~The NeverEnding Story:TR-Turned-Baby-Turned-Pre-TR~LINK TO NEW PRE-TR...p189

Hi Dawn! Seth is such a cutie! Of course your nieces and nephews are adorable too. I'm glad Seth is perfect!:goodvibes

Yay for trip plans!!!:yay: Sounds like a fun plan, and those condos are really nice! I'm thinking the DP isn't so great anymore anyway.

Looking forward to more pics!
Hi, Dawn! Are you enjoying your snow day? I am assuming you have the day off, too, since the DOT is telling everyone to stay off the roads! Have fun in all the snow that fell! Can you believe it?
so cute!! He is getting so big!
So nice to "see" Lynda too!! I didn't even know she had a baby..yay for her!!
Thanks for the update Dawn, I am sure you are crazy busy!
thank you fall for your sweet comments on my little guy! you know i appreciate them. :goodvibes

Omgosshh I am so out of the loop. It has been soo long since I've been on here.. I've been so busy with student teaching that I just don't have time to post much.. in fact I missed most of your TR. BUT I know that after I'm done in April, I will sit and read it all because it will get me all excited for our trip in May! I've been debating starting a ptr but I'm just worried I'll fall behind.. soo for now it's just a hello.

Anyways, this is the first time I've seen pics of Seth and he is 4 months!!! I didn't think it has been thatttt longgg! But apparently I have been a busy bee and didn't realize! He is very cute! and YAY for rolling over.

I am also jealous of the moving to Florida for good thing.. I'm getting ready to graduate in May and we are strongly considering it! Do you know what county or city she moved to? We were looking into Osceola county (Kissimmee area).

not sure where they are - she told me but i don't remember off the top of my head. glad you made it back over! i was gone for awhile too and i'm trying to catch back up.

Hi, Dawn! Are you enjoying your snow day? I am assuming you have the day off, too, since the DOT is telling everyone to stay off the roads! Have fun in all the snow that fell! Can you believe it?

eh...i could've taken this one or left it. seth is just too little to enjoy it - in fact on christmas he really didn't like it. he can't play in it and his face was cold! and he woke up stuffy this morning so i didn't want to take him out in the cold. we were off today but i'll probably have to go in tomorrow b/c we have a brief due and court deadlines don't wait for mother nature. :rolleyes: hope you guys enjoyed it!
i woke up this morning with a sick little dude! he is very congested and just doesn't feel good. he went to bed at 8:45 (which is kinda early - he usually goes at 9:30) and only took 1.5 ounces of milk when he usually takes 5-6 ounces. he was just so exhausted. i hope he feels better tomorrow. :sad2:

i almost forgot to post this! it was taken a few days before we left for TN for thanksgiving. seth had just started "talking" to us and it was just soooo cute!!!

(click to play.)

okay, so back to thanksgiving.

thanksgiving afternoon/evening we went over to my grandmother's house for dinner.

seth and my grandpa. and no, my grandpa doesn't really have to wear a bib...he stole seth's!


i meant to take a picture of the spread but i forgot! babies give you amnesia sometimes.

granny and pa opening their gifts from us....


my grandpa got this for seth because he bought him a little red wagon back in october....


poor eli.


mickey stuff!


ray took these of seth looking at my grandma's tree and i LOVE them! i used one of them as part of our christmas card.




that's all for now. the next day we saw miss margot so i'll have some of those pics next! :thumbsup2
Shot days at the doctor's office are always the worst :( I wish they could find another way to give babies their vaccines.

Seth is getting so big and he's as handsome as ever!
Did you really have to go in today? The DOT is saying to stay off the roads still, so I hope the court deadline was actually extended. :goodvibes

Love the pictures of Seth and the Christmas tree! So cute!
The pictures of Seth looking at the Christmas tree are just precious. He sure did grow between Halloween and Thanksgiving. I wish they stayed babies a little longer.
Hi Dawn,
Seth is absolutely PERFECT!!!!! Glad to hear all is well. Haven't been dis-ing much, but went back on last night to start getting in the mood for our next trip. So glad to see your updates!!!!!
Did you really have to go in today? The DOT is saying to stay off the roads still, so I hope the court deadline was actually extended. :goodvibes

i can't remember the dates but i ended up going to work wednesday of that week. but we didn't leave the house until like 10:00 and then we came home at 3:30 to avoid being on the road after dark. same thing the next day. i am OVER this weather!!!!! i live in the south and put up with scorching hot weather and horrible humidity in the summer for a reason....to avoid miserable winters! this is not acceptable.


i'm slow at work this afternoon so i figured i'd get in an update while i could.

seth enjoying the swing my mom's friend loaned her to use while we were in town....


the day after thanksgiving my stepmom, brother and margot (my brother's daughter/my nephew) came over to see seth. margot and brett had met him back in october but my stepmom hadn't seen him yet.


brett and margot. love the pony tails!


uncle brett and seth....


my stepmom, margot, seth and my mom (don't worry....they all get along! my mom and dad split up in 1980 so i hardly think mom holds a grudge! haha. and my stepmom and dad actually divorced in 2002 but i still call her my stepmom b/c she was for 20 years.)


look at margot's face! :laughing:


i thought this was so cute....


me and margot....


we went and had lunch with my dad later that day and saw my uncle for awhile and he got to meet seth. i forgot my camera and for some reason didn't take any pictures with my phone. oh, well....it's not like i don't have enough! ;)

then that night my best friend from high school, melanie, came over with her kids and their cousin to meet seth. this was their first time meeting him, too!

that's maddox, me, megan, melanie and their cousin (and i can't think of her name right now!)....


megan holding seth....


maddox playing with ray and giving him some good daddy practice!



okay, i gotta explain the next picture. this was the next morning. my mom's next door neighbors don't have any kids except for their donkey. only he's not a real donkey...he's a stuffed animal. but they act like he's real. they refer to him like he's a member of their family. mom said he rides in the golf cart with them when they play golf and if he falls out, they say, "donkey....what's wrong with you???" he even got me a gift at my shower. they are a little....strange.

anyway, so the lady brought donkey over to my mom's house to meet seth. he's like what the heck is this????? :rotfl2:


next update we go to brett's house to give margot her christmas presents. i think i've got some video of that that's pretty good.

hope everyone's staying warm!!!!!


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