 3 to Epcot for one day and that was great fun too. He danced with the Mexican dancers, was entranced by the chinese gymnasts and loved lunch at Norway. I have a great picture of him decorating a troll cookie.

We are going back this year and the kids will be 10,8 and almost 5. I expect a different experience and more big rides.

Any age can be fun!
As already mentioned. GO.
They will have a great time and your 2 year old won't have to pay admission and will eat free at any of the Buffets.
if it is a once in a lifetime trip - wait. That also goes for YOU as well as for the kids. You will enjoy the trip more if the children aren't so small that they limit the time you can spend in the parks without rest breaks. Believe me, if you DON'T take the rest breaks with that age, it won't be fun for anyone. Actually the 3-7 age group probably finds the parks more magical than the older kids. But, the 2 and under group gets tired easily and aren't really old enough to appreciate the World. Of course, keep in mind that this is a general comment. "Your mileage may vary." What I mean by that is that different children mature at different rates, and what one 2 year old would be mature enough to enjoy and appreciate, another might not. Do your children ask lots of questions and seem to be observant of thing around them? When you are at malls, do they look around at the displays and the other people in the malls? Or do they kind of keep to themselves and ignore the surroundings? This will give you a clue to what you might expect at Disney. So, what I am saying is that although some people may have had positive experiences with their children at age 2 at Disney, that is not always the case.
We took our two when they were 2&3. They had a great time!! We had no major problems and believe it or not it wasn't that stressful. I think because there was so much going on around them they were speechless!!In fact our son who was 2 fell in love with Snow White!! He kept asking her for kisses!!LOL. We are returning with them this month they are now 5&6, they actually remember things from their first trip!!! GO HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!
Our sin is about to take trip #4 to WDW - trip one was at 6 months, but he is not really enjoying the place.

Any ride without a height restriction is available and there are lots of them.

A quicksuggestion from us is to let the children experience all of WDW not just the attractions - they find the Disney magic in everything.

enjoy the trip

I'm glad to hear all the positive remarks about 2yr olds. My
parents are wanting us to leave our DD home while we take
our DS's 10 and 5. They feel she is too small to handle that
trip. I think she'll have a great time, plus she sleeps free,
eats free, and plays free :smooth:
We just got back from a 7day trip to Disney. We have a 11,9, & 2 yr old. I really thought our 2yr old would be ok, but I was so surprised with how much he loved it. I really think he enjoyed it more than the older 2. He loved all the rides, shows, & loved meeting the characters. We did a charc breakfast & dinner he enjoyed everything. I think I am going to try to take him back before his bday in August since the admission is free for under 3.
Our two-year old DS had a blast as well. Some of the rides made him a little nervous, but he would just not look and then was fine when we got off the rides. At just before 3, he was even better. He went on everything he was tall enough for, except the Goofy roller coaster and the Matterhorn (DL). He loved the Tea Cups, Mr Toad, Peter Pan, Fantasmic, Main Street, etc.

We also have the Disneyland Sing a Long video, and that is one of his favorites (he's almost 3 1/2 now).

Have fun!
We took our DS to Disneyland when he was two. We were in LA on a business trip and thought we would just "see how it went." He was absolutely enthralled! We decided then and there that we were going to WDW. We did later that year. WE WERE HOOKED! Our son is now 13 and about to make his 11th journey to WDW. And he still talks about and vividly remembers things about his DL trip! (our DD made her first trip to WDW at age 10 months.) Don't worry- You will definitely be making memories!
our 1st trip we took my bro who was 3 and he enjoyed it alot

the perfect age was 5 though

i think 2 will be ok...my aunt,uncle and cousins went for a weekend and my cousin was 2 and liked it(they also went to DLP b4 that)


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