The Official New Mom Thread

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lissawynn shame about in law kids I am quite lucky with my nieces and nephews none are really badly behaved apart from my sisters stepson who is a complete nightmare and does nothing but get all the other children into trouble. And does nothing but disrespect adults which is a big pet hate of mine although dog poo in the house I would go mad.
Alice28 Glad you had a good shopping trip, sorry about molly's ear inf.
I have no idea what Coach is so I am about to look on Google.
Alice28, sorry to hear about Molly's ear infection. Hopefully once the medication takes effect she'll be sleeping better. Madison had an ear infection around the same age and it took us 3 weeks before it was diagnosed and she was one very miserable child in the meantime so I really sympathize with others.

Lissawynn I love the bag! I was actually thinking about getting one like that a couple of months ago. Madison is on her way to being potty trained so I figured I could get rid of the diapers and get myself a nicer bag. But now with this 2nd one coming I sorta dumped that plan, but knowing yours is big enough to store Jimmy's stuff too is making me reconsider. I feel like I've bought so many bags in the past 2 years, but I'm really not that happy with the ones I have so I keep shopping.

DisKim, how was your night out with your girlfriends? Hopefully you were able to have a good time, at least enjoying the break from the kids. I know what you mean about not wanting to talk about work-that would always happen when I'd go out with the other people from the preschool I worked at. No matter what things would somehow turn to work.

I've got to get in the shower and then off to the grocery store to pick up snack for Madison's class this week. Each parent has to do 2 weeks a year but I guess her teacher likes me cause I only have to do one!!! Now, to decide if I leave Madison home with Daddy or take her with me and pray she is well-behaved after reading some of those posts on the shopping with kids thread!
justhat said:
Alice28, sorry to hear about Molly's ear infection. Hopefully once the medication takes effect she'll be sleeping better. Madison had an ear infection around the same age and it took us 3 weeks before it was diagnosed and she was one very miserable child in the meantime so I really sympathize with others.

Lissawynn I love the bag! I was actually thinking about getting one like that a couple of months ago. Madison is on her way to being potty trained so I figured I could get rid of the diapers and get myself a nicer bag. But now with this 2nd one coming I sorta dumped that plan, but knowing yours is big enough to store Jimmy's stuff too is making me reconsider. I feel like I've bought so many bags in the past 2 years, but I'm really not that happy with the ones I have so I keep shopping.

DisKim, how was your night out with your girlfriends? Hopefully you were able to have a good time, at least enjoying the break from the kids. I know what you mean about not wanting to talk about work-that would always happen when I'd go out with the other people from the preschool I worked at. No matter what things would somehow turn to work.

I've got to get in the shower and then off to the grocery store to pick up snack for Madison's class this week. Each parent has to do 2 weeks a year but I guess her teacher likes me cause I only have to do one!!! Now, to decide if I leave Madison home with Daddy or take her with me and pray she is well-behaved after reading some of those posts on the shopping with kids thread!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :goodvibes That is one thing I love about the mommie thread. No bashing and belittling around here. Just support and encouragement, the way it should be! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hope everyone is doing well. We had a great day yesterday, went swimming at a local indoor water pool/ water park (only $10 per person) and then over to a friends house. The kids had fun. We played Apples to Apples. Fun game. Lily had a good time playing with the other kids, rather cute.
Lissawynn - I like the bag! It looks like the perfect size for all your stuff and some of Jimmy's. I've been searching for a new Coach but none that I see look functional. They are either too small or don't zip on top. I hate the ones that are open. I'm always afraid I'll lose something.

Justhat - My night out was nice but it was all work talk. I adore my friends but I found out alot of stuff about my school that I would rather not know. My classroom is in a corner away from everyone and that's just what I like. Basically, I found out just how many teachers are not doing their jobs. It's depressing. My friend and I are the only 2 teachers in the English department with standards. I also found out who my new supervisor is going to be next year. She is horrible. She is known to yell at teachers in front of their students. NC is looking better every day.

While on the subject of my girls' night out... I found out that one of my friends hasn't had "relations" with her DH in 9 months! Also, he comes home no earlier than 5:30pm every day when he is released at 2:45 from work. IMO, he's got to be cheating on her. She is just turning a blind eye to it. I think it's financial. She knows she won't be able to keep her house if she lets him go. It's depressing. She's such a wonderful, beautiful person. I don't know what to say to her.

DisPhd - I agree. I love the fact that there is no bashing here. People on other threads can be so cruel. I hardly even post anywhere else. I just check out the budget board sometimes. They have saved me lots of money :teeth: .

Well, Aidan is sleeping and I better get to some of my grading.
alice - Sorry to hear about Molly's ear infection! I hope the medicine kicks in soon. I had that same wait at a Walgreen's once. I was in the drive through near the clinic and they said it would be ready in an hour and a half. I wasn't near my house so what was I going to do for an hour and a half? I told them I was going someplace else. We have an Old Spaghetti Factory here in Minneapolis. I've actually never been! DH has and loved it. I guess I need to go sometime!

