The Most Expensive Free Trip Ever - TR Link is Up! Pg. 164

I love it when a plan comes together. I've been doing a lot of pondering, and here's my plan so far:

Sat. Jun 12
Arrive around noon, check-in (don't know where yet, either CSR or POR)
Hit the pool
Check-in with PChef, if possible (I think we were able to in a day early 2005)
Dinner at Downtown Disney, either Earl of Sandwich or Wolfgang Puck
Go to POR River Roost Lounge to catch Yee Haa Bob Jackson
Return to room - crash

Sun. Jun 13
Breakfast at resort, counter service
Lunch at Sci-Fi (ADR made! :thumbsup2)
Return to resort early/mid afternoon to rest or swim
Go to Epcot World Showcase
Dinner at Biergarten (ADR made! :thumbsup2)
Return to room - crash

Mon. Jun 14
Breakfast at resort, counter service
Epcot day
Lunch wherever we are, counter service, prob. Sunshine Seasons
Return to resort early/mid afternoon to rest or swim
Dinner at Whispering Canyon (ADR made! :thumbsup2)
Magic Kingdom in the evening
Return to room - crash

Tue. Jun 15
Breakfast at resort, counter service
Typhoon Lagoon
Lunch wherever we are, counter service, prob. Typhoon Tilly's
Return to resort early/mid afternoon to rest and pack
Dinner and evening spent at AK, PChef event

Wed. Jun 16
Breakfast at resort, counter service
Check-out, send luggage to Kidani
Magic Kingdom day
Lunch wherever we are, counter service
Return to resort early/mid afternoon to unpack, rest and visit pool
Dinner in the suite
See the Boardwalk at night

Thu. Jun 17
Breakfast in suite
Animal Kingdom day
Lunch - bring sandwiches into park or buy picnic
Return to resort early/mid afternoon to rest or swim
Dinner at Boma
Evening ?

Fri. Jun 18
Breakfast in suite
Animal Kingdom or Epcot
Date night? (The Wave? Flying Fish?)

Sat. Jun 19
Breakfast in suite
MK, Epcot, or DHS
Dinner at Hoop de Doo

Sun. Jun 20
Breakfast in suite

There's not too much flesh on the bones for the last few days, but I may not plan a whole lot for those days -- I like to leave them open so the kids or Judy can express if there's something they really want to do.

One thing I'm not sure about is that with this plan the first time we'll enter the Magic Kingdom will be during the evening, which seems kind of weird for the first time seeing the castle during the trip. Maybe I'll replace our first day's trip to Downtown Disney with going to MK.

Also, we're going, going, going for several days straight. Maybe on Wednesday, when we change resorts, we should make it a non-park day. Check-out late, move over to Kidani and just go to the pool. The only problem with that is it does take a while for your luggage to arrive and you might as well be at a park. Hmmmm.

Now...switching gears. You guys have sat through all of that park planning stuff very patiently. I's all a lot of words....blah, blah, blah. But I know that what you really want, are pictures. So, how about if I keep you entertained for a little while with a couple of pictures of us picking out our Christmas tree last weekend? Oh, I should mention, this is the first time in probably almost fifteen years that we've not used an artificial tree. Lauren's the only one who had ever gone with us to pick out a tree before, and she didn't remember it.

Here are the kids strolling around the tree farm, hunting for the perfect tree. It was a cold day.



After a little while we found said tree, and the family posed in front of it.


After I took the one above, each of the kids wanted a turn taking the picture. I won't bore you with those, they're basically the same shot, with interchanging people....except for the one James took. When he held that camera in his hands, with gloves on, all you could see was the lens sticking through. I don't even know how he managed to trip the shutter button. We all cracked up!


After he took it, he was like, "What? What?"

Then another gentleman tree-hunter apparently noticed us and offered to take our picture for us. That was very kind of him, and he didn't even know he would be mentioned in a Pre-Trip Report which would be read by thousands and thousands of people.


Marlene and James wanted to take a shot at sawing, but Lauren didn't want to get her jacket dirty. Don't you love their cute faces?



After they were done messing around I finished it off and loaded our trophy into my truck.


