The ABCs of An EPIC Girls' Trip! May, 2019-Q is for: Quietly Sending this Trip Report off Into an Internet Sunset (8/25)

I was behind again but I'm all caught up and will be heading to the new report.

You did really good trying so many dishes @ Epcot. The last Flower & Garden we went to I promised myself I would try more but ended up only trying a few. I do like the fresh theme too.

The Boathouse looks so neat. I think this would be a good place to try with just DH. We love seafood. I don't do raw oysters but did try Oyster Rockefeller for the first time and it was pretty good. I have seen the birdhouses but didn't take enough time to really see the details. I will now try to make more of an effort after seeing your pictures.

Love that you found such great neighbors. Very nice that they are also good sharers.
So I'm weeks behind! The page I'm on was from July 27th, so I'm going to take the approach of read an update and comment, and for a few pages I'm going to have to skip the banter as well.

Nice room at the Grand! I really like that hotel. And since they have a DVC, it's still in the realm of possibility to stay there! I love the Grand Floridian Cafe, but I'm also partial to their onion soup, which essentially is a meal in itself, then again you were trying to eat light.

I'm sure you'll make it in time!
OK, still plugging away here. That was so nice of the CM to take you on the golf cart to the Poly. It probably helped your Mom make it as far through the evening as she did! That's weird how he knew all that about you.....

What a cute update about the Gorilla, I hadn't heard about it until either yours, Su-Lynn's or Lesley's TR. I'm having a hard time remembering who did what now. Especially since you all did so many things together. 😂

When I saw your update about subletting your spare room as an AirBNB I was shocked! If one of our tenants was doing that, they would be getting a three day notice to move! :eek: But I'm sorry you lost that additional income, but then again life works in mysterious ways. Had you not been busted for the subletting, you wouldn't have landed this cool new job. I hope you get to learn all these new skills! Fran had a Picc line a few years ago. She developed MRSA and had to go daily for infusions at the local hospital clinic.

I can't wait until our mini Epic meet up! less than two weeks now! I'll keep plugging away at the updates, just finished "L", looks like I have M, N and O left unless you P before I get back. (pun intended). 😂
Hey Guys.... this work week is kicking my hiney. Just not enough time to DIS... wake up, work, come home, eat crap for dinner, sleep, lather, rinse, repeat.....

I have tomorrrow off and will catch up then... Hope your week is going well...
Your experience at The Edison sounds interesting. I may have to try it sometime, but I wish they had the same philosophy as Trader Sam's and kicked the younguns out at 8PM and not 10PM.

What do you mean Abracadabar RIP? I googled it, and it says that it's still open.
I actually think it’s Icelandic. That’s the only language (besides old Norse) that I know off that has the d letter with the dash through it: Ð or as minor letter: ð. (And yes, I did have to add Icelandic as a keyboard to my phone to produce those) As far as I know it’s pronounced like a th in English.
LOL! Then it'd taken me a very long time to have figured it out! I suppose in hindsight, I should have asked the waitstaff to help me out. And the "th" makes sense a little since Theta is the circle with the cross through it.
I was behind again but I'm all caught up and will be heading to the new report.

Just a tiny bit left here! :)

You did really good trying so many dishes @ Epcot. The last Flower & Garden we went to I promised myself I would try more but ended up only trying a few. I do like the fresh theme too.

We made a solid dent in them for sure! And I think they were easily equal to or better than many of the dishes at F&W.

he Boathouse looks so neat. I think this would be a good place to try with just DH. We love seafood. I don't do raw oysters but did try Oyster Rockefeller for the first time and it was pretty good. I have seen the birdhouses but didn't take enough time to really see the details. I will now try to make more of an effort after seeing your pictures.

Give it a try! Definitely a solid choice for seafood!

ove that you found such great neighbors. Very nice that they are also good sharers.

Sadly, they are moving to a house at the end of Sept. But it was nice while I lasted.
So I'm weeks behind! The page I'm on was from July 27th, so I'm going to take the approach of read an update and comment, and for a few pages I'm going to have to skip the banter as well.

I get that. I'm going to be doing the same today!!