Lisawynn - Poop on the carpet?? :sad2: That's horrible! And what do their parents do when their son marches in with poop on his shoes? Congrats on your purse. My mom has a couple Vera Bradley bags. I'm too cheap right now to spend money on bags. Don't get me wrong, I love them and will spend the money some day and treat myself. I just bought a bag at Target for $18 last week. I've actually received multiple compliments on it!

justthat - Good luck with the treats and shopping. That's great that you only have to worry about one treat.

DisneyPHD - The waterpark sounds like a lot of fun!

Diskim - I hope you had a fun night out!

We haven't heard from Joats in awhile! I hope all is well. :wave:

We've had such a quiet weekend so far. It's been wonderful. We are going to my parent's house for dinner tonight. My dad hasn't seen Tyler in 5 days and he's chomping at the bit!

I have to share some news that I know you guys will understand. I zipped my skinny jeans the other day! I'm still not ready to wear them, things bulge where they shouldn't, but I zipped them!!! DH laughs because I don't get on the scale to measure my progress. I use my clothes though. I have certain pants or skirts that I use as my goal. It's a girl thing!

tkyes - Congrats on the skinny jeans :cheer2: . I do the same thing. I won't get on the scale. I measure by my clothes. I can also tell when I've gained a few because it shows in my stomach. As a matter of fact, I can tell right now that I've gained a couple of pounds lately. I'll get back on track tomorrow. It's Monday, after all.
justthat - I love my VB carryall bag. I bought one in the summer to replace the big diaper bag that I used. I can carry diapers, wipes, a spare change of clothes, a changing pad, and my wallet. The inside has pockets to hold whatever you need (I have diaper ointment, spoons, bibs, etc.). The outside has two pockets on each end. I can store a bottle or sippy in them. I use the other one for my phone. One side has a zipper compartment that runs the length of the bag. The other side has two flaps w/velcro over the pockets. One has a key fob. The strap is adjustable. I carried my bag all through WDW last summer. It was great. I slung it over the stroller handles while I was pushing Jimmy.
Here's a pic of the one I have...

tykes - Congrats on the skinny jeans! I'm going to have to start walking again. I'm getting this roll around my waist that was never there before. Yes, my "DN" tracked pooh all over the upstairs. The best part was my FIL had to help his DD get the stuff off her DD's shoe. Priceless.

DisKim - Sorry your dinner wasn't much fun. I'm going out with my friends next Saturday. The one is in the process of separating from her hubby and the other is my friend who is having the pregnancy problems. I hope we have a good time.

Alice - How was the party?

I did manage to get some things done today. I just have no motivation to do the laundry. I have a load in the dryer that needs to be folder and another in the washer that needs to be dried. I can't believe it's 5 already. Where did the day go?
I can fit into my pre-Molly jeans; but my pre-Sam jeans? :rotfl2: I wish that day would come! But congrats to those who fit into their pre-pregnancy jeans! :banana:

The party was good- everyone showed up (about 45 people) and we had a good time. DH presented me with my diamonds and I think everyone just had a nice time. I felt a little anxious the entire time- it's kind of hard to be the star of the show, you know? Tonight DH, his best friend, and my best friend's (who also was friends with DH and his best friend when we were all in HS) husband are going out for a steak. Best friend and I will hang here with the kids. I love my BF, but her child can be a bit of a hellion at times. :rolleyes:

I LOVE that purse lissawynn! It's darling. I haven't caught the VB bug yet, but as we've chatted, my mom has...she has 2-3. I love that bucket style though. Very, very cute!

DisKim- I feel so badly for your friend. :guilty:

DisneyPhD- did I say this already? I am starting to not post anywhere else here on the DIS after getting burned a few times in the last few weeks, and having a few of my friends from the scrapping board get banned for something totally stupid. I got REALLY peeved at some people on a thread about tax issues. Basically I'm being called the equivalent of someone living off of welfare because we got the EIC this year due to DH being in a combat zone. And I said something like 'we deserved that money' because we followed the rules of what the army said to do as far as taxes, and what the tax law said....several people totally dissed me and said that it was still just a glorified welfare check, and I shouldn't be taking "THEIR" hardearned money when we didn't pay any taxes this year. I was so angry. :furious: (basically we paid no federal income taxes this year because you can't when you are in a combat zone- it's a 'perk' the army makes you take and with the 3 $1,000 child tax credits, we are getting back money we didn't even put does sound weird, but it's the way the tax laws are written!). So I am taking a break from the community board except for our thread. Some people are such buttholes here, I cannot even stand it.

Anyway, on that happy note, I am going to see how my ebay goods are doing. I was up to $72 last time I checked. :cheer2: I ordered some of those sex and the city DVDs I had been wanting today based on my sales. :teeth:
Lissawynn - I really like the red bad. I can never find my cell phone. That bag would be perfect. ...But I'm trying to refrain from spending right now. I always put myself through a dry spell after the holidays. It lasts until I have to buy spring clothes for the kids. It's not so much the money issue. It's the fact that I have no desire to shop at all.

