The Running Thread - 2019

QOTD: Long runs on the weekend. Do you prefer to run them on Saturday or Sunday? Why?

I prefer Saturday mornings, but can work with either. It really comes down to whether I'm running a 4 day/week plan with one run on the weekend or a 5 day/week with two. When I just have one run on the weekend, Saturday allows me a little more flexibility in my schedule. I tend to watch a lot of Premier League football (soccer) and NFL football (football) for a significant portion of the year and it's easier to get longer run windows on Saturday without impacting anything I'd like to watch. That all goes out the window when I'm running 5 days/week, though, as the schedule pretty much dictates what gets run when.
I prefer Sundays. I’m usually exhausted by the end of the week, and prefer to use Friday night/Saturday to recover. We also have fewer commitments on Sundays, so less to juggle with a long run.

But, my running group runs on Saturdays, so I usually do go out then.
Good Morning. Just checking in after our first disney cruise. I can add the Bahamas now as somewhere I've ran. I think there were well over 100 people participating in the Castaway Cay 5k. Wasn't so excited to leave my family to relax in paradise while I ran in the sun but I'm so glad that I did it. I didn't wear a watch or carry my phone. It was not quite 31 min on the final clock when I crossed which seems legit based on my leisurely walk breaks in the shade between sunny stuff. Run to get out of the sun! Then I went and sat in the sun for hours :)

I dressed subtley as stitch with a 626 tank and blue skirt. Was the only one in "costume." I didn't care. Drank a banana drinky thing on my beach chair since no free bananas.

Would love to cruise again but see no need to do the 5k again because now that I've done it I'd want to take that time to just wander and explore on the way to relaxing on the beach with my family.

Hubby came home with a nasty cold. I may be starting it now. Wish my immune system luck in the battle ahead.
ATTQOTD: I would prefer Saturday mornings, especially now that it has heated up, and there is a group of runners in my town that meet saturdays that are excellent motivators (and include a couple Boston qualifiers). However lets just say that household dynamics make running at all on weekends difficult.
Portland 10 Miler Race Report

Yesterday I ran the Portland 10 Miler in Maine. It was the first of 3 in a series - next up is Newport, RI in June and Stowe, VT in November.

I didn’t train to race this, just to finish happy. Nailed that goal - felt great, perfect weather (sunny, light breeze, 50), beautiful coastal course, and well organized/ supported. Bonus - excellent food to fuel with (including my favorite lobster roll in the world).

Course was mostly flat, with a few rollers and one big hill. Not much crowd support, but 4 water stops, and free beer at the end. This was also the longest I’ve run continuously. I walked briefly at the water stations, but otherwise just ran. I like my Galloway intervals - but this felt surprisingly good! Felt like I could have kept going. I’m hoping to “race” Newport for my POT in June, so this was a nice training race.

It was also the first time I’ve ever run a race with a friend the whole way. I’m an introvert who sometimes has mixed feelings about running with others. But, this was perfect - we didn’t talk, just ran, it really felt like we fed off each other’s energy. Plus, it always feels good to set an example for our girls (1st graders and 4 year olds).

Anyone in the northeast, this race is highly recommended!

Nice job! This course is almost identical to a 10 mile stretch of the Old Port HM, which I ran a few years ago. That hill at Munjoy Hill is BIG. :) Old Port was similar for crowd support... it was non-existant.
Get in Gear 10K

Woke up Saturday morning glad that the rain seemed like it would be holding off. I got dressed and made the drive in for the race. After a short warm-up run I headed for the start area. I am about 10 weeks post surgery and only about 4 weeks into training so I didn't know how well I would fair. I would've loved to hit a PR, but wasn't completely convinced it was in the card. The 10K and Half Marathon start together. I start within sight of the 1:50 pacer for the half. I decided I'd tried to keep in sight/touch with them as long as I could. If I needed to slow down I would. The course is relatively flat, with only two "real" hills heading up on to a bridge to cross the Mississippi River. My pace was fairly consistent through the first 4 miles, hovering right around a 8:27 pace. It was behind PR pace, but I was happy considering where I was post surgery. My last two miles dropped off a little to around 8:40. I finished with a time of 53:09, which is about 90 seconds slower than my PR. I was pretty happy with my results all things considered. My biggest accomplishment though was running the whole race, which is something that I have never actually done. I have major issues getting in my own head when racing and always convince myself I can't run the whole distance, despite doing it over and over in training.

QOTD: Long runs on the weekend. Do you prefer to run them on Saturday or Sunday? Why?

ATTQOTD: I prefer Saturday mornings for a few reasons. Saturdays are usually a night we stay up a little later or have some function going on so its easier to just get the run in be able to not worry about a Sunday run. Also, Sunday morning we go to church and if I went out for a long run I would be cutting in close on getting there on time and well theres also leg cramps while kneeling that could be a issue.

I tend to do them on Sunday afternoons. My in-laws come over to spend time with my son, so I don't necessarily have to be home to entertain him or give my wife a break from him as her parents are there to help with that. I usually leave during his nap, and he doesn't normally wake up until the grandparents arrive so it minimizes time away from him that way.
ATTQOTD: Saturdays if it is during the school year (summers I tend to do longer runs on Fridays). I'm usually so exhausted Friday nights that I crash early anyway which makes getting up and put early easy. **I say this more in theory, as the last couple of months I haven't had a long run or any kind of consistency.
Should I give up on looking for my Goldilocks shoe? Anyone else dread looking for new shoes?
Don't give up! I say this as someone who has been professionally fitted multiple times into shoes that were wrong for me and caused years of unnecessary pain: I, too, was told I needed stability shoes but have found that is not the case at all. I no longer go get fitted and rely on what feels right. An easy way to try a bunch of options on your own, without pressure, is to order online - Zappos and Running Warehouse are both good options for free shipping/free returns.

