The GH Official Thread

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Am I the only one ff through the Dante / Lulu scenes? Bore fest!

Yep, the only thing more boring is watching Sam and Jason discuss whether to get married or have a baby. Either do it or don't, at this point I can recite your dialogue...

Maria :upsidedow
I ff thru lulu/Dante, Brenda/Sonny

I love the idea of Ethan with Kristina (I mean, really, how much older is he...on the show anyway and why is this such a big issue with Abby older than Michael...really), love to see Liz & Lucky back together in some format again, love the Jackal PI and, not too keen on the whole accent thing, but love seeing Spinelli being confident! Jason/Sam...ff
And LOVE GH talking about hospital stuff! Go Scrubs!
I'm not liking the Jackal PI at all. Its quite annoying... And this whole abbey pretending to like Ethan is stupid.. I agree I like Kristina and Ethan together especially when they don't have her character so gitty... When they were on the island having fun it was great. I would have loved to seen more scenes with them out doing stuff couples do. Play vollyball on the beach, eat dinner, watch the sunset.. Don't the writers know all we want is romance in the daytime..
The writing you are seeing nowwill end by the end of July. Garin Wolf will take over. Garin has written for GH for 16 years, and he was headwriter of GH Nightshift. He loves romance and will force the mob into the background. Stay tuned! You will love whats coming.
I'm not liking the Jackal PI at all. Its quite annoying... And this whole abbey pretending to like Ethan is stupid.. I agree I like Kristina and Ethan together especially when they don't have her character so gitty... When they were on the island having fun it was great. I would have loved to seen more scenes with them out doing stuff couples do. Play vollyball on the beach, eat dinner, watch the sunset.. Don't the writers know all we want is romance in the daytime..

I so agree about the Jackal PI thing & Abbey and Ethan pretending ...Stupid! I do have to say that I am loving Ethan with short hair, I believe it was short like this when he first came onto the show, but then he grew it long and I thought he looked dirty all the time! Definite improvement!!
HUGE news for All My Children and One Life to Live fans. ABC has licensed the two programs to Prospect Park, a media and production company. This exclusive, multi-year, multi-format deal will allow for the stories of Pine Valley and Llanview to continue after the AMC and OLTL finales (set for September 23 and January 2012, respectively).

The licensing agreement, brokered by Disney/ABC Domestic Television Group, enables Prospect Park to continue production of All My Children and One Life to Live beyond their life on ABC. Prospect Park will produce and deliver the two long-running programs to consumers via online formats and additional emerging platforms including internet-enabled television sets. Under the terms of the arrangement, the programs will continue to be delivered with the same quality and in the same format and length. Additional details of the new productions and tune-in will be forthcoming from Prospect Park.

"We are privileged to continue the legacy of two of the greatest programs to air on daytime television, and are committed to delivering the storylines, characters and quality that audiences have come to love for over 40 years. All My Children and One Life to Live are television icons, and we are looking forward to providing anytime, anywhere viewing to their loyal community of millions," said Rich Frank and Jeff Kwatinetz of Prospect Park. Prospect Park has, along with successful film, development and music divisions, many breakout network hits airing, such as Royal Pains and Wilfred.

"All My Children and One Life to Live are iconic pieces of television history that captivated millions of fans since their beginning over 40 years ago," said Brian Frons, President, Daytime, Disney/ABC Television Group. "Each of the shows have made an indelible mark on our culture's history and informed our consciousness in their own way. We are so glad Prospect Park has assumed the mantle for these shows and that they will continue for the fans."

Agnes Nixon, the creator of both series, had this to add: "I'm just so happy that ABC found a home where the legacies of All My Children and One Life to Live can continue. I'm excited for their future with Prospect Park. It takes a lot of living to make a soap opera a serial, and the wonderful teams on both shows have done just that. Together, we are a big family that keeps going, and I'm looking forward to working alongside these wonderful people as we ensure that the shows will continue with all the love and excitement we've always had. I also am so happy for our loyal fans, whom we love so much, and who have been so supportive over the last 40-plus years." :cool1::yay:

ABC bowed to fan pressure, this guarantees that GH will continue on the air.
This week should be interesting, if the spoilers pan out. Is it just me, or does it seem like Brenda is not invested in her marriage? Like Sonny or hate him, either way, she acts like she is just visiting. I would expect to see her interact more with her son too. The rumors going around now are just silly. Tamara Braun is not coming back to GH at all..much less to replace Laura Wright. The other one that has no legs is that MB(Sonny) and SB(Jason) will be fired. That one is totally outer limits. While its true that Garin Wolf is pushing the mob into the background, the characters will be featured in other ways. We can see more relationships and drama that doesn't involve bullets and cops. The Quartermaines are coming back as well. Finally! Monica,Skye, Dillon and even Alan! I can't wait for Thanksgiving...
Previews for the week of 11-Jul-2011
by Carol Banks Weber

