TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

I have found that I can easily go to McDonalds and still stay in my calorie range for the day. I have become an expert in studying menus and nutrition info before going out, especially to fast food places. I know how many calories are in chicken nuggets and especially the snack wraps. Those are my favorite things to get and I even get the crispy instead of the grilled as I just don't find the grilled that tasty. We don't do it often anymore but sometimes with our schedules we just need to. As long as I drink my water too I'm going to be ok.

Been very good today in preparation for dinner and dessert out tonight! A little behind on my water but I'll keep drinking for another 90 minutes until we go out.

Watching HP on family channel right now. Just saw an awesome preview for DH Part 2! Can't wait.

Have a great night and keep those weigh ins coming! I'll put them on the spreadsheets tonight!

TTFN :tigger:
Hi everyone
I was just added to Team Mickey, just wanted to say Hi, I am very excited about this, I wish I had seen this thread sooner, but I am very excited about getting started. I have 2 trips to disney world coming up, one in June and one in October and I would really like to lose before June, its the first time in a loooooooong time that I have been to WDW in the summer, we always go in the fall, so I am worried about the heat and I know dropping a good 15 lbs would be wonderful before our trip and hopefully I can lose 30-40 before October.....
Are you going to keep weighing, just not report? We've had other folks who have decided to just go to "maintain" for a little while to get a mental break from the whole idea of weight loss. Just let Tracey know if you would like to do that.:goodvibes

So I took today and did nothing.

Well I plan to keep weighing, just not reporting. I send in my weight and then look at the numbers when Tracey posts them and it just continually shows -33.33...not good for my mental state :rotfl: But moving to maintain, that is a good idea that I haven't thought of :thumbsup2 I'll think about it this weekend. Ideally I would like to be losing, but the idea of maintaining, again, would probably be better for my mental state :rotfl:

Good for you taking the day off :banana:

this is me exactly! i started eating EVERYTHING using the excuse that i'm running so i can chow down!

i'm interested in this watch. i'm going to google it after i'm done with this post. sounds pretty cool. sorry about the plateau. this weight loss thing is enough to drive you (me) bonkers.

but why oh why must toddlers really ruin it?? lol. can't wait til DH gets home (have i mentioned that a million times already??).

And running nearly makes me starve to death. When I started running my metabolism shot up through the roof, so I'd get home from work starving! So naturally I'd reach for nearest food available :scared1:

I really think you should check this watch out. Now it doesn't have a pedometer, but I measure my route via the car the night before I run outside :laughing: otherwise I'm using the treadmill, so it's not a loss for me. My plateau was one of the reasons I got the watch, but I definitely will keep weighing! It's just really hard for me to see the negative number after the weights are submitted.

Don't you just love toddlers? :eek: I bet you're counting down hours until DH gets home :rotfl2: I know how you feel, I've got my own. I always tell people I have a 2 year old going on 16 :laughing: And for the life of me I can't figure out how those little legs move like stealth...I'm short and when I run, I can guarantee you I don't move that fast :confused3 And don't get me started on the energy, I swear my kid is drinking coffee behind my back :laughing:

Afternoon Team Mickey!

I'm hoping for another On Plan day today. I'm getting a really late start to the day. We were up extremely late last night and then I couldn't fall asleep. I'm going to grab a protein shake here in a few and get my day started.

I don't remember if I posted about it on the board or not but we are expanding our business. We have a towing business (named Angel's Towing after the passing of my late husband and 2 year old daughter). Well long story short Alan got to talking to one of the people he towed a car for and we now have a automotive shop and storage lot that we are going to be renting every month. So, we are in the process of getting everything in order for that. I got office supplies bought, we got the new tile floor laid down, everything is painted, now to get the water and electric hooked up. Then I can call and get the internet and phone connected. Yes, you read that right Alan and a few of his buddies not only painted but laid tile with no power. It was definately an interesting few days.

Plans for the day:

I need to eat and when they swing by to get me we have to go to the city and pay to get utilities hooked up. Then depending on what time it is I need to do some more shopping for things that we need at the shop. Hopefully later today or tonight I can get some homework completed and jump on the treadmill.