Alice28 - I don't go near any of the "money" threads. I feel like I have to pretend that I have a zero balance on all my credit cards. How dare people fault your family when your DH was in a combat zone. What is it their business anyway :confused3 . I had someone take something I said completely the wrong way on a thread and I became much more of a lurker. I only post here and occasionally if I need advice on trip planning, etc.

Today feels like the longest day ever, which I guess is a good thing since it's a Sunday. I've been nauseous and laying around all day which is completely bizarre behavior for me. I'm always running around. I watched 3 movies on Lifetime. I don't even watch that channel. If I see one more movie about someone's kid getting stolen, I'll puke.

I have a question for moms with older babies. Aidan's doctor said to feed him table food now. He said, "Whatever you eat, he eats." I really don't think he can eat meats from the table. Any suggestions? What do you feed your older babies? Well, I have 2 very cute kids asking me to cuddle with them and watch AFV. I can no longer resist. Have a great evening everyone!
Alice28 said:
DisneyPhD- did I say this already? I am starting to not post anywhere else here on the DIS after getting burned a few times in the last few weeks, and having a few of my friends from the scrapping board get banned for something totally stupid. I got REALLY peeved at some people on a thread about tax issues. Basically I'm being called the equivalent of someone living off of welfare because we got the EIC this year due to DH being in a combat zone. And I said something like 'we deserved that money' because we followed the rules of what the army said to do as far as taxes, and what the tax law said....several people totally dissed me and said that it was still just a glorified welfare check, and I shouldn't be taking "THEIR" hardearned money when we didn't pay any taxes this year. I was so angry. :furious: (basically we paid no federal income taxes this year because you can't when you are in a combat zone- it's a 'perk' the army makes you take and with the 3 $1,000 child tax credits, we are getting back money we didn't even put does sound weird, but it's the way the tax laws are written!). So I am taking a break from the community board except for our thread. Some people are such buttholes here, I cannot even stand it.

I feel your pain. I think you guys desserve any perk that comes your way (and more so.) I for one want to thank your DH for all the work he did and family sacrafices for America. Some people just don't think and type at the same time. :crazy: They also spew insutls with out really thinking there is people behind the screen names. :guilty:

I really got P.Od today at a women who is claming to be a psy major and trying to psychoanalis people (in a very mean way) on another now locked thread today. (about taking kids shopping.) :furious: That really ticked me off, that someone whould use my profession to belittle other parents really bothered me (My degree is social work, but I worked in Psychiarity as a therapist for 6 years before being a SAHM.) I was not kind about it. The thing is the other poster may cause a rutcus, but I don't think she will be around long. :rolleyes1 I was actully sad that the thread got closed before I could see that she read my post. :badpc:
I really don't post anywhere else but here. I read a lot of stuff but am afraid that my comments wouldn't be well-received elsewhere. I have a tendancy to be, um, opinionated. ;)

Alice - I can't imagine someone making negative comments about your family's situation and the fact that the gov't sees fit to give military families a tax break. People have some nerve when they don't know you or your situation. Btw, glad your party was a success. Are you loving your earrings? DH got me a very nice pair for Valentine's Day two years ago. I wear them everyday.

DisKim - You can find some good VB deals on eBay. You just have to make sure you're not going to pay more for something that you can find at a retail store. I've seen some stuff that's new selling for more on eBay than at the stores. I really don't care for the Lifetime channel. I'm more of a TnT or TBS watcher.

I can fit into my pre-Jimmy stuff but would like the extra stuff that's made a home around my middle to go away. :wave2:
Hello Mommies! Glad to read of good weekends all around!

Alice28 - Hope Molly's ear infection clears up. I am glad you party was a success!

Lissa - My husband thanks you for turning me on to Vera Bradley. I have seen several of those bags but didn't realize what they where. I am now hunting one down!

Tykes - :cheer2: on the skinny jeans!

Diskim - I have read to put cooked meat thru a quick spin in a chopper if you have one.

I too read the tax and the kids in stores post and was put off by the way some people take such a high road. It tend to be scary to think of some of those people being allowed to mix with the general public.

We had a good weekend here to. DH took baby duty again yesterday and I transferred all 6 mos of Aidan on the camcorder to dvd. Then I went alone to see Brokeback Mountain. DH had no intrest in that, but was happy to keep Aidan. We shopped today and ate at Chili's! Boy was that work blowing my WW extra points for! We also got Aidan some Advent sippy starters. His 6 month appointment is Wednesday and the Dr. said she likes to see them start around then, so we'll see. He seems to be over his 1st tooth and has returned to his usual happy self THANK GOD!
Thanks for everyone's good thoughts.

