TCD is proud to be an American!-July 4th at the Fort!

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First off, that video gave me chills too. Awesome fireworks.

Secondly..."older" twin? older by how much exactly? 10 minutes? :confused3


Must be something about the "older twin" my brother is exactly 1 minute older than me and never lets me forget it.
This lady in line ahead of us brought her dog to meet Goofy.

As far as I know, dogs aren't allowed in the Settlement area.

But, Goofy is a dog, right?
This is a matter of some protracted debate. I have even heard Disney movies (or TV, I'm not sure) dismiss the idea of Goofy being a dog, insisting that he is a Goof. But recently came to discover that Walt's original name for Goofy was Dippy Dawg! For me, that settles the debate. So anywhere that Goofy can go, I'm taking my dogs!

BTW, great report as always. Almost makes me feel like I'm there!


I will put this on my to-do list. Six Bits is pretty easy to stalk. I will find out when he works, exactly, and I will let you know. Just in case you ever decide to end your boycott.


Just got caught up... great TR. If you want to find out Ben's schedule (aka Six Bits, the pirate, big Luau daddy, Chef Tony) you should ask TiggerInBama, she is the ultimate Six Bits stalker. He is a very sweet Jewish boy, so hearing that he doesn't do Saturday is not surprising. What is surprising is how genuinely he loves Santa... course he seems to love everybody, except Dolly! Like I said, very sweet boy!

Great trip report TCD! Looks like DH and I need to brave the crowds, rain and heat and head to the fort next July 4th.
That can not be six bits or a pirate because he is the owner of Tony's restaurant. :thumbsup2 You know he gave lady and tramp a plate of spaghetti. We went there for a GG character breakfast and I was so smitten I had my picture made with him. :lovestruc He is a sweet funny guy. He signed our childrens autograph book as Tony :rolleyes1 Just sayin I think he is playing the role of six bits and a pirate, but really he is Tony

Wow! I can't believe that Six Bits moonlights as a pirate and Tony. And, don't forget he was the personal entertainment to the MJ entourage. This guy must work every day!

I could totally see him as Tony! How does this work? Is it only for GG's? Or is Tony there at other times?

Awesome. Gave me chills hearing that from your DD. My wife's uncle was there over the weekend and said the fireworks were the best he had seen in his many trips to The Fort.

Well done!

I agree with your wife's uncle. These were the best fireworks that I have ever seen at WDW. And, I have seen a lot.

You're a Jersey boy? No wonder your posts are so well written! LOL I grew up in Northern NJ (Short Hills), but my father grew up South Jersey. He said that gave him the right to say y'all and call me a Yankee.:laughing:

So, you're really a Jersey Housewife at heart? I am not sure how well that goes over in SC.

First off, that video gave me chills too. Awesome fireworks.

Secondly..."older" twin? older by how much exactly? 10 minutes? :confused3


Yes, Dave, it is a big deal amongst twins.

And, it's not 10 minutes, it's 8.

Mrs. TCD and I already decided that if we ever have twins again, we won't tell them who is older. It kind of isn't fair to the younger twin.

When it comes to sisters, every second counts! ;)

True dat.

LOVE the fireworks video!

In fact it's the "most legit fireworks video I've ever seen!"

Hats off to the older TCD twin! :thumbsup2

Thanks, KFK.

I hope you get your clan over to the Poly sometime on your next trip.

Of course it won't be the 4th of July fireworks, but I'll bet the Summer Nightastic fireworks look good from the Poly beach, too.

That reminds me - when I was a kid, our whole family used to line up campsites and go camping together. My uncle used to show up towing his popup camper with his 70something conversion van. Behind the popup, he would be towing his Skeeter fishing boat. (Also used to pull the kids around water skiing.)
As kids, we all thought that was the coolest thing we had ever seen pulling in to camp! I'm sure the adults had other opinions...

I think it would be cool to see, but I would not want to be the one doing the towing.

Clearly that is the duck honored in the famous patriotic tune....

"Be kind to your web footed friends,
For a duck may be somebody's mother"

Thanks for the great trip report and pictures!

By golly, you might be on to something there.

I think they did play that tune during the fireworks!

Must be something about the "older twin" my brother is exactly 1 minute older than me and never lets me forget it.

Yes, as I said it is a big deal to the older twin. And not fair to the younger. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would tell the girls that they are twins, and were born at the exact same time. What do they know?

