The NEW 'Lets Help Each Other Whilst On The Atkins Plan' Thread

It sounds like everyone is doing great, but I sure could use some support. I've been off Atkins for about a month now. I've been having other health problems, and we were travelling. Yesterday & today I've had this horrible stomach thing. A virus, I think. I barely ate anything, but it was all carbs. I guess it's a memory of comfort food?

I need to go back on induction but I can't seem to make myself start. I only have 15-20 left to go, but now I'm afraid I'll gain back what I've lost! Why can't I do this? It's been easy before. Help!

I'm going to go have water, even though I want lemonade :(
I hope you all wont be mad at me but Im afraid Im going to have to bow out of Atkins. I am so sick from induction it isnt funny. I am horribly weak, Ive been getting really bad palpitations of the heart since last night and Ive been really fuzzy brained all day. It doesnt look like this is the diet for me. I will lose the weight though. As soon as I am feeling better I am going to start Weight Watchers.
I hope you feel better soon, lvs_eeyore!

It can be tough for a few days. A friend of mine CANNOT do Atkins, because if she goes that low in carbs she feels awful. Instead she does Carbohydrate Adddicts diet & it works really well for her. She has to have the one carb-ful meal a day that the diet allows her. It's really a great plan.

Best of luck with weight watchers :D
lvs_eeyore - so sorry about you feeling bad. I know someone else that had the same problem. I would say I do the Carb addicts diet plan, and that works very well for me. However, I get sick if I eat the big breakfast - eggs, sausage, etc. I find that a low carb shake in the morning is best for me - no headaches. But regardless, stick with us. No one cares which plan you're on, we just all want to lose weight.

For buying low carb products, I do like the Atkins bars. The chocolate tastes more like chocolate. The EAS low carb bars are okay, they are bigger, but I don't think they have much flavor. I would suggest buying a single bar of a flavor you think would be good; then if you don't like it, you didn't waste money buying a whole box.
Thank you for offering to let me stay with you guys. I wont be doing Atkins but I know a lot about the diet and I have his newest book so I can look things up for you guys.

Im going to call today to get the WW schedule and then join. I know they have an express class on Sat morning at 7:30 AM so I might just join that one. Im up anyway LOL
Gillian - I know exactly how you feel! I've been trying half-heartedly to get back losing weight for 6 months. I know weight lose and management is a lifelong task, but that is just so overwhelming! It helped me to break it down into shorter time periods - I CAN do induction for 2 weeks. Then I'll evaluate - can I stay on induction another week or do I need to go up to the next level. One or two weeks at a time I can handle.

I did order some stuff from the Atkins website last night. Right now, you get a free trial pack with every order. The trial pack had a 5 day suppy of vitamins, 2 different bars, a shake, and coupons. Shipping is $7.95. I ordered the bake mix, muffin mix, some kind of 'chips' made of cheese, and Bun mix. I was SO glad to find the 'chips' - I want to have something on hand to take to the movies so I won't get the popcorn. And I'll be able to have a bun with my cheeseburger! I didn't get any of the bars or desserts this time - I'm still worried about anything 'sweet' tasting triggering a binge.

Have a great low-carb day!

I'm back on the program. Day 1 of induction. I had my eggs, cheese & some water. Of course I had to share the eggs with DS & D-cats! I'll have a cup of coffee with cream on the way to Gymboree. Lunch out with DH shouldn't be a problem if I stick to the chef's salad & oil & vinegar. Or maybe a creamy dressing, but I'm always afraid of hidden carbs.

Does anyone take the vitamins? I know I should take something besides a multi, but there are so many! And they are expensive.

Have a great day everyone! :Pinkbounc
Oh my it's only day 3 for me!! I could not find anything appetizing for breakfast. I went out for a cup of coffee and saw the hot dogs and kraut calling my name! I had a dog with kraut and a little ketchup minus the bun. I am not doing Atkins --- just trying to cut down on my carbs!

