Taking Back My Life-DisneyKim's journal (comments welcome!)


Jun 23, 2011
Hi all,

I'm so excited to be able to share my journey to a new me with you all! A little about me: I'm 42, and about 70 pounds overweight. I just joined WW for the LAST time 2 weeks ago, I have my 2nd weigh in tonight. I had a great loss of 4 pounds my first week, so not expecting a huge number tonight, though I did stay on plan all week. In addition to losing weight, I am determined to get in shape this year. I'm tired of my back, feet, legs, hips, you name it hurting all the time. As an incentive to exercise, I am going to be doing the Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon at Disneyland in January. I've started a 12 week 1/2 marathon walking training program and am on week 3. Yesterday I got up at 4:30 am and walked four miles :woohoo: I know that isn't far in comparison to the half marathon, but right now it sure feels like a long way! One I complete the walking program I would like to start running a little, and will probably do the C25k program as a starting point. That's all for now, I'm off to my WW meeting!
Hope you had some good results at the WW weigh in. And wayto go to wake up so early and exercise!:worship: I can never get my but out of bed so early, maybe I'll have to give it a try.
Thanks Princess Vija, luckily I'm naturally an early riser, so getting up early isn't too bad for me.
Had a good wiegh in at my meeting last night, down another 1.4 so I'm happy with that. Got my first 5 pound sticker! :banana: (isn't it funny how little things like that make me happy?!) The topic of the meetings was vacations and how to avoid weight gain. A couple of us mentioned going to Disney and how you walk so much there, built in exercise!
Today for my 1/2 marathon training I have a 35 minute walk scheduled, so I will probably do that tonight around 8:00 after the sun goes down. It's supposed to be 114 here today, so it's either going to have to be at night or on the treadmill, which bores me to tears. I'd MUCH rather walk outside, even in the heat.

Today's menu looks like this, but I'm still under my 29 points so will have to add something in there:

whole wheat Nutrigrain waffle with 1 TBSP SF syrup-2


3 Newtons Blueberry Thin Crisps-4

Poppyseed Chicken & Clementine Salad-8

Strawberry Shortcake Skinny Cow (I LOVE these!!)

I usually don't have a problem reaching my 29 points, so I think I need to add some protein in there, maybe cheese or a hard boiled egg or something.

Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Good food plan for the day! Try and get all your good health guidelines in (dairy, fruit and veggies, water, healthy oils, and multi-vitamin). They will all aid you in your goals!
You said you joined WW for the last time this time...what made you leave it in the past?
You said you joined WW for the last time this time...what made you leave it in the past?

Good Question! Short answer: my own stupidity, lol! I LOVE WW, and lost 50 pounds in '00-'01. I was 9 pounds from goal and just started getting complacent, and next thing I knew the weight was creeping back on. I joined several times, thought I knew it all and that I could do it on my own. Well, the cold hard truth is I can't. I have to go to meetings, and be accountable. Just being accountable to myself doesn't work for me. It feels really good to be back in meetings, and to have a support network. And I am just THRILLED to have found these forums!
Ahhh..complacency. You aren't the first to get caught with that and definitely will not be the last. Here's to you continuing through this time and making the lifestyle changes you are looking to accomplish. You are off to a great start, keep everyone posted
Good morning! Had a major change of plans as far as my menu went yesterday, ended up having lunch at Chipotle, but the great things is I was still able to stay within my points for the day. I love that about Weight Watchers! It was a scorcher yesterday, but once the sun started going down and it cooled off to a brisk 107, I got my 35 minute walk (2 miles) done. It's really not too bad once the sun goes down. Today DD and I are going to the movies, we're in a weekly summer movie program for kids. I have been using about 35 of my weekly points for popcorn every Wed. I just can't go to the movies without popcorn! Not sure what dinner will be, DD has skating lessons on Wednesday evenings and we usually just pick up something on the way home from the rink. I'm thinking maybe a grilled chicken sandwich and fruit cup from Chick-Fil-A. Tonight's walk is supposed to be a 20 minute "stroll". I have trouble with that, because I am naturally a fast walker and intentionally walking slow just feels strange to me! I guess I shouldn't complain, as I get further into this training program I'll probably be begging for just a stroll! :laughing:
Hey Kim, congrats on the WW great weigh in! the 5# stickers are great, a tangible way to look at your success and be proud of what you did. I remember loving to hear the clapping of eveyone there. way to go!

that is great how you fit in going out to eat and still staying within your points plan. nicely done. And I know what you mean about the popcorn. We don't go out to the theater very often, and I love the popcorn when we do. We are planning to see Harry Potter next month, and I will certainly have my bowl for that. I also know that I will have to plan and prioritize and do some extra walking to burn off the calories, but it can be done. Enjoy your movie!

I also noticed when you said it was a "scorcher" that you live in Phoenix. We are planning an outwest trip this year... and I am a little worried about the heat. especially the day we go to Arches national park in Utah. We are also tent camping that night... and it is in August. We might be melting by the end of the day!:rotfl:
Thanks Vija, for all the nice comments and encouragemnt! Not sure about Utah, but August is still pretty toasty here in Phoenix. And the Monsoon is here at that time, which makes it humid AND hot, yuck!
Last night's walk was only 20 minutes, so that was pretty easy. Tonight I'm scheduled for 35 minutes. I actually kind of enjoying my after dark walks, the neighborhood is quiet and peaceful at that time. Back to normal eating today, no movies or eating out. I do have to go cook for my clients today (I'm a personal chef). I love cooking for my Thursday clients because they are on WW also, which gives me an excuse to try out lots of new WW recipes. (And my WW cookbooks are a business expense! :banana:) Have a great day everyone!
hi there! Hope you are still doing good. I was thinking about you today. I heard on the news that Phoenix had their highest temp in 10 years, I think they said 116!:scared1: And that the power went off for a lot of homes. I hope that didn't affect you. I can't even imagine that kind of heat without AC. Hope you are staying cool!
hi there! Hope you are still doing good. I was thinking about you today. I heard on the news that Phoenix had their highest temp in 10 years, I think they said 116!:scared1: And that the power went off for a lot of homes. I hope that didn't affect you. I can't even imagine that kind of heat without AC. Hope you are staying cool!

Hi, that's so sweet of you to think of me :) I'm fine, actually it was 118!!! We didn't lose our power thank goodness!
Happy 4th everyone!
Well, the last few days have been challenging food wise. Friday I seemed to be constantly snacking, and yesterday we went to see Transformers 3 and of course I had to have popcorn. And a hot dog. :eek: The heat here has been insane, but I'm still walking! I completed my 3rd week of the 1/2 marathon training yesterday. :banana: I've got a healthy menu planned for our 4th of July dinner: Grilled BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, a macaroni salad from WW, and for desert, angel food cake topped with strawberries, blueberries, and lite Cool Whip. Today's a day off from walking, so I guess mowing the lawn will be my workout today. :) Have a safe 4th!
Hi Kim,

How have you been doing? The dust storms in Phoenix and the crazy hot weather must be tough. I am thinking about you and hope all is well.
I'm doing great Vija thanks for asking! I post on the WW thread and the Biggest Loser thread, so I don't post much here because I feel like I'm repeating myself, lol! I'm down 12 pounds and halfway through my 1/2 marathon training so far. I just do my walking either really early in the morning or after dark. Hope you are doing well too!


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