Congratulations on the new business. I'm sure it will be a lot of work, but hopefully it will all pay off in the end.
I am feeling much better today. Certainly not 100%, but I made it to my interview and got Nick to his doctor's appointment and I'm still awake :lmao:
The interview went really well. I met with 2 women and one commented that I am perfect for the job and all interviews after mine will pale in comparison. Now I've really got my hopes up, but I need to stay grounded as I've thought things went well before and it turned out that I didn't get the job.
Nick is finished with his acne treatments so hopefully he will never need to worry about it again. He does have some scarring so if the redness doesn't go away or if the scarring bothers himm he could have laser treatments next year. We know that we need to keep an eye on our other boys before we get to the scarring point. Unfortunately Nick has gone to the dermatologist in the past, but prior things didn't work.
The scale was down for me this morning, but I wonder if it will stay down or if it is just because I've been sick.
Woo hoo. Are you excited? I cant believe its so close! Do you know of anyone else from BL that is going?

Tomorrow is a brand new day!

Your fish extender gifts look great. They would work for kids or adults. I am excited for the cruise. I can't wait to get back on the west coast. I am also excited to sail under the Golden Gate Bridge.

I would be willing to coach but I cannot do either of the weeks that are left, as I will be away. Would someone who is signed up be willing to switch weeks?

Just keep swimming!
I really think you should check this watch out. Now it doesn't have a pedometer, but I measure my route via the car the night before I run outside :laughing: otherwise I'm using the treadmill, so it's not a loss for me. My plateau was one of the reasons I got the watch, but I definitely will keep weighing! It's just really hard for me to see the negative number after the weights are submitted.

That's so funny, I do the same thing! (driving to find out my distance).

I am feeling much better today. Certainly not 100%, but I made it to my interview and got Nick to his doctor's appointment and I'm still awake :lmao:
The interview went really well. I met with 2 women and one commented that I am perfect for the job and all interviews after mine will pale in comparison. Now I've really got my hopes up, but I need to stay grounded as I've thought things went well before and it turned out that I didn't get the job.
Nick is finished with his acne treatments so hopefully he will never need to worry about it again. He does have some scarring so if the redness doesn't go away or if the scarring bothers himm he could have laser treatments next year. We know that we need to keep an eye on our other boys before we get to the scarring point. Unfortunately Nick has gone to the dermatologist in the past, but prior things didn't work.
The scale was down for me this morning, but I wonder if it will stay down or if it is just because I've been sick.
Good Job! crossing my fingers for you!

I was so excited yesterday when I got home at 8:45 pm it was still 60 degrees! I got to go out for my run after all! I was planning to go to the gym today after work, but I ran late. Luckily it was still warm today, so I went home for a quick mile around the block.

I bought the new BL cookbook today. There are some good recipes, I tried one tonight for dinner. It was fish tacos, it was really good! I am not that big on tacos, so it was a nice alternative.
I am down this week again 2lbs!

Great Job on the loss again this weight. I am so impressed that you finished in such pain. I saw so many people at the med tents with ice on their feet or legs and getting wrapped up. I was thanking god that I remained healthy through all my training. Keep up the good work.

I've also decided to quit submitting my weight until I break this plateau. I really think it is starting to seep into my subconscious and it's making me depressed, so as long as I'm not reporting it, I can try not to focus on it so much. I'll just keep doing my exercise and watching my foods and until I break through it :hug:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Nicole :upsidedow

The most important thing is to do what is best for you so if not reporting helps than so be it. You will get past this dont worry.

