The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

Well...dang. Sorry to hear that.

It does have a happy ending, but will save that for ... the end.

Hope they all had a great time!

I will never know.


OMG! It's the Holy Grail of bird sightings! Only way to improve upon that is if it were carrying a coconut, or gripping it by the husk.

I suppose it's only fitting, since you were all there on a quest from the Lord.

I knew I could count on you for a right and proper reply, Mark! :worship: :rotfl2:

It was endearing

I can certainly understand that! But eating like Avengers is pretty cool, too.

True. Unless you're Groot. then you just eat dirt.

Wow. That's impressive that they've stood for so long!

I know, but can you imagine the black mold problem they must have?!

Cool! That tree looked absolutely massive!

Side note--I saw that Mt. Vernon lost an historic tree in the last Nor'easter. It was planted by George Washington himself. Sad to see it go.

Well dang! That IS sad. :( Seeing irreplaceable stuff go is tough.

Holy crap. I have no problems. None.

Puts a decided air of perspective on things, no?
WOOHOO!! I am caught up! I am getting a "new" laptop hopefully this week and will be able to keep up better. I hope anyway.

New laptop!! YAY!!!! I do hope that means we will be seeing more of you. :hug: Was the old one dead or just slow?

I am completely enjoying both parts of your trip report for entirely different reasons.

Glad you're still here and enjoying the stories. I was wondering if it was becoming to tedious to read since it's not all fun and games.

I also love Veggie Tales, watch it with my babies in the nursery at church. And it's actually Silly Songs with Larry. The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. :-)

Weren't they fun?! And yes, I know it's Silly Songs with Larry, but the way it sounded with Bob also being a character just reminded me of watching endless hours of them with my kids. We STILL quote Buzzsaw Louie when we have a fire in the fireplaces.. "I need more woooo-ooood!".
Caught up again!

Amazing story about the founder of your NGO. I can't wait to hear the rest of it.

Hey Jill! I'm glad you're still here too. :) I was starting to miss my DISHomies!

He is a very inspirational man with an overcomer kind of story. Motivational to say the least!

Sorry for the disappearing act - trying to be better about my work time.

Hey There, Irene! I get the being responsible at work thing. I can't have my phone on the floor at all! So no work DISsing at all except on my breaks. :(

Sorry about your French Press disappearing - but in retrospect, not so surprising. If the electricity is out, it's the best option for making more than one cup of coffee at a time, that is for sure. I found out about the little Melitta filter holder things that do one cup at a time when ex-bf was packing for his Peace Corps gig, and I ended up getting one for myself when I had a teeny tiny grad school apartment kitchen. Many years later, dh got me a camping French Press (made of plastic, so less likely to break), and we've used it also when the power has gone out. (And in the meantime, my little Melitta cone holder thing has disappeared...)

Continuing to be entertained by your stories, even when I don't comment...

I suppose it shouldn't have been too surprising BUT, the weird thing is that they cannot get good coffee grounds there. I suppose one could use Folgers in it, but well, maybe they would try and sell it? I just don't know. I've use the pour over many times as that's what we go camping with.

Since then, a very good friend bought me something else to travel with which I will use in April, and the coffee saga isn't over yet. :)

I'm always happy when you DO comment as it lets me know that the effort of writing is still worth it! :)
Oh dear. Hope you started feeling better as the day went on. :hug:

Well, this was Pt. 1 of Travel-to-the-Villages Day, so I will let you know in Pt 2.

Um.... ew.
I think an outhouse might have been preferable.

Used MORE than my share of those. Some are.... better than others.

Liesa's belongings for 3 days:

Nope, one very small bag. Although in hindsight, shoulda brought the pillow. :headache:

Did Rebekah do that too? Or did she stick with what was provided?

I'm not even sure now. Huh! I'll have to ask her!

:sad2: Where was it when you saw it last? In your room? Or?