I guess I should say I loaded it into the tree-farm-provided wagon, and then loaded it into my truck, of which I don't have a picture...of.

Then, my job is to get it into the base and into the house. After that, the kids and Judy do the decorating. That's not my thing. Here's the finished product.


Nobody better say "Timber!"

Link to next chapter
I love when plans start to come together! And these plans look really, really good!

In fact, your day 1 looks, almost to the smallest dot on an i , identical to ours. There, you won't even have to read my PTR to know that. I do have one going, by the way. (link below with steamboat) My tradition is going to DTD first thing, I'd keep it. But if you all feel like seeing the castle right off is important, then you can always switch it out. Traditions are a good thing!

I'm pretty excited to see Yeehaw Bob too, but since we're arriving on a sunday, we'll have to wait. Did you know he has his own website?? It's always interesting.
I love when plans start to come together! And these plans look really, really good!

In fact, your day 1 looks, almost to the smallest dot on an i , identical to ours. There, you won't even have to read my PTR to know that. I do have one going, by the way. (link below with steamboat) My tradition is going to DTD first thing, I'd keep it. But if you all feel like seeing the castle right off is important, then you can always switch it out. Traditions are a good thing!

I'm pretty excited to see Yeehaw Bob too, but since we're arriving on a sunday, we'll have to wait. Did you know he has his own website?? It's always interesting.

I'll have to get over to your PTR...sorry I haven't been on it yet.

We started last year's trip with a visit to DTD and it worked really well. It's not as important this time as we'll already have our annual passes in hand. That one may be a last-minute call.

Yes, I'm psyched to catch Yeehaw Bob early on. I've been on his website, but not lately.
Don't apologize, you might be right -- I'm no expert (is there one?) on Disney ticketing practices. But now that you mention it, I think I have heard that. I wonder where I can find out for sure. That'll save me about $100 per ticket! I'm glad you're the one who brought this to my attention....some people would want a cut, but I know that you're happy to help just out of the goodness of your heart. :littleangel:

Absolutely :littleangel:...always glad to help a fellow DVC member. If it were me, I'd use the money saved to justify another (short) trip during the year ::yes::. I mean, you've got the tickets and some points leftover to cover your room right? Your really just looking at airfare and food...why not? Is there such a thing as too much :smickey:? AND..I believe, if you hold on to those tickets and (when you are ready) use them once to get into a park before upgrading (if you choose to upgrade to APs) you will be credited the full gate price at the time you are using them....:goodvibes
Absolutely :littleangel:...always glad to help a fellow DVC member. If it were me, I'd use the money saved to justify another (short) trip during the year ::yes::. I mean, you've got the tickets and some points leftover to cover your room right? Your really just looking at airfare and food...why not? Is there such a thing as too much :smickey:? AND..I believe, if you hold on to those tickets and (when you are ready) use them once to get into a park before upgrading (if you choose to upgrade to APs) you will be credited the full gate price at the time you are using them....:goodvibes

I was thinking that you were going to owe me a new PTR title...saving me all that money. But with this last suggestion of adding another trip, you're right in line with the theme...
me too.....but sadly it doesn't like me.
like you or do you mean the people around you after you have eaten it.

your plans look really good,

do you have a list of when the EMH for the pchef group will be so i can add that to my calander and what parks to avoid on thos days

You definitely have more than half the trip planned out. Awesome! I'm going again in April and I'm no where near done planning as much as you have! Guess I should get on that huh?

Oh my gosh. I LOVE the pictures of you and your family getting your tree!!!! I'm actually going with my mom and step-dad tomorrow. Perhaps I'll post some of my adventures too :scratchin Only difference is that we might have a little bit more snow than you.....

I know how you said you won't have much downtime for the first couple days. But what about Typhoon Lagoon day? Usually you can finish up with that place near lunchtime. You could then take a break back at the resort for a couple hours before switching over to AKL? Or the day you check in at AKL, just take it easy, skip MK (or go later on in the day) and enjoy the fact that you've returned "home" :goodvibes
I'll have to get over to your PTR...sorry I haven't been on it yet.