It's been a hard week for me--issues with DS stressing me out, burned out on the food stuff, frustrated with my body. Wishing I had a mom to call and whine too. And on more than one occasion I just wanted to bag everything. I wanted to eat regular food. Drink regular beer. Not exercise ever again. I wanted to get in bed and pull the covers up and stay there. So I took today and did nothing. And it was nice.:goodvibes I was feeling so out of control of everything. And some things I still can't control. And that's ok. But some things I do have a say in--and those are the things I need to work on.:goodvibes

Hope everyone is having a good Friday.:goodvibes

Wow rose even with you having a rough and stressful week you still got in a workout 6 nights. you are amazing. Im glad a lazy day made you feel better and hopefully you can have a nice relaxing weekend to recoup. I hope the run goes well, I will be saying some prayers for ya.:goodvibes

this is me exactly! i started eating EVERYTHING using the excuse that i'm running so i can chow down! yeah, um, NO! and you are so right. falling into old bad habits is SO easy. what's hard is getting back on the wagon after a bad day (or week...or month...)

It is so tough Nancy but we can do it! Im sorry your day did not work out as planned....toddlers just arent good at following plans sometimes.:rolleyes1 They just have a mind of their own. Glad you got in a run and I am amazed at anyone who can run and push a stroller.:worship: I hope when dh gets home he will give you a few hours of quiet time.

Hi everyone
I was just added to Team Mickey, just wanted to say Hi, I am very excited about this, I wish I had seen this thread sooner, but I am very excited about getting started. I have 2 trips to disney world coming up, one in June and one in October and I would really like to lose before June, its the first time in a loooooooong time that I have been to WDW in the summer, we always go in the fall, so I am worried about the heat and I know dropping a good 15 lbs would be wonderful before our trip and hopefully I can lose 30-40 before October.....

Hi Kristy, welcome to our Team. It will be quite hot in june but my favorite part of visiting in the summer is the longer park hours. Good luck on your weight loss journey. We will be here for you !!!

I am feeling much better today. Certainly not 100%, but I made it to my interview and got Nick to his doctor's appointment and I'm still awake :lmao:
The interview went really well. I met with 2 women and one commented that I am perfect for the job and all interviews after mine will pale in comparison. Now I've really got my hopes up, but I need to stay grounded as I've thought things went well before and it turned out that I didn't get the job.
Nick is finished with his acne treatments so hopefully he will never need to worry about it again. He does have some scarring so if the redness doesn't go away or if the scarring bothers himm he could have laser treatments next year. We know that we need to keep an eye on our other boys before we get to the scarring point. Unfortunately Nick has gone to the dermatologist in the past, but prior things didn't work.
The scale was down for me this morning, but I wonder if it will stay down or if it is just because I've been sick.

So glad you are all feeling better and that you made it to the interview. I will be crossing my fingers for you. Is it a job that you are really interested in????

Ok my plans changed yet again. Since it was so nice out we decided to go to my nana's again for dinner. My kids love to play with their cousins so we went over for them to all play outside together. I had grilled chicken, salad, and a very tiny portion of rice. My nana had made fried fish but I passed even though it is delicious. She makes stewed tomatoes with her fish so I had a small serving of that as my veggie. Now here I thought I was making a good choice until I was on my last few bite and I asked what type of tomatoes she buys. She said she uses a can of whole tomatoes. I asked what spices she uses and heres the good part. Butter and Sugar :eek: I mean really!!!!! I actually had to laugh by this point what else could I do.:confused3

So I guess I still did ok. Even with eating fast food last night I ended up being down 1.8lbs from yesterday although it was only .8 from monday. So I am really trying hard to have the scale continue to move down over the weekend for my weigh in on monday.

Tomorrow is going to be a rainy day so it will be a stay at home relaxing day...with a bit of cleaning thrown in to.

Talk to you tomorrow
Girls, You need to try

You can your run before or after to see the distance. hubby is obsessed with it!

Hi everyone
I was just added to Team Mickey, just wanted to say Hi, I am very excited about this, I wish I had seen this thread sooner, but I am very excited about getting started. I have 2 trips to disney world coming up, one in June and one in October and I would really like to lose before June, its the first time in a loooooooong time that I have been to WDW in the summer, we always go in the fall, so I am worried about the heat and I know dropping a good 15 lbs would be wonderful before our trip and hopefully I can lose 30-40 before October.....
Hi Kristy! Welcome! We will have another challenge this summer, too. When are you going in October? I will be there for the W&D race.