I think I left it on the table thinking I'd use it in the morning again. Foolish.

Nah. I don't drink it, but I get that there's a difference between good and bad coffee.

Very much! I don't particularly care for Oatmeal, but there is a much better oatmeal I've discovered recently... Yes, a bad analogy but it's as good as I've got.

No kidding. Not even a "We'll be back in a bit"

Not even that.

And considering you weren't feeling well, maybe for the best.

But in the end, yes.

Yeah... I can see how that might now be so much fun... or... is it?

Every car trip, everywhere, was not fun. Bad, bumpy roads, no AC, too many people, traffic and fumes.... just no.

Huh! This too is out of my wheelhouse. It's just not something that would occur to me.

It was the same in Crapistan. I can't even count the times we were the first Americans or even Caucasians in a home.

That would explain the blurred super-fast hand. ::yes::

I kinda like how that photo turned out.

Like that one. That's... quite some "do"!

Yes! THis one was even better. ;)


Perfect!!!! :rotfl:


It just never gets old, does it?

::yes:: With gems like that, you better!!

I don't know if I have anything quite as good as that coming up, but you will get to see the heart of Ebolaland in the next update.

Now that right there makes me sad. Of course we're reading! And enjoying the heck out of this TR, too!

Thank you, Ponzi. :hug:

Phew! Good. I'd be a bit nervous about venturing out.

We were asked not to, so didn't. :)

Oh? And what were the circumstances that resulted in that?

Usually doing something dumb, like cutting off another driver on accident.

That's very generous of you.

and.... the right thing to do. I'm not sure if I'd have been quite so generous or had that thought.

Oh I think you would have. ;)

This is odd. But when I read things like that on yours or someone else's TR, I almost always (if not always) find it interesting. I guess if someone took the trouble to look into it and feels it's interesting enough to share... it usually is!

I like to dig a bit deeper and find they whys and whens. :)

That's pretty cool. It looks like a single level house that then had a second level added later, right on top.

It does, doesn't it?

I did! And I'm glad I did. Quite the tree and an interesting story, too.

I thought so!

I have no idea why.... maybe because it's so dry?
But I keep forgetting that the ocean is right there.

Dry? It was very wet, or at least I was. The humidity was unreal!!

:laughing: :sad2:

Oh, Liesa. What are we going to do with you?

:blush: Sowwies! ;)

I can well imagine. Especially considering your comments of how poor many are there.


That is an incredible tale. Seriously. That's.... movie stuff right there. And... moving stuff too.

It is quite an incredible story! I'm glad I was part of what this man is doing, even just a little bit. :)

I can't wait!

You mentioned earlier "Is anyone even still reading?"

Well, I can assure you that I, for one, am on the edge of my seat and greedily devouring every detail of this trip.

Well, I'm glad you're still on board. I will keep plugging away as I can. :goodvibes

:laughing: Of course you couldn't.
And, well.... I don't think I could either. That is one... different looking lizard! Never seen anything like it. All grey with that bright yellow head? Fascinating!

I think it was so amazing that he was so perfectly camouflaged with his environment. His coloring really did blend with the concrete and the lichens.
I'm about 1/3 of the way through season 2.

Just put the next disc on my Netflix queue.

Wouldn't that be something?

"This just in. Obesity problem solved! Also, in an unrelated story, general intelligence scores have skyrocketed!"

Too bad it's not. LOL! The more I sit and study the wider it gets.

Hey! That's great! What a great birthday present to yourself!! :)

I think so!

Scary as heck too!

Yes... it will be worth it. :)

Slow and steady...

It tasted like cough medicine. Yuck.

I have yet to see Yehaa Bob! I vow I will one day! That is a great picture!

He is a treat to see, if you're in a very silly mood.

But this is an even better picture! I love it! You are very into your dancing and you look like you're having a blast!

I was on a roll and having the time of my life. :banana: I really love the interactive vibe of this show!

