The ABC's of Sauntering Through WDW- J is for: Just Like That, It's Judiciously Ended! (4/23)

The rare airline pixie dust. It's been a very long time since I had any of that.

I've had a bit on my last 2! trips. Last time some guy attendant took pity on me and handed me 2 free drink coupons as a consolation for having to leave Disney. LOL!!

I think we can all be from time to time.

I just hate it when it's me!! HAHA!

I also love the big tropical thunderstorms in Florida.
Someday you and @pkondz have to tell me where you get the patented VIP Weather and/or Transportation upgrade packages... :laughing:

I LOVE them! I loved the monsoon season when I lived in Arizona; I never get tired of them.

As for upgrading... see below. V

I admit to have never had a mule, but I have seen them mentioned in various TRs and I am intrigued. I must make a point of having one someday.

They can have quite a "spicy" bite to them. If you like the flavor of fresh ginger, and fizz, you'd probably like one. ANY spirit can be used and the name changes appropriately. For example a "Tijuana Mule" has tequila, a "London Mule" has gin, etc.... But all have ginger beer (NOT ginger ale- big diff.!!), lime and booze.

Sorry. I am sworn to secrecy.

I'm not. Here's all you gotta do, @Terra Nova guy :

Send a money order in the amount of $2,000 to Steppesister using a convenient paypal account. Include your bank account information, 5 lbs of Kona beans, and a Grand Floridian Spa gift certificate and you're good to go! See? Easy!! I'll send your redemption coupon right away when all the above is received.
I guess I'm just too paranoid about those carry-on rules - the last couple times I've flown anywhere, I've had my little crossbody bag, a backpack, and a carry-on for the overhead bin, and I always shove my crossbody bag inside the backpack when I go through check-in to get on the plane.

Lesson learned.

The lesson: There isn't a shred of common sense out there anymore.

:wave2: Just found this while trying to catch up on your last TR.

Hi Kelly!!! It's been ever so long since I've seen you on the DIS!!! How are you?!

You flew through Denver! I somehow missed your wave.

But I did wave. ;)

Your photos are always gorgeous.

Thanks, Kelly!

Gotta love some Southwest pixie dust, C group is no fun


and no.

Yea for AP’s!!!! But a word of caution, it does cause one’s bank account to shrink by “needing” to book more trips.

Looking forward to reading more!


I'm already sensing that. LOL!

Have you taken the suitcase out of the car yet?

Do I win a prize for asking this or something?


And... yes!! Just follow the instructions above and I will graciously allow you to have access to the VIP Weather Pkg on your next trip to WDW. :)
Must admit... I know nothing of fantasy football (or hockey). I never got the point. I'll either play them (that's behind me now, though) or watch them.

Me neither other than it's nearly hysteria in my workplace. I think it's more about the competition and heckling than about the sport? But... that's an outsider's observation. I could be wrong. ??

I'd love to dance again (ballet or jazz/hip hop) but I think I'd bust a body part of two if I tried.

I'd love to go back to Italy. I have unfinished business there.

I remember that from your old TR. :( I hope you get there someday, as much as I hope it for myself!

Really! That surprises me. I know you check out the menus ahead of time and like most of us, book ADRs months in advance. Curious to see what the surprising part is.

It was a happy circumstance that was completely unexpected. So glad for those once in a while!

But generally yes, I am that person who pre-plans a lot of my meals.

I have to take my socks off????

Well, no, I suppose you don't.

I honestly forgot I had to. I thought I had a day off in between. Not so much.

Oh I do... but,



Maybe. Although travel, especially flying, makes me pretty excited. But yeah, I think working the day before and starting out exhausted made it especially super sucky.

That would do it alright.

OH, pish posh. It's got all kinds of security cameras and patrols cruising through pretty regularly. I don't think most thieves are willing to pay the sky high parking fees just to risk it.

Welllllll.... still, no shower.

That's a fair point. Then again, it's one plausible strategy to get a whole row to yourself.


I first read that as "disalarming".

How discerning of you.

Doesn't everyone want a good groping from a perfect stranger? (Joke)


Yes. It usually means a middle seat in the back.

Yuck. Pass.

Excuse me, Sir. Just ignore that heel in your eye.


How pedestrian.

I think so?


Correct. I was incensed.

If not incendiary.

No, I do mean a conveniently TIMED one. Like when I'm at an outdoor CS place with plenty of cover and I'm just sitting anyway. The kind that lasts 30 minutes, is loud, and cools everything off.

