The Doomsday Clock is being reset


DIS Veteran
Aug 26, 1999
That's the symbolic clock that gauges the world's threat of nuclear danger.

The board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which oversees the clock's movements, has scheduled a news conference this morning in Chicago.

It's been nearly four years since that clock was last reset. It was moved forward in 1998 to nine minutes before midnight after India and Pakistan conducted tests of nuclear weapons.

Today's announcement will be the first change after the September eleventh attacks. It is also thought to reflect a more volatile situation in Afghanistan and its neighboring countries.

The clock was started at the University of Chicago at 11:53 p-m in 1947, two years after the bulletin began as a newsletter among scientists who worked on the atomic bomb.

Do you think that maybe those fine people in chicago have pressed the wrong button and fiddled with our UKDis site by mistake!!!!!!!!!


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