This is a matter of some protracted debate. I have even heard Disney movies (or TV, I'm not sure) dismiss the idea of Goofy being a dog, insisting that he is a Goof. But recently came to discover that Walt's original name for Goofy was Dippy Dawg! For me, that settles the debate. So anywhere that Goofy can go, I'm taking my dogs!

BTW, great report as always. Almost makes me feel like I'm there!


Hey Shannon! Good to hear from you! I haven't seen you around the camping board much lately. I never knew that there was any debate about whether or not Goofy was a dog. But, now that you mention it, I have this recollection of an early Goofy cartoon where Goofy had a wife, and I think she was human(?) Well, a human cartoon character any way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Just got caught up... great TR. If you want to find out Ben's schedule (aka Six Bits, the pirate, big Luau daddy, Chef Tony) you should ask TiggerInBama, she is the ultimate Six Bits stalker. He is a very sweet Jewish boy, so hearing that he doesn't do Saturday is not surprising. What is surprising is how genuinely he loves Santa... course he seems to love everybody, except Dolly! Like I said, very sweet boy!


I thought this was your Six Bits. I didn't know he played other roles. As I said already, he was a delight to talk to- he had us in stitches. I didn't know TiggerInBama was a fan, too. I probably will be running into her later this year, so I will be sure to compare notes with her. We will have Six Bits' schedule figured out in no time.

Great trip report TCD! Looks like DH and I need to brave the crowds, rain and heat and head to the fort next July 4th.

Yes, you do.

And, with that, let's move this report along . . .

Where we last left off, TCD was at Pioneer Hall in the early morning of July 4th.

There were some mysteries that needed to be solved, and now was the perfect time to do it.

But, first, we need to look at some more photos.

When we were at the award ceremony for the July 3rd parade, we were leaning against the fence right across from the Pioneer Hall entrance area.

And, I noticed something there that I have never noticed before.

These water fountains:


I don't know why I never noticed these before, but I never have.

But they are cool.

They stand as a testament to how things used to be done at WDW.

Theme used to be real important at WDW.

It doesn't seem to be as important these days.

But, it is cool that the designers of the Fort made these water fountains look like logs.

Here is a shot from the front of Crockett's Tavern:


If you visit here around Christmas, there will be a big Christmas tree right here in this fenced in area, but on the 4th of July, it's just nice flowers and trees:



And, here is where we will be solving another mystery.

If you read my June, 2010 trip report, you might remember that I said I would be solving the mystery of this building:


This building sits behind Trail's End and Crockett's Tavern, and faces Bay Lake. The windows are covered, and you can't see inside. It looks like it might have been used for something in the past.

Before posting these next photos, I have to give credit where credit is due, as BayLakeCampers and DisCamper have already posted similar photos of the back of the building.

But, I took a peek back here, too, and this is what I saw.

First, there are big Air Conditioner units back here:


And, this is a photo of the actual back of the building:


As you can see, there are overhead doors in the back of the building, and a loading dock. The mystery building is just a store room.

Here is a side view of the building:


And here are some photos taken in the area that trucks enter into this area:


Here are a few more shots of the back of the mystery building:




This sign is posted facing into the back stage area behind Pioneer Hall:


From the way things look, I would say that the mystery building probably has always been a storeroom. I would imagine that Pioneer Hall has always needed a loading dock, and this looks like the only logical place for one. So, I am declaring this mystery solved, and saying that the mystery building was never anything but a storeroom. The windows and doors, and porch, were just put there to make the building blend in with its surroundings.

As long as we are back here, let's take a look at TCD Farm:



It was breakfast time for the ponies:


This chef was walking away from Pioneer Hall. Trail's End had just opened. Maybe there is a night shift?:


This is a shot looking down the path toward TCD barn:


I meant to go into the barn on this trip to see if anything new was going on with the Calliope display, but I never made it.

After this inspection, I needed to head over to River Country to see if there was anything of note going on there.

Here's the first MK boat heading out:


This work truck was parked near our mystery building, but I never saw who went with it:


I didn't see anything new around River Country, so I didn't break out my special photography equipment. I just took a shot of the blue tanks and slides from over the fence:



In case you haven't noticed. I love every little detail about the Fort. And I mean every little detail. Have you ever noticed the resurrection fern that grows on some of the old oak trees around the Settlement? When it is dry, the fern looks shriveled up and dead. But, after it rains, the fern perks up and is green. Here's some resurrection fern:


As you can see, the fern was quite pleased with all the rain we had over the weekend.