We started last year's trip with a visit to DTD and it worked really well. It's not as important this time as we'll already have our annual passes in hand. That one may be a last-minute call.

Yes, I'm psyched to catch Yeehaw Bob early on. I've been on his website, but not lately.

We'll be waiting!! We have a ton of fun, and with Cherie et al. around there are plenty of laughs and fart talk.

DTD somehow just gets me in the mood for all things Disney. and it gets the shopping out of the way, so I can concentrate of better (just my opinion) things in the parks.

The plans sound solid. I like the idea of doing the first evening or day at DTD, this is also my plan for our first day there. I told my DH that I wanted to get to WDW as early as we can without leaving before the crack of dawn, this way we could have the choice of what we wanted to do the first day.
We can stay at the resort and swim, sleep or rest, and there are some of us that would like to tour the different resorts and see things we haven't seen before. That evening we have it planned to go to DTD early to eat and shop and pittle fart around then head back to the room for an early turn in.
I'm all for doing things the easy way this time, the first time we went we got in pretty late (plane arrived into airport at around 10:40 p.m.) and then we were up and at'em right off the bat the next morning. It didn't make for a very relaxing start. :sad2:
Love the picture of your family that your son took! Everybody is laughing right out loud! :goodvibes
Your tree turned out beautiful! Very pretty.
I love The Wave.....but Flying Fish is really good too!!!!

your plans look really good,

do you have a list of when the EMH for the pchef group will be so i can add that to my calander and what parks to avoid on thos days


There'll be EMH at MK on Monday, June 14 from 8-9 am (ie. before park opening). Then there will be an exclusive event at AK on Tuesday, June 15 after the park closes (so that wouldn't affect you). That's it.

You definitely have more than half the trip planned out. Awesome! I'm going again in April and I'm no where near done planning as much as you have! Guess I should get on that huh?

It's coming along and I'm feeling better about it.

Oh my gosh. I LOVE the pictures of you and your family getting your tree!!!! I'm actually going with my mom and step-dad tomorrow. Perhaps I'll post some of my adventures too :scratchin Only difference is that we might have a little bit more snow than you.....

Thank you....we had fun. Where will you post yours, the TR or PTR?

Our snow is coming, we're supposed to get walloped overnight. I was at the grocery store this afternoon and it was a madhouse -- everybody has to get their milk and bread. I couldn't figure out what was going on.

I know how you said you won't have much downtime for the first couple days. But what about Typhoon Lagoon day? Usually you can finish up with that place near lunchtime. You could then take a break back at the resort for a couple hours before switching over to AKL? Or the day you check in at AKL, just take it easy, skip MK (or go later on in the day) and enjoy the fact that you've returned "home" :goodvibes

Yeah, maybe that would fit better on the day we change resorts, I'll have to think about that.

We'll be waiting!! We have a ton of fun, and with Cherie et al. around there are plenty of laughs and fart talk.

DTD somehow just gets me in the mood for all things Disney. and it gets the shopping out of the way, so I can concentrate of better (just my opinion) things in the parks.

I'm sure it is a fun place...I'll get there when I can.

Yes, I like DTD for exactly the same reason -- to get the shopping done so we're not thinking about that in the parks (well, one reason anyway, but it is definitely one I've thought of).


The plans sound solid. I like the idea of doing the first evening or day at DTD, this is also my plan for our first day there. I told my DH that I wanted to get to WDW as early as we can without leaving before the crack of dawn, this way we could have the choice of what we wanted to do the first day.
We can stay at the resort and swim, sleep or rest, and there are some of us that would like to tour the different resorts and see things we haven't seen before. That evening we have it planned to go to DTD early to eat and shop and pittle fart around then head back to the room for an early turn in.
I'm all for doing things the easy way this time, the first time we went we got in pretty late (plane arrived into airport at around 10:40 p.m.) and then we were up and at'em right off the bat the next morning. It didn't make for a very relaxing start. :sad2:

I agree....I love getting in early enough to do a little relaxing before I turn into a park commando.

Tribilín;34698362 said:
I like the way the trip is shaping up. I see there's a tentative date night, way to go Romeo!

