TCD's Thanksgiving 2010 Trip Report

Oh I need to see the said coffee mug contraption are there pictures ???

I'm thinking my Dad would be great one to come up with a contraption to hold the mugs on a golf cart that can be removed and reused for those of us who rent (SHOUTOUT TO KENNY). He maybe able to paint Fiend Greeeeeen !!!!!!!!
And I can't wait for the revisit to the TCDRMOG award winner from the TR.
Oh I need to see the said coffee mug contraption are there pictures ???

I'm thinking my Dad would be great one to come up with a contraption to hold the mugs on a golf cart that can be removed and reused for those of us who rent (SHOUTOUT TO KENNY). He maybe able to paint Fiend Greeeeeen !!!!!!!!
And I can't wait for the revisit to the TCDRMOG award winner from the TR.

Are there pictures?

What kind of question is that?

Of course there are pictures!

Here you go:


Looks like a great idea, right?

How about now?:


Real Genius?

Heck yes!!!

But not more Genius than bringing a water heater, sink and dishwasher combo for your tent site.

We ended the last installment of our story looking at some of Jeannie’s handiwork on the 700 loop.

While in the area, I walked down to the corner where Big Pine Drive and Fort Wilderness Trail intersect, and looked toward the 100 loop. You can easily see the decorations from the fellow there on the last site of the 100 loop from here:


Now, we are still on the corner, but looking toward the path that leads down to the Settlement area:


As I walked back to the 700 loop, alongside of Jeannie’s site, I snapped another shot of Jeannie’s decorations:


Here’s a shot of Hilda’s site. Notice that she is all Christmas. No Thanksgiving:


The folks on the 400 loop who had the Thriller display at Halloween are still here. They have decorated the back of their site with Christmas decorations:


Over at Jeannie’s site, she acknowledges the Thanksgiving holiday:


This is Jeannie’s train set-up. Pretty awesome:



Do you notice that big Mickey in the back of those photos?

Here he is:


Look at that!

Mickey has a gun!

Like the good old days.

And, not only that.

He has a rubber chicken!

A rubber chicken?

What the Fort?

I guess nothing says Thanksgiving like a rubber chicken!

These characters have set up camp in front of Jeannie’s RV:


And, here’s another look at Hilda’s site:


It is here that I will tell you about the controversy.

On one of my rounds around the Fort, I ran into Feisty.

She told me that a Disney photographer had just been by her site to photograph her Thanksgiving decorations. He interviewed her, and had her sign a release so the photographs could be published. According to Feisty, he found her Thanksgiving decorations to be the best. That made Feisty’s day. She is of the opinion that Thanksgiving decorations must precede Christmas decorations at the Fort. She asked me to tell Hilda about her recognition. So I did. Hilda told me to let Feisty know that Disney did not decorate the Magic Kingdom for Thanksgiving- they went right to Christmas-and if it is good enough for Disney, it’s good enough for Hilda. I told Feisty that. And Feisty had something else for me to tell Hilda, but I decided to stay out of their friendly squabble. I mention this story just so you know that sometimes people have disputes at the happiest place on earth. If only we all had such big problems.

Why don’t we take a break for a minute from looking at decorations?

We are getting close to the half-way point of this report, and I still haven’t posted any photos of my favorite site in all of Fort Wilderness.


Here you are:


On this trip, the lucky camper assigned to 617 had a big old tour bus.

An interesting big old tour bus.

Interesting how?

Well, for one thing, look at these wheels:


Here’s a shot from the front:


Just a couple of sites down, there was a guy with a tent in his truck bed:



Also on 600, there was a problem with the sewer:


Let’s review.

On Monday, it was Roto Rooter.

Today it’s these guys.

Something is going on around here.

I have a theory about this.

Two words:



Now you know why they are no longer on the menu.

I guess I had better stop telling people that they are available if you ask.

Over on the 800 loop, I snapped a couple of photos of two campers who were there on Halloween.

I have noticed this camper has been in the same site in the 800 loop for months:


I remember him because he has the whole John 3:16 verse on a decal on the back window of his SUV.

Also on the 800 loop, I found these folks:


They’re the campers with the dog pen and screen room way in back of their site, out by the dog walk.

You know, the ones with the No Trespassing sign?

Yes. Them.

In a trip report from earlier this year, I solved the mystery of a 5th wheel that occupied the same site in the 900 loop for over a year.

Guess what?