I am livid at my MIL but I feel absolutely awful for feeling this way because I know she's not herself lately. DH and I asked her to watch Lucas last night while we went out to dinner with a few of his cousins. We figured she'd like the distraction and a chance to spend some time with her grandson. She enthusiastically accepted so we dropped him off and went to dinner. We came back to a raging party. Every aunt, uncle, and cousin in the family was over, which I was fine with - I can understand wanting to surround yourself with family in times of tragedy.

So when we get back, random aunt number 1 (who has a very loud, shrill voice) was holding him, screaming in his face, poking her fingers in his mouth (looking for teeth - I could have told her he doesn't have any) and he's whimpering for mercy. So MIL takes him and immediately starts posing him for pictures - every cousin is yelling "Lucas!! Lucas!!" and cameras are flashing in his face and he's full on crying. So I said I'll take him, he's probably hungry (and trying to tactfully say get out of his face, everyone). So MIL says "Oh, he has no more formula". I'm confused beyond belief because I had left a bottle of formula (the pre-made kind you buy), more than halfway full for him. There must have been a good 3 bottles worth in there. Turns out, she "forgot" that I brought that bottle and used my emergency stash, which is a 4 oz "single" pack of powdered formula. The formula was left out in the living room the whole evening and it's now warm and spoiled not to mention he only had 4 oz since the daytime because he had taken a long nap at home. So I'm slightly seething and sometime during the formula debacle, random aunt number 2 got a hold of him and is making him "walk" towards some random cousin. He clearly doesn't want to as evidenced by his screaming, which has now reached the tear stage.

So my SIL (who seems to be the only one possessing sense enough to know Lucas needs to be removed from the madhouse downstairs) offers to take him up to her bedroom and change him and quiet him down. A few minutes later, she calls for me and DH (we're gathering up his stuff) because Lucas is screaming loud enough to peel the wallpaper off the walls, is completely red in the face, and can barely catch his breath he's so upset. SIL is upset because she thought she did something to him. DH and I worked together on calming Lucas and his sister down and decide we have to leave NOW. So SIL went downstairs to shut everyone up so we could walk out the door without him waking up.

Am I being a complete *itch because I expected MIL to actually take CARE of my son when she agreed to take care of him? I feel so bad though, because I know she's not herself since her mother died but I'm angry that she even let that situation happen with a baby in her care. DH was going to say something to her today, but I told him there was no sense in upsetting her any more (she knew I wasn't happy when we left last night even though I didn't confront her) since she did feel bad and what's done is done. I'm just so mad that I'm skipping tonight's get together and gave DH a "curfew" to get DS home by. I hate to say it, but I'm glad his relatives are leaving tomorrow so we can get back to normal.

Sorry to ramble on so much.

I did read all the posts, but I'm sorry I can't remember everything.

Alice28 - I'm sorry people were getting on you on the tax thread. I don't even post to any other threads besides this one and the ocassional "fluff" topic once in a while.

lissawynn - Congrats on the new VB stuff. I bought my mom a VB double eyeglasses case and she loves it. It was my attempt at introducing her to a popular designer. :rolleyes:

DisneyPhd - I agree with you. This is a great, supportive thread. I've never seen any trolling or flaming here! We're a great bunch.

tkyes - Congrats on zipping the skinny jeans!!!

DisKim - Good luck with starting table foods.

justhat - I hope you found something yummy for snack!

Hi to everyone else! Is it strange that I'm actually looking forward to going to work tomorrow?
Ugh, I completely agree with how 'dangerous' posting on some threads here can be. DisneyPhD, I totally agree with you on that poster on the shopping thread. I too was a psych major and is/was in graduate school for child psychology, to be a child therapist, and I have no idea where any of that stuff that poster said was coming from. And I can honestly say my use disposable diapers has nothing to do with laziness, I just have no desire to clean baby poop when I can just throw it out (and now that she's wearing underwear a lot, I know how much I do not like cleaning baby poop!). Oh, and I did go to the grocery store without Madison tonight (she was hungry so I thought she'd be better off home eating with Daddy) and there was a little girl crying, about 2yo. She wanted some sort of candy from the checkout rack. Her dad told her no, then ignored her and guess what, she stopped crying in about 2 minutes.

My own bad experience came a few months ago when I posted on a thread about a mom who was having 2nd thought about her 3yo in preschool. She would cry at dropoff but was fine as soon as the mom walked away and she was asking if she should leave her in or take her out (this was in late September, so the kids had been in school about 3 weeks and went 2 mornings a week for 2 hours). I gave my own experience with Madison crying every morning but being totally happy when I picked her up so I said I'd stick with it and I was flamed by people who said I was essentially a child abuser for dumping off my 1.5yo everyday to get time for myself. Nevermind the fact that I said I did it for her social experience since we live in DC without many other kids around and she is only home with me everyday, I was doing it for my own selfish reasons and also there is no such thing as a preschool for 1.5yos, it was a daycare cause kids that age can't learn anything and my only goal was to get her into Georgetown Day School. The person who added that last part wasn't even from DC so I don't know why she had so much research on DC private schools cause I could care less about schools in her state or any one I don't live in for that matter. I really felt horrible and then said I was no longer participating in this hijacking of the OP's thread. Ugh, some people. Of course I spent about $90 on snack stuff so that was the real damper of my shopping trip, not any whining kids.