This is an amazing story, so inspiring. Can't wait to hear more about Ahmed!

Hopefully I can get some written this weekend, but need to put in a fair amount of studying too, so we'll see!
I'm not sure it makes me feel young, but for the most part, I don't particularly care what people think of me or what they see me doing at Disney. Like if I want to be silly with my girls, or sing along to something, I just will. In "the real world" I would be too self conscious to do that.

Disney is magical like that, isn't it? I've been known to have a skip in my step on Main Street. Where else could you (would you ?) do that?

I'm very sad that my last trip staying at POR, I did not see a show. None of my girls - including DW - were very motivated to see a show, especially after a long day in the parks. He also seemed to be away a lot in the week I was there. I caught a fleeting glimpse and heard only briefly one of his shows, on the very last night we were there. We were busy getting back to the hotel to pack and really didn't have the time to stop. Now hearing more about him, it makes me regret that. And no, I did not know he was a Legends inductee!

I hope you will get to see him next time you are there! I know at the end of a long day, a hot shower and the room are all too inviting!

But still good for a point! All I did was ask a yes or no. ;)

I'd have to say Harambe. I couldn't really say why. Just the atmosphere. We also have a little family tradition here. They have the fruit stand and they sell hollowed out pineapples filled with strawberries. We always have this as a midday snack and it's a refreshing treat after days of over indulging on sweets and buffets (which I like, but need a break from it). I know other places in WDW have the same thing, but somehow it's just 'our thing' in Harambe.
I do enjoy all the park - I've yet to see Pandora though - and I even appreciate the story behind Dinoland.

I love Harambe as well. Lots of color and happy mood there! But, I LOVE your tradition of the fruit bowl!! I didn't even know about it! Definitely going to try and find that next time as it sounds like a really nice breakfast option for me. Thanks for the tip!
**** warning, possibly upsetting photo below****

Other stuff...

Okay, Friends, that brings me up to speed on replies. And now it's time to head off to work soon. This weekend I need to put in a fair amount of time studying all about FAA regulations which is Unit 4 of my Study Guide (out of 11). It's almost exactly 8 weeks until my Exam and I have (coincidentally) 8 Units to go. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... :fish::fish::fish:

But, I will try my very hardest to get some writing done as I can and finish up the Travel-to-the-Interior Day.

Meanwhile, an update on Abu for those of you who are following:

This is the last communication I got:

“Abu has had lots of treatments in SL. Ahmed says [the] swelling has gone dramatically down. The surgeries are ongoing, I am led to believe, as well as chemo. They have remove[d] the one eye and want to give him an artificial eye. SL doctors able to do the work there. Travel and care options that seemed so promising in Ghana never materialized, Ahmed says.”

The tumor has shrunk drastically, and they are looking for another med called docorubicin (?) but I myself don't know any oncologists and know nothing about how to get it for him. I don't know if he will eventually fly to Ghana or not, but I was happy to see his response to what they ARE doing there. I was shocked and unbelievably saddened to hear that his eye had to be removed. I wish so much that his parents had had the means to seek medical care sooner and that the medical care system there hadn't dragged their feet for a whole month before giving him treatment. Regardless... A HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who gave towards saving this little boy's life. You helped make a difference in this world by making a difference in one precious life.

Before surgery and chemo:


After surgery and chemo:

Used MORE than my share of those. Some are.... better than others.


Nope, one very small bag. Although in hindsight, shoulda brought the pillow. :headache:

Nah. Not buying it. I think my representation is more accurate.

I think I left it on the table thinking I'd use it in the morning again. Foolish.

Yup. That'll learn ya.

Very much! I don't particularly care for Oatmeal, but there is a much better oatmeal I've discovered recently... Yes, a bad analogy but it's as good as I've got.

I'm betting I know what it is. From your fb post... Instant Pot steel cut oatmeal.

Every car trip, everywhere, was not fun. Bad, bumpy roads, no AC, too many people, traffic and fumes.... just no.

