The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

Happy New Year Liesa! So happy to hear your health is improving. That really sucks about your car. Don't worry, there's light at the end of the tunnel!!!!
It's off to a good start. :) The new car is really nice, and I'm loving all the bells and whistles I've never had before.
Glad to hear that things are improving! Your grandbabies are adorable, and a great diversion from dealing with all that pain! Do you know a good acupuncturist? I have seen amazing results after a couple of treatments. Of course, some insurances don't cover holistic cares. Stay strong, and keep drinking that water!


Slowly they are, but the arm is still quite painful at times during the late afternoon and the night. It's simply going to take time to heal. Acupuncture is definitely something I've considered for pain relief and may very well look into that in my town. I doubt very much my insurance will cover it, but it doesn't cover massage either and I'm getting one on Thursday hoping it helps.
Now are you wondering if there are actually gnomes in the England pavilion?
Sadly, I was curious so I googled, and it seems there are none. To which I say, why not since that seems a very English thing to do.
I was also reminded when googling that it is actually the United Kingdom pavilion and not England, but I suspect I’m not the first to mix that up.
Funny, you should say that. It's a spoiler, but I actually used the "UK Pavilion" as my 'U' Letter this time. :) ... you'll see... :)

Remember back in the day when the Norway Pavilion had the little trolls you could hunt? I (and my kids even moreso) really loved to look for those. I think the UK really should have the gnomes as it does seem very culturally appropriate.
Wow! That sounds amazing!! I'm sure you'll both have an amazing time and memories for a lifetime. :)
My folks did a Mediterranean cruise about 40 years ago and still talk about it.

I think so! Kari and I, in fact, did a ton of planning today (I'm up here in here at her place in Washington) and we've got all of our shore excursions picked out and paid for. Shaping up to be a really fun time!!!
That... doesn't sound great (lack of sleep), but glad there's incremental change for the better.

It's.... incremental. A very "2 steps forward, 1 step back" sort of healing. I'm frustrated by the time it's taking but nerve injuries take forever. :( k
That sounds like an absolutely incredible trip! I am hoping for Ireland in August but there have been some major hiccups and may have to be pushed back to 2021.
I'm thinking I already ?? replied to this but just in case not, I REALLY hope you can get to Ireland sooner than later! But even 2021 isn't that far away and gives you more time for planning and saving for a great time!
I'm finally caught up on your report! I'm sorry I had gotten so far behind. I've enjoyed it all but I'm going to start quoting from the last update. I've also been keeping up with your recovery issues with the help of Facebook. I'm so glad you're finally getting better even if it's not as quick as you would have liked.

It's totally okay, Vanessa! I am writing more INfrequently than I'd like to but life is busy with new cars, family, holidays, and travel for myself too. The recovery still has it's ups and downs and last night I got the best sleep I've had in weeks; unfortunately, today has been one of more pain than I've had in quite a while.

I'm getting so back at forgetting things too.

Ugh, 50+ brain.

This sound so much like my DH, if we had been there I would have to say it was him.

LOLOLOL! I guess if you can't hold it... :sad2:

Oh noooooo! I'm sure this happens often when it's hot. It's really great that you helped as much as possible. I really hope she was better after some fluids and rest.

I do too. IV's do wonders for sure.

He looks very cool and laid back.

He does; I think it's one of my all-time favorite photos of him.

Not good at this but I keep seeing scenes from "Night at the Museum" flashing through my mind.
They are beautiful!
Good news on your recovery except for the lack of good sleep at night.

Hopefully the better sleep I got last night is an upward trend.

I'm feeling you here. DD ran her car through too much accumulated rain water and killed her car. I had to pass my car to her and now have a new car with a note. I was not happy about the note but she does now have a better car for while she's in Florida.

Oh man!!! It stinks having put it on credit, but circumstances right now gave me really no other choice except to buy another older piece of junk with high miles. I was definitely done with that. I hope yours that you gave Danielle (? it was her right? ) will last her a good long time! How nice of you to do that.
First, I got behind (again!) Second, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Third, I am sorry to hear the recovery has been slow and that the car issues creeped up, as well, but I love your enthusiasm that 2020 will indeed be a great year! After all, it's only just begun!

Happy New Year to you too! 2020 IS going to be great with a cruise to Italy/Greece, time with grandbabies, etc...

We, too, love watching the trains go by and appreciating the detail in the scenes! When we were there in December, it looked like there had been some squirrel wrestling meet or something as there were multiple big derailments and general disorder in certain parts of the display! Now THAT would be something to see!! I sense a sequel in the works.

I love when a little mayhem creeps into the train set... lizards, wind stuff, but I wonder what happened in that scenario you are talking about. That's weird! Maybe a litte too much Food and Wine Drinking Around the World?

