The "i have no idea what to call my PTR" PTR :)


Apr 21, 2012
I've decided since its now less than 3 months until out trip and only 85 sleeps (not that I'm counting!! ) it's time to do a PTR!

The cast:
Moi (Bec) I'm 28 and a Disney nut!
DH (Liam) 34 and pretends not to be a Disney nut!
DS1 (Jake) 8-loves cars and Toy Story and pretends he doesn't like the girly films but he loves them all really!
DS2 (Max) 7- is ever so slightly eccentric and can often be found with a pink handbag! :)
DS3 (Zak) will be 10 months when we go so is obviously completely unaware of Disney but hopefully by the time we visit might be a little interested!

I'm going to have a go at adding some photos of us but I haven't done it before and I'm using the app so please let me know if it goes wrong!

This is us on our wedding day (I'm sure you've worked that out!!)

Jake looking mean and moody!

Max is such a poser!

Zak at 9 days old- I should really put an up to date pic on but I love this one! :)

We visited DLP in 2008 (obviously minus Zak!)
It was mine an the boys first taste of Disney and we fell in love. Liam has been to Florida many years ago but it was his first trip to DLP.
I'll add a couple of my favourite pics from the trip. I can't believe how tiny Jake and Max look on them!





I really hope the pics work!!

Enough of my ramblings! This trip we are going on 24th sept and staying in SL for 4 nights.
We're braving it and driving down but as yet we're undecided wether to go euro tunnel or ferry.
I keep changing my mind over our meal plans but I have already booked cafe mickey for our first evening through the travel agent.
I would live to eat at Wales but I think the lack of characters will put the kids off so I may have to bribe them with watching the parade through the window!! ;)
As the kids are a bit older and braver this trip we're hoping to do a few of the big rides like RNRC and TOT but they might chicken out when they see them!!
Anyway I hope I haven't bored you to tears (if not there's still time!)
I meant would love to eat at Walts by the way! You've got to love auto correct!!


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