At least someone was.

Next up . . .

Some more shots from early morning on the 4th.

And, then we go on our secret mission!

Before we go on to hear about the secret mission, I have just a few more random photos from early on July 4th.

First, here is another beaut of a crepe myrtle, located right in front of the 100/200 loop comfort station:


Next, here is a camper that was in the running for the TCD real man of genius award. As you know, he lost out to the camper with the projection TV in front of his 5th wheel. But this guy's ingenuity deserved some type of award, so I created a new award category. This camper is the first winner of the TCD award for best use of a tarp:



The photos do not do it justice, but this camper had things covered in case of rain.


Here are a few photos from the Meadow Trading Post.

I always love to look at the selection of what they have to sell. Why so much Jelly?:


(also note that there is new packaging for the MickeyRoni and Cheese).

I have noticed these signs posted in the back of the Trading Post before, but never took a photo:


Sorry for the quality of this next photo, but you can kind of make out some of the titles;


I don't think either of these lists is complete. There is also a notebook at the cash register with the titles listed. In all my visits to the Fort, I have never had occasion to rent a video. But, you may want to some time, and this is where you would do so.

OK, now we are up to about 9 am on the 4th.

It is time for an adventure.

A reconnaissance mission!

TCD is going to spy on the new Golden Oaks project!

im too new to post pictures.. but in that 2nd photo of that "best use of a tarp".... is that a volleyball net going across a stream?
im too new to post pictures.. but in that 2nd photo of that "best use of a tarp".... is that a volleyball net going across a stream?
Yes, but it's beach sand and not a stream. I think this is the 1300 loop playground and the site behind the volleyball court would be 1334.
Hey Shannon! Good to hear from you! I haven't seen you around the camping board much lately. I never knew that there was any debate about whether or not Goofy was a dog. But, now that you mention it, I have this recollection of an early Goofy cartoon where Goofy had a wife, and I think she was human(?) Well, a human cartoon character any way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
It is a little confusing that Goofy is so anthropomorphized and Pluto is so dog-like. As for my absence, well some of it is probably that I still don't have a return to the Fort even in the planning stages, and some of it is that I have been doped up on Percoset for two weeks recovering from surgery (don't ask) and spending my days sleeping!

I thought this was your Six Bits. I didn't know he played other roles. As I said already, he was a delight to talk to- he had us in stitches. I didn't know TiggerInBama was a fan, too. I probably will be running into her later this year, so I will be sure to compare notes with her. We will have Six Bits' schedule figured out in no time.

I'm confused by this statement, so I wanted to clarify. The fellow you pictured with your DD is my Six Bits, who's real name is Ben. I knew that he played Six Bits and the comic relief at the Luau, but only just learned (thanks to this thread) that he also plays Pirate (for the Jacksons?) and Chef Tony! And yes, TiggerInBama lurks around the first show of the evening to make sure that the proper Six Bits is dressed out and then, and only then, will buy a seat for the later shows (I assume cancellations are a pretty common thing). She and Ben seemed very familiar with each other... him kinda in the "should I consider a restraining order" sense of familiar, but familiar nonetheless! [Just kidding Kelly]. So yeah, she'd be a good resource if you can't corner the big guy yourself.

Wow! I can't believe that Six Bits moonlights as a pirate and Tony. And, don't forget he was the personal entertainment to the MJ entourage. This guy must work every day!

I could totally see him as Tony! How does this work? Is it only for GG's? Or is Tony there at other times?

I think it is only for GG we went later in the stay for dinner, but Chef Tony wasn't there. :sad2: He even seemed to have an italian accent. Like I said i was smitten. I will plan our trip to the hddr around his schedule. Great trip report I'm glad you are not finished yet. :woohoo:
im too new to post pictures.. but in that 2nd photo of that "best use of a tarp".... is that a volleyball net going across a stream?

Yes, but it's beach sand and not a stream. I think this is the 1300 loop playground and the site behind the volleyball court would be 1334.

North7 got this right. That is just a sand volleyball court, but now that I look at the photo, I see where the sand looks like water.

And, to confirm, that is site 1334- good job, North7.

It is a little confusing that Goofy is so anthropomorphized and Pluto is so dog-like. As for my absence, well some of it is probably that I still don't have a return to the Fort even in the planning stages, and some of it is that I have been doped up on Percoset for two weeks recovering from surgery (don't ask) and spending my days sleeping!

