The Running Thread - 2019


Goal 1: run a HM under 1:50 - Check! Tear Drop Half Marathon in April, 1:49:08
Goal 2: Run a 10K under 50 - Almost! Possum Trot 10K in June, 50:59
Goal 3: Run a sub 4 marathon - Check! Grandmas Marathon in 3:57 in June.
Goal 4: PR other distances in 2019: Check! (1 mile, 5K, 15K , 10 mile and 50K).

Final Goals for 2019:
Sub 3:50 in Berlin (long shot)
Run The Year (2019 miles in 2019): on track!

Its been a great year so far!
ATTQOTD: I had some fairly aggressive goals for the year. I really wanted to be in position to try for a BQ in Jan 2020, but there have been some fairly substantially health issues in my family that derailed my training. As a step towards the BQ I had a goal of breaking 1:35 in the half this fall.
At this point I've dialed that back to a goal of breaking 1:50 with a stretch goal of breaking 1:44:30. At this point I don't think the stretch goal is unreasonable.
“Long term. Complete the Red Bull 400 here which I DNSed last year, due to poor training once our live in babbysitter went back to Texas. Also, distill some gin and macerate some chocolate liqueur for the bottle trade during marathon weekend 2020.

Edit:also, finally get a six pack, even temporarily.l

ATTQOTD: good, i guess...I think, I completed the 400. Not doing marathon weekend, but did a marathon, and grinding away at the 6 pack. But still have a ways to go.
I always get sad when summer goes by so fast. I had some time goals, but injuries took over so I'm hitting 0% this year. So, I have no goals now and will probably not run my fall marathon ( I have never not run a race I actually signed up for, it feels really weird).
Labor Day is gone. Summer is fading fast. Getting darker earlier each night. Two thirds of the year have flown by, where did the time go?
It seems to be getting dark SO fast! And it's also staying dark so much longer in the mornings... I don't like it!
How is everybody doing with their goals for the year? Have you already accomplished it or hope to do so this Fall? Details....let's hear it.
My big goal of the year is to finish my first marathon on January 13th!

Otherwise, I don't have any other major running goals for the year. I want to stay consistently running 4ish days per week and hopefully run in some new places!

^I had to look back on my goals and it seems that I was very vague on purpose. Good news- I finished the marathon (and had a blast!). I have also thankfully still been running :)
It feels weird to not having any big goals or races on the horizon, but I think that's the great thing about running. It can be here for all seasons of life and will always welcome us back after any kind of absence.
Short Term - Complete Goofy next week and make a final determination on whether I'm going to attempt the 50 miler in February. I'm leaning towards doing it, but want to see how I feel after Goofy before committing.

Long Term - I'm struggling a little with what I want to do with 2019. Usually I have a race calendar set by this point that drives things, but not this year. I was 0/3 (Tokyo, London, Berlin) on the world major marathon lotteries and I was really hoping to have at least one of those to provide a focal point. I'm still dealing with the disappointment of not getting close to my 4:00 goal in Chicago and am debating whether to take one more shot at that goal or just drop back and run for pure enjoyment without any pacing targets. I tend to be very goal- and plan-driven, so right now I feel a bit rudderless.

ATTQOTD: Here were my goals at the beginning of the year. The short term goals went extremely well. I felt great after Goofy and decided to go for the 50 miler. In addition to completing my first 50 miler in February, I ran another 51.4 miler in March that featured ~40 miles of beach running.

For the long term goals, I decided to focus on running a goal marathon this fall to get the bad taste of Chicago out of my mouth. As a result, this summer was focused on a return to 5 days/week of running and rebuilding the speed I’d lost through all the low, slow ultra training. At this point I’m on track for a PR attempt at Space Coast in early December, followed by a relaxing, fun Dopey.
ATTQOTD: My goal was to run the Disney World 10k in under an hour. @DopeyBadger wrote my training plan, which is so well designed I've changed my registration to the HM.