Just... no.

It was the same in Crapistan. I can't even count the times we were the first Americans or even Caucasians in a home.

Makes complete sense. Some places really are isolated.

I kinda like how that photo turned out.



It just never gets old, does it?

:laughing: Nope!

I don't know if I have anything quite as good as that coming up, but you will get to see the heart of Ebolaland in the next update.

:scared: Eep!

We were asked not to, so didn't. :)

Smart. Listen to people when they tell you it's dangerous and not to do it.

Usually doing something dumb, like cutting off another driver on accident.

I've never done that.


Actually, I had a very Canadian moment one time when I cut off a guy in a big pick up truck.

I like to dig a bit deeper and find they whys and whens. :)

::yes:: I've noticed that of a few writers.

Dry? It was very wet, or at least I was. The humidity was unreal!!

I don't mean the humidity. I mean how that waterfall dried up. It made me think "Oh, drought. No water."

It is quite an incredible story! I'm glad I was part of what this man is doing, even just a little bit. :)


Well, I'm glad you're still on board. I will keep plugging away as I can. :goodvibes

Good! Looking forward to more.

I think it was so amazing that he was so perfectly camouflaged with his environment. His coloring really did blend with the concrete and the lichens.

It really is an amazing critter.

Too bad it's not. LOL! The more I sit and study the wider it gets.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

You can do it!! :) :hug:

They have remove[d] the one eye and want to give him an artificial eye.

Oh, no.... That's such sad news. :(

Travel and care options that seemed so promising in Ghana never materialized, Ahmed says.”

I wonder why not?

After surgery and chemo:

The change (despite the loss of the eye) is quite dramatic. And encouraging. I hope he continues to receive the care that he so obviously needs.
Home is just "home" isn't it? I will always have a special place in my heart for the "old" California- the way it used to be in the 70s.

Absolutely! I felt like I got a small taste of how you remember California when I read about your California/Disneyland trip, and I can see why it's special for you!

Those are all incredibly wonderful reasons to love you home country- you have every reason to be very proud!

I try not to take it for granted how fortunate we are to live in such rich developed countries.

I'd certainly say so! All incredible achievements that you should be very proud of! :hug:

Keep at it. Very soon you'll have a couple more amazing letters behind your name!

Thanks, Liesa! Sometimes it's a slog, as you'd also know, but I have a feeling it'll be worth it in a couple of years.

It's almost exactly 8 weeks until my Exam and I have (coincidentally) 8 Units to go. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming... :fish::fish::fish:

Man, don't I know how this feels!? Keep up the hard work! Just one day at a time.


I wish so much that his parents had had the means to seek medical care sooner and that the medical care system there hadn't dragged their feet for a whole month before giving him treatment. Regardless... A HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who gave towards saving this little boy's life. You helped make a difference in this world by making a difference in one precious life.

Wow. What a dramatic difference. I hope and pray for continued treatment/improvement for Abu!
I had no voice with which to say “Good Morning” at 8:30, so in silence I took my bucket bath in our now pretty ripe bathroom.

Ugh, you must have been feeling pretty yukky.

In order to conserve water, regular flushes had ceased altogether, so a nice “aroma" had hastened my use of that particular area.


All packed up with nowhere to go and a rumbly in my tummy, I found myself downstairs with a packet of instant grits again.

If I ever go on a trip like this (which I won't) I will take a page from your playbook and bring my own self sustaining food like tuna packets, peanut butter packets, and other just add water things.

It’d sure been nice to have a cup of coffee, but yesterday was the last I’d ever see of my French Press.

That's too bad.

To this day, I have no idea what they were all doing, but I did NOT miss skipping an opportunity to be stuck in a hot car breathing in car exhaust and being squished with 4 other people.

I bet!

Rebekah found it a good opportunity to ask one of the gals living at the house to braid her hair. This was the first time ever that this woman had touched a white person, let alone braid her hair.

