Taking SOn out of school For disney

to 4chitlins:

No, LBelle is just the name I came up with for Intercot/DIS boards, etc. I love Beauty & the Beast, but, of course, Belle was already taken, plus my real name starts with an 'L' (lisa), so, tah dah...LBelle it is
LBelle said:
to 4chitlins:

No, LBelle is just the name I came up with for Intercot/DIS boards, etc. I love Beauty & the Beast, but, of course, Belle was already taken, plus my real name starts with an 'L' (lisa), so, tah dah...LBelle it is
Thanks for letting me know. My sister is into all the geneology stuff so anytime I hear about someone with the last name of my family I check it out for her. Anyways don't worry about the school thing. I took all of mine out in Feb and we are going again in Oct. and most teachers are really cool about it. One of my twins gets really good grades and it didn't affect them so he was happy
We will be taking our son ( will be in 1st grade ) out during this time. Last year we were going to go during the same time frame and the teacher said it was fine and that everyone does it.

This year, his teacher will be sending his homework home with him the week before Thanksgiving; since he will be out of school from Nov 20- Dec 5. (Thanksgiving week they all have off ) :woohoo:
I was a huge advocate for taking kids of out school. We went last year the week after Thanksgiving. I scheduled a meeting with the teacher about 6 weeks ahead of time in case she wanted to make a packet of work to take with us. I warned DS he would have to try real hard not to get sick the rest of the year. :goodvibes I got a letter from the teacher that it was okay and there was no major assignments or even new matireal at that time - she did this voluntarily because she new I was worried, gave the school a note before we left that we would be going (the long one from the other website). My DS was in the 3rd grade and was on the A honor roll the entire year. I also gave the school previous records of his attendance (never missed a day in kindergarten and 1st, maybe 1 or two in 2nd with Drs notes) to show this isn't something we do lightly. Went to disney and had a fabulous time. About a week and a half after I returned I got a letter from the county saying the district had informed them of my sons absence and if I did again, or if he was had 2 more unexcused absences I would be fined or possible sent to jail for being irresponsible with a minor/truant.

I went to the school and asked why since my DS grades didn't miss a beat. They responded it doesn't matter how well your child is doing, long absences mess up their state funding.

I am not against taking your child out for family time (Disney or not) AT ALL. In fact if your child is doing well I would be a huge advocate for it because this is your family LIFE, which is much more than reading, writing, etc. But I would strongly suggest that in addition to contact your child's teacher you contact the school, even just the front office attendance clerk, to find out what the exact penalties would be for your child and also yourself. The teachers have so much to keep track of they are not always aware of these things.
Here's my final post on this subject. I say, tell the teacher as soon as you can and then remind her/him when it gets a little closer. We're going in October which happens to be the week of fall break so there are 3 free days. We're coming back on Friday evening to give DD a couple of days to get wound back down and ready to go back. Incidentally, it'll probably be harder on myself and DH to go back to work :lmao: Plus there's always residual laundry to do. I am a little worried that the principal, who also goes to church with us might frown on us for taking her out 2 1/2 days but it's just a family vacation. He has said to me that he would not take his children out during the school year, but he is the principal for crying out loud. He has taken mission trips during the school year and his children went with him once last year (they are in jr. and sr. high). I may mention it to him on a personal level at church and ask what I need to do on the school level. Regardless, we're going, we're having a magical week, even if it kills us ( :rotfl2: ) and DD will have work to make up before and probably after the vacation. DH and I will also have to work our butts off before leaving and when we get back. Go for it.
Following is a letter to be sent to a school requesting an excused absence for a child to go to Walt Disney World. Now if you read this and still have doubts, then read it again.


TO: [school official]


RE: [students name and vacation dates]

Please be advised that [student] will be out of school during the week of [date]. We ask that his absences be excused.

The reason for [student]'s absence is that our family will be out of the state during this week. While we are gone, we will be visiting Walt Disney World. We believe that [student] will be learning many things during this trip and that his education will continue in his absence from school.

Some things [student] will learn about:

* Different cultures of the world, including architecture, language, diet, and dress, by visiting the different countries in the Epcot World Showcase (Japan, China, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Canada, France, etc.) [student] will have the chance to explore the exhibits for each country and speak with natives from each country who work as cast members.