Anyway, DisneyPhD, I was thinking about you when we went out to lunch today. We ate at a place called BD's Mongolian Barbeque and while I was waiting for my food to be grilled I noticed that they first started in Royal Oak Michigan and I thought "Why do I know that town?" (I haven't been to Michigan since I was 3 months old!) and then I realized it was cause you lived there. Have you ever eaten there? My husband laughed at me when I told him I'd recommend it if you haven't cause he didn't think it was the place to eat with food allergies, but as someone with an allergy I disagree. You can pick all your own ingredients so you know if your stuff is dairy and egg free, and they'll cook it separate from other foods on the grill (and clean it and stuff) if you have allergies. And kids 4 and under eat free (at least at our BD's, but I think that's chain-wide). So anyway, if you haven't ever tried it look into it! Oh, and thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who feels like a bad mommy cause I'm sick all the time. I was sick with Madison too, but it's either worse this time or feels worse cause I have a toddler to take care of too.

DisKim, so sorry for your friend, that's terrible. Too bad your night out wasn't a little less work oriented and more fun too. As far as what to feed Aidan, we gave Madison table food meats around that age and she did okay with them. She wasn't thrilled with the taste, but she still isn't so I think that's just her. Another option would be to just stick whatever you're all eating in a food processor and grind it up for him in the beginning, making it a little thicker each day and see how he does. We sorta did that for awhile, but she preferred tiny pieces so we just cut things up and let her self-feed, then we supplemented with baby food veggies/fruits.

Lissawynn, you have sold me on your red bag. Not only is it adorable, but it sounds so perfect. I have a Jeep baby backpack right now and it's one of those 1 strap across the shoulder things, so talk about difficult to get on while holding a child. Ugh, and I can't imagine trying to use it while wearing a newborn in a Bjorn or something like that.

Val, no, we haven't told anyone in our family about the new baby yet, only our friends. I was waiting to get an ultrasound last week to mail them the photo, but my dr is way too relaxed, he didn't do any sort of testing at all-no bloodwork, nothing, so I don't get my ultrasound till 2/9 so it will have to wait till then. We don't live near anyone so they won't see me (though I've been so sick that I've lost weight so you can't tell at all that I'm pregnant yet). I'll be almost 12 weeks then so it won't be totally abnormal that we waited till then to tell everyone. I decided my mom will not react as badly as I first thought, but the 2nd one just isn't as exciting in a way so I thought I'd try to be creative.

Tamie, congrats on the skinny jeans!!! Not too much longer and you'll be wearing them with ease! I had finally gotten to that point and now I know I won't be able to fit in my regular clothes much longer and it makes me a little sad. Stupid I know, but I thought I'd get a little more time to wear them before losing my body again.

Alice28, glad to hear the party went well. I looked up the restaurant's website too and was bummed to see there isn't even one remotely close to me. Next time we go out of town I'll check to see if they have one first cause I'd love to try it. Madison is a pasta nut so anywhere that makes eating with her a pleasure is great in my book!

ETA: SL I just read your post and gosh what a bad situation. I feel so sorry for Lucas, he must have been terrified and starving. I know what you mean that you feel badly too though. We had to go to this orientation thing for Madison's school in September and my MIL volunteered to fly up here to visit/watch Madison while we were out. Well then the hurricane happened about a week before she had to babysit so I thought "okay, one of us will just stay home" cause I couldn't find anyone else to babysit. Then we decide to drive to SC where the in-laws were staying while they were displaced in the beginning so MIL and FIL say they'll drive back to DC with us so they can visit FEMA and they'll still watch Madison while we have to go out. Great I think, right? Well it wasn't the end of the world, but MIL literally spent the entire time on the computer looking up FEMA stuff (FIL sat on teh couch watching tv, he's not really a baby person). Then I set out food for her and they gave her totally random stuff. She fell asleep in the highchair cause she had not napped all day then they decide to take her out to dinner so they can eat, which is totally fine, but I requested that they not feed her any bread or allow it to be brought to the table cause that's all she'll eat. I told them to order her a kids meal (they're $4 at this place and come with a drink and dessert) and mentioned what she likes to eat. Well my husband and I got out early so we met them at the restaurant for dinner and I walk in to see my daughter holding about 5 breadsticks and has a loaf of bread on her plate. I don't say anything but hope she eats her meal. Well turns out they didn't get her one! Nothing at all. They thought she'd be too full from the bread to eat anything. Well yeah! Ugh, but they had just lost thei home and business to the hurricane so I let it go. So while I think your situation was much worse, I know what you were feeling.
Hi Mommies! :grouphug:

