Tangled: where does her life begin? The location of Corona


Earning My Ears
Mar 6, 2014
Just re-watched this disney movie with mum. If you haven't done so please rent it or stream. you don't want to miss out on this one.

i think i have a good guess where the kingdom of corona is.
it is in spain, possibly in andalusia

DISCLAIMER: i'm not an expert of post-medieval architecture but i'm fascinated by it. everything i'm going to say here is purely for entertainment purpose. i really do appreciate educated discussion but please don't tell me i don't know much about architecture, because you are right and i know it ;)

i've done a quick search on the web and surprised to see people suggesting germany, austria, hungary or even baltic coast (come on seriously?) based on various "proofs". well some, i must admit, are educated guesses but i'm shocked no one, at least on the pages i've seen, suggested the story happens in spain. i know one of the reasons why people only looked at central europe for potential location of the kingdom of corona was because the director initially wanted the story of rapunzel to take place there. let's ignore that particular fact for the moment and look at my theory first.

1. the onion dome of the palace/castle

quoted from http://findingcorona.tumblr.com/whereiscorona

'The style of copper “onion domes” apparent on the castle emerged in Russia and never spread farther west than Germany. Onion domes flourished in Eastern and Central European architecture from the fifteenth century onward.'

alright the onion domes at the tips of a castle is indeed a prominent feature in russian architecture and russian influence did kinda stop in germany. but let's not forget the muslims also acquired the onion dome architecture much earlier before the medieval era (correct me if i'm wrong; i'm not entirely sure about the time). then how it ever spread west of germany? it didn't, it was brought by the moors from the south.

Cadiz Cathedral, andalusia, spain

plaza de espanya

2. the prison cell/fort


they just feel spanish.

this was taken at the spanish mission of concepcion at san antonio. i know it's not in spain but you can't deny the heavy spanish influence in it.

this was taken at sousse, tunisia. again, it's moorish.

3. not sure if it's the city gate or some structure at the palace, but it seems undoubtedly spanish mission-esque to me

san xavier del bac in tuscon, az. i've actually visited it in 2008. i took this picture myself

but this one i found on the web is more clear.

4. here comes the most solid proof: tabernas desert.

there is no real desert in europe but i've found a list of european semi-deserts http://www.europeword.com/blog/europe/european-deserts/

you can only find a lanscape that looks like the scene where the guards chase eugene and maximus destroys the dam in italy or spain.

and it doesn't look like central europe or germany to me.


this is tabernas desert in spain.

not to mention corona is a real word in spanish, which means crown. so what do you think?
The country can't be too far from Norway because Rapunzel and Eugene show up in FROZEN when Elsa is coordinated
The country can't be too far from Norway because Rapunzel and Eugene show up in FROZEN when Elsa is coordinated

Royalty often traveled long distances for state events. If there was a close connection between Rapunzel's city/country and Arendelle, then they would have made the trip.
I've seen this discussed multiple times on lots of forums and articles.

The general consensus is Tangled is melded together from a lot of different countries and locations.

The original story is German, written by the Brothers Grimm.

The architecture is unmistakably German, however, Tangled co-director Byron Howard said the designers made the castle look distinct from other Disney fairy tale castles by giving it "Eastern European features like copper domes."

The castle is likely based off of Mont St. Michel in France.

Celtic music plays in the city (see the Kingdom Dance song).

The bridge is likely based on the Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge in Bosnia.

The forest was designed and based off of forests in Eastern Germany, Poland, and Hungary.

There are no European accents in the entire movie. Everyone has North American accents, and Mother Gothel mentions poison ivy as a reason not the leave the tower during "Mother Knows Best". Poison ivy, or Toxicodendron radicans, is only found in Asia and North America.

While we're on the subject of Mother Gothel, "gothel" is the german word for "grandmother".

Chameleons are native to Africa, Asia, Spain and Portugal.

Flying lanterns originate from Indonesia and the Far East.

During the Flower and Garden Festivals in Epcot, Tangled topiaries appear at the German pavilion when they appear.

The ships and some of the clothing is nordic, and some of the fellows in "The Snuggly Duckling" are wearing Viking head gear. Rapunzel and Flynn's cameo in Frozen and the various theories also suggest some kind of relation to Anna and Elsa of Arendelle, which is Norwegian inspired.

So, I would say that Disney's goal was to make their own fairy tale land to place Tangled in, and they did an excellent job. The kingdom of Corona and it's surrounding area is melded from many different areas. However, it's likely best placed on the coast of the Baltic sea in Germany, if you have to place it somewhere.
heres the deal

elsa and annas parents were going to rapunzels and eugenes wedding in germany from norway the boat sunk in a storm and went to the bottom of the ocean

the shipwreck is the one in the little mermaid (located in denmark) that ariel explores

its magic!!!pixiedust:pixiedust:
So the kingdom could be based on a kingdom in andalusia Spain tbh its more likely to be based on it because of the land scapes and everything here's a picture of andalusia it looks more similar to the castle than the French one plus why would the parents from frozen travel around past Spain all the way to Germany instead of straight when it is possible to do and much easier(I I have an image but the website is being stupid and won't let me add it to the reply)


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