I was feeling sick all day yesterday -- headache, upset stomach. But I'm not sure if I had a 'bug' stuck in me or not. I know that I was needing to eat more -- but, it made me sick to think of eating any meat or veggies. We ended up going out for dinner -- and I did not make the best choices -- but they were much better than I would have made in the past. I had a salad with bacon dressing, red beets, and a broiled crab cake (no bread or potatoes for me!). I felt so much better after supper. And I am feeling okay today so far also.

I am losing too ----- since our vacation in April until monday I was down 3 pounds. I weighed in (officially) monday and tuesday A.M. I was down 3 more pounds and this morning another pound.

So how has YOUR week been going?
lvs_eeyore - Im sorry to hear that you found things a little hard on this plan, I hope your feeling better soon and that WW works for you. Please stick around, we all need as much support as we can get.

Its day 3 for me too and so far its going ok. I had sausage for breakfast. Egg, cheese and tomato salad for lunch and chicken curry for dinner.
Yesterday was much the same but with steak and salad for my dinner.

Im dying to weigh myself but i will wait until next Monday :D

Keep up the great work everyone!!

lvs_eeyore, try eating a few banana's!! Atkins does lower your Potassium intake which could contribute to palpaitations!!

I BLEW it again today! Stupid me made brownies for my DD's and godson............yes, I couldn't resist!!!!! Not one but two!!! OUCH!

I will continue the rest of the day on Atkins.....and hopefully not have any slip ups. I walk the Relay For Life this Friday night into Saturday and already have planned my menu for this.....Since I will be up and walking 18 hours (no, I won't walk all 18 hours) I know I will need munchies....I bought lots of cheese and peperoni and will make Chicken Caesar salad. I also bought some Almonds for the crunchy that I need!!

Good luck everyone...........

What happened to everyone? I was looking forward to a GREAT support group here! I am down 3 pounds eating low carb for one week. AND FEELING TERRIFIC!
I have just been lurking these last 2 weeks, but have found the info on the low carbs very helpful.....but I really miss my pop tart in the morning. I have been walking each day as well and I have to say I feel really good and I have lost 10 pounds! Let me say this though I need to lose about 60 more so I have a long way to go. I know that your first week or so you lose a lot of water weight, but if I can stick to this and keep up my walking I really feel that I can do this!
Thanks for all the tips I have read so far on this board.
Hi everyone, checking in for this week. I did not have a good weekend. i was a cheater!!!! Oh well, pick yourself up and try again. Today I have done well, chicken casear for lunch, sugar free jello for a snack and a small bag of peanuts (6g of carbs). But I only drank 1 32 oz of water so before I go to bed i had better start drinking!!! Only 6 hrs and 68ozs to go!!
I was afraid to weigh myself this morning. I ate all week-end long, including this morning (1/2 bagel with butter). Ouch!! I will not give up. I'll start back tomorrow.
okay, so I was just about to put a bagel in the toaster and said to myself you lost 27 lbs and now you are giving up!! So I am resolved to take it one day at a time and at least for today I can do it!! Low carbing today. I also like the for more support. I don't usually post but they do have some good ideas and recipes. Last night my ds 8 and I went for a walk so heres day 2 and I have got to get some exercise. Good luck today everyone. It didn't go on in a day so it won't come off that way either.
wovenwonder - I lost 3 lbs my first week too! I lost them all on the first 4 days, then didn't lose anything over the weekend. I think I drank a little too much coffee and started getting fancy with my cooking - then found out on Lowcarbfriends that spices have carbos. Back to basics this week!

I also tried the mock danish recipe over the weekend. I think that kicked me out of ketosis, too! No more mock danish while I'm in induction.

I got my order from the atkinscenter website last night. I put most of it away (out of sight-out of mind) until induction is over. The trial pack was nice and helped make up for the shipping charge.

Have a great low-carb day!
I have been really good since Sunday on Atkins (again........). I haven't gotten on the scale but I feel really bloated!!! I don't recall being bloated before on Atkins, just the opposite! Could be "that time of the month" but not sure...........

Anyone ever feel this way??? I actually feel like I have gained!
Is everyone still sticking to the plan? Week two of low-carbing I have lost another 3 pounds!



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