The 5th wheel is gone.

There’s a new travel trailer there now:


Look at the size of that trailer!

This one also appears to be owned by Lazy Days:


The sticker says it is 42’ long.


I am predicting that this one will remain in this site for over a year.

Start the countdown now.

And, I’ll check and report about it on my next visit.

I want to mention something here.

I have been sharing tales about Feisty. And Jeannie. And Hilda. And Thriller guy. And John 3:16 guy. And No Trespassing guy. And, you know what I have come to realize? There are a lot of lucky folks who get to spend extended periods of time at the Fort. In fact, on this visit, I had a nice chat with a few folks who winter every year on the 1700 loop. One of these campers told me that there are over 100 sites in the Fort occupied by folks who stay for the whole winter. Over 100! I was surprised to hear that. But, there were seven or eight on the 1700 loop, and there are a handful on most of the other loops, so I believe what that camper told me. Some of these long term campers are easy to spot. But others just blend in. No wonder Disney doesn’t offer discounted rates for long term stays. Why should they if they can get over 100 folks to pay full price for their long term stays?

Coming up . . .

More of our Tuesday at Fort Wilderness.

And, you will hear about where you can purchase a genuine souvenir with Musket Mickey on it.

Right at the Fort!

Love the Christmas decor pics!

I will say that it was wise to get out the Feisty/Hilda controversy while the gettin' was good. Since I have a few miles between me and the Fort, I will admit...I'm with Feisty. Thanksgiving deserves to be recognized. IMO. Nice work Feisty.

The bus with the spikey wheels looks like he could take you out on the interstate if you cut him off!!! Good Lawd! Reminds me of the guy in the movie Grease in the big race. Fierce!
OK i will start a list who wants a custom made Fiend Greeeeeeeeeen mug holder that can used on golf carts !


Thanks TCD your the best !
Love the Christmas decor pics!

I will say that it was wise to get out the Feisty/Hilda controversy while the gettin' was good. Since I have a few miles between me and the Fort, I will admit...I'm with Feisty. Thanksgiving deserves to be recognized. IMO. Nice work Feisty.

The bus with the spikey wheels looks like he could take you out on the interstate if you cut him off!!! Good Lawd! Reminds me of the guy in the movie Grease in the big race. Fierce!

As much as I hate to pick sides, I am also on Team Feisty.

I don't expect much.

Just throw a turkey (or rubber chicken) in your decorations between Halloween and Thanksgiving. That's all I ask.

Yeah, I don't know what is up with those wheels.

I can't comment on your Grease comment.

I have never seen that movie.

It's for chicks.

I thought the wheels were more like from a Mad Max or other apocalyptic/end of the world type movie.

OK i will start a list who wants a custom made Fiend Greeeeeeeeeen mug holder that can used on golf carts !


Thanks TCD your the best !

While you are in your creative mode, please see about building a butt shield for the bike model. I think they would sell better if there was such a protective device included.

We all thank you in advance for that.

Option hinged heat shield


Thanks for including the pix of "One Man's Dream" from your day at Studios. I don't know if you are old enough like me to remember Disney coming on tv every Sunday night as a kid and what anticipation it was to hear the familiar theme song and see the fireworks over the Disneyland castle. I enjoy One Man's Dream when I'm at Studios. We're going to reach a point soon in the next generation or so that never saw Walt introduce his tv show every Sunday night in our living rooms.

I also loved the Walt Disney Story when it was at Magic Kingdom for so many years - often I would be the only one in the dark theater and I would watch it over and over. That's one reason why I love Carousel of Progress also at MK - it has that strong connection to "Uncle Walt". WDW will hopefully keep Walt's presence in a major attraction at one of its theme parks for a long time to come.

So thanks for the updates - keep them coming! popcorn::

Bama ED
While you are in your creative mode, please see about building a butt shield for the bike model. I think they would sell better if there was such a protective device included.

We all thank you in advance for that.


A butt shield would certainly be necessary if he had Cowboy Beans for lunch! :rotfl2:
I stopped by the dishwasher site on Saturday and talked to the people occupying the site. They were feeding about 60 people a day so they needed a lot of stuff. They were using paper plates but the plasticware was washed. The guy had a really cool setup IMO. They even had a gas oven with 3 burners on top. The dishwasher was being emptied behind the site. I asked if anyone had a problem with that and he said no because they were screening the food.
sorry not trying to jack this thread.. but are these benches and firepit commercially available anywhere?
Option hinged heat shield



The wheels are turning, aren't they?