I'm confused by this statement, so I wanted to clarify. The fellow you pictured with your DD is my Six Bits, who's real name is Ben. I knew that he played Six Bits and the comic relief at the Luau, but only just learned (thanks to this thread) that he also plays Pirate (for the Jacksons?) and Chef Tony! And yes, TiggerInBama lurks around the first show of the evening to make sure that the proper Six Bits is dressed out and then, and only then, will buy a seat for the later shows (I assume cancellations are a pretty common thing). She and Ben seemed very familiar with each other... him kinda in the "should I consider a restraining order" sense of familiar, but familiar nonetheless! [Just kidding Kelly]. So yeah, she'd be a good resource if you can't corner the big guy yourself.

Shannon- I'm sorry to hear about your surgery, but I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend!

Anthropomorphized? Now, there's a word you don't hear every day.

Or, in my case, ever.

I can easily picture Ben and Kelly having a conversation. That would be worth paying admission to see!

Kelly- I know that you read the Disboards on occasion, so if you have any info on when the real Six Bits is at the HDDR, let us know.

OK, I told you there would be tales of a secret mission.

And, there will be.

Last month, WDW announced that its Golden Oak project was open for business.

Have you heard about it?

If not, you can read all about it here:

And, here is an excerpt from one of the press releases:

Golden Oak will offer a limited collection of single family custom homes priced between $1.5 and $8 million, with fewer than 30 home sites available for sale this year. Designed by Disney's famed Imagineers, the gated community will feature intimate neighborhoods and amenities created with everyone in the family in mind. Disney's well-known attention to detail is visible in every park, pathway and the custom-design of the proposed private clubhouse. Expansive conservation areas comprise almost half of the entire 980 acre footprint.

So why do we care about this?

Because it is right next to the Fort!

Look here:


See that drawing?

Look at this aerial photo:


The lots for these houses are right on the same canal that goes past the 1500, 1600 and 1800 loops.

So, do you think that a skilled canoeist could paddle from the Fort to Golden Oak?

Well, this GoogleEarth image suggests that it would only be about a mile and a quarter trip:


I've told you all before that TCD is an Eagle Scout.

But, I'll bet many of you don't know that he also earned his canoeing merit badge!



And, I once camped for a week on an island in the middle of a big lake in Canada. The only way on and off was by canoe.

And, I canoed every day for two summers when I worked at a Boy Scout camp in my teens.

So, I know the J-stroke.

And, how to feather my paddle!

And, how many construction workers do you think will be working on a Sunday morning which also happens to be July 4th?

Same question regarding security guards?

All I need is a canoe.

Don't they rent those at the Bike Barn?

Indeed they do!

So do you think I went for it?

It's time to tell the story of the TCD canoe reconnaissance mission.

To Golden Oak.

I had studied the maps.

And the aerial photographs.

It should be a piece of cake.

So, on Sunday, July 4th, I presented myself at the Bike Barn at Zero Nine Hundred.

There was already a customer ahead of me.

And then I was waited on.

The castmember asked how he could help me.

I told him I wanted to rent a canoe.

He said sure, I will need your KTTW card.

I told him that I intended to pay cash and did not bring my KTTW card with me, but that I would run back to the campsite and get it.

He said don't worry about it.

He gave me a nice release of liability to sign.

And said that the canoe course takes about a half an hour, so they charge for a half hour. I told him that I thought I might be a bit longer than a half hour. He said don't worry about it- they don't really keep track of the time, and it would be fine if I ran over. I told him I thought I might be an hour, or perhaps even more. He said don't worry about it, he would still just charge for half an hour.

With tax, it is just under $7.00 to rent a canoe for half an hour.

But, you can keep it for longer if you want.

At least I could.

And, it turns out, I was going to need it.

There was very little in the way of instructions or rules given. The castmember pulled a canoe down to the edge of the water and told me to head right, and keep turning right until I got back to the Bike Barn. He told me to take a life jacket, but I did not have to wear it. He said when I got back, I could just pull the canoe up on the beach and there was no need for me to check out.

And that was it.

I was off.

I did head right, as instructed, although it would have been quicker for me to head left.

But, I have never canoed at the Fort before, so I figured I would take the grand tour while I was at it.

