The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I've done a lot of runs at Disney. The biggest issue that I have is that it can be difficult to put something together for 10 or 15 miles that has minimal time on a road and no repeats. With that being said my favorite runs at Disney would probably be ranked.

1. From Waldorf Astoria/Hilton Bonnet Creek --> Carribean Beach --> Hourglass lake loop and back. I think this was about 14 miles
2. OKW-->SSR --> Disney Springs. I think this was about 6 miles
3. Fort Wildnerness Cabin -->Wilderness Lodge and back (About 4 mile total)
4. Boardwalk Loop --> HS and way out into the HS parking lot ( About 3 miles)

Most of the resort loops seem to be 1 to 2 miles long.
My favorite of these was a slightly modified version of the contemporary. I ran around the Contemp then went out got on the sidewalk and did an out and back under the waterbridge and then ran in front of the MK to where the water pagent channel is. It was about 3 miles but it was a lot of fun to run around the front of the MK before it opened.
Front door of my parents’ house to the first set of bathrooms and water fountain at Disney Springs is exactly five miles, so I’ve done that a few times. But that’s my only non-RD running I would say that I’ve done at Disney.
Fun Friday QOTD: When you are at Walt Disney World, where do you like to get your runs in? (This excludes runDisney events)

We stay at the BCVs so I tend to mix it up a bit with longer runs on the sidewalks outside of the Epcot Resorts; Epcot Resorts Blvd and a portion of Buena Vista Drive. That's about a 2.5 mile loop. One or two longer laps on the outside and I'll bring it back in for the Crescent Lake loop. On occasion, if I'm feeling really adventurous I'll run up the canal to HS and back. Time of day and heat are factors in how far I'll run.
ATTQOTD: I do maintenance runs when I’m at Disney and NOT runDisneying. I’ve done Wildernesses/ Ft Wilderness loop. (No picture sorry!), Boardwalk, View attachment 296474

Contemporary, View attachment 296479

Poly / GF Seven Seas Lagoon Loop which is my favorite, View attachment 296480

Running at Disney is an awesome way to start the day!

Hmmm.... now that New Balance isn't sponsoring RunDisney events anymore, I hope they don't take these signs down!
ATTQOTD I love running while on holiday, especially early in the morning as places wake up. I managed a POR run taking in both resorts, but nearly melted, and a couple from Beach Club.
One frustration I have is no sidewalks if you want to try and venture further than the resort (or don’t want to do multiple loops). On one of my BC runs there was a sidewalk that I followed for a bit before it abruptly ended not far from the underpass by International Gateway. I carried on anyway...

I’ve also pounded the streets of Anaheim a few times, mostly just the perimeter loop. One time I did venture a little further and found myself on one of those streets you suddenly aren’t sure if it is safe or not...
ATTQOTD: add me to the BW to DHS to Swolphin to YC/BC to BW list. I’ll repeat the loop as often as needed to get that days mileage. Our trip last June I did it many times as I was ramping up my training for my fall full. We were there for a week for a family member’s wedding. I had a “Rent the Runway” dress for the wedding that barely fit. Had to counteract all the eating and drinking to be sure I still fit in it by the day of the wedding!
ATTQOTD: To this point, all my races have been runDisney events. So whatever race planning I do involves which Disneyland event (please come back!) appeals to me the most and which Disney World event appeals the most and can fit into my work schedule as there are certain times of year I must be in the office.

ATTQOTD: I've never run at Disneyland or Disney World outside of races. I get enough walking in while in the parks to maintain what I already trained for and accomplish my primary goal which is always to finish.
Fun Friday QOTD: When you are at Walt Disney World, where do you like to get your runs in? (This excludes runDisney events)
In a related question... When spending several days at Disney in the middle of a training cycle, do you stick to your scheduled mileage? Or, do you cut back on mileage knowing you will be spending a lot more time on your feet at the parks?
Man, you really can't let this thread go more than a couple of days, huh?

Answers to questions:

- Medals: got an Allied rack hanging in my bedroom, plus a drawer full of medals from "virtual" races. It's a really nice source of inspiration on some of the rougher days.

- Ice: hell no. This winter has been especially rough with all the ice, as I'm desperately wishing for my ankle to heal/not re-injure myself. There's been a lot of just sitting around lately, which has been getting to me...

- Race schedule: some combination of relatively nearby/not too expensive/the medals look sweet, but most of all, a generous time limit (e.g., 1hr for a 5k, 2hr for 10k, etc. The reason we ever signed up for the Baltimore half in the first place was because it gives you a great 5-hour cushion! We then found out why, but that's another story...). Have only been "racing" for 2 years now, but there are now a couple of must-dos every year (Baltimore Women's Classic 5k and the Baltimore 10-miler). Right now, there's no real goal time or anything like that, so the schedule looks a bit haphazard. Coordinating around my schedule and my sister's (and who can come house-sit and take care of the cats) also factors in.

