Take a shower and dress to impress!

Meh,this is not the hill I die on,

I will say that many years ago my sister and I visited my niece who was a CP at DLR. We were all walking, and i say walking loosely because that girl had legs all the way up to her neck and so I was practically running, out of the main gate to our hotel room when she tossed that long gait into overdrive. I guess she was right behind a lady in some sort of legging that was so tight that Kimmie was treated to visions she could not unsee, so she kicked her stroll up a notch. I swear my sister and I tore hamstrings and gave up trying to catch up! She was still caterwauling hours later that her eyes would never be the same! LOL!
I get the complaint about 13 year old butts hanging out -- my husband commented on that when we were there in October. It's incredibly uncomfortable for everyone around you. As a yoga pants/leggings enthusiast, though, I couldn't disagree with you more on that. If I'm going to be walking 10+ miles a day, I don't think there's much that's MORE practical to wear than yoga pants šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.

I never thought of myself as someone who would care what someone's kid would wear, but I do agree with this bolded statement.

Micky (my guy) and I were in a Starbucks where we live and a lot of high school kids were also there. I saw so many girls in shorts so short that it actually looked like underwear. I was cringing at some of it.

Micky was trying to look anywhere but at the girls (didn't want people to think he was a perv ;) ) but there were just so many we were laughing I told him to just look at the floor. :rotfl:
I never thought of myself as someone who would care what someone's kid would wear, but I do agree with this bolded statement.

Micky (my guy) and I were in a Starbucks where we live and a lot of high school kids were also there. I saw so many girls in shorts so short that it actually looked like underwear. I was cringing at some of it.

Micky was trying to look anywhere but at the girls (didn't want people to think he was a perv ;) ) but there were just so many we were laughing I told him to just look at the floor. :rotfl:
Haha time for husband to take your arm and pretend he is blind?
Ok... maybe Iā€™m wrong. Anybody can do anything thing they want. No parental guidance. No anything. Do whatever you want. Obviously no one cares anymore. Thatā€™s the other side of things. No one cares. It is a cage match. A free for all. I was wondering about that and I guess people proved it to me. Dignity is dead. Thank you all for proving it to me. I can now adjust to the new norm and move on. Seriously, my only purpose of the post was to get a vibe on how people felt. I donā€™t want to make any enemies here. Iā€™m sorry if I offended anyone.
Peace and love!

Thatā€™s just the thing. Society and norms are always shifting and evolving. Sometimes for better, sometimes not so much. And a great deal of it is opinion based.

I am one who wears elastic waist or stretch pants at WDW or jeans with Tshirts. I am also one who will dress up when the destination calls for it ie. Jiko or CG.
In both of these scenarios I put equal amounts of care into my appearance.
Getting in and out of ride vehicles and playing with my family in a theme park I will be comfortable, not dressing to impress.

Just this Canadian gals .02.
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Ok... maybe Iā€™m wrong. Anybody can do anything thing they want. No parental guidance. No anything. Do whatever you want. Obviously no one cares anymore. Thatā€™s the other side of things. No one cares. It is a cage match. A free for all. I was wondering about that and I guess people proved it to me. Dignity is dead. Thank you all for proving it to me. I can now adjust to the new norm and move on. Seriously, my only purpose of the post was to get a vibe on how people felt. I donā€™t want to make any enemies here. Iā€™m sorry if I offended anyone.
Peace and love!
Don't ever apologize for having standards!
If the truth hurts someone feelings, then they are living a lie! It's called "The Cold Hard Truth" for a reason! They can either keep living a lie or they can fix what's broken and correct it.
Social behavior is most certainly on the decline. I'm with the comedian Sebastian Manascalco, "Aren't You Embarrassed!" "What's Wrong With People?" "Why Would You Do That?" Those are the titles of his specials. He says, "It's like growing up I got a book on how to act and behave and now it's like no one else read the book!" He's one of the top comedians in the World and his whole routine is about this topic of behavioral decline in society!
Yeah. Dress to impress in Florida heat.

Disney has a dress code policy that people follow. Disneyā€™s expectation is the only expectation to worry about. Your expectation doesnā€™t hold any water.
Letā€™s start with the biggest offender and most controversial, yoga pants or better yet, super thin tights that some think are yoga pants. Listen people please... yoga pants are acceptable for yoga, running, exercise, or around your house. Basically all your doing by wearing yoga pants at Disney World is saying to everyone ā€œI give up, and I donā€™t careā€.

I like the yoga pants. I wish more people would wear them. They look great. Much better than those ripped up jeans.
It's been a long time since I've been here and it's nice to see that the topics haven't changed! :crazy:

When I'm in Disney I go with golf attire. It's cool and seems to be made for hot days.
I have only been astounded by peopleā€™s attire twice at WDW.

The first time was when I saw a slightly overweight young lady entering MK squished into way too short shorts and a tank top. I cringed to think of how her inner thighs must have been ON FIRE by the end of the day! šŸ˜³

And the other one was this last trip. We saw a lady dressed to the nines (you would have approved OP! šŸ¤£) in MK. That was all well and good, but she was wearing very high heeled boots and I could almost feel the pain radiating off of her! She looked so miserable.

