The Running Thread - 2019

My brother has an ambitious goal of a half in every state. He wants to run 4-5 a year or so. I might join him for a few, I’m sure once I get started I’ll end up making it my goal too. Anyway, he was looking for input on the best half’s in every state so I thought this would be a good place to get ideas and get a list started.

So what’s your favorite half in your state or one that you’ve done.

for Colorado I would say for scenery the Colorado marathon/half marathon or Rocky Mountain half. For closeness to Denver, colfax half because it goes through the zoo and a fire station.

I haven't run a half in Texas. I'm doing the Dallas Half in December, but quite honestly the course is boring. Two that I've been looking at are Tour de Fleurs in Dallas and the Alamo Half Marathon in San Antonio. It starts and ends at the Alamo and you get to run along the Riverwalk for part of it.
My two favorite half marathon races in Michigan are the Dexter to Ann Arbor Half and the Sleepy Hollow Half. The first is a road race, point to point and follows a river for the majority of the time, very beautiful. The second is a trail run at Sleepy Hollow State Park, near Dewitt, Michigan. It is a really fun race, love the medal and again just a beautiful course.

Today I ran the Dia De Los Muertos 5k with my daughter. Great time! She was kind and went my pace and I was happy to see that I exceeded my goal considerably. This is the first time I have run hard in a while. To be honest since the injury I get scared to push too hard. But I decided to go for it and fall back if I felt any twinges or signs. I was hoping to go under 30 minutes, I ran 26:48. I was averaging 8:50ish. I have not run that fast since prior to the injury!

My daughter who is just so fast now left me in the last quarter mile and just flew to the finish! She took third in her age group. I actually won my age group which was a huge surprise. Not a big race but there were at least 150 people running. For winning I got a certificate for a month free at a local gym. That is cool because I need to join a gym before winter hits. No more slipping in the snow!
Anyone here have fibromyalgia? How do you deal with it and run?

I’ve been in denial with this diagnosis thinking it’s just cuckoo whackadoodle nonsense, but the last two weeks have been so bad. Rheumatology has ruled out a mile long list of autoimmune diseases. Right now I hurt head to toe with flu like body aches and my head is so foggy. I was prescribed a medication on Tuesday and I’m starting an elimination diet to see if anything I’m eating is triggering me. Hoping I bounce back soon because Wine & Dine is next week!

hi! I did/do....ended up there after Lyme last year. I’m sorry you are dealing with it too. Feel free to PM me. I had to really do some energy “budgeting” and be very careful to not overdo it. I do get crashes still - esp after a harder workout. It’s been frustrating- but I can see that with some conscious effort it has gotten better.
For dark morning runs, I use noxgear and knuckle lights. Love, love the noxgear - the knucklelights could stand to be a bit brighter. I don’t like wearing headlamps though so it’s a good alternative (and I usually run in the dark with others who have various lamps/lights - so all together we are like a running Christmas light display!)
Trying to catch up some...

I don't run in the dark where I live because we have no street lights and I am afraid of what creatures could be out there lurking. I do own a headlamp and have had to use it for night runs during Run Across Georgia, as well as those red blinky lights.

Some state suggestions from me (this is my long term goal too):
Georgia: Rock n' Roll Savannah
Louisiana: Rock n' Roll New Orleans
Tennessee: Rock n' Roll Nashville
Kentucky: Run the Bluegrass
Ohio: Flying Pig
Indiana: Indy Mini
South Carolina: Kiawah Island or Charleston
North Carolina: Asheville (runs on the Biltmore estate)
Mississippi: Mississippi Blues
Alabama: Mercedes or Rocket City

I clearly only know about races in the Southeast, since that is where I live. I'm excited to see other people's suggestions and take notes for myself!
Thanks everyone for posting your medal displays. A lot of awesomeness in this group.

ATTQOTD-I run in my neighborhood and typically carry my phone and a flashlight. I know cars can't see me very well and I duck into driveways very quickly whenever someone heads my way.

ATTQOTD-Half Marathons---here's a few.

PA-Philly Half Marathon (part of the Philadelphia Marathon weekend each November) has great crowds and relatively fast course
MD-Frederick Half Marathon-nice run through downtown Frederick and you finish on a racetrack at the fairgrounds
VA-Richmond Half is nice, Shamrock half (Va Beach) is flat with part of run on the boardwalk and great after party on the beach
CA-Disneyland Half-such a great run with lots of time in the park and nice crowd support outside (Angels Stadium, car show, etc). Hope this one comes back soon.
Sports Weekend-not a great weekend for my teams. Clemson came through with a big homecoming blowout win but gets no love in the rankings.
The Nationals apparently "took the weekend off" but still fighting for the World Series title. Our NFL team in Washington is really bad.

We attended Clemson game Saturday night, drove home Sunday, went to DC and the NATS game last night.
The playoff atmosphere at the baseball game was electric....never seen it like that before.
Staying positive that they can find a way to get 2 more wins.
I finally ran this morning for the first time since the Long Beach Marathon (3 weeks ago). The weather was cold and windy so not my favorite. I got 2 slow miles in though. My legs were like lead and my right hip (who was giving me some trouble before my marathon) is NOT happy. I will be stretching and rolling tonight. But plan to get out there again tomorrow morning, you know since I have to run Wine and Dine this weekend. LOL.
My brother has an ambitious goal of a half in every state. He wants to run 4-5 a year or so. I might join him for a few, I’m sure once I get started I’ll end up making it my goal too. Anyway, he was looking for input on the best half’s in every state so I thought this would be a good place to get ideas and get a list started.