You do know that most golf carts come with a lot of built in cup holders already, right?

But not six!

So please feel free to go right ahead with your project.

Who knows, I may be your first customer!

Plus I know someone who needs a butt shield very badly.

So, that would be your second customer.

You are on your way!!!


Thanks for including the pix of "One Man's Dream" from your day at Studios. I don't know if you are old enough like me to remember Disney coming on tv every Sunday night as a kid and what anticipation it was to hear the familiar theme song and see the fireworks over the Disneyland castle. I enjoy One Man's Dream when I'm at Studios. We're going to reach a point soon in the next generation or so that never saw Walt introduce his tv show every Sunday night in our living rooms.

I also loved the Walt Disney Story when it was at Magic Kingdom for so many years - often I would be the only one in the dark theater and I would watch it over and over. That's one reason why I love Carousel of Progress also at MK - it has that strong connection to "Uncle Walt". WDW will hopefully keep Walt's presence in a major attraction at one of its theme parks for a long time to come.

So thanks for the updates - keep them coming! popcorn::

Bama ED


Am I old enough to remember?

I feel like a silverback around here lately.

I will be turning the big Five-Oh on my next birthday.

So, I'm plenty old enough to remember.

Mrs. TCD is a few years younger than me.

But The Wonderful World of Disney (which I even remember as the Wonderful World of Color before that) is something that we both remember from our childhoods.

We grew up in two very different families. In two very different parts of the country, but both of our families had TV tables. And TV dinners. And we watched Uncle Walt on Sunday nights.

Good times!

I also love the Carousel of Progress.

I make the kids go on it every trip.

Every trip.

And, they don't even complain about it anymore.

I even have a very short Carousel of Progress anecdote which I will share when we get to Wednesday in what is becoming a rather long trip report.

A butt shield would certainly be necessary if he had Cowboy Beans for lunch! :rotfl2:


Absolutely necessary.

I stopped by the dishwasher site on Saturday and talked to the people occupying the site. They were feeding about 60 people a day so they needed a lot of stuff. They were using paper plates but the plasticware was washed. The guy had a really cool setup IMO. They even had a gas oven with 3 burners on top. The dishwasher was being emptied behind the site. I asked if anyone had a problem with that and he said no because they were screening the food.


I was visiting one of your girlfriends on Thursday night when her phone rang, and it was you on the line. She even had a custom ring tone for you. She said you were hacked because they were trying to put you on the 1900 loop. I left on Friday morning, but I expected to run into you sometime Thursday night or Friday morning. I ran into Starbuc71 on Friday morning, and he told me he had met you, so I know you were around. Were you hiding from Mrs. TCD? What loop did you end up getting?

Another great TCD TR!

Question....what do people do with their elaborate decorations, such as the train, when it rains?

Jeannie has one of those EZ up awnings over her train display. But, others just take their chances. November and December are typically pretty dry months in Central Florida.

sorry not trying to jack this thread.. but are these benches and firepit commercially available anywhere?

No just at FW group camping area

I don't know about the firepit and benches.

The firepits must be purchased from somewhere.

I think Disney probably make the benches themselves.

There is a young fellow currently posting a trip report who says he is going to make one of these benches. If any of you haven't read it, I would encourage you to. It's a great report: My First Trip Report- Nov. 10-14th

I think this young fellow probably will make one of those benches. Maybe he could make one for you, too.

Before we move on with our story, I have a few more tee pee photos and information to share.

There are only nine more tee pee photos, so don't get antsy.

Since it was Thanksgiving week, and we knew that the tee pee enthusiasts would continue to arrive, we had to check out Creekside Meadow on Tuesday afternoon.

As expected, there were more tee pees:




Did you notice all those cones in the background of the second photo?

Here they are:


What’s this?

It’s a fire pit.

Dug by Disney.

For the tee pee lovers.

They are going to fill it with charcoal on Thursday.

And light it.

And throw a bunch of turkeys in there.

And eat them later in the day.

They do it every year.

Have you seen enough tee pees?

Some of you have.

But some of you haven’t.

So let’s compromise.

Just a few more.

And, we’ll keep this post short:






Alright, now we can all agree that we have seen enough tee pees.

At least for now.

So, we shall move on.

And see what else there was to see.

And , I will tell you about the Musket Mickey.