Nice room at the Grand! I really like that hotel. And since they have a DVC, it's still in the realm of possibility to stay there! I love the Grand Floridian Cafe, but I'm also partial to their onion soup, which essentially is a meal in itself, then again you were trying to eat light.

Yeah, with 'Ohana that night, I thought I'd better not overdo it with a heavy meal!

I'm sure you'll make it in time!

I did, I did!!

OK, still plugging away here. That was so nice of the CM to take you on the golf cart to the Poly. It probably helped your Mom make it as far through the evening as she did! That's weird how he knew all that about you.....

I'm sure it did help her! Her knees suck and hips aren't so great either.

Isn't it?!?!

What a cute update about the Gorilla, I hadn't heard about it until either yours, Su-Lynn's or Lesley's TR. I'm having a hard time remembering who did what now. Especially since you all did so many things together. 😂

When I saw your update about subletting your spare room as an AirBNB I was shocked! If one of our tenants was doing that, they would be getting a three day notice to move! :eek: But I'm sorry you lost that additional income, but then again life works in mysterious ways. Had you not been busted for the subletting, you wouldn't have landed this cool new job. I hope you get to learn all these new skills! Fran had a Picc line a few years ago. She developed MRSA and had to go daily for infusions at the local hospital clinic.

Yeah, I just didn't know. They did say I could have people in, but wanted background checks. I thought that really meant for someone who was going to be here longer term. My beef is that Airbnb DOES screen and do soft bgc's on all of their guests and I've heard of VERY few issues with millions of stays all over the world. It's like comparing travel between cars and aircraft. Also, because I was doing it, my unit was probably literally the cleanest and best maintained on the property. My place is spotless (or was LOL!) and always "guest ready". OH well, like you say... things are meant for a reason and I can make in two shifts what I'd have made for a month of turnovers.

MRSA is no joke and my new place I'll be running infusions as well. :)

I can't wait until our mini Epic meet up! less than two weeks now! I'll keep plugging away at the updates, just finished "L", looks like I have M, N and O left unless you P before I get back. (pun intended). 😂

Buahahahahahaha! Good one, Alison!

Your experience at The Edison sounds interesting. I may have to try it sometime, but I wish they had the same philosophy as Trader Sam's and kicked the younguns out at 8PM and not 10PM.

I agree! If they start the entertainment then, and there are still tables used for young families it really deters the crowd that it's really marketed for. ?? Don't get it.

What do you mean Abracadabar RIP? I googled it, and it says that it's still open.

I was hoping someone would pick up on that so we could have a discussion. You and PK did. I did NOT mean they shuttered it, but, the spirit of it... the theming they were going for and all the cool drinks are gone. It's just a regular old bar now (albeit with a convenient location and a nice view). The signature drink is no longer served (before I could even get one) and to my knowledge isn't coming back. Sad really. It had such potential.
Sounds pretty busy!
Tomorrow will be our busiest day on record with a whopping 34 patients. We've even asked the teenage girls who do our scanning of records to come down to PACU to help changeover beds and stock stuff as needed. EEK!
Forgive me if I already commented on the evening at the Edison, I read it yesterday but didn't think it had the time to comment.

First having Happy Birthday sung to you in four languages is pretty cool! I rarely have it sung to me ever, much less in another language!

The Edison looks like an interesting place to hang out, but I wish they would be like Trader Sam's and kick the youngsters out at 8PM instead of so late at 10PM. That cake pop thing was very cool! I'd order it just to see it!
P is for: Project Pandora Pandemonium

P is for parade. Polite, playful, and “Pardon me” also all begin with ‘P’, however none of those quite accurately describes the EMH mob scene that AK was that morning. Pandemonium, pushing, and packed would more closely describe the situation that ensued. When it was over, I was far less thrilled with the human race than I was at 6:00 AM when I arrived at Bag Check. It was too early to be let in, so I waited, first in line. And then I learned Lesson #1: Skip the coffee when doing an EMH. My prize possession of First in Line was squandered whilst emptying the percolated java. When I got back, I lined up again, this time 4 or so back. Stupid bladder.

