

<font color=red>VMK Community Leader!</font color>
Apr 27, 2005

Yes, just a test. Reposting PM's here for reference.


Dis VMK fans - don't bother reading all this. Cutting to the chase, let's just throw something together and get it over with tomorrow? :)


VMK Celebration Contest

WDWLVR / diswdwlvr
Mom2RinJen / mainstreetlad
pumpkinfish / MissBelle
JeanJoe / CL_Bezoar

Things to find out / do:
[ ] how bad does lag get during Sat contest
[ ] how long do the judge(s) stay
[ ] which people have which items:
- diswdwlvr: Bling and Cursed storm; NO PIRATE
- bezoar: 3-star invis, 3-star pirate, fireworks
- mainstreetlad: invis, pirate, NO FIREWORKS
[ ] can we ask to borrow some pins from people? PIRATE and FIREWORKS needed
- cursed storm and Bling not tradable

- "Judging begins at will occur between 10:00pm and midnight Eastern on Sunday."
- Title of room? Celebration ____
- Dis something, Zeta something
- Band:
- "### and the Zeta Girls"
- "### and the Dis Girls"
[ ] too bad "Spice" is not a word; check if it's a SN
- room owner should probably not be performer
- remote control lights from a distance
- maybe cue timing
- open dividers / turnstiles
- boot hecklers

- seating
- stage / platforms; ?candle lights behind 3 performers for "halo"?
- guest dance floor
- 50th celebration posters

- mickey ears (probably can't get enough gold ears)
- matching clothes, shoes: what?

Performance tools:
- synchronized start for: dance, wave, emotes?
- fireworks
- pirate glitter trick
- bling bling
[ invisibility ]
[ cursed storm ]
- teleporter entrance? teleportation magic pin entrance (if SorcMickey!)
- chair spin entrance
- can a table or crate spin with someone dancing on it?
- plant people in the audience: catcalls, "I want to be a Zeta girl!"
- woot, woowoo, cheer, ...


Spin introductions:
- performers in seats facing away, spin seat around and take away

Glitter entrance: instant conversion from black to glitter performance clothes
- start all dressed in boring black
- open magic pin window; don't click anything
- clothing window open and changed to performance clothes, don't click OK yet
- quickly double-click Pirate costume and then click change clothes

Storm exit: cursed storm and then disappear
- activate Cursed Storm and then go to another room by globe menu

- Celebration theme
- 50th Anniversary mention

- each line said by different person, to minimize typing wait times
[ ] choose which stanzas; time probably very limited

Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)

There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you

Come on now

Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We gonna celebrate and have a good time

It's time to come together
It's up to you, what's your pleasure

Everyone around the world
Come on!

Yahoo! It's a celebration

Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration
Celebrate good times, come on!
Let's celebrate

We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight
Let's celebrate, it's all right


We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right
We're gonna have a good time tonight (Ce-le-bra-tion)
Let's celebrate, it's all right


Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on!
It's a celebration!
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)

(ad lib)

Come on and celebrate, good times, tonight (Celebrate good times, come on!)
'Cause everything's gonna be all right
Let's celebrate (Celebrate good times, come on)
(Let's celebrate)...


Contest 2: Celebration Showdown

When: Sunday July 17, 3:00pm — 10:00pm Eastern
Theme: Celebrations

Specifics: The room name MUST start with the word celebration to be eligible. Judging begins at will occur between 10:00pm and midnight Eastern on Sunday. Room owner must be in their room to be judged. Any rooms not completed and named properly by this time cannot be considered. Only one room may be entered per Player, please. Winners will be announced on Monday in our Newsletter.
Getting into the room via teleporter network

- go to the Dis Maleficent Lobby and use the coffin immediately to left of tea cup

- then you will end up in the theatre:
To do list:



[ ] cast: right now we have 5 girls, and SorcMickey (lead), and Bezoar (MC)
- Astryd may or may not be available (Happy Birthday tomorrow Astryd!)
- we can have 3 Zeta girls, or 4 (split up 2 and 2), but 5 may be too many
- also, good idea to NOT use all girls, in case someone can't connect
- in fact, remaining Zeta girl could be audience as plant, and if anyone loses connection, we could try to get her on stage, our "backup plan"

[ ] script, including details of costume change stunt
- welcome, mention celebration and Disneylands 50th
- introducing the Zeta Girls, one-by-one: girl turns on candle; bezoar flips chair around and removes chair; lady does pirate magic and costume change; end with wave emote
- introducing SorcMickey, flashy teleportation entrance
- lyrics (choose 2 stanzas)
- intersperse with fireworks, bling, but need to have fireworks recharged for end
- end with:
- everybody out to dance; planted audience members go out and dance
- fireworks from everyone, including planted audience members if possible
- all performers step to front of stage; simultaneous wave
- ?exit out of room after invisibility / cursed storm for a disappearing act?
- MC (Bezoar) needs to:
- say something again about the "Celebration Disneyland 50th" theme
- thank the judges, corporate sponsors?