We saw our share of the see through pants and underwear this last trip. I mostly just feel embarrassed for those girls. Did NO ONE close to them bother to tell them to turn around and look in the mirror? šŸ˜³
And I think the parents need to be more aware of what their child is wearing. Itā€™s inappropriate, and downright dangerous. Nonetheless it is happening... hence the post!!!! It needs to stop.

what needs to stop is creepy people staring at childrenā€™s buts! Thatā€™s whats inappropriate here. You would have no idea what someoneā€™s but looked like or what their underwear looked like unlike you were actually looking at their but.

Why are you looking at kidā€™s buts? Thatā€™s just gross and creepy.
I do agree that many tweens and teenagers are dressed inappropriately and sending the wrong message in so many ways but I feel the most badly for the little children paraded about in full length costumes (with crinoline skirts!) and makeup in high heat and humidity.
A. I don't believe little Brooklyn really, really wants to wear it. (I think Mommy does)
B. Just in case little Brooklyn does want to wear the full length Cinderella costume in August, the proper response is, "No, it is too hot and it is unsafe to walk around a theme park in such an outfit. You'll trip and break a leg." No further comment is required as you are the parent.
As if I wasnā€™t self conscious before....
So I used to be really skinny and really pretty, and despite smoking nearly 2 packs a day and drinking nearly 30 cups of coffee a day, I always smelled good and my teeth were blinding white. I was always dressed amazingly well and I always dressed for whatever the occasion was. I wore yoga pants, but not very often.
Fast forward to when I got pregnant and now. I wear yoga pants and sweatpants and not so flattering $5 Walmart shorts because I am so uncomfortable in my own skin. I find myself to be repulsive. I canā€™t remember the last time I had jeans on. Iā€™m too big for any of my old clothes and canā€™t afford to spend the money on myself anymore with being a single mom. I feel like Iā€™m suffocating if Iā€™m in anything other than loose not very acceptable to you clothing. I hate myself for it.
I also have BO worse than most men. I shower. I use special deodorant. I have tried EVERYTHING, but my hormones have changed dramatically since having my son.
I quit smoking and drinking coffee like that the day I found out I was pregnant. Because I had such terrible morning sickness for 25 weeks and threw up EVERY TIME I brushed my teeth, my teeth are now yellow and spaced with a significant overbite and while not diagnosed, I think I have chronic halitosis.
Perhaps not everybody that is dressed a certain way ā€˜gave up.ā€™ Personally, for me, Iā€™m doing the best I can.
Just a different side of things. Thatā€™s all
I debated making this comment for a few minutes... but decided (probably stupidly) to do it anyway.

What is the point of shorts that are so short ones butt hangs out the bottom? I'm not asking that sarcastically either. What is the ACTUAL point? The answer is pretty simple. Right or wrong it's to get attention and get looked at. Call me crazy but if you didn't want people staring at your butt or think it's creepy/pervy when someone does - then you wouldn't be wearing shorts with your booty hanging out? Right? :idea:

Now I'm not saying people CAN'T walk around like that. If your self esteem is so low the only way you think you're going to get attention is by having your butt hang out of your shorts - honey GO FOR IT! Do I personally think it's appropriate, oh hell no, totally agree with the OP. It's tacky and trashy. But if you wanna look a hot mess? That's your prerogative.

In equal measure it's other peoples right to have thoughts on how others dress. Because that's what the wearer of the booty shorts wanted isn't it? Attention. And oh how she got it. If only that 14 year old girl knew 'adults' all over were talking about her booty shorts. Imagine how happy she'd be.
This for sure is a touchy subject....and everyone will have their thoughts about it...

For me and my thoughts....

Disney is about families.... whether you are a family of one or multi-generational, whether your a family of 2 moms or 2 Dads, or single moms and dads, or a family with mom and dad, step brothers or step sister, half brothers or half sister, cousins that are more brother's and sister's, whatever makes your family up... ... Walt wanted and dreamed of a place for families to go and dream, enjoy, imagine... looking at the past and imagining the future....together.... I would hope that he is proud of the parks and the legacy that he created... I do think that he might totally frown on some of the things that our society deems the norm...

I will say at a AP holder and Fl resident.... and visiting the first time in 1971.... I will say for sure the clothing sure has changed.... and it really needs to be kept for " General Audiences".

I live here year around, and I live around 15 minutes to the parks... I will also agree that with the heat and humidity... it's hot and miserable here... but to use that as a reason for your butt or lady or man parts to hangout or over expose them... just is just not something that I am buying... I live here and there are much better options... light colored clothing, cotton, and breathable fabric, as well as sock and shoes... actual wearing a light colored T-shirt will keep the sun off your shoulders to help with sunburn...