I am feeling much better today. Certainly not 100%, but I made it to my interview and got Nick to his doctor's appointment and I'm still awake :lmao:
The interview went really well. I met with 2 women and one commented that I am perfect for the job and all interviews after mine will pale in comparison. Now I've really got my hopes up, but I need to stay grounded as I've thought things went well before and it turned out that I didn't get the job.
Deb--so glad you are feeling better. I thought about you yesterday--I just kept forgetting to post! So glad the interview went well!:goodvibes

I was so excited yesterday when I got home at 8:45 pm it was still 60 degrees! I got to go out for my run after all! I was planning to go to the gym today after work, but I ran late. Luckily it was still warm today, so I went home for a quick mile around the block.

I bought the new BL cookbook today. There are some good recipes, I tried one tonight for dinner. It was fish tacos, it was really good! I am not that big on tacos, so it was a nice alternative.
Isn't it nice that the weather is improving? I haven't had to take vitamin d at all this week! My dh loves fish tacos.

Lindsay--I was smiling about the tomatoes.:goodvibes A little butter and a little sugar is not the end of the world. Congrats on being down again this week. And I think if I wasn't able to get 6 workouts in this week I would have completely lost it! I am going to go do a couple of miles on the elliptical this morning. Mike is at the park. It's chilly and damp which is making it easier for me to not be sad!;) Tomorrow it's supposed to be 70 so fingers crossed. My knee is feeling MUCH better.:goodvibes

Girls, You need to try

You can your run before or after to see the distance. hubby is obsessed with it!

Mapmyrun is fun to play around with. We used it until we finally broke down and got a garmin.

Good morning! I am really optimistic about getting a run in tomorrow. When I did zumba on Wedesday, my knee was a little sore Thursday. So we talked to a chiropractor and to my neighbor who is a personal trainer, and I have been attacking my itb with "the stick". Yesterday in zumba we did a lot of stuff that almost resembled running and I had no pain last night and no pain this morning. So, tomorrow I will run, and if it hurts Monday I will call for an appointment. I'm still hoping this was a one time flare up and not full blown itb syndrome. Mike and I were talking last night about the fact that if I didn't have a race scheduled I would have rested it better, BUT if I didn't have a race pushing me, I might have fallen off the wagon. Mentally these past couple of weeks have been a real challenge. DS called me three times yesterday with good news--so I don't have to worry about that at least! Anyhow, fingers crossed that things will continue to improve.:goodvibes

BRB with QOTD.
QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

Have a great Saturday!
HEY Everybody!

It's your friendly neighborhood weight keeper here asking a little favor!

If you haven't sent me a weigh in in the last 1-4 weeks, can you tell me that in your PM! I'm having to PM people back. It looks like several of you are returning from vacations and such and I don't want to cheat you out of a good weigh in.

Also, remember, it's your weight I need, NOT how much you lost! This also helps me keep the weights right on the spreadsheet.

And one last thing, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TEAM NAME IN YOUR MESSAGE TITLE so I don't have to go through 2 lists of weigh ins! I haven't removed anyone from the spreadsheets since the beginning so everyone is there!

Thanks and have a great weekend! Can't wait to be with everyone from both teams all the time! I'm looking forward to making new DisBuds and renewing old friendships!

(OK, I started this early evening last night but never sent it! OOPS!)

TTFN :tigger:
Good morning!

Dinner was good but they were out of the Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake:scared1:. The manager said they way underestimated how busy they would be since it's a fairly new restaurant! He said they were out of corned beef by 7pm on St. Patrick's Day! He said they'll prepare better next time!

I had fried bay scallops and fries. We also had some boneless wings, popcorn and I had a house salad. I also had an electric lemonade and a margarita! That's the splurge for the week!

Ash slept over a friend house and they we made 2 add'l stops before we got home. Izzie got ready for bed and I read her a chapter in her book. Then she went right to sleep. Brian and I watched part of AI from Wed. night but I dozed off! As usual!