Wow. I never would have thought about that.

The African Swallow. (Clearly, it was unladen. I did not clock its velocity. And yes, I'm sure it was indeed a swallow by its tail and flight.)

:lmao: I think everyone else has already beat me to the comments. But obviously it's not a European Swallow.

Around noon we were hungry, and it was obvious no one was going to feed us, so it was up to me. I’d packed a couple of pouches of tuna and asked if someone could go out and grab some bread for us. With the little rolls that were brought back, I made a couple of sandwiches and then cut them into thirds. It just didn’t feel right to eat them by ourselves when it was obvious those waiting with us were not going to get food anytime soon either.

Ugh. I just can't not be fed. I know I'm totally spoiled, but yeah.

Someone went out to get a couple of schwarma for us from the same place we’d eaten on our first full day in Sierra Leone. I cannot describe how delicious these were. Then again, Top Ramen would have been the most delicious meal I’d ever eaten right about then too.

I can see that, but then again schwarma is delicious! I'm bummed that I have no cruises planned on the Magic. They have a schwarma at the pool top QS!

***warning, a paragraph with boring World History coming your way***

Actually I found it rather fascinating.

I promise you won’t be sorry you read this very short article. I mean if a tree has its very own WikiPage, you know it's gonna be awesome!

It was very interesting. Yes I did click as I have some rare time at my computer unbothered. Fran is sick and is sleeping in the bedroom. I'm trying not to be sick, popping tons of Vitamin C, drinking chicken noodle soup, and not venturing far from a bathroom! :laughing:

Yes, I’m that juvenile. It shouldn't need too much translation…

I get the translation part, but was that a warning not to partake in those activities there, or was it toting the virtues of that space, that it was a ****-free zone?

You have to understand some things here- a bit of culture and backstory…

Wow! That is an amazing story of a driven man!

Ahmed fulfilled his promise to return, and now does so as a celebrated hero. His first visit back was only 2 years ago but was only for a single day. This time, with us beside him, he returned to his village again with near demi-god status.

Now do you know about how old he is. Just curious when (year, decade) he was 18, did he leaves in the 70s, 90s or the ots?

I leave you with the requisite lizard shot- I just couldn't help myself. ;)

Funky looking lizard!

LOL! I'm lucky to get 2 lines written in my trip notes, let alone a whole TR! Just not enough downtime for that.

But you don't travel with Fran. I have downtime when she is browsing through shops, making pit stops,

I like that there are different styles of writing here. If everyone's TR was cookie cutter, it'd be such a droll place to spend time.

Very true. Everyone has their own unique style....

HAHA! But does riding Peter Pan spark your imagination like a child?

Actually no. I had not even been on Peter Pan until about five years ago. I've always been one to ride the big thrill rides and it's only recently that I've started to try the other ones. In fact the same night I rode Peter Pan for the first time I also rode Dumbo for the first time.

Or throwing your hands up in the air on a coaster?

I'm not a hands in the air kind of person. I do enjoy the wind in my face and it makes me smile, especially on Space Mountain, but almost all of my memories are rather "adulty" like the time we were at the NAMM show, and had just finished a cocktail hour in the company suite. The COO took everyone (about 12 of us) to DL. Fran and I had passes (and she could still walk at the time). Everyone was tipsy and Space Mountain broke down. Imagine half a dozen tipsy Music Industry types walking off the ride! :laughing:

I can see the running from ride to ride part! Wanting to get as much done as you can. When we were kids, we'd take the Park Map and it used to have check marks! LOL! We'd see how many we could check off in a day. There were many occasions we could knock off all of them- especially on a rainy day.

We always tried to get as many of the big ones done as we could!

Well, that's not fun, but you're very busy so I get that you do a lot from the phone. I do too, but can't bring myself to comment from there. Too frustrating! I am impressed that you can do a whole TR that way!!!