In my very next installment.

I promise.

There is a young fellow currently posting a trip report who says he is going to make one of these benches. If any of you haven't read it, I would encourage you to. It's a great report: My First Trip Report- Nov. 10-14th

I think this young fellow probably will make one of those benches. Maybe he could make one for you, too.


Thanks for recommending my trip report TCD!

I'm still enjoying yours as always. :thumbsup2

For the bench, I'm still pretty much in the research phase, it might be a while before I get around to building one for myself. I don't think it will fit in down here in my South Florida community. :guilty:

But now that I think about it, it would be a good christmas present for my mom's log house in Louisiana. OR maybe it could be my knew business, log benches for sale.

Hmmm....I'll keep you updated.....I need to go find a log.
I don't know about the firepit and benches.

The firepits must be purchased from somewhere.

I think Disney probably make the benches themselves.


The fire pits were made right there at the Fort by the blacksmith and the benches are also made at the fort
For the bench, I'm still pretty much in the research phase, it might be a while before I get around to building one for myself. I don't think it will fit in down here in my South Florida community. :guilty:

But now that I think about it, it would be a good christmas present for my mom's log house in Louisiana. OR maybe it could be my knew business, log benches for sale.

Hmmm....I'll keep you updated.....I need to go find a log.

If you do make a log bench, please be sure to share some photos of it here!

The design looks pretty simple.

But, you would be working with some big pieces of wood- so it would be quite a project.

The fire pits were made right there at the Fort by the blacksmith and the benches are also made at the fort

I didn't know that.

I suspected that the benches were made at the Fort, but I didn't know about the firepits.

Thanks for that info, Todd.

For those of you who are not familiar with DisCamper, he used to be a Fort castmember, and he has also spent way more time at the Fort than most of us, me included.

I meant to mention that for some reason there was a spare metal firepit at the one shown in my photo, you can see it right at the left edge of this photo:


Now that we have those tee pee photos out of the way, let’s continue on with the TCD gang’s Tuesday afternoon at the Fort.

During one of our looping excursions, we saw these folks setting up on the 1500 loop:



This may not look like much to you, but these folks had the biggest blue tarp I have ever seen used at the Fort. Once they had it set up, it covered their entire campsite. The whole entire campsite. Then, they set up their tents beneath it. I meant to get a photo of the finished product. But, it took them so long to get the tarp up that it was too dark for a good photo on Tuesday, and then I forgot to go back for the shot. You’ll just have to take my word that it was quite a sight. Very big. Very blue.

The folks with the Herbie the Love Bug tow vehicle had their cart down and ready to go on Tuesday:


I’ll jump ahead of our timeline here to share that I ran into our own Starbuc71 in the Pioneer Hall golf cart parking area on Friday morning. He was driving his sweet Herbie cart. I told him to make sure and check out these folks. I’ll bet he took some side by side photos. (hint, hint)

Later in the afternoon, as I was making plans for dinner, I realized that we needed some real butter for something that I was going to make.

So, we made a run to the Meadow Trading Post.

I hate the fact that golf cart traffic is blocked on the bridge.

And, I also hate having to drive all the way around to get to the Meadow golf cart parking area.

So, when I am over in the 1500-1900 loop area, I park in the grass at the base of the bridge on the pool side, walk over the bridge, and use the back door to enter the Trading Post. That isn’t so bad.

As we headed over to the Trading Post, I casually took this snap shot:


That’s all it is.

Just a snap shot.

But, sometimes it is good to stop and really look at a photo.

And I suggest that this is one of those times.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

And, I think this one is.

Actually, it's worth more than a thousand.

Take a moment and look at all that is going on in this one photo.

It’s just a quick shot taken on a Tuesday afternoon.

But, if you look, you will see this tent set up behind a site on the 600 loop. What a great place to camp. What a view those lucky folks were treated to on this trip:


(This and the next three photos are zooms on the same photo)

And here, we see an egret enjoying his day at the bottom of the photo, and two lucky campers enjoying a canoe ride out in the lake:


And here, we see what looks like a father and son getting ready to load up in a canoe, and across the lake, a couple just sitting out in the sun behind their site, taking it all in:


And here, we see a bunch of kids who parked their bikes and are gathered around a picnic table to work on a craft:


All of that in one little photo.

And this is just one little corner of Fort Wilderness.

On a pretty typical Tuesday afternoon.