We slept until about 7. I have to go into work for a 2pm client today so I'll have a shake for b'fast and one for lunch. I would like to add to my loss this weekend so I'm going to be good. We'll have turkey paninis on tortillas for supper. I'll cook up some bacon to have them with too. And probably some french cries.

Time to make breakfast for Brian and Izzie. Probably watch some HP today since they are showing the first 4 movies today and the first 5 movies tomorrow all back to back! SO if nothing else is on we've always got Harry!

TTFN :tigger:
QOTD: Last night was our night out for the weekend! I have a client later today so that will keep me focused. I have to teach Sunday school tomorrow as the two other teachers have the flu right now. Ash has choir practice after. Then I will probably run over to KMart and a grocery store for some chicken or I may do that after work today!

TTFN :tigger:
It is so tough Nancy but we can do it! Im sorry your day did not work out as planned....toddlers just arent good at following plans sometimes.:rolleyes1 They just have a mind of their own. Glad you got in a run and I am amazed at anyone who can run and push a stroller.:worship: I hope when dh gets home he will give you a few hours of quiet time.

Ok my plans changed yet again. Since it was so nice out we decided to go to my nana's again for dinner. My kids love to play with their cousins so we went over for them to all play outside together. I had grilled chicken, salad, and a very tiny portion of rice. My nana had made fried fish but I passed even though it is delicious. She makes stewed tomatoes with her fish so I had a small serving of that as my veggie. Now here I thought I was making a good choice until I was on my last few bite and I asked what type of tomatoes she buys. She said she uses a can of whole tomatoes. I asked what spices she uses and heres the good part. Butter and Sugar :eek: I mean really!!!!! I actually had to laugh by this point what else could I do.:confused3

So I guess I still did ok. Even with eating fast food last night I ended up being down 1.8lbs from yesterday although it was only .8 from monday. So I am really trying hard to have the scale continue to move down over the weekend for my weigh in on monday.

Tomorrow is going to be a rainy day so it will be a stay at home relaxing day...with a bit of cleaning thrown in to.

Talk to you tomorrow

running with the stroller really sucks. i mean, it's nice to get out with the munchkin and all that but it slows me down SO much and makes what usually an "easy" 4 mile run feel like an 8 mile run!

how come grandmothers always put endless butter and salt and unhealthy stuff in everything? and they never seem to gain weight! even with the added "flavor" to the tomatoes it sounded like you made some great decisions. plus, you wound up down which is great!

Girls, You need to try

You can your run before or after to see the distance. hubby is obsessed with it!


hi nancy. you know, i really love mapmyrun. that being said, i'm a little bit in a fight with them. lol! i used their app for my iphone for ALL my training for the princess half marathon. it was wonderful. it would play my playlist as well as use the GPS to tell me exactly how far and how fast i was running. it was a great and accurate way to see where i was running. it would then upload it onto the computer automatically and i could see it online too! oh, and i had it set that every 15 minutes it would tell me how far i'd gone and what my pace was!

i had it all ready on race day. and OF COURSE when the fireworks went off and it was time to start...the app crapped out on me! GRR!! ever since then it hasn't been working. it will record my workout but when i hit save it just stops working and doesn't record anything. WAAAHHH! i love that app! i need to find something to replace it. the site itself is really good too and they have challenges every once in a while like run 30 miles in 30 days, things like that!

Mapmyrun is fun to play around with. We used it until we finally broke down and got a garmin.

Good morning! I am really optimistic about getting a run in tomorrow. When I did zumba on Wedesday, my knee was a little sore Thursday. So we talked to a chiropractor and to my neighbor who is a personal trainer, and I have been attacking my itb with "the stick". Yesterday in zumba we did a lot of stuff that almost resembled running and I had no pain last night and no pain this morning. So, tomorrow I will run, and if it hurts Monday I will call for an appointment. I'm still hoping this was a one time flare up and not full blown itb syndrome. Mike and I were talking last night about the fact that if I didn't have a race scheduled I would have rested it better, BUT if I didn't have a race pushing me, I might have fallen off the wagon. Mentally these past couple of weeks have been a real challenge. DS called me three times yesterday with good news--so I don't have to worry about that at least! Anyhow, fingers crossed that things will continue to improve.:goodvibes

BRB with QOTD.

glad things are looking up! is the stick the rolly thing? my friend gave me one before the princess race. of course i forgot it but i've been trying to use it post-runs. feels great!

i think i need to schedule a race. i'm finding myself not as serious as i should be about getting training in for this marathon. sure it's a long time from now but i really need to build. i think there is a bronx half in august but not 100% sure on that. if i sign up for that it'll force me to run at least 2-3 days a week while we are away on vacation in may.

hope that knee continues to feel better. take it easy on your run!

QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

Have a great Saturday!

QOTD: well, DH finally got home last night around 1am. not exactly sure what we have planned this weekend but i do have about a million loads of laundry that i MUST put away. i think i'm going to head out in a little for a run. maybe 4 miler. (need to start increasing but i'm just not feeling anything longer today). i think DH is going to take the little guy to the zoo. i wouldn't mind going but i also think they could use some bonding time. and i could use a break. my friend who just moved back to CT after living in costa rica for 7 years (like, literally in the jungle) is off today - she is running an organic farm up there in CT, what a hippie:hippie: - is off today and texted me last night that she wants to come down and hang out. i think i might make her go to the movies with me. that part wouldn't normally fit into my healthy lifestyle b/c i LOVE movie theater popcorn. but since i'm off processed foods i'll just have to bring a water and i dunno, some carrots or something to snack on. of course she is 5'10" and has difficulty keeping weight ON so i may want to attack her food.

i want to think of something fun to do tomorrow. it's very lame that we live in nyc and sometimes i can't think of what to do. ooo! maybe a trip to central park and go to the zoo there?? we are members at the zoo and get in free at the other zoos in the other boroughs. could be fun. high is 50 today and tomorrow. not bad! (though our high of 70 yesterday was awesome!)
Back for the grocery store and KMart. I tried on a pair of size 6 jeans!!!! They fit nicely but weren't on sale so I bought Izzie the new Barbie movie on DVD. We have all of the movies and the girls love them! She's already watching it. She and Brian had just seen the commercial for it when I got home and she commented on how much she wanted it so it was kind of funny. She thought she'd have to wait for Easter. She says I'm the best mom in the world! I probably should've waited until next week when I go away but she was very good shopping the other day and didn't beg for anything. The movie was the same price that my jeans are when they are on sale. I figured I could wait an extra week or two for the jeans. The size 8 black jeans fit nicely too! I usually have to buy a size up with the black jeans.

Got about 12 pounds of boneless chicken breast so we are definitely set for the rest of the month and part of next month for food. Brian found some Indian butter chicken sauce the other day and I really want to try it. That will be dinner tomorrow afternoon. He will be in charge of that. I also got some shredded cheese, brick cheese, deli ham for Izzie and some salami for Ashleigh. I may add some of that to our paninis tonight too. I got more skim milk as we go through it like crazy here now. The girls are hooked on strawberry milk. I also got two big packages of strawberries as they were really cheap. I may make some shortcake tomorrow though I will be the only one having strawberries on them.

Feeling good about this weekend. I plan on working out again sometime tomorrow. I have one client this afternoon so that will be my exercise. I've had a shake and I just made myself some tea and then I will be chugging water the rest of the day. I may have a margarita later if the mood hits me!

TTFN :tigger:
QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

Have a great Saturday!
For fun--today I went to the Y:goodvibes, this afternoon we are watching UK bb at noon and then SDSU bb at 6:00 (Go AZTECS!!!--I'm an alum:goodvibes). We will probably go out to watch that game. Tomorrow I am going to attempt to run at the park. How does it all fit in--well, I can't have gluten, so I will be eating at home. I will probably have a hard cider (or maybe two when we go out). I will get my meal planning done for the week. We will not have chips and dip while watching the game--probably hummus and fruit and maybe a few scoops. (I love scoops!) And when we go to the park now it's to be active and not just sit. We are much more active than we were a year ago.:goodvibes

HEY Everybody!

It's your friendly neighborhood weight keeper here asking a little favor!