- running at Disney: since we're not runners, we do fine with just the walking miles in the parks.

Though Baltimore in October would be a good choice too now that I think about it. @evre13 Have you done that half before and if so, is it hilly?

This wasn't directed to me, but I've done this the last 2 years so: yes! Baltimore is quite hilly, particularly at the front of the course (the last 5k is fairly consistently downhill), although not nearly as much as the full. The streets are also terrible - because it's Baltimore - so there are some stretches where you really have to be careful with your footing. Another factor is the late start: 9:45am (5k starts at 7am, and their Baltimoron challenge is for those nuts (like myself...) who will do the 5k and then the half marathon back-to-back), which means you're in for a bit of a scorcher (the middle miles, up to and around Lake Montebello, have little shade, and you're starting to hit those at a hot part of the day). There's also an interesting quirk of the half/full courses: A couple of miles into the half, it merges with the full course at their mile 15 or so. If you're not expecting it, it can be a little jarring to have to merge with hordes of people running at different paces.

That said, I totally love this one and am already signed up for this year. I hate that they've changed the finish from the stadium to the inner harbor, but I get that it was possibly out of their control with MLB and all. It's a tough one for sure, but the crowd support is fantastic, even in some of the sketchier neighborhoods. And the medals are pretty rad, too.
QOTD: I have yet to run at Disney not related to a race. I had intended to get a couple of quick runs in before the marathon this year since the weather has been so bad up here in MA but then my flight got cancelled so I didn't make it down when planned. There went that idea. I wouldn't mind waking up and going for a run though. There are still lots of areas in WDW I have yet to explore. What better way than a run around property. I have seen enough of WWoS to last a while though, I'll stay clear of that. :rolleyes:
Fun Friday QOTD: When you are at Walt Disney World, where do you like to get your runs in? (This excludes runDisney events)

ATTQOTD: I jogged in the mornings in December around POFQ and POR, and that was a lovely way to start the day.

Man, you really can't let this thread go more than a couple of days, huh?
This wasn't directed to me, but I've done this the last 2 years so: yes! Baltimore is quite hilly, particularly at the front of the course (the last 5k is fairly consistently downhill), although not nearly as much as the full. The streets are also terrible - because it's Baltimore - so there are some stretches where you really have to be careful with your footing. Another factor is the late start: 9:45am (5k starts at 7am, and their Baltimoron challenge is for those nuts (like myself...) who will do the 5k and then the half marathon back-to-back), which means you're in for a bit of a scorcher (the middle miles, up to and around Lake Montebello, have little shade, and you're starting to hit those at a hot part of the day). There's also an interesting quirk of the half/full courses: A couple of miles into the half, it merges with the full course at their mile 15 or so. If you're not expecting it, it can be a little jarring to have to merge with hordes of people running at different paces.

That said, I totally love this one and am already signed up for this year. I hate that they've changed the finish from the stadium to the inner harbor, but I get that it was possibly out of their control with MLB and all. It's a tough one for sure, but the crowd support is fantastic, even in some of the sketchier neighborhoods. And the medals are pretty rad, too.

@Chaitali @beatlecat42 I haven’t done it, but it worked well with my work travel schedule, and the later start actually gave me time to sleep at home in DC and get to Baltimore on the first train of the day. I run on hills in my neighborhood, so I’m hoping it isn’t too painful, but I may regret it come October.
In a related question... When spending several days at Disney in the middle of a training cycle, do you stick to your scheduled mileage? Or, do you cut back on mileage knowing you will be spending a lot more time on your feet at the parks?

I was supposed to do 5 miles this past Saturday - I ran 2, and then walked another 9.5 around the park. I figured that counted!
ATTQOTD: I have run a lot at DIsney during non runDisney trips there, but only at two places: Hourglass Lake and also on the loop in Port Orleans Riverside & French Quarter. I do wish there was a way to get in more milage and not have to do a bunch of loops.

@IamTrike how did you connect Hourglass Lake with Bonnet Creek and Caribbean Beach? That sounds like a good solution.
ATTQOTD: I’ve run the paths at Port Orleans and the Crescent Lake-to-DHS path.

Favorite non-race memory: Running from Yacht Club to DHS, I ran towards the left of the DHS entrance, looking for a water fountain. The park hadn’t opened yet but Donald Duck was out entertaining the people waiting for the park to open. I ran past him, found a water fountain, turned around and ran back towards the parking lot and the path back to YC.

As I passed Donald, he left his spot and ran with me for a little bit!
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