I just came over to check the "sandals" board, only to find it has changed to the "bathing suit" board!! :D

Land's end also has some cute things. Not sure about the exact sizes, but they sell matching shorts for some of the one pieces.

It's probably too late for Sears now, but thanks for the info - i'll check it out next year (especially if I'm pregnant again)!
I found some very cute suits on that run about $55 - $57. I haven't ordered from them before but I'm going to give them a try. They also had some cute dresses and short sets at reasonable prices.

Disney Wonder - 1st Time December 16, 2001
for those of you, like me, who wish for swim suits with arms and legs, go to

be warned, they ain't cheap...

The suits at Sears. they aren't your typical,kind of suit!! My suit is a modest Tank Top [with a bra]thats long,long enough to go over the shorts or tuck it in and have it stay put![which are NOT like the Lands End, only for ulta skinny mini's]these shorts have enough coverage to cover your butt and thighs. This suit covers my problem areas,while being an interesting,cute,new style,that makes me look good!! And now I can go swimming without looking like a Whale in a my grandma's 2 sizes too small swimming suit.


Tink- So, It DOES cover ALL areas!?!? I have been driving myself crazy trying to find a suit for our trip in June. I know it will be SO hot, so I will need the dreaded item. No thighs, stomach, ect. showing huh? Sounds like the suit for me!! ;)


All Star Sports 95
Shades of Green 98
Swan 2000
AKL 2001
Thanks so much for the report on Sears. My mom is Pooh sized and needs a good suit that she can feel comfortable in. She & I will head to Sears this weekend and see what we can find. :)
tink2dw? I'm a short, 5'1", Pooh-sized mom and haven't even considered a bathing suit for many years now. Being petite, height-wise anyway, is a major problem for me! I need to hide almost everything just to go out, let alone a bathing suit!

Anybody have suggestions for short, 22 Pooh-size Mom? <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

Would love to break in the water parks w/the kids! Haven't done it though in about 10 yrs!

TIA :D If you're looking for a suit with bottoms that look like shorts you'll LOVE this suit! Its 2-piece,very flattering and comfortable! The maker is,"It Figures"

I am only 5'2"!!!

And the suit I chose Has a modest Tank top with 2" wide straps [it's Black w/Lime Green Trim!!]and a bra,The shorts are Black and about 3" above the knee,and have a panty in them,and are a slight loose fit short,they have a two inch wide elastic waist band.

I think you would love this suit!! Check it out at Sears!! :D

Airhead- Are these suits true to size? They look great on the skinny model, but what about a pooh sized big chested girl? Is there any support in the top? I think I want to order one, went looking for a suit today....very depressing. Thanks in advance!


All Star Sports 95
Shades of Green 98
Swan 2000
AKL 2001
One more question please airhead.. do you wear the shorts as the bottom of the bathing suit? I would really prefer that to the skirt, Thanks again! ;)


All Star Sports 95
Shades of Green 98
Swan 2000
AKL 2001
I was sorry to hear they're not available! You might want to get their catalog(they have really nice clothes)so that next year you'll be able to order one as soon as they come out. And yes they are true to size,very comfortable,and very well made. Its the first bathing suit I ever had and really felt comfortable wearing. Last year
I bought the black suit(LOVE IT!) And this year I bought the flowered print. I can tell ya, for the first time in years,I'm comfortable jumping in the pool!!

Thanks everyone! I went to Sears today & got myself a Pooh sized swimsuit. LOL It's the best fitting one I've had in years. I probably never would have looked & just stuck with my older ones. Hubby even likes it.

It looks like tank top connected to shorts - one piece. Navy blue with thin white & lime green strips connected to navy blue shorts. Love it. I'm ready for Typhoon Lagoon!!!!!!!!

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Pooh Sized. hehe!!! Love it!!! I just wanted to say that alot of stores carry pooh size suites now as well as alot of other clothing items. I think thats great!!!

Yesterday I went into a store and the fist one I picked out actualy worked and I purchaced it!!!! That was so nice. I cant bring myself to order over the internet. I have a pooh sized GF that does and she is fine with that.

Recently my soon to be XXXXX DBF has been making comments on my weight. (why he is soon to be X!!!) When I put my new suite on I looked GREAT. He can just eat his heart out!!!! All those mean comments cant be taken back!!!!!

I am happy with me....thats what counts!!!


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