Tribilín, do they have this expression in Mexico? "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" I'm sure they must have at least a variation of it.

Tribilín;34698362 said:
Great picture!

Thank you.

Love the picture of your family that your son took! Everybody is laughing right out loud! :goodvibes
Your tree turned out beautiful! Very pretty.
I love The Wave.....but Flying Fish is really good too!!!!


Thank you...I like that picture too. It is genuine laughter. I especially like how Lauren (on the right side) is laughing with her hand on her chest.
We hit the 180-day mark from our Kidani reservation, so since I have an actual reservation in-hand for that I was able to make the rest of our ADRs online.

I got:

Boma for Thursday night. :thumbsup2
The Wave (for 2 - I wish there was a smiley with eyebrows going up and down) for Friday night. :thumbsup2
and Hoop de Doo for Saturday night. :thumbsup2

I forgot that I'd have to let them bill my credit card now for HDDR. My card's already getting hot from all the friction of being swiped while Christmas shopping. Maybe I'll feel better about it in June when the bill has already been paid.
There'll be EMH at MK on Monday, June 14 from 8-9 am (ie. before park opening). Then there will be an exclusive event at AK on Tuesday, June 15 after the park closes (so that wouldn't affect you). That's it.

thanks i will add it to our planning calander, i made one up today that is all printed out it is 24*36 inch big, with all the times of the parks typed in and color coded for ease of use...i made 2 one we can mark up like crazy and hte other we can make it nice so i can retype it and take it with us.
thanks i will add it to our planning calander, i made one up today that is all printed out it is 24*36 inch big, with all the times of the parks typed in and color coded for ease of use...i made 2 one we can mark up like crazy and hte other we can make it nice so i can retype it and take it with us.

good idea!

The Plan looks good so far! Good job on the tree. No "Timber!"'s out of me. My own tree is barely hanging on...don't want to risk it paying back. :thumbsup2
Tribilín, do they have this expression in Mexico? "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" I'm sure they must have at least a variation of it.

Thank you...I like that picture too. It is genuine laughter. I especially like how Lauren (on the right side) is laughing with her hand on her chest.

We have that expression in my house!


I LOVE the picture James took, it is so REAL! Happy happy picture. A framer.

Plans look fabu so far

We hit the 180-day mark from our Kidani reservation, so since I have an actual reservation in-hand for that I was able to make the rest of our ADRs online.

I got:

Boma for Thursday night. :thumbsup2
The Wave (for 2 - I wish there was a smiley with eyebrows going up and down) for Friday night. :thumbsup2
and Hoop de Doo for Saturday night. :thumbsup2

I forgot that I'd have to let them bill my credit card now for HDDR. My card's already getting hot from all the friction of being swiped while Christmas shopping. Maybe I'll feel better about it in June when the bill has already been paid.

I SO hear you there. I was this close to the deposit on our April DLR trip and decided it would really be prudent to just put it on the 7 day hold and wait a week to actually put the deposit down in case the Disney Visa bursts into flames in the next 7 days....

It could happen.
I LOVE the picture James took, it is so REAL! Happy happy picture. A framer.

Sorry Glennbo, I forgot to give my high marks on the tree cutting and trimming. ;) The family pic, minus little man was just to precious! I also love your oldest with her hand on her chest laughing. The fact that the picture came out perfect inspite of his amateur skills of being a photog, he did an outstanding job! :thumbsup2

I SO hear you there. I was this close to the deposit on our April DLR trip and decided it would really be prudent to just put it on the 7 day hold and wait a week to actually put the deposit down in case the Disney Visa bursts into flames in the next 7 days....

It could happen.

:lmao: Cindy! I'm thinkin your going to have some points to use while in the "world" this spring or summer. :laughing: I love it...."burst into flames."
Those are 3 Big winners right in a row!!!


Excellent line-up!!

Hubba, hubba on the Wave for 2~;)
Good choice on The Wave! Have you eaten there before? Hope your experience will be as good as ours was. Try the Sorbet for dessert. It's heavenly :cloud9:

About going to get my x-mas tree, I'll be posting about it on my PTR.


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