That was the week that was - May 2002 - DAY ONE - Part 2 - ARRIVAL AT WDW

Fantasia Sam

I've been here so much longer!
Feb 5, 2000
A reminder of the players: Sam and Paul have both been to Orlando a GOOD few times before but with other parties. This was Sam's first time on-site and Paul's first time at not Q'ing for an hour for most attractions.

The story so far - oh good grief 2 reports and they still haven't even managed to get to the hotel room yet!! Paul and Sam had a superb flight out c/o BA, flying Club. Sam wallowed in luxury and they both enjoyed an exquisite fillet steak! Left plane and got to hotel in an hour and a quarter............

Day One – Part 2 – We’re at WDW!

The arrival report is to follow……..

The driver pulled into the Yacht Club drive way and I just felt almost numb-struck. This was my pure dream to stay at the Yacht Club, ever since I first walked around it, it has always been my favourite on-site hotel and I never thought I’d get the chance to stay here not without going even more into debt! One of the valets/bell hops came over and helped us with our luggage giving us a ticket to hand into reception on checking in.

It was now only 4.30 p.m. on a Saturday so I guess most people had already checked in. We didn’t have to wait at all and we seen straight away by a very nice young lady called Paige, who was very helpful. Everything seemed to be in order, I asked if they had any King rooms available but alas none but we had already been complimentary upgraded to a water view room.. result! She then asked us for credit card details etc and gave us our room key-cards, come passes, come charge cards! We were then given “white glove treatment” pass holders and were also given a voucher to pick up free pins.

The bell hop was called over and asked to show us to our room – he gave us a little description on the hotel etc and directed us to our room whilst he went and got our luggage. Our room was on the ground floor and we right down the other end of the resort near the quiet pool. We did indeed have a water view however it was obstructed by a massive bush! It didn’t really matter the room was just so gorgeous, I really liked the side by side sinks outside the bathroom and there was lots of storage space. Our luggage arrived and we unpacked first had a quick shower. We then went for a quick lookie of the resort to get our bearings. The resort seemed to be really busy as there was a big IBM conference in. We were going to the Magic Kingdom so we headed off to the bus stops. It was now nearing 6.00p.m. (11p.m. in our heads) but we were really excited as we were going to MK to watch Spectromagic for the first time. The bus arrived almost immediately and within 15 minutes we were going through the MK gates. I had never been on a bus all the way to the door before I’d always gone from the Ticket and Transportation Centre so this was a new experience for me and one that I was grateful for come the end of the night.

As soon as we entered MK we realized, very quickly, that it was heaving! I have never before been to MK on a Saturday or in May and made the quick assumption that this was what it was going to be like for the whole holiday. Paul on the other hand was used to the crowd having always been in school holidays. We walked up Main Street and went up through the castle to Fantasyland then down through to Liberty Square where we decided to go on Haunted Mansion. We were in line for about 15 to 20 minutes and we noticed that there were a lot of unaccompanied teenagers around (oh god how old do I sound) but they were just loud rather than misbehaved, I was keeping my fingers crossed that this was not going to be indicative of the whole holiday (what a grump I am!). Whilst waiting in line we realized just how hot and humid it was, so we were really relieved to be inside the air-conditioned room before riding the Haunted Mansion which I still love, it’s so clever and if you ever get the chance to do the Keys to the Kingdom they’ll tell you lots of secrets about this ride. We then saw that people were taking up their places already for Spectromagic and it was only just after 7.00pm so we went to get some food – Pecos Bills - and look for our own viewing spot.

We sat ourselves down outside the Liberty Tree Tavern on a bench around 8.00pm and I started to feel tired and told Paul that it was really 1.00 a.m. to us! He said that if I kept reminding myself of UK time then I would feel tired I had to think EST. I made some friends with a local couple who told us that it been very busy in the park that day and they told that the weather was unusually hot for that time of year and everyone was suffering from the heat… so god help us then!

The parade started at 8.30 down at Main Street and got to us about 15 minutes afterwards. I was absolutely mesmerized it was one of the most fantastic sights I’d seen. I was expecting about the same amount of floats that we get in the afternoon parade but the Spectro floats didn’t seem to stop they just kept coming and I just kept taking pictures. Everyone in costume must have been very hot what with the heat, humidity and lights! I was so pleased that I finally managed, after all these trips, to see this magical parade.

The park was open ‘til 10.30p.m. but I was now wiped out so we headed off to the exit walking through the shops so as to avoid the crowds. We left the park and whilst we waiting for the bus not only did we see the fireworks but we also got to see the Electro Water Pageant. The bus soon came along and from boarding to arriving back at the YC Paul spent the entire time trying to keep me awake for fear that he was going to have to carry me to the room. I stayed awake long enough to get back to the room and collapse into bed.


Pecos Bills – Magic Kingdom – Counter Service

Fast Food:
1 double cheese and bacon burger and fries
1 cheese and bacon burger and fries

Washed down with:
1 large coke
1 regular diet coke


Well they never said that counter service meals in the parks were cheap! Paul had been raving to me about these burgers and I was really looking forward to getting my teeth into a classic burger. It was really heaving in the restaurant but I was excited to be using my guest ID card for the first time. After you pick up the food you go over to a fixings station where you add freshly fried onions and bacon as well as salad items. I really like the hot cheese sauce to dip my fries into. Paul was disappointed that they didn’t have any BBQ sauce. The burgers tasted really good, fresh and meaty. My only criticism of this place would be that they don’t put on or give you lids for your sodas which is a recipe for disaster if someone knocks into you!
Great report Sam....

One thing caught my eye though....

"The IBM Conference"...why wasn't I invited to that being a loyal IBM Employee??? In 1999 we hired Jurassic Park in Islands of Adventure for a conference which was apparently superb. Alas I didn't go to that either :(

Excellent report, can't wait for the next.

Ahhhh a fantastic report which makes me wish that I were there right now. $18+ seems a lot for 2 burgers. I think that the prices have crept up a lot without me noticing. Carolyn
Isn't Spectromagic wonderful? I'm so glad you got to see it at last!
Pecos Bill is one of my favourite WDW counter eateries. I love the chilli fries and that fixins bar. I know I'm going to enjoy your reports, Sam - a girl after my own heart where food's concerned!

<font size=6>NEXT!</font>
Great report, Sam. Only problem is all that talk of food has made me starved:D
Sam what a fantastic start to your holiday!!! The Yacht Club sounds devine!!!

Another good report from Peco's i think i will definately try it out next time!!!



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