We'd sure be sad if the train set was removed, but I would echo whoever said it earlier that the Great Train Story at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry is a favorite of ours, too!! So still having that would soften the blow.

Sounds like getting to both the Chicago one and the Hamburg one.
Sorry to hear about your slow recovery. I am just happy that there is progress!! Hopefully it’s just a couple of weeks longer than you expected!

Progress, any progress, is GREAT progess! but it's definitely 2 steps forwards, 1 step back. More good days than bad, but I still have a long ways to go.

the grandchildren both looks incredibly cute! So happy that you get to spend quality time with them!

I was sad to see my oldest and his precious family go back to Maryland now. But Rebekah is still here nearby with her little one that I'll get to see fairly often.
Your photo looks like a painting. It is gorgeous. :)

Thanks!! :) I love it!
My daughter is an operating room nurse and she gave us a tour of three of the operating rooms that they use. One of them included the table they use for spine surgeries and it was scary looking. I can't remember how it handled the arms, though. All I remember is the part about her crawling under the table to "adjust" the men. :)

EEK! That seems to make sense as I was told, the traction is pretty intense for these. Sadly, I think someone got a bit carried away... :(

I am sorry to hear about your nerve pain. It must have been horrible. Did your arm get any permanent damage? I experienced nerve pain in my left leg from a cyst in my spinal column. It was the worst pain I ever felt and medication hardly touched it. It was at its worst when lying down and best when standing. And there was no escaping the pain. And I have some loss of function now in that leg. Luckily, PT actually worked for me.

I really don't know yet. I'll be having my post-op on Wednesday afternoon and I'll ask what can be done if anything. This truly has been some of the worst pain I too have ever felt. It's unrelenting and constant. Some days are definitely better and I even have times of no pain (at least not much) at all. I am hoping some PT will work but need to get that clearance later this week.
I would have underestimated the recovery time, too. I hate being sick and it gets very boring, very fast.

Yes!! I still have some stuff I NEED to get done, like sell my old car, and some other projects I've been putting off. IF I didn't have that stuff to do, I'd be pretty bored. I love my job!

Your grandchildren are adorable and you are not old. :)

Aww, thanks. :) They are super cute, and while 50 and a little is youngish, I sure wish I had the energy of a 30 year old. LOL!

They need to develop better pain medications. I can't believe that they don't have more effective ones available yet.

They really do. I heard something very interesting at the desert museum I went to in Tucson this weekend: Apparently botanical cures and antivenoms, etc.. are becoming harder to develop now and have probably been maxed out for discoveries. So researchers are now turning to venoms and one was very recently used to develop a new medication for diabetes. Who knew?!

My sister did a trip like that this summer and she had a great time.

I super excited!! Kari and I did a bunch of planning today in fact.
That sounds like a wonderful trip. I'm trying to light a fire under my husband for Australia, Scandinavia or Greece. Yesterday we got mail from the Ohio State Alumni Assn advertising a trip to Greece, including Venice. (I've been to Venice but not Greece). He's a diehard Buckeye so I'm hoping that might be my in for a trip. (His college mascot is a nut, mine is an orange -- two very non-violent, politically correct figureheads!)
Doesn't it?! Italy has been a bucket list item for many years for me. A safari in East Africa is also up there. All that you list would be amazing and I hope you get to go very soon!! Start saving!!

Venice is part of my trip coming up. :)

Hmmm, that would be fantastic if an Alum group could actually get him there. I like how you think on the "in"! LOL!! I was a lumberjack (NAU) and a Bulldog (Hemet High)- violent? at times, and un-PC, but misunderstood. LOL!!
I think so! Kari and I, in fact, did a ton of planning today (I'm up here in here at her place in Washington) and we've got all of our shore excursions picked out and paid for. Shaping up to be a really fun time!!!
Say hi to Kari for me! :)
It's.... incremental. A very "2 steps forward, 1 step back" sort of healing. I'm frustrated by the time it's taking but nerve injuries take forever. :( k
Well... while I'm sorry to hear that
you're still in pain and it's taking
such a long time to recover...
I'm also happy to hear that
there is progress, even if slow.

Saw a bit of it with K when we came to Cali that first time (and saw you at the Annabella! Remember?) via Phoenix.
Yes, I do remember that! I also recall you riding horses with K in the desert. Where I was staying there was a horse ranch quite nearby.
Helllooooo! As usual I'm trying to get caught up, but have been following along on FB as much as that allows. I hope your recovery is continuing to go well...

I'm trying to follow without getting lost and having to search for the post...but lemme get this are going on a cruise? So much fun! Can't wait to see/hear about that!!

Acupuncture is definitely something I've considered for pain relief and may very well look into that in my town.

I have had a LOT of accupuncture on my knee that has been injured running. It helps a lot. Especially if you get the kind that also uses electricity.
H is for: Happy in Harambe!