Running a local 10k next Sunday - my first ever race! :hyper: Racing tips for beginners, anyone? Thanks!
Tip: Enjoy what you are living at the moment.
And also, warmup, go out at the pace you planned (not too fast), smile even if something goes differently than planned and be proud of every step you take.
Labor Day is gone. Summer is fading fast. Getting darker earlier each night. Two thirds of the year have flown by, where did the time go?

How is everybody doing with their goals for the year? Have you already accomplished it or hope to do so this Fall? Details....let's hear it.
Short term goal- stay healthy for the next week and a half, start, finish, and enjoy my first half marathon- it IS at Disney so it has to be at least a bit fun, right?
Shortish term goal- run throughout the winter! I was pretty scared off of a NY Day run as it had rained the day before and was hovering around freezing (in conflict with goal above), but I did not hate the treadmill, even if I could not bring myself to do a long run on it. So, I want to keep up the lunch hour running outside through out the winter.
Longer term: Stay healthy, pick a second half marathon, run more this year than last, find a training plan I like.
ATTQOTD: figure out how to make time to do all the long runs. I’d also like to be faster so I can cover more distance in the same time.
Reflection is good, I've been feeling a bit defeated in terms of running. I did run my first half in January, and my second in June. I will run my 3rd at wine and dine. If I this had been suggested it would be my choice to do so even last year I would have laughed. I ran all winter in cold and snow, and did make peace retreating to the treadmill when it was icy. I also did so when it was miserable outside or when traveling places that were not suitable for an outdoor run. While I go much shorter on the TM, I also would not have bothered to even try two years ago, and I would have whined about it last year. Today I got up and went to the hotel gym without a second thought- until I realized the TM was off and I needed to run by feel and time, and not concern myself with what the read out said. Progress. I did fine in the stay healthy part until early August when I pulled something, and I did as well as can be expected going easy on the running. With other family changes I was able to substitute in some strength training for the runs, and I think that was a positive choice but I am not sure how much of it will be able to maintain with the new school year. I did schedule in some long runs, but I think this will continue to be a struggle. I am not really any faster, but I am optimistic that the onset of cooler fall temps will aid with that.
I am still debating a September race, I cannot seem to get it out of my mind, but minor injury and lack of buy-in from DH are not in my favor.
Fall goals: There will be Wine & Dine. I want to figure out how to run while in Japan for work. I would like to get back to where I was in total miles last fall to be able to exceed 2018's milage (still possible even with nearly a month of down time). There are not any local races in the fall (because football), but I am going to try to sneak something in before December.

What do I want in running in more global terms? I want to enjoy all the runs. I want to do it a minimum of 3x a week. I want to run in new places. I want a sub 2:30 half- this last one is arbitrary.

Edit: The time of 2:30 is arbitrary, but also something I think I should be able to do based on maths and where my fitness has been on good stretches. The target for any race pace has to be comfortable and not me pushing it to the edge- I cannot be wasted for the rest of the day, there are meals to be cooked, games to be played, snuggles to be had, and people who depend on me to do them. So basically I want to be able to do 11:30s and feel like I could do them forever, instead of just for 5 miles.
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ATTQOTD: So, I didn't actually have any running goals at the beginning of the year since I hadn't been running for the prior 3-4 months; however, I did have the desire to get back going with consistent training. For the last four months, I am happy to report that I have been back consistently running. All good.
First a definition, then a question...

Plantar Fasciitis (n.): two words I have heard a million times over the years but had no idea what they actually meant

So, for the past year or so, I have had slight-to-moderate pain in my heals (especially the left heal) usually after playing tennis or paddle (platform tennis). It has got to a point where I try not to schedule a run for the morning after tennis/paddle because my heals typically do not feel like running (although every once and a while I will still run the day after, and after a slightly awkward warm-up, I'm usually fine for the run). In any case, after a year, I decided to look it up online a few days ago, and plantar fasciitis seems to be the culprit. It's not debilitating at all. After a day or so, it seems to improve back to normal.

