The Black Watch


Earning My Ears
Jun 21, 2004
Although I don't know any of the soldiers or families affected, this story hit me right in the heart.

The Black Watch are a Scottish regiment and only about 1,000 strong and are regarded as one of the best band of soldiers in the world, yes, the world. They are a very proud regiment and fly the flag for Scotland.
The Black Watch were due to come home from Iraq next week but were requested to patrol the streets of Fallujah when USA troops were called to reinforce other military manouveres.
On their first tour of duty, three Black Watch soldiers were murdered by a suicide bomber. They were manning a gaurd point when a "fundamentalist" drove up in a loaded car and detonated a bomb, killing the three soldiers, an Iraqi, and injuring eight more.
Tony Blair, our Prime Minister had promised the men of Black Watch that they would be home for Christmas. Unfortunately, three houses in the central belt of Scotland will have one less at their christmas table.
May their god look after them and their families be proud that they died in the quest for global harmony.



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