"The Plane Truth"

Uncle Mikey

May 20, 2001
MSNBC recently ran a story on the airline industry titled "The Plane Truth." Did anyone else see it? I found it fascinating. I'd always wondered what happened to the lost luggage they could not match up with the original owners. Turns out it is sold to a company in Alabama that in turn resells the items at cents on the dollar. Turns out that even if you in someway could identify a lost item that belonged to you, you could not get it back without buying it back. I have a greater understanding of why so many people do not want to check luggage. I wish Midway Express flew out of my area of the country. The report was sure favorable to them. Anyway it sure did make a compelling argument for some sort of passengers "Bill of Rights." Anyone have any tales to tell of an airline doing it right or doing it wrong?
I bought one of the bags like that and got a brand new mavica digital camera in the bag and the bag was really nice(too bad the airline lost it again) usair here in pit sells their bags to a company here that in turn resels the stuff. you can either buy the items individually or buy a bag and not know what is inside it. you can get new strollers and car seats and golf bags etc. some of this is unclaimed from the bag areas and some is from people not getting their bag and then not being able to match it up with their owner. there was one guy who bought this set of soaps on a rope and when he got them he found that they had been chiseld out and each one was filled with 2000 in bills and he ended up getting to keep the 10 grand he got in the soap. it would be nice to be that lucky wouldn't it? my brother bought this leather coat for 25 dollars. and my uncle bought a set of golf clubs for 50 bucks and it was a fun shopping spree! there is also a sight on the itnernet that you can buy this unclaimed stuff too. if I can remember the link I will put it in here. I am trying to find it now.
did you find the site....I feel bad about people losing their luggage...(it's happened so many time to us...) but this sounds really great!

I'm always on the look out for a deal!
We left our luggage on the plane one time in the overhead...no ID on it (after all, we had it WITH us :rolleyes: ), and we got it back FIVE MONTHS later. I was shocked when they called. It was actually a garment bag, and I was able to describe every single item in it...BRAND NEW dresses for my DDs and myself (tags still on), and a few other items.

I do feel bad for people who lose their luggage...but thanks for the website. ;) (Reminds me of how I feel so bad at going out of business sales. ;) )
Whenever we go to Alabama to visit my grandmother we used to try to stop at the unclaimed baggage place. Now that people know about it the prices aren't as good, and theres always busses of seniors on day trips there. I think it must be weird to take a bus trip with the only destination being to buy other people's used missing stuff!!
I've seen this show a month ago I think. Very compelling and interesting..especially flights that are continuously late (as in..on a daily basis). What I really liked was the program that can show you all the planes that are currently in the air at the time, where they came from, where they are headed, when, and what kind of plane it is. That was cool... :)


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