The Magical Vacation - 6/2 Saturday - Disembarking & Returning Home - LONG & DETAILED


My favorite place to run is Disney!!
Jul 6, 2000
Our Happy Group:

Me, 36, compulsive planner, hoping all goes perfect
DH, 44, good sport, in need of a good vacation
Teen DD, 15, excited but in a cool way
Youngest DD, 13 months, oblivious to goings-on, just her generally happy self

My parents and sister (25) were traveling in our group as well. This is the first time we have all traveled as a group and it went surprisingly well!!

I will warn you now - these daily reports are going to be long - really really really long. So, if you don't like detailed reports go ahead and hit that back button now!!

I wrote this information as much for me as for all of you. I want to remember as much of it as possible - hence the ad nauseum detail.

Read, skim, or skip completely - whatever works for you!! I will post these by days and then add some general overviews on certain subjects. Please ask questions if you have them!!

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6/2 Disembarkation and Returning Home

As expected, morning came too early. DH and I awoke about 6:20 and quietly began getting ready for the day. Both DDs continued sleeping until about 7:00. We, obviously, did not make an attempt to go to our breakfast seating – just too early for us. I was sorry to miss seeing our servers one last time but I just knew it wouldn’t be a good idea.

So, last minute packing is finished and the girls are now up. DH heads to Topsider’s to get us all a quick breakfast snack. I knew that the adults could most likely do without if necessary but no way youngest DD could go without breakfast. So, we had a quick snack of baked goods and fruit.

Finished getting everyone dressed and one last look to make sure we didn’t forget anything (which it turns out we did – oh well). Teen DD and I really wanted to get a peak at the luxury suites up on Deck 8 but DH wasn’t interested. So, DH stayed with youngest DD while teen DD and I went upstairs. We had to maneuver around cleaning carts and vacuums but we did manage to see a category 3 suite (bigger than I expected and very nice) along with the Roy Disney Suite (also very nice – neat wet-bar etc.). We really really wanted to see the Walt Disney suite but unfortunately the door was closed and there were no room stewards around. Maybe next time…

Back to our room to meet up with DH and younger DD. Gathered our stuff up, put youngest DD in the backpack carrier and headed to the atrium to meet up with my parents and sister. I decided to stop by lost and found at the guest services desk one last time to look for a lost hair bow, sippy cup and/or baby spoons – all of which we had managed to misplace during the week. No matches – shoot. But while there, I noticed a mother and daughter being given what looked like a complete set of trading cards. The mother was trying to get another set and the CM told her it was only one set per stateroom.

So, I sent teen DD to the desk to see if she could get some since we had not been successful in completing our set. The CM asked which ones she already had and told her she would get the others (in other words, she wouldn’t just give you a complete set). Teen DD could not remember exactly which ones but made a pretty good guess. So, we ended up with a near complete set pretty easily. I did not remember ever reading this on the boards and therefore was excited to be able to share it when I returned.

Finally, time to face the music and get off the boat. It was hard to go but off we went. We proceeded to collect our luggage – 5 minutes tops to get them all. Breezed through customs without a hitch. Checked in our bags at the Delta counter so thankfully we did not have to pack them in the rental van.

My uncle once again took DH to the rental car counter at the Radisson. Once again took about 30 minutes and he was back with the car. We packed our carry-ons and stroller in the van and installed the car seat. We said our goodbyes and loaded up in the van to head to Orlando.

It was now about 9:10 and out flight was scheduled to depart Orlando at 12:55 p.m. We decided to go to Downtown Disney for lunch and a bit of quick shopping before heading to the airport.

We had lunch at Wolfgang Express (good but pretty expensive) and hit a couple of stores. It was now 11:30 and time to go. We stopped to fill the rental van with gas and onto the airport.

We arrived at the airport and turned in the rental car without any problem. Since we had checked our bags at the port we went directly to the gate. Unfortunately, I could not justify a stop at any of the airport Disney stores since we did not have a lot of extra time at this point.

They were boarding our rows as we walked up so we got in line and onto the plane in a matter of just a few minutes. Went through the whole car seat, carry-on, baby handling mess and then we were ready to go.