It's not like you're asking for much. Sheesh!

Did you go with pink then?

You know me so well! Apparently I've become predictable.



I have NO idea why Smugmug won't let me size all my photos as large this time. I've never had the problem where they've auto-sized them as tiny before, but yes, that represents my arrival to POFQ. :)

Huh... well, that sucks. I'm thinking of looking into Google Photos. That's what Mark uses.
Me neither other than it's nearly hysteria in my workplace. I think it's more about the competition and heckling than about the sport? But... that's an outsider's observation. I could be wrong. ??

You could be right. :confused3

I'd love to dance again (ballet or jazz/hip hop) but I think I'd bust a body part of two if I tried.

:laughing: At least you could try! Any attempts on my part at dancing would be met moth a mixture of derision, sympathy and abhorrence.

I remember that from your old TR. :( I hope you get there someday, as much as I hope it for myself!

I need a re-do!

Well, no, I suppose you don't.

Good. Warm tootsies please.
I wasn’t going to sleep much anyway, so why not pocket the $150 I'd have spent on the inevitable crappy night's sleep at an equally crappy hotel? A friend thought that was not the safest or most comfortable option, so offered to drive me up at 3:15 AM to PDX. There is yet a ray of hope for the human race. Kindness still exists. Bleary eyed, but functional, we made the uneventful drive up to Portland where I was dumped curbside.

That sounds really scary. I'm glad your friend stepped up!

So weird, and I still have a brain ache from trying to figure it all out, so I’ve given up. I still need to call though and make double sure that I indeed was refunded for that 2nd flight I’d mistakenly booked including the early bird upgrade I’d added.

Yeah, well in my experience Southwest does not refund, but you can use it from a year from when you booked.

The gate Nazi literally tells me that I have to put my purse into my laptop bag so I only have 2 total before I can board.

Yeah, I do that cause I know they're going to be sticklers for it.

I think you’ll agree they were just right when I get to that chapter. The toes were a generic Disney thing with Mickey heads on red.

You have long toes and they're very cute!

One evening I treated my mom and dad to a night out at a piano bar where we all enjoyed a gorgeous charcuterie, a plate of sliders, a mule for me (when in Kentucky…) and a glass of Oregon Moscato for Mom and Dad.

I'm becoming more and more a fan of mules!
I had been determined to save money on lesser fun things (like parking), so had decided to leave after work on Monday and sleep in the car in the long-term parking lot until I had to catch the 4:00 AM shuttle. I wasn’t going to sleep much anyway, so why not pocket the $150 I'd have spent on the inevitable crappy night's sleep at an equally crappy hotel? A friend thought that was not the safest or most comfortable option, so offered to drive me up at 3:15 AM to PDX. There is yet a ray of hope for the human race. Kindness still exists. Bleary eyed, but functional, we made the uneventful drive up to Portland where I was dumped curbside.

I'm so glad you did not have to spend the night in your car. I'm sure you would have been ok, but you just never know...!
So sweet your friend gave you a ride at that early hour.

When I started to look at my confirmations and get my ducks in a row, I panicked and couldn’t find my Ressie ANYWHERE! So I bought another ticket thinking I didn’t have one. Turns out I actually did. So, after a long phone call with SWA, I had one of those tickets cancelled and refunded. Long story just as long, (and I’m still not sure what really happened, nor will I ever) the first leg of my journey DID have early bird, and then SW changed their minds and the 2nd leg didn’t.

Haha OMG that's so funny, but that's because you got a refund, probably not so funny if you did not. Thank goodness for SWA! I wish we flew them more but they don't really fly that often from our airport and the flight times don't really coincide with our trips.

Gorgeous! I love sunsets like this.


Yum I love a good charcuterie board! So nice spending an evening with your parents!

Great picture! You can feel your excitement! And hair is always so perfect!
K is for: Kingdom Scavenger Hunt Kickoff

As mentioned in the previous chapters, I developed an ABC-style Scavenger Hunt to keep me busy during my park days. As if actually being in a park in the first place wasn't entertainment enough. But, I like a challenge and this was something to keep me in the mindset of looking for the details of the parks and not merely rushing from one attraction to the next without noticing the incredible theming the Imagineers go to great lengths to make the parks so amazing! It did create another kind of "rushing" that I didn't expect, but I'll get to that later.

The official roolz I made for myself (which are meant to be broken should common sense dictate - see rant in previous chapter) were:

1) The items had to stick to the original list until all park scouring was complete. If I couldn't find something after a reasonably thorough search, I gave myself permission to sub something else in. I'll give an example when I get to "V".