SL - You are totally justified in feeling the way you do about what happened last night with Lucas. I'm sorry that the poor little guy had to go through that and I feel bad for you and your DH. I've been there and done that with my daughters and family in the past and it is no fun. :guilty:

DisneyPhD and Justhat - I saw that thread that you both were refering to. All I can say is "Wow" especially with that one poster who made sweeping generalizations about people. Eek! :scared1: I love posting on this thread b/c you all are such nice ladies who are so positive and supporting. :grouphug: I don't post as much as I used to but I try to stay away from hot topics and post on "fun" threads. I hardly ever start my own thread b/c I am afraid of what might happen. I feel bad for people who start an innocent thread and then they get jumped on.

Alice28 - I am so glad that the party went well! :cheer2: I also can't believe that someone would jump all over you for something that you and your family deserve. :sad2: That is so irritating that someone would be so rude to you. I'm sorry that someone was a pain in the rear to you. BTW, I hope Molly is feeling better! Last thing....the Sex & the City DVDs are worth every penny! My DH bought them for me last year and we still watch them. I love them. That show is too funny and I love the clothes and shoes. Its too bad that I could never wear that stuff but a lady can dream can't she! :teeth:

DisKim - Glad to hear that both of your kids are feeling better and that is too bad that your girl's night out wasn't so much fun due to the work talk. As far as feeding older babies...hmmmm...we pretty much had the girls eating what we ate with the exception of some of our meats. My oldest hated the texture of meats except for my homemade meatballs. I remember feeding the girls lots of soft pastas, and fruits cut up into small pieces. We didn't introduce eggs until after they were one, but they liked them. Yogurt was also a big hit as well as pancakes, crackers (that melted in their mouth like Ritz) and cheerios. I wish I could remember what else I gave them, but my brain is a little fried at the moment. :crazy: I tried to stick to feeding them what we ate but if I remember correctly I just made sure that it was easily swallowed so they wouldn't choke.

Lisawynn - Those VB bags are great! They are so cute! I've seen them before, but after hearing your description of them you have me hooked! :teeth: There is a store nearby me that sells them and I will be sure to check them out.

Tamie - Congrats on fitting into the pre-pregnancy jeans! :thumbsup2 I'm crossing my fingers that one day I will be able to fit into my prebaby jeans. I've got a long way to go before I get there though! :)

Inside Ball - I hope you managed to get some rest this weekend after getting so little sleep on Friday. :goodvibes

Bellacam - Glad to hear that you had a great day and managed to get in a movie. I'm dying to see Memoirs of a Geisha but I haven't managed to get out yet to do it. I'm happy to hear that Aiden is back to his old self! :sunny:

This weekend was very busy and a lot of fun for us. My sister turned 40 a few days ago so my mom had a surprise party for her last night. We got to visit with relatives and old family friends which was so nice! :cloud9: Today was Meagan's 10th birthday so I took her out to Pottery You Paint and then we went out with my parents for a nice dinner. It is so hard to believe that my baby is 10! I remember going into labor with her during the Blizzard of 1996 and having my neighbor take me to the hospital in his 4 wheel drive so we could stop the labor. We got stuck behind a snow plow in front of the Pentagon. Yikes! :p I managed to hold off for a few more weeks but I was on pins and needles b/c that was such a terrible winter. After all of that I swore that I would never have a baby in the wintertime and I managed to have fall babies later on. Anyways, I am babbling! Next Friday Meagan will have a slumber party so we are going to gear up for that this week. Between John Paul and a house full of girls next Friday night, I am sure to be very sleep deprived on Saturday! :faint:

Everyone have a great evening! :wizard:
justhat said:
Ugh, I completely agree with how 'dangerous' posting on some threads here can be. DisneyPhD, I totally agree with you on that poster on the shopping thread. I too was a psych major and is/was in graduate school for child psychology, to be a child therapist, and I have no idea where any of that stuff that poster said was coming from. And I can honestly say my use disposable diapers has nothing to do with laziness, I just have no desire to clean baby poop when I can just throw it out (and now that she's wearing underwear a lot, I know how much I do not like cleaning baby poop!). Oh, and I did go to the grocery store without Madison tonight (she was hungry so I thought she'd be better off home eating with Daddy) and there was a little girl crying, about 2yo. She wanted some sort of candy from the checkout rack. Her dad told her no, then ignored her and guess what, she stopped crying in about 2 minutes.