There are a few places around “The World” that begin with Letter H, but Harambe might be my favorite. Exotic, yet, Disney sterile. Believe me, real Africa has far more trash everywhere you look, there is no running hot water in the cute little inns- you have to stay at a really schwank place to get that luxury. Blackouts are more common than having power on, and most places have running sewage on the sides of the streets. And yet…. Visiting Harambe in AK makes me want to go back to Africa. Because despite all of the hardships and unpleasantries, you just can’t find wild zebras, lions, or elephants anywhere else. Hence, it remains near the top of my bucket list and someday I will get there.

Meanwhile, I will dance with Tam Tam, sip a Dawa Mary in the shade, watch Baby Grace grow up, and take fake (yet awesome) safaris under the Florida sun.

This last trip, I got to do all of that with 3 of my kiddos and it was tons of fun as it always is. Let’s explore together!!

I’ll be your tour guide! Ready to see Harambe?

Anyone need to pee? I found some clean, beautiful restrooms for you!

Okay, grab yourself a gigantor cinnamon roll to munch as we stroll and let’s get going. You grabbed your napkins too, right? Licking your fingers at a theme park is gross! How many of you see kids (or worse adults) licking their hands at Disney, or worse railings?!
**confession: I bite my nails and am often oblivious to my own sins in this area

I’ll keep the chatter down to a minimum since your mouths are full. Let’s just enjoy the scenery for a bit, okay?

Up ahead in the distance, I saw... an African village...

Just across this bridge is our lovely village of Harambe.

Did you know it was once a fort and that, through a peaceful revolution, is now governed by locals and was turned into a preserve? Did you know that if you listen carefully above the Dawa you can hear doorbells ringing and conversations the lend to the story of a landlord trying to collect rent that has gone unpaid for too long? Did you know that the yellow balloon seen on posters in the area is real and can be found in the rafters of the queue to the Safari? I didn’t either, but I sure as heck am going to look for it next time I go!

(not my photo!)

Anyway, back to our wanderings. Saunter with me, if you will…


Time for a trek! If you’re patient (a trip to Harambe, or anywhere else in Disney for that matter requires an increasing amount of patience these days, doesn’t it? ) you can see Mama and Baby Grace snuggling, naked mole rats writhing, fish swimming, and meerkats playing and all manner of other critters doing what they do.

I love the artwork on this wall done by kids!

It’s already been a good morning for our intrepid little group- you’re still with me, yes? Time to rest our feet a spell and board a jeep to see more animals. Save room for Kelly @buzzrelly on the right side of the bus, please! It’s the (less) better side of the bus. I mean it DOES have the Baobob Tree afterall. But, if you want to see the wild dogs and lions, scoot all the way over.

Ever see a hippo fart? And just like an 4111-year old boy, he’s even laughing as he does it.

Okay, Boys and Girls, keep your cameras ready, here come some more critters!

Were you amused by our tour? I always am! <USE YOUR HAND SANITIZER AGAIN! Those buses are nasty and you touched them!>

Time to head back to Harambe Village where artisans ply their wares and entertainment. Let’s see what the offerings are today:

Nice a bit of music to pause and enjoy!

And someone crafting some beadwork should you care to add to your jewelry collection.

Well, it’s been a very full morning for us and it’s time to thank you for your company! I’ve really enjoyed our tour this morning! You’ve been a fantastic and enthusiastic group and now: A hearty Hakuna Matata, kila mlango na ufunguwo wake, and a heartfelt kweheri!!!

Okay, now it's your turn: Do you think it's weird for adults at Disney to do the activities that might be considered kids' stuff? Like the Agent P hunts at EPCOT or the Wilderness Badges at AK? I'm asking for a reason... ;)
Good! And... thanks. :)

I sure hope that you get some answers. :hug:

Me too!! But I"m a little worried about getting there. We're supposed to get about 4 inches of snow starting tomorrow and continuing through Thursday. We aren't like you Canadians and even a little sends us into a tizzy. We just aren't really prepared for that since it happens so infrequently. Added to the fact I live at the highest point in the city and on a big hill. I don't have 4 wheel drive OR chains and I won't risk wrecking my new car for it.
Okay, now it's your turn: Do you think it's weird for adults at Disney to do the activities that might be considered kids' stuff? Like the Agent P hunts at EPCOT or the Wilderness Badges at AK? I'm asking for a reason...

I don't think it's wrong at all or weird for adults to do these things. I'm in trip planning mode for my family with teenagers and adults for March...I personally am considering booking a character meal...but asking myself if everyone will be into it...I may have to skip it and just book something with a cool experience vibe instead, and then go see characters on my own...I think for those "extra" type things badges and hunts and stuff...I think if you have kids who have done a lot of Disney and need something "more" to entertain them...then sure...but I think for most...there is plenty to keep them interested without all that stuff? I may be way off base, who knows...that's my 2 cents...


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