[ ] need help with suggestions for this "choreography"

[ ] dance floor: really ugly card rugs right now
[ ] walls: just have four 50th posters now
- pictures of the Zeta Girls and SorcMickey?
[ ] costume choice for Zeta Girls, both before and after change; SorcMickey could just stay the same, seeing as he will have a big entrance? I liked the costume he chose (space sorceror)
[ ] each Zeta girl with different color hair? tiaras?
[ ] candles currently 3 different colors; you want them the same?
[ ] more stuff in room? decorations? treasure chests? tiki poles? rugs?

[ ] need some time tomorrow or late tonight to practice (mainstreetlad said she'd only be available late)
as far as the song, i would give each person one line at a time. that would require each person to print it out and highlight their lines. now we have to remember that when we are typing, we are also supposed to be dancing. So we can't have too many dance moves to keep up with unless we just use the dance feature.

I like the idea of the different colored candles and the girls wearing the same color as the candle they are in front of except for orange sandals. all must wear orange sandals. that way when we "sing" our bubble will be different colors and they will know that different people are saying it, kwim? Tiaras work I think

My pins stash is as follows: Invisibilty, pirate, money, and I am going to take back my fireworks from splash to use.

We definitely should have a practice or too with all people involved, perhaps even audience members. Also have a back up for each of the players just in case we lose connection, though i'm betting we don't. We have just a couple minutes to woo the judges.
Mainstreetlad, I agree with everything you said. One line each. Just use dance feature. (If you dance off your crate pedestal, I doubt I'd be able to move fast enough to get you back up there)


OK, here's a script. Hack and slash away at it. Think we can do this quickly enough? We may need to cut one verse.

I think it will be easiest just to alternate the lines through all the performers: SorcMickey, Zeta1, Zeta2, Zeta3, SorcMickey, Zeta1, etc.

"Welcome to the Celebration Island Live Show (concert not a dictionary word, I think), for the Disneyland 50th at VMK. I'm CL_Bezoar, and now.."

"Introducting the Zeta Girls."
"Zeta 1"
- Zeta 1 turns on candle
- Bezoar rotates chair to face forward, removes chair so Zeta 1 stands
"Zeta 2" "Zeta 3": repeat the same
"And SorcMickey"
- teleportation entrance; EMOTE WAVE
- throughout the song, SorcMickey can Inferno when he wants to
Audience members can feel free to chime in:
- "I want to be a Zeta Girl"
- "SorcMickey is so dreamy!"



VMK *******ized version of lyrics

Celebration time, come on!
Let's have a celebration
Celebration time, come on!

There's a party going on right here
A celebration to last throughout the ears
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
Our celebration party with you

Come on now


VMK Celebration and have a good time
VMK Celebration and have a good time

Woohoo! It's a celebration

"Thank you everyone! Happy 50th at VMK"


woohoo and dreamy are screen names


For comparison, snipped original version:

Celebrate good times, come on!
Let's celebrate
Celebrate good times, come on!

There's a party going on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We are gonna celebrate your party with you

Come on now

Let's all celebrate and have a good time
We're gonna celebrate and have a good time

Yahoo! It's a celebration
I need to get a life. Why am I doing this on a Sat night? Why don't I have my Harry Potter book?

BTW, SorcMickey already has a nice costume chosen: looks like something Michael Jackson would have worn during the Thriller days (the spaceman tops and bottoms, sorcerer hat)

Bezoar has nothing to wear. Any fashion tips?
I like the new words - think it will work great.

I think a practice or two would be good!
New word: dreamy apparently is a screen ID. SorcMickey can be 'dreamy' then :)

I've only been to like 3 concerts in my life. Anyone who knows what groupies in the audience should say, post your ideas!

I know we can say * faint * but I don't know about * swoon *.
JeanJoe said:
I need to get a life. Why am I doing this on a Sat night? Why don't I have my Harry Potter book?

BTW, SorcMickey already has a nice costume chosen: looks like something Michael Jackson would have worn during the Thriller days (the spaceman tops and bottoms, sorcerer hat)

Bezoar has nothing to wear. Any fashion tips?

Maybe black? It looked good when you were your green self with the long sleeve black shirt and black pants on.

No other suggestions, just tell me which zeta girl I am and what to wear. Did we decide on clothes?