My own bad experience came a few months ago when I posted on a thread about a mom who was having 2nd thought about her 3yo in preschool. She would cry at dropoff but was fine as soon as the mom walked away and she was asking if she should leave her in or take her out (this was in late September, so the kids had been in school about 3 weeks and went 2 mornings a week for 2 hours). I gave my own experience with Madison crying every morning but being totally happy when I picked her up so I said I'd stick with it and I was flamed by people who said I was essentially a child abuser for dumping off my 1.5yo everyday to get time for myself. Nevermind the fact that I said I did it for her social experience since we live in DC without many other kids around and she is only home with me everyday, I was doing it for my own selfish reasons and also there is no such thing as a preschool for 1.5yos, it was a daycare cause kids that age can't learn anything and my only goal was to get her into Georgetown Day School. The person who added that last part wasn't even from DC so I don't know why she had so much research on DC private schools cause I could care less about schools in her state or any one I don't live in for that matter. I really felt horrible and then said I was no longer participating in this hijacking of the OP's thread. Ugh, some people. Of course I spent about $90 on snack stuff so that was the real damper of my shopping trip, not any whining kids.

Anyway, DisneyPhD, I was thinking about you when we went out to lunch today. We ate at a place called BD's Mongolian Barbeque and while I was waiting for my food to be grilled I noticed that they first started in Royal Oak Michigan and I thought "Why do I know that town?" (I haven't been to Michigan since I was 3 months old!) and then I realized it was cause you lived there. Have you ever eaten there? My husband laughed at me when I told him I'd recommend it if you haven't cause he didn't think it was the place to eat with food allergies, but as someone with an allergy I disagree. You can pick all your own ingredients so you know if your stuff is dairy and egg free, and they'll cook it separate from other foods on the grill (and clean it and stuff) if you have allergies. And kids 4 and under eat free (at least at our BD's, but I think that's chain-wide). So anyway, if you haven't ever tried it look into it! Oh, and thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one who feels like a bad mommy cause I'm sick all the time. I was sick with Madison too, but it's either worse this time or feels worse cause I have a toddler to take care of too.

It really gets me when people use their education to hurt others instead of help. (In her case try to make it sound like she knows what she is talking about when she doesn't). To insult that women who was rasing her niece herself just put me over the edge. It is one thing to be a sinlge mother because of something you did, another to take on a child and become a single mother for the love of your siblings child. Personal pet peve of mine (I tend to take a lot of pride in my profession, even when I am not getting paid for doing it.) I remember the other thread about the day care and preschool. Some people are so ready to jump on anyone because the board is so big, then the don't realize that that is an actual person.

As far as being sick with Lily, oh my. I felt so bad. I had just became a SAHM to be with my child, and I could bearly get out of bed. Poor girl just wanted me to play with her, and it was all I could do to muster up 5 min with her. So that was what I did, 5 min at a time, all I could give, and then rest for a while. She wacthed way to much T.V. She would of been better off in day care. The good thing was the 2nd pregnancy time seemed to go by faster, so while I was as sick for as long I didn't dwell on it as much. I also lost weight at 1st (but I had a few spare pounds, so it didn't hurt. ;) ) If the sickness continues please talk to your Dr. about Zofran. It really made things ALOT better the second time (and Lily turned out just fine.)

Yes Mogonailan BBQ is right near us (and there is a number around.) We don't seem to go there much, just because it isn't in our routation, but I know what it is like. I think we should try it. (parking can be tricky, down town and all, it always makes DH cranky, but isn't as bad when it is warm out.) You are right you know just what is in the food, and Dairy and egg isn't stanard for that kind off cooking. Cross contaimination hasn't been as big of an issue lately, she is getting a bit better.

It is amazing the difference in reaction you get for the 2nd child. The only person who screamed and yelled the 2nd time was a very good friend (who then got pregnant 4 weeks later, you should of heard me scream and yell then, we were at WDW when she told me. It was really cool!) We had Anna do the telling and it was like "oh that is nice." Oh well, everyone is thrilled with little Lily, but I felt bad for her at 1st. My little hand me down child, never got much new. Never even had her own room. She doesn't care, when she gets older she might, then we will get her more 1st hand stuff. The whole pregnancy I was always more worried about Anna and how she would handel things, she was my whole world. It all worked it's self out and Anna is doing great, having a little sister is very good for her. I am afraid she would be even more a drama queen and spoild with out it. Turns out a mom does have enough love in her heart for more then one baby (and often a lot more then one! ;) as many of the mommies here know very well.)
Ya know, as much as I know everything will work out, it's so reassuring to hear from others that have gone through the same stuff. This pregnancy I'm way more concerned with Madison than the new baby too. I feel really bad about it, but by this time with Madison I had bought tons of baby stuff and we told everyone (well except my husband's family, but that was his own weird thing not mine) by about 6 weeks. I read those pregnancy books and magazines all the time. This time though everytime I get excited about this new baby, I think about how it's totally gonna shake up Madison's world and then I feel guilty and anxious. I keep telling myself she'll be 8 months older so things will be different than I imagine, but it's still so hard to think about. And I was thinking about asking my dr about medication cause the constant vomiting is really getting to me (plus I really don't want Madison to see me sick which makes things harder). I was afraid I'd get addicted though and was sorta leery of taking medication all the time. But hearing someone who has come out unscathed makes me feel better. I'll give it till the 9th and if I'm still this sick I'll assume it will go on for as long as it did with Madison (which was 18 weeks) and then I'll ask for medicine.