**Sonny doesn’t do much of anything at Jax’s custody trial except answer the judge’s questions, routinely. If that.
Carly maintains her stance – at this custody trial – that she’d rather share custody with Jax than give him total access.
Because of a subpoena, Brenda goes up there to testify that yes, she doesn’t feel safe with her son Alec, because they’ve endured mob violence during her marital tenure.
Before the judge issues a final edict on the custody trial, Sonny’s eyes are opened to Jax’s latest, behind-the-scenes stunt – padding the mediator’s pockets with enough money to make it worth her while to slant the case his way.
The judge listens to the mediator’s recommendation and passes judgment in favor of Jax.
Jax and Brenda ***** about Carly some more.
Alexis looks after Carly, with kind, gladdening, inspiring words to chin up.
Sonny gets to the compromised mediator, swaying the case in Carly’s favor, then setting Jax up to take the fall with the police for stash possession.
Sonny and a clueless Brenda patch everything up and get sickeningly lovey-dovey. Take a picture, it lasts longer.
Brenda’s efforts at breaching the rift with Sonny comes to a crashing halt when she puts two and two together, arriving at her mobster husband’s hand in Jax’s downfall.
Sonny evades Brenda’s pointblank question about responsibility for Jax’s current plight, leading her to conclude – with the history of Sonny’s lying and evading – that they’ll never have essential trust for any kind of marriage.
The police come down hard on Jax, the druggie man.
Carly receives word about Jax’s drug possession and arrest, reeling.
Morgan and Molly take it upon themselves to handle the custody stalemate by making off with baby Josslyn as fugitives.
A part of their hare-brained scheme is to force Carly and Jax to kiss and make up – we’re long past that, kids – by pretending Anthony has snatched Josslyn for ransom. They hole up in a pizza shack and sent a ransom note Carly’s way.

Anthony doesn’t quite know what to make of Spinelli, aka Jackal, P.I.
Maxie keeps leaving parting gifts of guidance for Jason and Sam to be legal already.
Spinelli is only too happy to brag about carrying a piece with slugs meant specially for Anthony.
Maxie notices Spinelli is carrying, and becomes scared for his life. She should be; he tries to gun down Anthony.
Asher is dying to beat the crap out of that over-privileged spoiled brat Michael who, at this very moment, is reaping undeserved rewards from the big boss Edward over the latest savvy business observation that helped ELQ.
Ethan and Abby pick up their affair charade. However, Kristina rolls her eyes at the BS.
Ethan practically dares Kristina to tag along with him on a Vegas jaunt not meant for little girls.
Instead, Kristina doesn’t care, she does tag along with Ethan when he takes that jaunt to Vegas.
Javier finds himself absolutely taken in by Lulu.
Dante keeps hanging around the Florida *****house, making a nuisance of himself.
When a john tries to pick up Lulu, Dante calls unnecessary attention to them by stopping the encounter, displeasing Javier.
Lupe figures Dante’s real agenda out by catching sight of his police badge.
Lupe thinks she’s alerting Lulu to Dante as a police danger, but Lulu says she already knows… they’re together. Lulu fills in more gaps with Lupe, sealing her fate.
Lulu and Dante talk strategy – about waiting around for Luke – as Javier inches within earshot, seething and strategizing himself (bye-bye Lupe).
Despite obvious warning signs to bail now, Lulu stubbornly won’t, not until she and Luke are together again.
In retaliation for what he now knows, Javier greases Lupe.
If Lulu’s not careful (and she never is), Javier just might grease her too, despite having the biggest boner for her.
Javier sics his thugs on Dante while setting his ravenous, dangerous sights on Lulu, meaning her a fatal end.

Siobhan reels from her near-death experience on the operating slab, thanks to careless Elizabeth. But then Siobhan allows herself to believe Liz meant to do her ill.
Siobhan scolds Elizabeth, on behalf of protecting Lucky’s best interests.
Lucky tries to ease Siobhan off Elizabeth. But even he cannot bridge their gap.
Robin makes the most of her new role as GH’s chief of staff and as the biggest pain in Patrick’s *** ever.
Patrick bristles under Robin’s GH leadership.

