The Boa Brigade: New Appointments to the Realm!

Attention all members of the royal court!

I have been forced to add in my two bits because of the horrible mental picture this thread has given me...

My grandfather in a loincloth.

I've been reading for several days now and have resisted the urge to remark, but...

Well, here goes.

First of all, I believe that I speak for everyone in saying...(sorry, I forgot this was ROYAL business) proclaiming that it is common knowlege that Ed/ Raul / Pinboy is NOT normal.

But, for crying out loud people! Think of what we've done to him so far!

We start by proclaiming him as a schizophrenic (a.k.a. Raul and Pinboy) and then it is found that he's married to a canadian boy (a.k.a. the one who is married to the one that didn't fall far from the tree who is the father of the girl who didn't fall far from the tree that has the daughters that didn't fall that far either...plop!).

NOW, we have him in a boa and tiara parading around as the "Leader of the Band (ed)".

And yet, you people STILL insist on adding a loincloth.

I mean, If you think about it (those with weak hearts should not), after we've done all this to him what could possibly be next? Are one of you planning on annoucing him as the great and powerful Norwegian God of Pins that carries all of the grails of the world in his open palm?

I, personally, don't want to think about it.

Although, on the other hand, the Powerpuff Underwear was a nice touch. :D

So, in conclusion, I only ask that I be notified ahead of time of any changes in Ed/ Raul / Pinboy's identity. That way I can at least prepare myself for the shock.

As I humbly bow myself away from the Royal Presence, goodnight.:jester:
~The one who fell too far from the tree and ended up being Banned.
Don't ask me how it happened. I don't know.:rolleyes:
I would also like to add that I fully supprt and congratulate the new members of the royal court.

There. I think I covered everything.

Tis what is Miss Mermie doing up this late, thy should be in asleep in her chamber, dreaming sweet dreams.
Welcome to all the new Boa Brigade members!

Congratulations Sir Michael! (If you start making me call you Sir on the phone......... I WILL hang up on you:D ;) )
okay.. this board is getting outta control... we have Peachidents, Vice Peachidents, a Queen, Ladies in waiting.. I want a cool title darn it!

I want to be known as...

The Goddess of the Collectors Board

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Hey, people, no ego problem here!!

Weeelllll, I guess it's ok - I took Supreme Being a long time ago!
By Royal Proclaimation a Meeting has been called to consider the request by Lady Laureen Lady Lauree
for their new titles ...These will be presented to HRH the Queen...and Her answer will be announced by The Town Crier
Hear Ye Hear Ye....

Lady Donna

Who is busy changing her signature line
Lady Laureen would like to be known as....Lady SUPREME GODDESS OF THE COLLECTORS BOARD

Lady Lauree would like to be know as....Lady The Supreme Being

and the voting will begin.....
Whats with this Boa Shmoa stuff.
Flaming Blue Hair is the way to go!!
And trust me I've done blue, purple is the way to go.

Hey Charles try it you never know, its a great monarchy, so far the female members outnumber the male members 234 to 2 I'm telling you I like those odds besides once you boa you'll never go back.
Can it be? An interloper amongst us? Sir, I ask thee to step aside. The Boa Brigade is have no power here! :D
As a new member of the Boa Brigade, debuting at the AK event, Mean Laureen shall now be known as Lady Lauri, Keeper of the Boards. :D As to the question of Goddess, this will have to be taken up with the Webmasters.... Queen of Boa Brigade has no jurisdiction on such a title. :confused:
OK! Here goes...

Congrats on the Knightings

Congrats for the Ladies in Wait

Congrats for the Supreme Beings

And the Royal Logos guy

Thanks to our Queen

who keeps us from being sane

And the newly dubed Keeper of the Boards

Who changes all of the posts of a certain knight

Way to go for purple hair

(even if there isn't always a tiara there)

So much for the peachidents

and even his vice

Now our Boa Queen is ruling

and handling all the pin dueling

As one of the newest members of the boa brigade, I have watched in awe as the august assemblage of the Royal Boa Court of Queen Leslie has been presented -- and I wish to pay tribute to our Queen and the Lords and Ladies of the court. (I was trying to find a way to use the words "boon" and "prithee" in there somewhere -- someone should have used those words by now, don't you think?)

So I know I'm new, and all the good titles are gone, but I thought, well, maybe there's something left! So I did an internet search to find out what "royal" job titles might still be available. Believe it or not, I actually found a list of "Medieval Job Titles"! (You can find ANYTHING on the internet) Alas, all the good titles were already taken -- the jobs left were for things like, jester, musician, beekeeper, (and several others not appropriate for a family board). None of these seemed to work for me. Royal Jester just doesn't fit my personality, I can't be the Royal Musician with no musical talent -- and, well, bees are something I can do without (boakeeper maybe, but not bees).

And so, prithee, Queen Leslie, may I request that you grant me a boon (yes, got to use both words in one sentence!), that I might have a generic title like "Member of the Royal Boa Court." I would be very honored if you would see fit to grant this request.
Geez, doesn't take much to make me happy, does it. I've got to get a life!
Cherry...I think the lovely title of ...." The honorary boakeeper" would be perfect for you!!

The keeper of the sacred boas

That's my vote!

Isn't there a Jester that lives in the far away land of Arizona? :jester: :jester: :D :D
no no no Dom.. you have it all wrong. The court jester lives in Florida and goes by the name Raul. The one in Arizona is known as the Emperor and Supreme Ruler of the Collectors Board - at least that's what he tells me to call him! :D :p ***wondering how long before the Emperor gets on here and pops the Goddess across the***
Oh Your Majesty Queen of the Boa Brigade,

I humble myself before ye.

I wish to express my undying gratitude to you for the honor of the title your majesty has bestowed upon me.

Sir Michael Creator of the Royal Logos
Hades is cool
Hades is tall
Hades will burn the boas off y'all!

Down on your knees you pack of Minions!!



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