If I didn't learn to comment from the phone, I'd never get any comments in at all. Like I said today is a rare day that Fran is not looking over my shoulder telling me I need to get stuff accomplished.

No worries! The point was simply answering if you did or not. ;)


Oh yes! I love that area too! Especially the Mac and Cheese Cart. ;)

I've never stopped there!

Good one!!! So true and.... I"ve never even heard of it!!!

Well the movie I was referring to was "White Men Can't Jump". I have no idea what it was about, but that popped into my head when I saw the expression on the guy in the band's face. :rotfl:

All EXCELLENT choices!!! Nice ways to slow down and take in the "extras". Especially the Sorcerers Game. And, I've wanted to do the Dine in the Sky for as long as I've known about it. I hope they have it next time I'm there!

We never seem to have time to do everything we want to do!

I like to dig a bit deeper and find they whys and whens. :)

That's what I like about both yours and @Captain_Oblivious's TRs. You explain stuff. I try to do that too. There is one writer whose reports I read and I don't know a lot of the stuff that is being talked about. Mostly cause it's world trips and not Disney related. Without an explanation, I just kind of gloss over it because I don't have time to Google everything.

Well, I'm glad you're still on board. I will keep plugging away as I can. :goodvibes

I don't mind if you plug slower... :rolleyes1 I'm struggling to keep up. One more update on my F&W TR and then I will only have one TR to maintain as I will move my bonus features to the end of that TR.

Meanwhile, an update on Abu for those of you who are following:

Wow. That's too bad he had to lose an eye, but it's good that they got the tumor under control. Poor guy.
I've also been lurking, and but wanted to also let you know I'm enjoying this TR! I've read some of your others, and love your style (writing & life!). I've been to Sierra Leone several years ago -- I work in international development -- and your TR is bringing back all kinds of memories. I can relate to some much of your experience. Thanks for sharing it with us!
I'm not sure it makes me feel young, but for the most part, I don't particularly care what people think of me or what they see me doing at Disney. Like if I want to be silly with my girls, or sing along to something, I just will. In "the real world" I would be too self conscious to do that.
I'm the same. I was somewhat joking about the best and loudest fan part in my TR. They did, in fact, tell us they wanted us to be loud and Lion King is one of my favorites, so yep, I was singing along. Also, when PR wants to be goofy, I'll be donald. Actually, I'm goofy too.

I'm very sad that my last trip staying at POR, I did not see a show. None of my girls - including DW - were very motivated to see a show, especially after a long day in the parks. He also seemed to be away a lot in the week I was there. I caught a fleeting glimpse and heard only briefly one of his shows, on the very last night we were there. We were busy getting back to the hotel to pack and really didn't have the time to stop. Now hearing more about him, it makes me regret that. And no, I did not know he was a Legends inductee!
I may or may not have see Yehaa'll have to stay tuned to my TR to find out. Yes!!! Figured out a way to keep my 3 readers on the edge of their seat. Okay, fine keep them awake. Keep them at least logged onto their computer?
Last edited:
New laptop!! YAY!!!! I do hope that means we will be seeing more of you. :hug: Was the old one dead or just slow?

It was just old and slow. I bought it back in 2009. I was due for an update. Granted this one isn't new...bought from a pawn shop, but at least it has Windows 10 & not XP. LOL!!

Nah. Not buying it. I think my representation is more accurate.

LOL!! More exotic anyway.

I'm betting I know what it is. From your fb post... Instant Pot steel cut oatmeal.

Ding, ding, ding! Just bought some more yesterday. The whole family seems to enjoy it.

Makes complete sense. Some places really are isolated.

Yes. For sure. I lived in 2, and have been to far more.

Smart. Listen to people when they tell you it's dangerous and not to do it.

True, except... I've been told flying is also dangerous. Hmmm... :rolleyes1

I've never done that.


Actually, I had a very Canadian moment one time when I cut off a guy in a big pick up truck.