* American history by viewing the Hall of Presidents presentation in the Magic Kingdom and the American Adventure show in Epcot.

* Nature and conservation at Animal Kingdom.

* Science by exploring the Mission:Space ride in Epcot where he will have a chance to see and feel what it would be like to travel by rocket to Mars and by experiencing the Universe of Energy exhibit which teaches about fossil fuels, energy, and conservation.

* Economics by managing his own spending money and making budget decisions on how to spend his money.

[student] will also be learning about map reading by navigating in and to the different theme parks, as well as the resorts and water parks via the Disney bus system, sociological aspects of crowds including patterns and behavior, physics of the different rides, breakthroughs in technology at the Innoventions computer lab in Epcot, art and animation and the history of film, and mathematics.

We believe this will be a wonderful and educational experience for [student] and hope you agree not to charge him with unexcused absences as a result. If it is possible for [student] to take any assignments with him to be turned in when we return or to turn in before we leave any work that will be due while he is gone, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this. If you have any questions or need any further information, please feel free to contact me.

[Parent's Signture]

Now that is one great letter, thanks to another thread on here.
In Sept 2003 my husband and I took my 14 year old niece out of school. She missed a whole week of eighth grade. We had a wonderful time. We got to spend the next to the last week of my nieces life at WDW. She died the week after we got home with 2 friends on a four wheeler 3 days after her 15th birthday. We had the best time and have the best memories to last the rest of our lives.....not to mention the pictures. Life is too short to fret over the small stuff.
I am taking my kids out of school for one week in sept 25-30. This is the fourth year we have done so. I know the school doesn't love you to do that but it just workd best for us. One week won't kill a school career. We just do some homework every day.
1st grade teacher here.....

I haven't read all the replies to your 1st post but here's what I think...

Please go & have a fantastic time!!! I pulled my DS8 & DD11 our for 5 school days in January & then again for 7 school days in May so that we could go to Disney twice. I know it was a little excessive but we had 2 WONDERFUL vacations!! It was worth it...we didn't experience any crowds & the weather was great.

Have a great time!! The teacher will understand.
I haven't read all the replies (up to the 3rd page). All I am reading about is taking your kids out when they do great at school. 1st graders reading at 5th grade level etc, etc. Does anyone take a child out that struggles in school. My 7 year old will be in 2nd grade this year and really struggled in first grade (the teacher wanted him to be held back but he is already one of the older students, will be 8 in Oct) Anyway he NEVER missed ONE DAY of 1st grade. In about 2 years when he would be in 3rd grade I would love to take a disney vacation (1st one for the kids) during the school year. I hate crowds and heat and would love to go during an off time. I was just wondering who takes their non-genius kid out of school for a vacation?
and I have no problems about doing it either. I was raised being taken out of school every year for 1-3 weeks for the familoy vacation in the winter. It was the only time my parents could take vacation do to the family business. And I learned more fromthise trips then I ever would have in the time I missed in school.

GO enjoy and show your child the wonders of life.
That's a hard call and one that only you, the parent, can make. I always tell my kids, who are into a whole lot of extra sports & stuff, that if their grades ever slip I'll pull them out of all the extras they like including vacations. However, in my situation I know what my kids can do and that slipping grades (at this point at least) would be due to being lazy, not actually struggling with the material.

If, on the other hand either of my kids began to actually struggle with their work (I think you can tell the difference) I might rethink my approach. Not everyone is good at academics and I don't think I would punish either of my kids for being who they are. Not everyone is meant to be a scholar and that is just the way it is.

I was always an honors student and I take education very seriously. I volunteer tutor quite a few kids who have genuine trouble with school work. My observation is that their self-esteem really suffers because of their frustration. Even worse is the fact that their relationships with their parents suffer too because parents absorb the frustration as well. It can be a lose-lose situation.