So what’s your favorite half in your state or one that you’ve done.

for Colorado I would say for scenery the Colorado marathon/half marathon or Rocky Mountain half. For closeness to Denver, colfax half because it goes through the zoo and a fire station.
It’s 16, but I vote for Jupiter Peak Steeplechase in Utah. The half way point is somewhat exposed, and it was a lot of fun. The wasatch steeplechase gives out an award for bloodiest runner, if you’re into that.
Question: Does anyone decide to skip a race for which you have poorly trained?

I was considering how poorly this last month of running has gone for me (unexpected travel, sick kids, sick me, aching hip, trading sleep for halloween costume construction etc), and how I am already disappointed with my performance at Wine & Dine. Internal dialog resulted in silently whining to myself about how terrible it will be, and then internal monologue told me to stuff it, I am not about to skip the race, along with a combination of other supportive and chastising commentary. It led me to wonder under what circumstances I would skip a race. And then I wondered when others would skip a race.

Also, internal monologue assured me that logically I will still finish and make it to my first fast pass, and I will have fun. My goal of not feeling wiped out afterward may not be achievable ever, but is probably a target I will miss.
Question: Does anyone decide to skip a race for which you have poorly trained?
I will DNS a race for lots of reasons. Not training (though that hasn't happened recently, it's happened), I signed up for it a long time ago and it doesn't fit in with my current training plan, just don't feel like it, friend I was supposed to run with got sick/injured, weather (heat index too high/too rainy etc), probably other reasons too. All of that applies to local races or kind of local races. If I had a trip planned surrounding the race that I was excited about, I'd do the race pretty much no matter what. If we're talking a Disney race I'd have to break a bone or something I think. If doing it would cause me a long-lasting injury, that would be all I can think of.
I agree. I've missed local races that were cheap/or free for pretty much no reason. The higher my investment, the less likely I am to skip it. But that also means the less likely I am to not put in training. If it's a race I'm traveling for, I'm definitely training. If it is causing me more stress than joy, I'm likely to skip a local race. I've skipped local races due to bad weather or feeling sick. I decided not to do the Richmond half this year because I seemed to be developing tendinitis in my left foot again. I felt like further training and higher mileage was just going to make my foot worse. And then I discovered I had forgotten to register anyway, so that seemed like a sign to let it go.
I DNSed the final Superheroes weekend at Disneyland. I had a hamstring problem, which kept me from running, which led to drinking more, which somehow led to a knee problem. I skipped that one. When I got back, I recommitted myself to running and trained for the star wars Dark side challenge at WDW the following spring. DNSed that one due to surprise baby.
The only reason I’ll DNS a race is if I’m injured and unable to safely run. If I put money down for a race, I’m going to put in training for the event. If injury or other reasons prevent me from training as well as I’d like, I’ll still run the race. I’ll just modify my pacing and performance expectations based on the conditions.
Question: Does anyone decide to skip a race for which you have poorly trained?

I was considering how poorly this last month of running has gone for me (unexpected travel, sick kids, sick me, aching hip, trading sleep for halloween costume construction etc), and how I am already disappointed with my performance at Wine & Dine. Internal dialog resulted in silently whining to myself about how terrible it will be, and then internal monologue told me to stuff it, I am not about to skip the race, along with a combination of other supportive and chastising commentary. It led me to wonder under what circumstances I would skip a race. And then I wondered when others would skip a race.

Also, internal monologue assured me that logically I will still finish and make it to my first fast pass, and I will have fun. My goal of not feeling wiped out afterward may not be achievable ever, but is probably a target I will miss.
If I sign up for a race and I am not injured, I run. I just change my expectations. I signed up for the 2018 Disney full and my longest run in training was 8 miles. I still ran. The last three miles were painful but I finished. But I’m stubborn.
Question: Does anyone decide to skip a race for which you have poorly trained?

I was considering how poorly this last month of running has gone for me (unexpected travel, sick kids, sick me, aching hip, trading sleep for halloween costume construction etc), and how I am already disappointed with my performance at Wine & Dine. Internal dialog resulted in silently whining to myself about how terrible it will be, and then internal monologue told me to stuff it, I am not about to skip the race, along with a combination of other supportive and chastising commentary. It led me to wonder under what circumstances I would skip a race. And then I wondered when others would skip a race.

Also, internal monologue assured me that logically I will still finish and make it to my first fast pass, and I will have fun. My goal of not feeling wiped out afterward may not be achievable ever, but is probably a target I will miss.
So far I have never skipped a race for which I had registered for but:
- I would have skipped a Half last year when I had my Achiles Tendon issue by fear of making permanent damage. But I got professional advice, confirmation it was ok, taping technique and a blessing to run it IF I was able to not push trough pain and to take it slow,
- I would have downgraded my first Full to a Half if I thought I was not properly trained or if injured,
- I postponed using my free pass to register to a race last weekend and ended up not registering because of the forecasted 100% chance of rain in almost freezing temperatures. Best weather call I have ever made.

Good luck this weekend: First goal is to start. Second is to enjoy and finish, I guess?


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