test Part 2

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Originally posted by edcrbnsoul
I have doen it in the Grand Canyon(north rim) and Bryce Canyon as 2 of my Favorites. Haven't done it at Yellowstone yet but its on my 2 do list

I think you need to post this on a craziest places I've done it thread!!!;)
Originally posted by MizlurksaLot
My day was actually pretty good, sorry yours wasn't :(

My friend asked me to be in her <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_1_110.gif' alt='Bride' border=0></a>wedding next April :teeth: (always a bridesmaid ~never a bride :p). But seriously, it made me really happy ::yes:: The only bad thing ~ she probably won't be able to go to Disney w/ me because of her knee :worried:

I know how frustrating kids can be ::yes:: ~ just take a few deep breaths ;)

I should probably get off in a bit, my grandmother will be calling soon ~Pop-pop had an MRI today, to make sure he dosn't have a tumor on his pituitary gland :worried: Send some prayers and pixie dust his way please.

good luck Pop-pop!! And congrats on the wedding. That will be a blast:D The bachlorette party should be a thing to look forward too :smooth:
onecoolmama, you are getting way ahead of ed, he will be after you something fierce:p

Jules, hope you get a good call from your grandparents with good news....those kinds of things are always so stressful...the waiting is the hardest part:sunny: Oh, what fun for you to be in a wedding....all the planning etc. are what's fun...just make sure she picks you a pretty dress that you can use again..;) I remember being in a wedding once and the dress was ok, but she had us wear these funky hats...:( but again never could use the dress again.

I'll pop back in a little later....I read a little , dozed on the bed, so I'm feeling better about today's "events"....sheeshhhh, I was aggravated...I warned them they better be on best behavior tomorrow....or else......:p

Ed will be yelling in that canyon when he finally gets it "done" there...LOL::yes::
Originally posted by mickey4ver

Jules, hope you get a good call from your grandparents with good news....those kinds of things are always so stressful...the waiting is the hardest part:sunny: Oh, what fun for you to be in a wedding....all the planning etc. are what's fun...just make sure she picks you a pretty dress that you can use again..;) I remember being in a wedding once and the dress was ok, but she had us wear these funky hats...:( but again never could use the dress again.

we'll have to wait a few more days for the MRI results :worried:

LOL, I told her I don't care if she picks something hideous, but then I said "but please don't put me in something hideous :p" She laughed at that ;) I'm sure she'll pick something nice, she has really good taste ::yes:: But I honestly don't care ~ I hate it when bridesmaids start telling the bride what to pick ~ yeah I have to wear it, but it's only one day and it's her wedding. What matters is that she likes it ::yes::
Originally posted by onecoolmama
good luck Pop-pop!! And congrats on the wedding. That will be a blast:D The bachlorette party should be a thing to look forward too :smooth:

oh yeah :smooth: can't wait for the bachlorette party <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_4_2v.gif' alt='Bachelorette Party' border=0></a> The last wedding I was in was my sisters and I was too young to go to her bachlorette party <a href='http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb008' target='_blank'><img src='http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_6_11.gif' alt='Sickened' border=0></a>
LOL Jules. Since all of the girls in my wedding were my cousins, not only did they go shopping for dresses for me to choose...my aunts went with them:crazy:

In the end, I think almost everyone liked what I picked. The flower girls wore their dresses for their first communions. The jr bridesmaids wore theirs for school dances and graduation parties. And, I dont think most bridesmaid dresses are reusable.:D

But I wish I had people that had your attitude. Dont even get me started on my Maid of Honor:rolleyes:
I still cant talk about bush trimming without cracking up!!!
Originally posted by onecoolmama
LOL Jules. Since all of the girls in my wedding were my cousins, not only did they go shopping for dresses for me to choose...my aunts went with them:crazy:

In the end, I think almost everyone liked what I picked. The flower girls wore their dresses for their first communions. The jr bridesmaids wore theirs for school dances and graduation parties. And, I dont think most bridesmaid dresses are reusable.:D

But I wish I had people that had your attitude. Dont even get me started on my Maid of Honor:rolleyes:

were you the one who had like 5000 people in her wedding :p?
Originally posted by MizlurksaLot
were you the one who had like 5000 people in her wedding :p?

LOL! I had a few more people than most in my wedding.;)
Originally posted by onecoolmama
LOL! I had a few more people than most in my wedding.;)


and those are all your cousins :eek:? I have a lot of cousins too, but I don't think I'd have most of them in my wedding ;)
Actually I think we counted 12 people missing. The photographer took the pics at the end of the night. They are all on my moms side.

LOL Ed...we didnt require that much therapy.:crazy: :crazy:
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