Deodorant - is a must.... there is just no way around that... please don't start on the culturally aspect... when in Rome do as the Romans do... when we travel to other countries, we are expected to learn their culture, customs, and even some of the language ... so putting on some deodorant is not going to hurt or break any religious rules that I know of...

Shorts of course, but shorts where your fanny, or other bitt's are hanging out is not going to make you any cooler, if your that hot... why not put on a swim suit and head over to the water parks, or pools to cool off... oh and they do have a dress code.... and we have seen it enforced many times...

Sleeveless shirts or tanks... by all means they should be worn... with saying that... lets talk about going bra-less... of course its your choice... what I don't get is... that thinking not wearing a bra is going to make you cooler or more comfortable..... not really especially if you are top heavy... that wearing a bra help support the girls which helps with back and shoulder pain, and if you wear a cotton bra or sports bra they are breathable... thus helping cool you off...

Yoga Pants, work out clothing, - this is really a matter of comfort... and I really don't have a dog in this fight... I wear my yoga or work out clothing stuff to stop at Publix or Wal-mart... I have worn legging and a long shirt or sweater into the parks... I think as long as it fits... meaning they are are not so tight as to show your butt crack, or what color panties you are wearing or not wearing than your good to go...

As far as the young lady with the shorts that her bottom was hanging out... That is a parenting style thing... and while we all can sit back a say what we would do... this is not our child... so leave it up to the parents... and look the other way...

Again this topic is very subjective, and how I see it...
As if I wasnā€™t self conscious before....
So I used to be really skinny and really pretty, and despite smoking nearly 2 packs a day and drinking nearly 30 cups of coffee a day, I always smelled good and my teeth were blinding white. I was always dressed amazingly well and I always dressed for whatever the occasion was. I wore yoga pants, but not very often.
Fast forward to when I got pregnant and now. I wear yoga pants and sweatpants and not so flattering $5 Walmart shorts because I am so uncomfortable in my own skin. I find myself to be repulsive. I canā€™t remember the last time I had jeans on. Iā€™m too big for any of my old clothes and canā€™t afford to spend the money on myself anymore with being a single mom. I feel like Iā€™m suffocating if Iā€™m in anything other than loose not very acceptable to you clothing. I hate myself for it.
I also have BO worse than most men. I shower. I use special deodorant. I have tried EVERYTHING, but my hormones have changed dramatically since having my son.
I quit smoking and drinking coffee like that the day I found out I was pregnant. Because I had such terrible morning sickness for 25 weeks and threw up EVERY TIME I brushed my teeth, my teeth are now yellow and spaced with a significant overbite and while not diagnosed, I think I have chronic halitosis.
Perhaps not everybody that is dressed a certain way ā€˜gave up.ā€™ Personally, for me, Iā€™m doing the best I can.
Just a different side of things. Thatā€™s all

I just read your post.... and first off I want to give you a big hug... :hug: pixiedust: and some pixie dust....

I think that you might be having some form post-partum depression, or depression of some kind... I don't mean any disrespect and I am saying this with the best intentions and nothing but love for you... My friend said almost word for word what you just expressed... after she had her DD, she kept everything that was going on with her bottled up and it almost had a horrible outcome, thankfully she finally said something to her mom...and talking to me and other friends about what she was feeling... and in talking about it, and with her doctors help things got alot better.... and back then things like post-partum depression or depression in general was really not in the fore front...as people are now more aware of it, and are talking about it.... Please talk to your Doctor and see what they can do to help you... don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends, and family.... I know that you are focused on taking care of your son....you need to take care of you as well, so that you can take care of him, it goes hand and hand... as women we tend to put our needs on the back burner, I was a single mom for a long time as well, so I understand the pressure to do all and be all... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
I just read your post.... and first off I want to give you a big hug... :hug: pixiedust: and some pixie dust....

I think that you might be having some form post-partum depression, or depression of some kind... I don't mean any disrespect and I am saying this with the best intentions and nothing but love for you... My friend said almost word for word what you just expressed... after she had her DD, she kept everything that was going on with her bottled up and it almost had a horrible outcome, thankfully she finally said something to her mom...and talking to me and other friends about what she was feeling... and in talking about it, and with her doctors help things got alot better.... and back then things like post-partum depression or depression in general was really not in the fore front...as people are now more aware of it, and are talking about it.... Please talk to your Doctor and see what they can do to help you... don't be afraid to ask for help from your friends, and family.... I know that you are focused on taking care of your son....you need to take care of you as well, so that you can take care of him, it goes hand and hand... as women we tend to put our needs on the back burner, I was a single mom for a long time as well, so I understand the pressure to do all and be all... :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

Thank you. Your are very sweet and unfortunately, not wrong. I very much do have PPD as well as PPA. I was put on Zoloft at my 6 or 8 week check up after having my son. Heā€™ll be 3 in May. Since we moved, I have to find all new doctors. My son has some medical things I gotta deal with and plus, Iā€™m moving again, so once all that is taken care of, you have my word, Iā€™ll work a little bit on me. I wasnā€™t like this before my pregnancy. I hate being a downer


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