The NEW AP Rate Watch Thread, Are they out yet??


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2000
Thought I'd go ahead and start the new AP rate watch thread. Please post here if you called (date, time and results of call)
to say there are no AP rates today! :D My husband (a/k/a "Discount Man") called around 7:15 a.m. and he was already the 3rd caller for this particular reservationist. She just laughed and said it was going to be a long day and that she planned to count the number of calls today for AP rates. ;) Maybe all of the reservationists should do likewise.
Can I ask a question?

DH and I have AP's (but I am a travel agent, so I dont need the discount)

We are going to WDW for 2 weeks w/my parents. The first week we are staying together at POR (where I know that I can use my AP to get them an AP rate)

But - the second week, my DH and I are going to the Poly, my parents to the CR....can I use my AP discount on their room ressi - if I am just present with them at check in - or would they have to be in the same hotel as the AP holder????
your name has to be on the ressie. We were staying at FWC, and since I owed her for plane tickets, I paid for one night for my sister at WL with my AP discount - my name was on the ressie with hers. I checked her in (they weren't back from their cruise yet), and paid. She went back to the desk to add her Amex for room charges. If you put both your names on the ressie, you should be able to do this.
Just a little bump to keep this thread on top!:D
Just another little bump and my 2 cents!

Maybe, based on other posts from people who have called CRO, AP discounts are coming with the next Mickey Monitor and CRO is not able to offer the AP discounts until the Mickey Monitor is mailed out.

Only my guess.

Waiting on my Mickey Monitor

Yes, you can. In December we stayed at the Poly and our friends were at CS. I was able to get AP rates for them.

DH called last night and the CM told him that AP rates would be in the May Mickey Monitor. I don't know if she just figured that they would be or if she actually has that information.
Originally posted by Figaro1
Just another little bump and my 2 cents!

Maybe, based on other posts from people who have called CRO, AP discounts are coming with the next Mickey Monitor and CRO is not able to offer the AP discounts until the Mickey Monitor is mailed out.

Only my guess.

Waiting on my Mickey Monitor


For some reason, not sure why I think this, but I think you are right. I do not think rates are going to be in the system until sometime after the Monitor has gone out.

They may have gotten complaints from passholders who totally rely on the Monitor as the means to learn about discounts. I know it's hard for us to realize, but there is a very large percentage of Disney customers who do not frequent Internet forums. If these people have complained that by the time they get their Monitor all the rates are gone a change might have been implemented.

I am just guessing but at this point a guess is as good as anything else, :)

Only time will tell.
Hasn't it been posted that many people don't get their monitors? I know I have friends that never get theirs and rely on the boards for news.
They may have gotten complaints from passholders who totally rely on the Monitor as the means to learn about discounts. I know it's hard for us to realize, but there is a very large percentage of Disney customers who do not frequent Internet forums. If these people have complained that by the time they get their Monitor all the rates are gone a change might have been implemented.

I seriously hope your wrong...

I live in Canada and I have never received a Mickey Monitor...I've called - they don't mail them outside the US! :mad:

THAT would TOTALLY be unfair (especially considering the fact that with our exchange rate - the AP's actually cost us more...) !!
I agree with you Madonna...and hope they do not follow this method. I've been the holder of a PAP for eons...and sometimes never get my monitor. I live in Cali, and depending on WHERE you live in the states...these are all received at different times. There used to be a site on the web, where the monitor was posted, but I have not seen it for a while. Anyone know where to find this?

Let's all hope the AP rates are posted here first...after all, Who doesn't know the DIS exists? Are they on another PLANET? LOL...;)
Originally posted by dreamflight99
I agree with you Madonna...and hope they do not follow this method. I've been the holder of a PAP for eons...and sometimes never get my monitor. I live in Cali, and depending on WHERE you live in the states...these are all received at different times. There used to be a site on the web, where the monitor was posted, but I have not seen it for a while. Anyone know where to find this?

Let's all hope the AP rates are posted here first...after all, Who doesn't know the DIS exists? Are they on another PLANET? LOL...;)

Whether this is the reason for the delay or not, it will not really affect anyone. Just as soon as someone learns of the rates, if offered, whether by calling daily or by receieving the Monitor it will be all over the Internet.

I just think that maybe they are delaying the release to concide with the mailing of the Monitor. All it will take is for one person to recieve the Monitor for the world to know about it.

I would not worry, about being left in the dark, unless your computer crashes.
I was told also by CRO that the rates would be in the monitor and wait to see that. I don't remember getting one in a long time not to mention ours just ran out and we have brand new vouchers that won't get activated till July so we won't get one for sure. :(
Ok this is the first year that I was going to buy AP passes, so I won't be receiving the Monitor in May. When in May does it come out? Early? Middle? I am asking because my trip is May 9-18. Thanks:confused:
Originally posted by frankiemom
Ok this is the first year that I was going to buy AP passes, so I won't be receiving the Monitor in May. When in May does it come out? Early? Middle? I am asking because my trip is May 9-18. Thanks:confused:

I feel your pain Frankiemom,

Our dates are May 9-18 also. I've read they come out May 1. So if that's the case, I feel bad for people travelling April 27-May 1 because they won't have anything or they're trips will already be in progress.
Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the cm's saying that any AP rates will be published in the MM and to wait for it's release. That's pretty much a canned answer that they give. If you actually believed that, you wouldn't be calling everyday to check if they're out, right? ;)

It's true, if they release AP rates, they will be published in the MM. But I'd bet my AP discount that we'll know it here, on the Mousesaver site and on the website that posts the MM long before most, if not all, receive their MM's in the mail.
I went into and pulled up the old MM's to see when the rates were effective:

The ones that came out in the February MM were effective 2/17/03 to 4/9/03.

The ones the came out in the November MM were effective
1/1/03 to 2/12/03.

The ones that came out in the August 2002 MM were effective 10/3/02 to 12/19/02.

They didn't have the May 2002 MM.
We leave May 3rd through the 6th. Do you think that we should change our ressies to the Cheapest code available? We currently hold a AZA code. I have patiently been waiting on the AP's. Will they change the ressie at checkin if the AP's come out?

what to do, what to do.... :)


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