If you haven't sent me a weigh in in the last 1-4 weeks, can you tell me that in your PM! I'm having to PM people back. It looks like several of you are returning from vacations and such and I don't want to cheat you out of a good weigh in.

Also, remember, it's your weight I need, NOT how much you lost! This also helps me keep the weights right on the spreadsheet.

And one last thing, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR TEAM NAME IN YOUR MESSAGE TITLE so I don't have to go through 2 lists of weigh ins! I haven't removed anyone from the spreadsheets since the beginning so everyone is there!

Thanks and have a great weekend! Can't wait to be with everyone from both teams all the time! I'm looking forward to making new DisBuds and renewing old friendships!

(OK, I started this early evening last night but never sent it! OOPS!)

TTFN :tigger:
Thanks for the reminder--and thanks for being the weight keeper.

Please remember that even after the merge, to send Tracey your TEAM NAME along with your ACTUAL WEIGHT when you pm her.:goodvibes

Woohoo, for smaller sizes!:goodvibes

Nancy--glad your DH made it home safe.:goodvibes I hope you have fun visiting with your friend today. I can't even imagine running with a stroller at this point. If I even push one my back hurts! I don't have those Mommy muscles anymore.:rotfl:

I did four miles on the elliptical. Mike got home from the park at the same time. He had a really good run. He ended up running with a "local living legend" who he had never met before. He had the record at one point for running the most (16) 100 mile runs in one year. It's since been broken. I'm glad he had fun.:goodvibes I ran out to the corner with him, just to see how it would feel. It started twinging, but no pain, after a couple of minutes. So the plan for tomorrow is to run 2minutes walk 30 seconds at a very slow pace and see how it goes. I am still cautiously opptimistic. And if it hurts, then it's time to go see someone.:goodvibes

Enjoy your Saturday!

Oh, I forgot--the stick is a hard plastic thing that you use to roll out your muscles. I got it for my pf flare ups. It can be very painful to use but it's pretty useful. I would like to get a foam roller too. Our neighbor (who is a personal trainer) told me to start using it on my thigh/hip area for the itb issues and it has made a big difference. My knee is a lot less sore. And I could feel the knots when I started doing it. It makes me nervous sometimes, because I don't want to do more damage than good, but so far it's been useful.
Dumbo Nancy I am impressed you have an app and do all that uploading etc. I am very technology challenged. I actually gave Dh my ipod when his broke! LOL!

I posted about Mapmyrun, because several people said they go out and drive the routes! I have only ever figured out a route, nothing else.

I hope you can find out a great way to replace it!

Dh and I went for Mexican last night. It is my splurge food. I was pleasantly surprised as they now have a fajita Salad that was great. The onions, peppers and the chicken come on the sizzling skillet and then the salad comes on another plate. Yum. My downfall...those chips!!!

I hope I can flush out all that salt and weigh in low on Monday! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to coach! If you thought about coaching, but didn't get a chance, keep it in mind for the summer challenge.:goodvibes

3/25--3/31 tggrrstarr(Kelli)
4/1--4/7 lisah0711
4/8--4/14 keenercam
4/15--4/21 tigger813
4/22--4/28 mommyof2Pirates
4/29--5/5 mikamah
5/6--5/12 donac
5/13--5/20 Rose&Mike

On Friday, 3/25 we will start chatting on the main thread. That is where Kelli will post the first combined QOTD. Please let me know if you have questions.:goodvibes
QOTD--Saturday, March 19
What are you doing for fun this weekend? How does it fit into your healthy lifestyle? Is it different than it might have been in the past?

Have a great Saturday!

Today I turn 50 and we have an open house during the evening hours for friends and family. It is Seattle Mariner themed with all of the baseball trimmings (hot dogs, peanuts, cracker jack, etc) plus a few adult beverages and soda. Plus the cakes are recreations of the wedding cakes from my daughter's and son's weddings, since I did no eat cake at the weddings (too busy).

Does it fit into my healthy lifestyle? Not today, but I will not gorge myself, and I did my P90X this morning.



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