30 seconds later, I was through the security check and lined up 3rd at the Tapstile. Not bad, but not where I wanted to be. Old farts need a head start and I messed up. I wallowed in self-loathing until the CMs came out to get ready for the Tapstile Dash and my pity party changed to one of re-strategizing.

“Okay Slow Self: This is showtime. Get ‘yer flabby thighs in gear when it’s time and mooooooove!”

Seriously, there was a lot of self-talk going on to psych myself into getting my jog mode in motion and ready. 3, 2, 1… Tap, Finger… GO!!!

Do you have any idea how motivating others running to your coveted spot up front is?! I didn’t run- I’m a rule follower (except that one time in the Canada Pavilion when I got chastised for going under the rope because no one was there) and you’re not supposed to. But I did fast walk/jog. Everyone else was running. Which kinda peeved me out. Nevertheless, this old gal still has a bit of spunk and in the end I was about 10 people deep back in the shapeless blob of humanity. It was tight with no personal space boundaries whatsoever. If you have claustrophobia issues this isn’t the situation for you. Believe me, the early morning Florida weather gives no discrimination with its BO-inducing ability. “Please, Lady, while you have a very nice elbow, it does not belong near my face as you wave to your mom who you left in the dust.”

Seriously, while I started about 10 people back, everyone who’d raced ahead of me thought they had license to invite every single one of their 10 other family members to join them ahead with them. Had I not been alone, I’d have probably stood my ground and called them out. My blood was boiling. You have to go as slow as your slowest party member. Sorry.

Then again, apparently not. Some people, I guess feel entitled to cut in line, not have to wait, abuse the system, and basically be donkey hineys. Get 'yo pajama-clad bottoms back!!! BACK, I SAY!

See the girl on her phone?? "Hey, family, come on up! There's loads of room for you and literally no one on earth matters but you!"

When I looked behind me 15 minutes later, the crowd had grown to hundreds (I’m not exaggerating!) and I was gleeful at what spot I did have in the Human Blob.

At exactly 7:00, the CMs did walk the crowd to the queue entrance and I, for the first time, walked the length of the Stand By line. While I did feel pushed and rushed somewhat, I did manage to snag a few photos on the “way up”.


What I did not get at all was the Avatar Tank. Oddly, photos don’t turn out very well if you’re moving and it’s dim. Huh.

And here, Folks, was a beautiful moment in the World of Steppe. Steppe LOOOOVES Karma. Sweet revenge I couldn’t have arranged it any better had a tried. All those 50-100 people who pushed, ran, elbowed, or rudely cut in front of me got directed to their ride system/line/entrance/whatever it is and, as I stepped up to the CM who did the final sorting, stopped me. He said point blank, "You’re lucky, we’re opening up the next room now and you’re first in!"

Sayonara, Suckahs!!! Later, Alligators! The people’s faces that I saw in front of me for cutting were now waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind me and again when I scooted off to see my old friend Mauvi Navi by the River. My breakfast indeed was best served cold.

The rest of my time in AK was awesome; it always is. I’ve told you about most everything including the Baby Gorilla Grace, my Wildeness Badges, my Iced Chai Latte, giant cinnamon rolls, and all that. I did get some photos of Pandora at night, but those were lost with the phone. I did however manage to get a fun shot on my way out for the last time that trip. Well, technically it was “shots”, and a friend did some work with it, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how it turned out! Definitely a treasure!

Meanwhile, Sivako, Friends!! Until next time...

"My wife just made this and we wanted to share it with you!"
That looks really good and looking up recipes for it, for the most part is keto friendly. Might have to whip up some of this.
I really don't think I could ever manage RD any of the popular rides lol gives me anxiety just to think of I would definitely end up in a fight! lol
P is for parade. Polite, playful, and “Pardon me” also all begin with ‘P’,
Posh. Perhaps there are purer pseudonyms?
however none of those quite accurately describes the EMH mob scene that AK was that morning.
Pandemonium, pushing, and packed would more closely describe the situation that ensued.
:( Ugh. Sounds horrid.
first in line.
Niiiiice. 👍
And then I learned Lesson #1: Skip the coffee when doing an EMH. My prize possession of First in Line was squandered whilst emptying the percolated java. When I got back, I lined up again, this time 4 or so back. Stupid bladder.