2) If I found a better or more unique substitute, I went with that.

3) The items had to be able to be found by any other **touron visiting the park on any given day- so normal, everyday items, or places, or stuff built into the parks that weren't say... seasonal or such.

** Touron- Half tourist, half moron. The kind that stops in the middle of the walkways to read a map. Or tries to take 3 very small carry-ons through Southwest's jetway.

And now, it's time to kick off the first installment (of a bunch) of Steppe's Very Own, Original, One of a Kind, Alphabetical WDW Scavenger Hunt! I chose to start with AK because it's my favorite park.


I tend to get the best photos from my days there as the park itself seems to have the best source material. Lots to cover here, so let's get started. There were some letters in which I found multiple examples of, so (because I can) I will include those too.

A is for Animals:
(probably the easiest letter on any of the 4 game lists)
I won't include ALL the animals I got and save the majority for a separate Safari post. Also, since I named some animals specifically in the Scavenger Hunt, those get their own letter. If that makes sense.

B is for Birds:

I'm a sucker for birds. They are definitely a challenge to photograph, but I came away with a couple of keepers.

C is for Crampons:

There are at least 3 places I know of in Asia that you can find some crampons. You can easily find a 4th set if you eat a couple too many eggrolls at Yak and Yeti.

D is for Dinosaur:

I haven't entered Dinoland since 2010. Nor would I unless doing this scavenger hunt. Not my thing since from what I hear the Primeval Hurl is worse than the Puke Cups and my back would rebel rather quickly if I tried to ride Dinosaur. Sure, it's got some cute sight gags and theming, but just not an area that I love.

E is for Elephants:

Lots to choose from in this category...

F is for Flowers:
(no lack of suitable material here- I mean, I had to have a FEW gimmes!)

I will add here that I did not take the time to make sure the scavenger hunt photos were all that good. Some were point, shoot, and go! I am sad, however that that one didn't turn out. I wished the background behind the white orchids had been a bit darker.

G is for Gorillas:

I have a story coming up for these guys in a later update... for now... I present one dorky gorilla:

H is for Hotel:

There are actually several hotels and guesthouses to choose from to accommodate your adventures in Harambe and Anandapur! This one seems legit!

Factoid: I looked up "burudika" just on a hunch that it actually means something in Swahili. True to Disney authenticity in storytelling, it does. Appropriately, it means "to be: appeased, comforted, entertained, cooled, pacified, refreshed, relieved, and/or soothed"... exactly what a good hotel should do for a patron, no? Well, unless you're the Ramada Inn by the Portland Airport. Then you are terrified, sleepless, and skeeved. So, the next time you are visiting Kenya, Tanzania, or Botswana, find a place that can burudika you!

Interestingly, it's also the name of one of the music groups that performs in Harambe. They're super fun to watch as well!

(not my video)

I is for Ice:

Ice is everywhere. I originally thought I'd take a picture of the "ice" on EE, but this seemed even more appropriate. ;)

J is for Jeep:

These were the Jeeps I originally thought of when I made my list:

But I found this one as a happy accident and liked it even better. :)

K is for Kali:

I present the River Kali!

L is for Lamppost:

Quite possibly the most interesting one in AK...(sorry for the blue tint in the photo. I tried to warm it up, but it still looks goofy. I think I had the white balance setting all wrong.)

M is for Music:

You know it HAD to be these guys!

Don't mind me... just acting like a total doofus there.

But I love how everyone can enjoy making music too!

I will leave off there with half the alphabet. I hope you are enjoying a random smattering of AK photos as I sauntered around enjoying myself.

Until next time, Friends, may you be "burudika'd".
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That would do it alright.

I will remember that for next time. But sometimes it can't be helped.

Welllllll.... still, no shower.

I wonder if the airport has showers...

How discerning of you.

I like to think I"m discriminating. In the good sense of the word.


How pedestrian.

Ohh, I see what you did there!

If not incendiary.

Are you saying I'm the bomb?

It's not like you're asking for much. Sheesh!

See comment above about being discriminating.

You know me so well! Apparently I've become predictable.

I knew it!

Huh... well, that sucks. I'm thinking of looking into Google Photos. That's what Mark uses.

Let me know what you think!
I will remember that for next time. But sometimes it can't be helped.

Oh, how I know that!

I wonder if the airport has showers...

Hmmmm.... I guess that would depend on the airport? Maybe? Never seen any, though.

I like to think I"m discriminating. In the good sense of the word.