Now the question: for those who have dealt with plantar fasciitis, was it as simple as adding orthotic inserts into your shoes or are there other solutions that helped? TIA.
First a definition, then a question...

Plantar Fasciitis (n.): two words I have heard a million times over the years but had no idea what they actually meant

So, for the past year or so, I have had slight-to-moderate pain in my heals (especially the left heal) usually after playing tennis or paddle (platform tennis). It has got to a point where I try not to schedule a run for the morning after tennis/paddle because my heals typically do not feel like running (although every once and a while I will still run the day after, and after a slightly awkward warm-up, I'm usually fine for the run). In any case, after a year, I decided to look it up online a few days ago, and plantar fasciitis seems to be the culprit. It's not debilitating at all. After a day or so, it seems to improve back to normal.

Now the question: for those who have dealt with plantar fasciitis, was it as simple as adding orthotic inserts into your shoes or are there other solutions that helped? TIA.

My daughter is a dancer and has issues with this. She does a lot of stretching focusing on the calves and achilles tendon and uses the rollers on the bottom of her foot. I know some people that also use athletic tape that say it helps.
@opusone Don't let PF lull you into thinking you have nothing to worry about. Untreated, it will only get worse and your heels will not be happy.

Stretching out your lower calf (Soleus) will help. Also, a tennis ball is useful for the bottom of the foot. First roll along the bottom, then you can apply static pressure to any spots that may feel tight.

Hope you find relief and resolution of the issue.

Jan 2, 2019
Short Term - Recover from this ankle injury and return to running in February
Long Term - Continue with strength + bike + run through 2019 and see if I can continue to make running gains using this method. Ideally preparing for a BQ attempt at Disney 2020.

Short term - Achieved. Have been running consistently since February other than a glute issue that sidelined me for a few weeks in June.
Long term - Still in progress. I have been doing 80DO + indoor cycling + running since November 2018 (albeit running added in February). My fitness has continued to improve but I'm not quite at Dopey 2018 level or having a realistic chance at a sub-3 at Disney in Jan 2020. But there's still 18.5 weeks to go and I'm not even done with Phase 1 of the Ironman training, nor really started any run paced training in earnest yet. So the time goal part remains to be seen.
@opusone - my PF (plus tendinitis) got so bad a foot and ankle doc recommended I wear a boot for a couple of weeks. The one thing that has brought the best relief was what I like to call my torture sock. There are some braces you can sleep in at night but I found a sock that keeps your foot stretched out during the night.

I can’t remember my goals but I am sure they pretty much all changed once I got hurt back in the late spring/early summer. I’m slowly building back up and just want to have a good training for Dopey and enjoy the races I have for the rest of the year. Not focusing on time goals at this point. Just want to stay healthy.
Now the question: for those who have dealt with plantar fasciitis, was it as simple as adding orthotic inserts into your shoes or are there other solutions that helped? TIA.

I've struggled with a relatively mild but annoying PF issue for the past year. Here is what helped me:

Inserts; I use PowerStep Pinnacle, but there are a lot of different ones out there.

Rolling and stretching; I roll my foot on a frozen water bottle and on a yoga ball (a bit smaller and harder than a tennis ball

Night boot; This has probably helped the most although many people have tried it without success. I bought this one from Amazon because it was cheap ($24 each) and got OK reviews. Even the very expensive ones get mediocre reviews because it just doesn't work for everyone. It's like sleeping with one ski boot on (I only bought one for my left foot), but it was amazing to get out of bed in the morning and not have pain for the first few minutes.

Shoes: I switched from Nike to Hoka trail shoes. I never liked the looks of the Hokas with their tall stack height, but I do like the cushioning a lot. I have been experimenting taking the PowerStep inserts in and out of the Hokas, and generally leave them out.

Bottom line is that you may have to try a variety of things to see what works for you; stretching and icing are probably the two places to start.


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