“Okay Slow Self: This is showtime. Get ‘yer flabby thighs in gear when it’s time and mooooooove!”
I’m a rule follower (except that one time in the Canada Pavilion when I got chastised for going under the rope because no one was there) and you’re not supposed to.
Terrible! In my country no less! You'll be flagged at the border if you ever try to come up here, you know.
But I did fast walk/jog. Everyone else was running.
I'm very surprised they didn't have the CMs walk everyone like they do in all the other parks.
Believe me, the early morning Florida weather gives no discrimination with its BO-inducing ability.
Ew. Another reason to skip this.
“Please, Lady, while you have a very nice elbow, it does not belong near my face as you wave to your mom who you left in the dust.”
Eep! Not making a joke here, but I know how tall you are and can see that as a definite concern.
Seriously, while I started about 10 people back, everyone who’d raced ahead of me thought they had license to invite every single one of their 10 other family members to join them ahead with them.
This really angers me. I don't put up with that stuff very often. I won't fight people, obviously. And if they push by me anyways, I'm not going to stop them... but I won't get out of the way and will tell them to wait in line.
You have to go as slow as your slowest party member. Sorry.
Get 'yo pajama-clad bottoms back!!! BACK, I SAY!
See the girl on her phone?? "Hey, family, come on up! There's loads of room for you and literally no one on earth matters but you!"
no dawg.gif
At exactly 7:00, the CMs did walk the crowd to the queue entrance
Wait... where were you? At the bridge?
Whoa. Just... slightly insane.
What I did not get at all was the Avatar Tank. Oddly, photos don’t turn out very well if you’re moving and it’s dim. Huh.
All those 50-100 people who pushed, ran, elbowed, or rudely cut in front of me got directed to their ride system/line/entrance/whatever it is and, as I stepped up to the CM who did the final sorting, stopped me. He said point blank, "You’re lucky, we’re opening up the next room now and you’re first in!"
Yes! Nice one! Woot!
my Wildeness Badges,
Oh? How wild do you have to be to get one of those?
There, @franandaj ... I "P"ed.
And then I learned Lesson #1: Skip the coffee when doing an EMH.
Might I suggest just skip the coffee period?

When I got back, I lined up again, this time 4 or so back.
That stinks. Of course, we can't expect people to be polite and give you your pre-potty spot back.

I was through the security check and lined up 3rd at the Tapstile. Not bad, but not where I wanted to be
Better than #4.

Do you have any idea how motivating others running to your coveted spot up front is?
Motivating? I kinda figured aggravating.

Which kinda peeved me out.

It was tight with no personal space boundaries whatsoever.
Such a thing exists at Disney?

Seriously, while I started about 10 people back, everyone who’d raced ahead of me thought they had license to invite every single one of their 10 other family members to join them ahead with them.
Jack alien swirling saucers will be Jack alien swirling saucers.

Had I not been alone, I’d have probably stood my ground and called them out.
I would have anyway, but I've noticed most people don't care about right and wrong...only about ME FIRST.

My blood was boiling.
Then again, apparently not. Some people, I guess feel entitled to cut in line, not have to wait, abuse the system, and basically be donkey hineys.
See above

See the girl on her phone?? "Hey, family, come on up! There's loads of room for you and literally no one on earth matters but you!"
I'm in line...why should I not be able to invite whoever I please? Me first, remember?

While I did feel pushed and rushed somewhat, I did manage to snag a few photos on the “way up”.

What I did not get at all was the Avatar Tank. Oddly, photos don’t turn out very well if you’re moving and it’s dim. Huh.
Who'd a thunk it?

Sweet revenge I couldn’t have arranged it any better had a tried.
Oh, this sounds like a cliff hanger...

He said point blank, "You’re lucky, we’re opening up the next room now and you’re first in!"

The people’s faces that I saw in front of me for cutting were now waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind me and again when I scooted off
And Steppe was shouting "IN YOUR FACE!"

I did get some photos of Pandora at night, but those were lost with the phone.

and a friend did some work with it
Can't imagine who that friend can be. Not that we know anyone around these parts that's good with photoshop.


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