And folks wonder why so many of us are crazy about the Fort?

Now, here’s a shot taken within seconds of the one that we just took a closer look at:


Now you see that a couple of kids have entered the shot. They are wearing bathing suits, and wrapped in towels. They are coming from the pool. It was in the 70’s on this November afternoon. Some of you reading along were probably someplace where it was cold. Or snowing. But, here at the Fort, folks were just enjoying a typical warm November afternoon.


That’s what it is.


Speaking of the pool, as we headed over to the Trading Post, I took this photo of the Splash Zone:


And, here’s a shot of the pool taken from the bridge:


I won’t go through the whole zoom in exercise again with these photos, but let me point out to you that there were a lot of kids enjoying the splash zone. And, a lot of folks in the pool. On a typical November afternoon.

We went in to the trading post through the back door.

And, I noticed something new immediately.

It was a pressed penny machine:


I hear you.

That doesn’t look new.

It sure isn’t.

In fact, it's quite old.

But, it is new to this location.

I haven’t seen this particular machine for years.

My best recollection is that this particular machine used to be set up near the ticket window at Pioneer Hall.

But today it was sitting in the Meadow Trading Post.

It wasn’t there on any of my previous visits this year.

About that, I am absolutely certain.

So what’s the big deal?

I’ll tell you.

Look at the design on the pressed penny on the far left:


It’s Musket Mickey.

That’s a big deal.


Musket Mickey has all but vanished from the Fort.

But, here he is!

On this ordinary Tuesday afternoon.

And, for a mere investment of $.51, I was able to purchase a pressed penny.

Here it is:


I wonder what happened here?

Why has Musket Mickey returned?

What does this mean?

I don’t know.

You might think I am happy about this.

But I’m not.

Do you want to know why?

I’ll tell you.

When I got home, I compared this pressed penny to some which I recently found from one of our visits to the Fort from long ago. That’s right, I recently found some old Fort pins, and some old Fort pressed pennies. The new one was identical to the old ones. Identical. So, there goes my idea of selling my old ones on Ebay.

If you have plans to visit the Fort anytime soon, make sure to bring two quarters and a penny, and stop by the Meadow Trading Post. Somehow, I don’t think Musket Mickey will be there very long.

Anyway, we didn’t go to the Meadow Trading Post to get a pressed penny.

We were there to buy some butter.

Which we did.

I will leave out the price.

I don’t want to put a damper on my report.

As I paid for my purchase, I noticed that the checkerboard was open.

I issued a challenge to my DD.

She accepted.

There was a display of some odd Mickey Mouse grabber thingies there next to the checkerboard, so my DD borrowed one to use while trying to beat the old man:


There weren’t many customers in the trading post while we played, so the castmembers at the register were watching us and laughing. I guess that ‘s a pretty boring job.

Eventually, we reached the point that we always reach. My DD saw that things were not going to work out in her favor, so she “accidentally” bumped into the board, and all of the pieces moved. It happens every time. Only sometimes it is me doing the bumping. We have never actually finished a game of checkers. Has anyone?

Well, when we got done with our game, one of the castmembers walked over and asked who won I told her no one, but that I would have had it not been for the “accident.” She asked for my first name. I told her. She said hold on a second. She walked over to the register, and wrote on something, and then came back to the checkerboard. She had a certificate declaring that I was the checkers champion of Fort Wilderness, and she also presented me with a gold crown! And a couple of Mickey Mouse stickers, too.

How about that?

More pixie dust.

While in the trading post, I noticed that they at least had a few Christmas decorations:



I headed out of the trading post and back to the cart.

Sporting my crown.

Back at camp, we all enjoyed some hammock time:


Here’s a view from the back of our site, looking toward the four way stop:


Here’s what I saw looking up from the hammock:


I love that view.

I could lie there all day looking at that view.

And all night, too.

Here’s the view looking from the hammock out toward the back of our site:


The sun continued to sink lower and lower in the sky:


And, then it was Tuesday evening.

We would eat at the site, and then head over to Hollywood Studios to use our Toy Story and Rock ‘n Roller Coaster Fastpasses. Plus it was EMH at Hollywood Studios.

So, we had a fun evening in store.

We're going to reach a point soon in the next generation or so that never saw Walt introduce his tv show every Sunday night in our living rooms.

WDW corp should release those on DVD or as a set, ( or have they?). I would buy that. I was born after he died, but have seen some short pieces of them.



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