Off Topic: We decided recently to go ahead and get a new fur baby.
I'm so glad! We had to say goodbye to our cat of 20+ years recently and our house felt so very empty without her. We adopted a new cat a couple weeks later and it's been such a joy to welcome her into our lives. ♥

QOTD: Long runs on the weekend. Do you prefer to run them on Saturday or Sunday? Why?
ATTQOTD: Saturdays - I like having Fri as a rest day, getting the long run done, and being able to sleep later on Sundays before starting a new week.
ATTQOTD: Ideally I'd like to say Saturday mornings. But I have also done a lot of Sunday late afternoon/evening long runs. For one of my half marathons, I did Wednesday night long runs and actually really like that.
. Seems like an obvious choice to replace but not so fast, they just don’t have that like a glove feel when I put them on and there is pain sometimes on top of my foot and they are a bit heavy. The inspires fit like a new pair of socks every time but don’t have enough cushion and feel like blocks on longer runs. I take hours in the store trying everything and envy those that just walk in and say yup that’s the pair..
Should I give up on looking for my Goldilocks shoe? Anyone else dread looking for new shoes?

Crazy question, but for the pain on the top of your foot have you tried lacing your shoe differently? I have found that my right shoe has to be laced in a different patten than shoes are typically laced.
ATTQOTD: Saturday mornings as I go to church on Sunday morning. That can change if DH has a side job on Saturday as he won't let me run alone. Then Sunday afternoon when the weather permits, or I have occasionally missed church and run on Sunday am if I have a race coming up and if the weather is too hot for an afternoon run.
QOTD: Long runs on the weekend. Do you prefer to run them on Saturday or Sunday? Why?

I usually did long runs on Sunday. That way I can do a fatigue inducer on Saturday. Something like a 90 min run Sat + 90-150 min run on Sun.

But recently my schedule has been different because of the addition of cycling and 80DO:

Saturday - 90 min hard bike + 60 min 80DO + 60 min easy run (the order depends on what I've got going on, but ideally the bike/80DO occur in the morning and running in the evening)
Sunday - 90+ min hard run + 45 min 80DO

My Disney 2020 plan has the longer and more difficult day on Saturday (maxing at 6.5 hours with bike+run) with the Sunday run probably being more physically demanding (maxing at 180 min run and 60 min 80DO). But same concept with a fatigue inducer on Saturday leading into a long/hard Sunday run.
ATTQOTD: I try to be running in the woods on Saturday mornings and at Church on Sunday mornings. Before I sound too high and mighty, I do skip Church for races. :worship:


Crazy question, but for the pain on the top of your foot have you tried lacing your shoe differently? I have found that my right shoe has to be laced in a different patten than shoes are typically laced.

I've had a foot problem as well and changing the way I laced my shoes for a few months helped a lot! Its worth the try IMO
Crazy question, but for the pain on the top of your foot have you tried lacing your shoe differently? I have found that my right shoe has to be laced in a different patten than shoes are typically laced.

Earlier this year, I was having pain on the top of my foot that I isolated to the extensor tendons. Re-lacing my shoes with the ladder/Lydiard pattern helped resolve that very quickly.
QOTD: Long runs on the weekend. Do you prefer to run them on Saturday or Sunday? Why?

ATTQOTD: I prefer Saturday mornings for a few reasons. Saturdays are usually a night we stay up a little later or have some function going on so its easier to just get the run in be able to not worry about a Sunday run. Also, Sunday morning we go to church and if I went out for a long run I would be cutting in close on getting there on time and well theres also leg cramps while kneeling that could be a issue.

I'm having a hard time getting in the long runs. Sunday is church and I have to have the family vote to approve skipping (So I have to rig the vote for the 5 year old set), and it is a bit rough to get out of bed at 5am on a Sunday to make it happen. I just cannot. I did better with Saturdays until kids activities have been scheduled for 8:30am. I can't get them dressed and out the door, so going out to run and leaving it to DH is not an option.
On the vote/approve/negotiate/bribe, I had to trade a previously scheduled 5K for an upcoming 10K. So for recordkeeping, April 07 - TheHamm - Big House Run (34:00 / DNS). I actually decided well before the race to skip it, but forgot I have put it on the list. I was pretty happy to be able to give my bib to a coworker who missed the sign up (it was legit for the race, not me trying to fake a better time!). Newly upgraded race TheHamm - Burns Park Run (1:11:55/ N/A).
Realistically, I cannot get the time I want (1:08) but think it should be better than my recent very hilly 10K, and I am in better shape than my I was for my flat 10K PR, but this week will be too busy for sleep. So, I guess I will see? And maybe it won't rain?

Crazy question, but for the pain on the top of your foot have you tried lacing your shoe differently? I have found that my right shoe has to be laced in a different patten than shoes are typically laced.

Earlier this year, I was having pain on the top of my foot that I isolated to the extensor tendons. Re-lacing my shoes with the ladder/Lydiard pattern helped resolve that very quickly.
This is really helpful. I am having a lot of problems with the new shoe model being funny on the top of my foot, and needing to readjust the laces mid run. I am reasonably sure I laced shoes in ladder fashion for the entirety of 7th grade but for no functional reason. Any other non-standard lacing patterns you would suggest checking out?


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