Oh? A story you care to share?

::yes:: I've noticed that of a few writers.

As have I!

I don't mean the humidity. I mean how that waterfall dried up. It made me think "Oh, drought. No water."

Ah, got it!

Oh, no.... That's such sad news. :(

I was pretty saddened to hear that as well. I didn't see that coming. Well, I knew it was a possibility but thought it could be saved.

I wonder why not?

I really don't know. Money was the main issue.

The change (despite the loss of the eye) is quite dramatic. And encouraging. I hope he continues to receive the care that he so obviously needs.

Yes, it is!!! I really hope this ends up a nice "success story" that we can say we were part of!
Absolutely! I felt like I got a small taste of how you remember California when I read about your California/Disneyland trip, and I can see why it's special for you!

Exactly! I guess we associate comfort with happy memories.

I try not to take it for granted how fortunate we are to live in such rich developed countries.

Traveling certainly has a way of opening one's eyes to privilege.

Thanks, Liesa! Sometimes it's a slog, as you'd also know, but I have a feeling it'll be worth it in a couple of years.

Slog is a good word. Tears were NOT uncommon. But, yes, completely worth it!

Man, don't I know how this feels!? Keep up the hard work! Just one day at a time.


Every day a little bit, and weekends a bit more.
Ugh, you must have been feeling pretty yukky.
Spoiler alert, but after this day, I didn't FEEL nearly as badly as I SOUNDED. But this day? Yes, felt pretty crappy.

If I ever go on a trip like this (which I won't) I will take a page from your playbook and bring my own self sustaining food like tuna packets, peanut butter packets, and other just add water things.

I don't think we would have except at the urging of my aunt.

Wow. I never would have thought about that.

It's hard to believe that in this day and age, there are still parts of the world that are so isolated.

:lmao: I think everyone else has already beat me to the comments. But obviously it's not a European Swallow.
Obviously ;)

I chuckled over the discovery for perhaps WAY too long.

Ugh. I just can't not be fed. I know I'm totally spoiled, but yeah.

Honestly, at times it was too hot to eat or we were too busy, but it did take it's toll. As you will see.

I can see that, but then again schwarma is delicious! I'm bummed that I have no cruises planned on the Magic. They have a schwarma at the pool top QS!

It is!! I"m used to soft wrappings though and these were crispy-ish. YOu know what? Come to think of it, I don't know of anywhere to get a schwarma at Disney. Huh!

It was very interesting. Yes I did click as I have some rare time at my computer unbothered. Fran is sick and is sleeping in the bedroom. I'm trying not to be sick, popping tons of Vitamin C, drinking chicken noodle soup, and not venturing far from a bathroom! :laughing:

Got it! But, poor Fran! :( Hope it's as short lived time of being under the weather. And you're doing all the right things to stay healthy and if you do get sick... ummm, you're in the right place! :lmao:

I get the translation part, but was that a warning not to partake in those activities there, or was it toting the virtues of that space, that it was a ****-free zone?

I think they were telling people NOT to do their business there. Not sure where else they were going to go, but clearly the owners got tired of a stankhole.

Now do you know about how old he is. Just curious when (year, decade) he was 18, did he leaves in the 70s, 90s or the ots?

I think he's about 45? He left AFTER the Civil War. I do know that.

But you don't travel with Fran. I have downtime when she is browsing through shops, making pit stops,

HAHA, I DO know she loves her shops! I suppose you would have plenty of time to hop on here and reply and read more than now and then. ;)

Very true. Everyone has their own unique style....

Another great thing about the DIS!!

Actually no. I had not even been on Peter Pan until about five years ago. I've always been one to ride the big thrill rides and it's only recently that I've started to try the other ones. In fact the same night I rode Peter Pan for the first time I also rode Dumbo for the first time.

Well, now this IS something I didn't know about you! Are there any rides left then that you haven't tried yet? Just curious.