I don't think missing a little school is going to harm your child any more than I think that an extra week would solve all your problems. Any student who is away from school (including over the summer) needs to keep his/her skills sharp so what about making the learning fun? Here is some of what I do. How about having your child read through one of the guides with you and writing out a 'things to do list' before you go (reading comprehension skills and vocabulary) tell him that if he misses something you won't be able to do it to encourage his motivation? Have your son help you plot how to drive around with a map (spatial relations & math skills). Have him look over your budget with you to determine how much to spend each day on meals (subtraction). My favorite is taking along an Uno game to teach math skills while waiting for meals to be served. Finally, you can encourage him to write about his experiences in a journal with you each night, or you could even do this on the coloring book like place settings you get in WDW by having him color one side and write about the day on the blank side.

I'm sure that all the educators here are going to blast me for my point of view but the fact remains that not everyone is meant to be a scholar. Ultimately its up to you how your child is going to feel about himself when school is over and he's made his way out into this world.
Actually, I think most of the teachers here, myself included, would say that it's up to the parent to make that choice. I'm taking my son out for a day to go in lats August, and if I could take more time off, we would be going for longer. I just think its important to give the teacher and school advance notice, so that they can inform you of their policies. As I said before, go in with a plan, and let them know what educational value the trip would have. Maybe use the letter posted a few posts back?

My DS is now 33yo but would we would take him out to go on family vacations because we think this was as important to his development. He has done very well without having spent everyday in school.
As a teacher, I am jealous of being able to go other than the summer. If I took more than a long weekend I would be docked pay. I would like to my husband for a long weekend one Oct but we have never been able to coordinate it.

As a high school teacher I will tell you that only really good studenrts are able to handle taking time off. From my experience if I give some students work to do they probably won't do it because they don't understand what I have asked them to do. I also teach math which at the high school level is hard to understand without being in the classroom listening to the teacher and interacting with the students. Sometimes they can get away with it if is just before a long break but the they run the risk of missing a test which some kids never remember to take and the teacher is always after them to make it. It is not an easy thing for some classes and some grades.
Taking your kid out of school to go on vacation? :lmao: :lmao:
I live in Williamsburg, VA and we have a policy written into the absenteeism policy (albeit not many people know about, unless they ask, it is not advertised) that our students may miss 5 excused days per year for vacations, deaths, or necessity to travel for other incidents and such. It is not advertised because they don't want people to take advantage of it. We live in a very military populated area and it is not always convenient for kids to take vacations only in the summer, some of these kids have parents in Iraq, so they take vacations when mom or dad come home. This policy is there so parents can take their vacation without feeling bad. The only thing that is required is that you tell the teacher as soon as you know you are going. Some teachers only ask for a journal, and that they read while gone, but most will say, not to worry about it, and they will let the students make up the work when they get back. We are going in Dec. and I have the luxury of working in their school, so I will ask for their work in the beginning in Nov. that way, I can be working on it before we go and can be on target when we come back.
my ds missed the first week of school in sept. '02 He was starting 2nd grade, it didn't affect him at all. It turned out that All of the students had to do a report on what they did for their summer vacation so he had a great time doing that report!! I do agree with the posts that say its a personal decision, do whats right for you and your kids. I also belive that life is too short, time with family is more important to me than school. This is just my opinion, My son has always been an honor roll student, but i don't think I would feel differently if he wasn't.
Have a great trip :sunny:
Honestly who is waiting for that one dis'er to drop the FLAME BOMB??? :rotfl:
abcboys said:
I haven't read all the replies (up to the 3rd page). All I am reading about is taking your kids out when they do great at school. 1st graders reading at 5th grade level etc, etc. Does anyone take a child out that struggles in school. My 7 year old will be in 2nd grade this year and really struggled in first grade (the teacher wanted him to be held back but he is already one of the older students, will be 8 in Oct) Anyway he NEVER missed ONE DAY of 1st grade. In about 2 years when he would be in 3rd grade I would love to take a disney vacation (1st one for the kids) during the school year. I hate crowds and heat and would love to go during an off time. I was just wondering who takes their non-genius kid out of school for a vacation?

My daughter has to work very hard to make average grades in school (she'll be going to 8th grade this year). We take her out of school for Disney trips almost every year, when we don't have a Disney trip planned, she gets perfect attendance. I don't think a week gone is going to make a big difference in the grades that he is getting now. He may actually be stimulated to do better in school when faced with all of the wonderful things he can learn at The World. With my daughter, we always notice an increase in her reading and better grades before a Disney trip. She doesn't want to miss out by bringing home an "F".


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