Next week: With Maxie as a stylist, Jason carefully selects an engagement
ring fit for Sam :crazy2: … Carly, Ethan, and Kristina go on a mission to retrieve and restore Morgan, Molly, and Josslyn… Utterly defeated, Jax packs up to start his life over elsewhere, anywhere else but PC… Sonny has a lot to make up for with Brenda. He will be defeated himself when Brenda bails on him, taking her son with her out of town for good… Sonny’s illegal, unethical actions against Jax turn Brenda off of any reconciliation. She informs Sonny she’s through with him. Bye… Jax bids a fond but bittersweet farewell to Josslyn, Morgan, and Michael… Elizabeth and Lucky jointly give Aiden a great birthday celebration. Elizabeth tries to make sure Siobhan comes too, to be nice… Robin lets her new chief of staff position get the better of her as she rides roughshod over Patrick, Steve, and Matt, letting the power get to her head… Lulu and Dante fight the good fight as evil and anvils keep bombarding them.
I'm loving the Quartermaine resurgance. The scene between Tracy and Monica was awesome. Edward is finally getting his way by having Michael at ELQ. Agree that the Kristina/Ethan/Abby storyline is ridiculous. I don't like Kristina and Ethan together. They could find a younger bad boy for her to chase around and anger her parents. Ethan needs a girlfriend who can be his equal and get involved in his capers, like Jason and Sam.

On a serious note, I'm really upset about the Spinelli thing. Even though they've never mentioned a diagnosis on the show, the character clearly has Asperger's. They've modeled a lot of his mannerisms and his thought processes after Asperger's characteristics. My son has Asperger's and I am always glad to see smart, successful characters with the disorder. Spinelli might have zero social skills, but he's living on his own and using his cyberskills to support himself (even though he works for the mob). When I read that Spinelli would wake up from surgery and not be himself, I thought he would lose his wacky speech patterns and perhaps suddenly be typical. Imagine Spinelli calling people by their real names! I imagined the other characters wouldn't like him that way. They've become so accustomed to Spinelli that they would want him back the way he was. It would send a good message that people can have differences and still be accepted and loved, and that people want them to remain just the way they are! Of course, a whack on the head would take him back to his old self. Instead, they copped out and made him into this annoying Jackal PI dude. I feel like the whole story is really insulting the intelligence of the viewers. Give us something real! Rant over!:)
Spoilers from Criticallist Highlight to read;

*Dante breaks free and rescues Lulu from Javier.
*Brenda tells Sonny goodbye, and leaves Port Charles..with Jax.
*Carly is shocked at Sonny for the methods he used to stop Jax.
*Robin talks to Jax and he tells her what Sonny did.
*Jax, Brenda, Sonny and Carly get into a shouting match outside the courthouse.
*Robin is mad at Sonny and won't talk to him.
*Sonny is left reeling by Brendas departure.
*Siobhan is not willing to give Liz an inch..
*Liz really tries to be nice to Siobhan.
*Siobhan becomes paranoid over Lucky spending time with Liz.
*Brenda returns the three rings Sonny gave her for their wedding.
*Jax and Brenda seem to have made peace with the decision to leave town.
*Jax says goodbye to the kids.
*After burning down the bordello, Lulu and Dante end up at Wyndemere.
*Helena threatens to hurt Lulu, and intimates she knows where Luke is..
*Anthony drops in on Tracy at ELQ.
*Asher does his best to get rid of Michael through Tracy.
*Monica has questions for Liz about Jake.
*Siobhan is so insecure about Lucky and Liz, she is easy pickings for Helena.
*Siobhan and Helena become confidantes.
*Sonny feels lost and alone, nobody to talk he goes to Bensonhurst.
*Anthony wants Sonny back in Port Charles, where he can control the action.
*Look for a twist to come this summer, leading to a mystery.
*Spinelli is still in Jackal P.I. mode for a while longer.
The whole bordello's tough to watch. So ... I don't. Makes ya wanna gag. I mean Luke would want to see his daughter working at the place that supposedly set the tone of the train wreck of a life he's had? (or at least that the latest spin on things, lol!). Not to mention we aren't supposed to notice it's really the old Spencer home, albeit redecorated?!
Seriously, doesn't she know Luke comes back every October? Can't she just wait until then!:rotfl:
Bye Bye Brenda"don't Let the screen door hit ya on the way out" they so ruined Brenda Barrett this time around. And why is it they never mention that Jerry Jax is the one that shot Michael-Jax's business just might not be that clean. His father was quite shady.

I agree about them ruining Brenda this time around.. I was watching an old episode of Las Vegas and man did she rock it on there.. Such a waste of talent..
I agree about them ruining Brenda this time around.. I was watching an old episode of Las Vegas and man did she rock it on there.. Such a waste of talent..

But also I have to say Vanessa had no sparkle- with Brenda this time. The old Brenda would have never Married Sonny & would have never trusted whats her face, Brenda has always had trust issues.

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