I headed toward the pedestrian bridge that comes out of the 600 loop:


Here I am looking back toward the Bike Barn:


This is a campsite on the 600 loop, just past the bridge:


And, this site is on 1400:


This site is on the 500 loop:


You may have noticed that the water doesn't look so nice along this part of the course.

Well, I'm here to tell you that it was worse in person.

I believe that you could walk across this green stuff if you were so inclined.

Here is what it looks like when you go under the bridge between the 1400 loop and the 500 loop:


This is the remains of a railroad trestle:


You can see this if you walk all the way to the far corner of the dog park.

These bridge remains are at the end of the canal where it enters into the big canal that feeds into Bay Lake. I don't know why a bridge was here- it was not for the railroad. But, there used to be a bridge here:



The Fort Wilderness Railroad used to run right along this bank. I'll bet that there are tracks still there under the grass. It would be easy enough to the canoe up and get out for a look, but I will have to save that for another day:


This is where I was supposed to turn right, into the canal by the 1500 loop. There also used to be a bridge here:


There were no signs of any kind out here telling you where to turn, or, more importantly, that you could not keep paddling up the canal.

So far, so good.

Here is a camper and a clothesline on the 1500 loop, as seen from the canal:


And here we are looking down the canal toward Golden Oak:


You may have noticed that there are trees along the canal blooming with white flowers. These are not Magnolia trees. They are Bay Trees. They bloom in the summer. They are quite beautiful.

This is the 1800 loop, as seen from the canal:


This gate stands a bit down the canal from the 1900 loop:


That is the end of Fort Wilderness.

Now we are in the area of the Osprey Ridge golf course.

There is a bridge off in the distance. This is for the golfers playing the course:


And here we are at the bridge:


Houston, we have a problem.

There is an obstruction all the way across the water which prevents me from paddling under the bridge.

This does not surprise me.

I told you I did my homework.

I saw this image on Bing:


That's our bridge.

And the obstruction.

And, there is another one a bit further along.

So, this is a dead end.

I could portage.

I told you I have the canoeing merit badge.

Portage means carry your canoe.

But, there were golfers putting on the green just to my right.

Here they are:


And the beer cart had just driven by over the bridge.

So, there were people around.

And, after this, I would be paddling right past the golf clubhouse.

Which has window seating overlooking the canal, which looks a bit like a lake there.

Maybe nobody would say anything.

But, probably someone would.

And, I couldn't exactly say that I accidentally dragged my canoe around the bridge.

So, this mission was a fail.

But, not completely.

I got to see what it is like to canoe at the Fort.

And, I liked it.

And, you apparently only have to pay for a half an hour, but you can keep your canoe longer.

That's a good deal.

Here is what I saw on the way back . . .

This is the bridge near the Meadow Recreation Area. That's the 1500 loop on the left:


This is the pedestrian bridge that goes to the 1500 loop:


And this is the 1500 loop bus stop:


These campers on the 1300 loop had their own kayaks. I didn't see them use them at the Fort. I have always heard that you cannot use your own canoe or kayak at the Fort, but I have never seen that rule in writing anywhere. I wonder whether these people used their kayaks at the Fort:


This is the 1300 loop, as seen from the water, and another flowering Bay Tree:


And, here is the Meadow Trading Post, as seen from the water:


From here, I beached the canoe in front of the Bike Barn, and that was it.

I had the canoe out for just over an hour.

But only was charged for a half an hour.

Not bad for seven bucks.

I recommend it.

Even if you can't make it all the way to Golden Oak.

Next up . . .

Another mystery!

I was so hoping you would make it! I am so curious about this neighborhood. I mean, I can see myself buying a house in that neighborhood, if I won the lotter!y!

Great report, still reading, and still enjoying! popcorn::

Hooray! I love the canoeing pics!

I was seriously considering renting one on our upcoming Fort visit!

I do believe that I am now convinced. I only have $7.00 and about an hour to lose!

Nice reporting TCD! :thumbsup2

ETA: Just showed DS7 the pics and he very excitedly exclaimed, "I definitely want to do that! Definitely!"
...And, I couldn't exactly say that I accidentally dragged my canoe around the bridge...

Next time you need to come prepared with a few signs that say something like "Portage - 2 rods" and put them up on the sides of the bridges. That way you could say "What do you mean I wasn't allowed to do that. There are portage signs right there by the bridge..." ;)
I LOVE your canoeing pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My boys NEED to canoe at FW. I'm putting it on my list.

Thanks TCD ! :goodvibes
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