Oh, and I have to admit I had no desire to try Mongolian Barbeque for the 3 years we lived here till this past October. I ate lunch there with my insane pregnant friend (incidentally the day I told her not to have anymore kids for a long time, 2 days before she found out she was pregnant) only cause she's been raving about the place for years. I'm not really into bbq so I didn't think I'd like it at all, but it was way different than I expected. And it's super cheap for lunch which is such a bonus-I eat cheap and Madison is free-unlimited pasta, rice, and tortillas for her!

Jill, glad to hear you had a good time at your sister's birthday party. I love surprise parties, especially when the person is really surprised. We had one for my mom's 60th in September and it was a lot of fun. Did your daughter like the pottery place? I am dying for Madison to be old enough to like those places cause I love them, but we took her last spring and she literally cried the entire time we were there. We did her handprints on a dish and then planned for her to paint the rest of the dish, but she hated it and screamed so I ended up finishing the dish and then we left. You must have had a lot of fun with your daughter though.

Okay, time to finish the last 2 loads of laundry. Yes, 3 days of laundry, it's insane. I started Friday morning and still am not done, partially just cause I spent all of yesterday laying on the couch and not folding, but still.
Justhat - I just saw your post and I had to say "Holy Moly" about the poster who jumped all over you about preschool! :eek: I can totally see why you wanted to put Madison in preschool especially being in DC. You are her mom and you know what is best so never let any mean spirited poster get you down. :grouphug: I get so mad when I see people bashing Moms and making assumptions when they really don't know that persons situation.

I also hope that you are starting to feel better. When I was pregnant with Katie I was so sick that I would end up in the hospital with IVs. Meagan and I literally spent most of the time lying on the couch watching movies b/c I was too sick to play with her. I also remember that she would run over to the toilet and spit in it and say "Who am I? I am Mommy!" She was mimicking my morning sickness which was quite the treat to see it re-enacted by a 2 year old. :blush: If you are still feeling bad, I second what DisneyPhD said about asking for Zofran. My doctor prescribed it for me when I was pregnant with John Paul, but I didn't need it. I sure could have used it with Katie though. I took Phenergan (sp?) and some other drug with Katie which took the edge off of the morning sickness.

ETA: Both of my girls love the pottery place and we go every once in awhile. Today they painted piggy banks so it will be neat to see how they come out. The place isn't exactly cheap so I try not to go too much except for a special treat. I took the girls before John Paul was born and they made him a piggy bank for when he is older.

DisneyPhD - Katie was my hand me down child too. She was fine with it when she was little but that doesn't fly anymore since she is 7. :teeth:
I had the same feelings about the medication, I took it like it was gold and only when I couldn't bear it any longer. Looking back I should of took it more, I would of felt better. It is "a bit pricey" as my Dr. said, but my insurance coverd it. Turns out $30 a pill. :eek: Still it is amazing stuff, it really made a differance for me. It is one of the reasons we might consider doing the whole pregancy thing one more time (if we want more children, haven't decided yet.) I think I was more sick then I had to be. :blush:

llij, I rather figured that about the hand me down thing. Just enjoy it while she still doesn't care. :teeth:
Okay, I know I said I was going to do the laundry, but....

Yes, I know, it was insane, especially since I posted to offer help to another person who was going through a similar experience. It made me cry everyday when I dropped her off and heard her crying "Mommy" all the way to the door (she's dropped off at the playground). But I knew that she had fun when I wasn't there (I'd spy on her before I picked her up and she was always playing and smiling, not crying which some kids were) and I also knew that while keeping her home with me was great, it wasn't all that fun for her to only be with mommy everyday, especially cause we have no family here and my husband works a lot. And now she absolutely loves going to school. She'll still whine from time to time when I drop her off, but that goes along with her smiling and hiding behind my arm when she sees the teacher (she loves to play "where's Madison"). She's very excited to go to school in the morning now and her teacher said she loves being there now, she sings all day, sets the whole table for snack and then lists each kid's name when she sets their stuff down. And honestly, she's become much more social in groups (she would sometimes get shy around lots of kids) and is learning to wait for her turn (which I think will be a huge help when the baby comes) and she talks so much now, in full sentences. And this is a kid who literally said only 'mama' till she was over 18 months old. Hmm, I guess I still feel bad about that poster saying I was dumping my kid off since I just justified all that again. (And like I said on that thread, we have a daycare in my building for $6/hour, much cheaper and I wouldn't even have to go outside everyday!)

Oh, and Madison has imitated me vomiting too, but it was with the food poisoning in Arizona. She said "Mommy coughing. Mema coughing too" then leaned into the trash and pretending to cough. (She calls herself Mema-we're not sure why cause she can say Madison when she wants to.) It was cute but I felt so bad about it at the same time.
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