Are you saying I'm the bomb?


See comment above about being discriminating.


That makes me incredibly sad. Everyone should be allowed to dance as if no one's watching.

Oh, I definitely do that! No one would watch the way I dance!!!

Ok, permission given.

as long as you pick them up when you're done.

Pick up my tootsies? I think I can manage that... they're attached.
I know, time just gets away from me and I get caught up in adulting. You know how that goes! I’ve missed you all though. I’ve been doing really well, hoping to stay on track with keeping up this time

Oh how I understand that. Trust me, I really do.

I'm glad you're doing well, Kelly! I hope you can stay engaged here as you can- we like you!

That sounds really scary. I'm glad your friend stepped up!

I am too; saved me a ton of money! And I need it right now.

Yeah, well in my experience Southwest does not refund, but you can use it from a year from when you booked.

Hmmm, well Tuesday's my day to call, so we shall see.....

Yeah, I do that cause I know they're going to be sticklers for it.

I do understand the spirit of the rule in order to limit people from taking advantage of it with big, bulky things, but seriously... a 5x5 purse? Idiotic.

You have long toes and they're very cute!

Awww shucks... thanks Alison!

I'm becoming more and more a fan of mules!

Me too! Anything but a London!
Love the pics. Just getting caught up as I started a TR for my trip also. Just some background stuff for now, but it's a start. Flickr gave me some problems uploading earlier today.
I'm so glad you did not have to spend the night in your car. I'm sure you would have been ok, but you just never know...!
So sweet your friend gave you a ride at that early hour.

Me too. I would have, but this was better in the long run!

Haha OMG that's so funny, but that's because you got a refund, probably not so funny if you did not. Thank goodness for SWA! I wish we flew them more but they don't really fly that often from our airport and the flight times don't really coincide with our trips.

I can laugh about it now, however, if I call on Tuesday and find out I really didn't get a refund, I won't be laughing any more. I am going to fly Alaska for my May trip since they have the only non-stop which arrives at 3:15- plenty of time to get to O'hana. ;)

Gorgeous! I love sunsets like this.

Me too!!!!

Yum I love a good charcuterie board! So nice spending an evening with your parents!

It was a perfectly wonderful evening with good food, drink, and company!

Great picture! You can feel your excitement! And hair is always so perfect!

Thanks!, and thanks. :blush:
Ooooooh, how I'd love to stay at POFQ - maybe one day, it was priced out of range for me for my next trip. I'm gonna try braving an off site stay and see if I can handle it.
Mani/pedi - approved!

I fell in love with POFQ. I'd always heard great thing and now I understand why. The size is so perfect- no room is more than a 5-7 minute EASY walk to the buses and the food court. The pool is okay but I love that DTD is such an easy boat ride away.

Early flight times are my worst travel issue - booked the red eye so that I don't have to stay awake all night worried that I'm going to sleep in!

I don't love them either, but on the other hand, I don't like wasting a whole Disney day arriving late. I'd rather start out early since going East we PNWers lose 3 hours.

Hmmmm.... I guess that would depend on the airport? Maybe? Never seen any, though.

I'm pretty sure Frankfurt has them. At least I think that's where we used them.

Oh, I definitely do that! No one would watch the way I dance!!!

Is it TTA Crazy Dancing?

Pick up my tootsies? I think I can manage that... they're attached.

You Silly. I give up.

Love the pics. Just getting caught up as I started a TR for my trip also. Just some background stuff for now, but it's a start. Flickr gave me some problems uploading earlier today.

OH! I'll have to go and find it!! :) THanks for the heads up!
The day started, well…. at night. Most flights east depart in the wee bits of morning, which means you leave your house in the dead of night for those all too early check-ins.
Are there no decent daytime flights? Same thing happens when you're flying from east to west! :guilty:

Security was a mob scene but the world was made a safer place after (only) my left ankle was given a through pat down. After my limited groping
Depending on the agent less is better :scared1:.......or not nearly enough. :rolleyes:

The whole thing is a mystery… why would it let me check in and get a C group at the airport if I’d indeed had early bird?
Never look a gift squirrel in the mouth :squirrel:

I had it inside my jacket and was still thinner than everyone else on the plane.
Even that 6 year old little girl sitting across the aisle? o_O

One evening I treated my mom and dad to a night out at a piano bar where we all enjoyed a gorgeous charcuterie, a plate of sliders, a mule for me (when in Kentucky…
Looks like fun. ...but it ain't no YeHaa Bob! :sad2:


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