The reason you do not have your book is because you cheaped out. I hope you get it soon. The deluxe edition is nice.
Hey Joe - thought I caught up with you last night in the Teleporter Lobby but you didn't answer so I think you were AFK while your character was standing there. The room looks great!

I agree with Astryd that all black would look good on you.

As for the audience sayings.

I like the I want to be a Zeta girl.

Could also be Zeta girls rock!

I heart SorcMickey!

This room is the place!

Things like that!
MissBelle, PrincessaC, SorcMickey, are you out there?

OK, for replies, we have: mainstreetlad, diswdwlvr, and astryd
- shall these be our 3 Zeta girls?

Stage right now is 7 crates wide, with arrangement: _X_X_X_ for singers

Alternatively, we can have 4 zeta girls: _XX_XX_ or X_X_X_X. Benefit of this is that at the end of the show, zeta girls can step forward and flank lead singer. Downside is that we lose a backup person AND decrease the number of people in the audience.

So, 3 or 4 Zeta girls?

Lost connection / boot back-up plan:
- MissBelle and PrincessaC: could you be in the audience dressed in black, but ready to switch to a zeta costume if we have a lost singer? I can probably move furniture fast enough to get you back on pedestal quick enough. Also: please come up with good things to say from the audience, and best times to do it without breaking up the lyrics. We'll count on you to start the fireworks from the audience, and to lead the audience onto the dance floor at the right time.

- SorcMickey backup plan: I will run out on stage. Doesn't look like I'll be doing furniture moving tricks that I thought I'd need to do during the performance. We'll lose the cool entrance and inferno though.

Please re-post here whether you have access to: Pirates, BlingBling, and Fireworks
- we have borrowed: 2 fireworks and 1 pirates

Everyone OK so far? Haven't heard from many of you. :)
Things for you all to do:

- decide on your costumes
- zeta girls decide on black boring pre-costume change outfits
- zeta girls might want to match in style, but have different colors; tiara / orange shoes / decide amongst yourselves on tops / bottoms

- decide on your costume colors
- candle colors are red, green, and brown. brown is sort of ugly. are there more candle colors that i don't have?

- audience lines. change my script, especially introduction and closing.

- figure out a time when we can practice it through!

Who's definitely going to be there?

BTW, I changed this Thread to instant email notification, you might want to as well. I will be in and out today.
I feel like I'm talking to myself, but another thing...

Given the fiasco yesterday with many, many rooms not being seen by judges, I thought we could try to maximize our chances of getting judged (although what exactly would help seems unknown):

- good title for the room needed
- ? Celebration VMK 50th live show and party ?
- anyone think the names come up in the list alphabetically? (I don't..)
- MissBelle yesterday experienced a slow room name change; remind me to change our room name early

- keep room well populated
- but not so full as to keep people out: maybe 12 total?
- unfortunately, frequent boot will likely be necessary, even for Dis
- post an advertisement on the Dis regular VMK forum?

- word-of-mouth
- if we practice before-hand and people see, we might generate talk
- could try to mention to any "staff" or well-connected people (Astryd? SorcMickey?)
Good morning!

Here's what I have:

I do have a tiara and orange shoes (though I'm not officially a Zeta girl yet):)

I only have BlingBling - no fireworks or pirates

I'm open to colors but have more green in my wardrobe than anything (I happen to like green)

I'll be here most of the day so just let me know when and where to practice. We definately need a walk through to get this all right.
Some thoughts on the name. What about Celebration Live at the VMK's (to make it sound like an award show.

Or Celebration Live at Studio VMK (if studio is in the dictionary).
According to the list, studio was in the dictionary before (although there have been dictionary updates, and some words may have been removed).

I'll title the room however people like :)

If anyone runs into SorcMickey, PrincessaC, or MissBelle / pumpkinfish, here or on VMK, could you ask them to check this thread and post an update on how they're doing?

I need to leave the house a bit. Hope to hear from you all.

diswdwlvr - I'll reserve 1 firework and 1 pirate costume pin for you. We have 1 remaining fireworks available.
Studio is in the dictionary. Tried VMK's and it wouldn't take.

Thanks for the loan on the pins - that will help.
Astryd said:
Maybe black? It looked good when you were your green self with the long sleeve black shirt and black pants on.

No other suggestions, just tell me which zeta girl I am and what to wear. Did we decide on clothes?

The reason you do not have your book is because you cheaped out. I hope you get it soon. The deluxe edition is nice.

I'll go with the black formal look then, unless I find a black or dark gray top that has the necktie.

Bought a copy of the Potter book today; will probably finish it before the one we ordered arrives. I'll probably donate the second copy.
JeanJoe said:
Bought a copy of the Potter book today; will probably finish it before the one we ordered arrives. I'll probably donate the second copy.

have fun reading lol just could not hold out huh?


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