The plane departed on time and arrived a few minutes early. Same car seat, carry-on, baby handling mess on the way off the plane but we are getting good at by now. The luggage took a while to arrive so DH went and got our van from the parking lot. Just as he arrived back at the baggage claim, the last bags were coming off the bag carousel.

Even more creative luggage packing required since now 2 of the bags have been expanded and one is now really full. Luckily, DH is very good at this and we were on our way in just a few minutes.

It was an uneventful ride home. We were glad to see the house was still standing – no fires or burglaries etc. while we were gone. It was hard to believe that the trip was really over. We had such a great time but it did go fast.

We have since discussed when we can go back. Although I would like to go back ASAP, it will probably not be until 2004 when teen DD graduates from high school. It will also be our 10th anniversary that year so maybe we can justify a one-bedroom suite.

Once again, thanks to everyone who posted trip reports, gave hints and feedback and just generally made the DIS boards the best source of trip planning information anywhere!!


Links to other days' trip reports

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

What great trip reports. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. We will be on the May 25, 2002 Western Sailing so it was very exciting to read your reports, since it is the same time of year.

Thanks again,

Rhonda - Thank you so much for posting your detailed reports. We cruised last October so my mind turned your report into a video - I'm nuts, I know. I am glad you got home safe and sound and are thinking about going again, and next time you can have different ports!

I really enjoyed reading your report. I am most interested on getting your teen DD's opinion of the trip. We will be traveling in December with our teen DD and I think if my DD could get the full low down from a teen who has actually been on the cruise, she may be more excited. I know deep down she is excited...but she has to be cool too ;)

:bounce: :bounce: Jules:bounce: :bounce:

P.S...Thanks for the teen Navigators...looks like you think I could pass for 17? :)

I enjoyed every report, they were so wonderfully detailed! I too went on the Magic last October, so your reports let me relive my cruise. Seems long ago, can't wait to go again! Just wanted to say thanks! :)
Thank you so much for posting such
a great detailed report! I truly enjoyed
each day, and I'm sad that they had to end!
Thanks again, Jan
This was so great! I even felt sad they the reports were coming to an end. I can't wait for December!!

Thanks so much for taking the time to do the reports.
I have a couple of spa questions:

In the Alpha Capsule, is your head in the capsule as well? If so, was it claustraphopic???

Did you by any chance bring home a copy of the spa fees? I'm beginning the planning of my budget for the 12/15/01 Magic trip and definitely want to budget enough for the spa!!

Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I must admit to being worried that my reports would come across as quite boring to anyone besides me. Glad you have enjoyed them.

Jules - I have encouraged my teen dd to write a trip report as I honestly know very little about her day-to-day activities. We saw her for dinner and the shows and while on the islands, the rest of the time she was out and about with her new friends. Hopefully, she will write this report but I am afraid I can't make any guarantees - lol!!

Duges - I posted a listing of all the spa treatments (except for the cabana massages which were not listed on the spa paperwork for some reason) along with prices. I will "bump" this post to the first page of the regular cruise discussion board for you. If you cannot find it, send me a message and let me know and I can just send you the info.

Happy cruising to

Thanks so much for the great trip report! This combined with all the info. you gave me on Flounder's Reef and travelling with my 13 month old daughter are going to be invaluable! Your time and effort are greatly appreciated!

Thanks You, Thank You, Thank You...

Duges - just realized I forgot to answer your alpha capsule question. No, your head is not inside the capsule. I don't think I would have liked that since I don't care for tanning beds etc. Your head sticks out at the end (although you are laying on a pillow) and so you can look around if necessary and can see the music controls etc. It was very nice and I did not feel claustraphic at all. If you have any questions, ask to see the alpha capsule if possible before making the appointment.

Kelly - so glad I could help. Traveling with a 13-month old was probably the biggest stress factor for me. Trying to anticipate what we needed (everything apparently judging but the amount of stuff we brought), how to plan our evenings, worrying about how dd would like Flounder's etc. Thank goodness it turned out okay. Hopefully, some of the info I provided will help make your vacation slightly less stressful!!

Happy cruising to you all!!


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