The Hangout Thread: The Teen Board's Hottest Club

Work was crazy on Friday, and apparently it was crazy yesterday. I'm really hoping today will be slow.
I feel like I've changed a lot over this past year. And by changed I mean I became 10x more social, found a boy who makes me happier than ever, did better in school, made new friends, took the first steps towards figuring out my future, hardly ever turned anyone down to "hang out", and most importantly stepped out of my shell. And I honestly couldn't be more proud of myself.
I want to know if the cute guy who came into my job and pointed out that I had flour all over me was making a poor attempt at flirting.
I went out to dinner with my best friend, her prom date, and her prom date's family after a church thing and our waitress kept checking out my best friend's prom date! omg i died
The best was when my whole family went to this diner for breakfast and we spent the entire meal trying to figure out if the waiter was checking me or my brother out.
I have the biggest love-hate relationship with my hair. Sometimes it's like "let it grow! Let it grow!" and other times I'm like "done. Cut it off."
ngl part of why I hope to publish this one novel I've been working on is because it involves two sisters and I want Frozen AU fanart for it
I have some cheer event every single day this week. Including Saturday. Needless to say, Sunday is going to be a crash day. Even though I am going to see the Lego movie and I am excited about that lol
And I have a pre calc test that I haven't and won't study for because I don't know how and/or what's going in. And I always understand math and this hurts me so much


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