The Best Penny Cleaner!

Beverly Lynn

comfortably numb
Oct 17, 1999
is this stuff in a can called "Never-Dull" magic wadding polish. I have pennies from 1940 and up and they look like they just came off teh penny press!LOL I tried the baking soda and vinegar and the salt and vinegar but this stuff makes them shine! I can't wait to go make my pressed pennies now!
Try tomato sauce! If it cleans up pennies like that, imagine what it does to our stomachs!!!!!:rolleyes: I guesss it's the high acid content that cleans copper so well.

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Along the same can use hot sauce it will put a nice shine on a penny.
I cleaned our pre- 1982 pennies in tomato past. I let them soak or stick in the past for about 45 minutes the best looking ones were 1974 when I was done. I can't wait to press them now only 19 more days.

Doing the happy dance.

thanks, for the advise.

I love these boards.
Coca Cola is also a GREAT penny cleaner - which does make you think about putting that stuff in your stomach (this from a person who doesn't drink coffee, Tea or soda at all).
Ketchup works too. Once spilled some on the bottom of a copper pan. Left it in the sink over night ( too tired to do the dishes) and the next morning when I rinsed it off, the copper was shiny again! A girl in my DD's class once did the same thing with pennies as a science project.


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