I'm not a hands in the air kind of person. I do enjoy the wind in my face and it makes me smile, especially on Space Mountain, but almost all of my memories are rather "adulty" like the time we were at the NAMM show, and had just finished a cocktail hour in the company suite. The COO took everyone (about 12 of us) to DL. Fran and I had passes (and she could still walk at the time). Everyone was tipsy and Space Mountain broke down. Imagine half a dozen tipsy Music Industry types walking off the ride! :laughing:

Oh my! Yes! That would certainly be a sight to see! :lmao:

We always tried to get as many of the big ones done as we could!

I would love to do the 4 park Headliner Challenge someday.

If I didn't learn to comment from the phone, I'd never get any comments in at all. Like I said today is a rare day that Fran is not looking over my shoulder telling me I need to get stuff accomplished.

OH how I understand this phenomenon. :hug: Totally understand your frustration.

Well the movie I was referring to was "White Men Can't Jump". I have no idea what it was about, but that popped into my head when I saw the expression on the guy in the band's face. :rotfl:

No wonder I've not heard of it. Then again, Ive not heard of this one either. :rotfl2:

That's what I like about both yours and @Captain_Oblivious's TRs. You explain stuff. I try to do that too. There is one writer whose reports I read and I don't know a lot of the stuff that is being talked about. Mostly cause it's world trips and not Disney related. Without an explanation, I just kind of gloss over it because I don't have time to Google everything.

I find the world ones interesting too, but the Disney ones moreso. In any case, going a bit beyond the basics is something I enjoy.

I don't mind if you plug slower... :rolleyes1 I'm struggling to keep up. One more update on my F&W TR and then I will only have one TR to maintain as I will move my bonus features to the end of that TR.

I can only write when I have quite a stretch of free time, and that comes rarely these days. Keeping up is hard to do everywhere, but I do my best.

Wow. That's too bad he had to lose an eye, but it's good that they got the tumor under control. Poor guy.

I guess he is still responding quite well and I received another photo today. Will try to upload soon.
I've also been lurking, and but wanted to also let you know I'm enjoying this TR! I've read some of your others, and love your style (writing & life!). I've been to Sierra Leone several years ago -- I work in international development -- and your TR is bringing back all kinds of memories. I can relate to some much of your experience. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Thank you for letting me know you are reading and enjoying! And whaaa...?! You've been there!? Wow!! Nice!

I'd be curious to hear if anything I've experienced was the same or similar to your time there. Do you recognize any of the places? Was the food and traffic the same as I describe?

I may or may not have see Yehaa'll have to stay tuned to my TR to find out. Yes!!! Figured out a way to keep my 3 readers on the edge of their seat. Okay, fine keep them awake. Keep them at least logged onto their computer?

Yours is next on my plate to devour. Sorry, it's just taking me forever to get there. I spent a lot of time studying yesterday and shopping took me a couple of hours on top of that. But I will get there... promise!

It was just old and slow. I bought it back in 2009. I was due for an update. Granted this one isn't new...bought from a pawn shop, but at least it has Windows 10 & not XP. LOL!!

Oh, I remember all too well how frustrating XP was! We worked with that for years and every minute sucked. Hey, used can be awesome if it works well. If it helps you do more things with it you want to, all the better!
Yours is next on my plate to devour. Sorry, it's just taking me forever to get there. I spent a lot of time studying yesterday and shopping took me a couple of hours on top of that. But I will get there... promise!
I know you've been busy...I'm not worried. I'm starting my new job tomorrow, so time will tell how much time (or not) I'll have for the DIS.

Oh, I remember all too well how frustrating XP was! We worked with that for years and every minute sucked. Hey, used can be awesome if it works well. If it helps you do more things with it you want to, all the better!
This is amazing to me...I work in the IT field and I've heard XP was one of the most stable of anything M$ put out and I've not heard kind words about 10 (until now).


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