The Running Thread - 2019

Ah, yes. The shoe question. Always an ongoing battle as the manufacturers insist on always tweaking each new model.

When I was running sporadically a few years ago I always ran in Asics. Worked great. Then, of course, they changed. Got the NB 860. Worked great once I got out of a super sturdy insert that the store talked me into. Then NB decided to make that shoe narrower. Didn't work. Now I'm in Saucony Guides (wide). I've got a couple of pair since I didn't want to have to change shoes yet again. But... after about 130 miles on the first pair the heel cup rubbed through, hole in the lining. Couldn't even go 2 miles without getting a blister. Sigh. At least the store took them back and gave me a brand new pair. We'll see how they do. I'm hoping that is was due to the fact that I was wearing really old socks. Balegas, but very old and worn. Got a bunch of new ones and am testing that theory.

Inserts. The running store I currently go to is very big on inserts. Not sure I really need them, but I'm in a if it's not broke don't fix it kind of mode right now. If these new Guides wear through I'm going to try a new store and see what they have to say.
ATTQOTD: Nike Terra Kiger (trail shoes) is the only shoe I have used since starting the second phase of my running "career" a few years ago after a decade or two hiatus. I've worn out several pairs of 3's and 4's and am looking forward to the just released 5's when my current pair of 4's wears out in another month.

I started using Powerstep Pinnacle inserts after a bout with PF, but am going to try to wean myself off them this summer.
April Training Summary

Running duration = 16:15 hours
Running mileage = 114.2 miles
Average Pace = 8:32 min/mile (about 19% slower than estimated LT pace)
Average HR = 136 (69% HRR)
Indoor Cycling duration = 26:00 hours
Indoor Cycling mileage = 394.3 miles
Indoor Cycling average power = 168 watts (70% of FTP)
80 Day Obsession = 21:10 hours
Total Training Time = 63:25 hours (PR)

April was another good training month. I tried out a mile test and hit 6:19 which was slower than I expected, but still great progress. I reintroduced hard run training and inverted my overall training scheme with running now taking priority over indoor cycling. Hit a peak training week of 16:15 hours. My resting HR has dropped from 60 down to 50 over the last three months and during the day hovers around the low 40s. And the overall training load continues to follow as designed with the great majority of training in "optimal". ETA - Garmin VO2max has also increased from 52 to 56. To feel confident in a sub-3 attempt I want to see that Garmin VO2max value for me at 59 or higher.

Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 7.13.32 PM.png

Happy to continue to stay healthy and injury free. As I enter May, I get back to racing with a 5k late in the month. Excited to see what the next month holds.
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April 2019
running: 66.7 mi
average pace: 11:38 min/mi
total time: 12.92 h

This is half of the miles I ran in February, because of race + recovery in March and another race + recovery in April.

tennis: 27 h

This is 4x what it was in March, since less time spent running means more time available for tennis! Also, had a tennis get-away weekend with teammates that had 10 hours of tennis in 3 days. Lots of fun!
ATTQOTD: I run with ASICS Nimbus 19. I added a heel in December to help with the Achiles tendon but it is still unclear if the shoe´s back is too high for me. Also, I think the toe box is a bit small.

If I sound a bit confused, it is because I went to a biometric evaluation last week and was guided to a new stride. I am practicing that since and my calves are on fire but none of the usual pains are there. So, I might loose the inserts and revisit shoes choices in the long term. I would like to try the Brooks Ghost eventually.

April totals:
Distance: 118km (73 mile)
Average pace: 6m26s/km (10m22s/miles)

Totally expected as I was running to reconnect with fun until Marathon Weekend registration, training DD after her winter break and, lately, reworking my stride. I am not committing to any speed work until I have integrated the new form. That means, all time objectives are out for races too.
Yesterday's ATTQOTD: I prefer doing my long runs on Sundays, but have no problem doing them on Saturdays if that’s what ends up working best for me at that time.

Today’s ATTQOTD: I luckily haven’t had any shoe issues and am able to go in what ever I want. I’m still new enough to running that I do try different brands because I haven't come across any that I’ve fall in love with.

@LSUlakes here are my results from my races this past weekend.

Fort Washington Rush Hour Run 5 Miler - 45:40. I bet my goal and also got a PR!

Sandy Sprint 10K - 53:13, which is also a new PR!

Conshy 5K - 25:13, also a new PR!

Valley Forge Revolutionary 5 Miler - Did not do. I somehow never actually registered for it. Whoops How in the world I managed that I don’t know. Haha.

April running totals:
Miles - 161.10
Pace - 9’39”
Playing catch up again.

Saturday's are my long run days. We have church on Sundays so it's hard to squeeze in a long run. I usually try to time it with YDS's nap time to make it easier on DH.

Shoes: up until last year I didn't really have a brand, nor did I realize I needed a certain type shoe. I started running 5 or so years ago in whatever I had which was usually sketchers. A little over a year ago I started having to go to the chiropractor and she told me I had to stop running or I had to spend the $$ to get better shoes. Well clearly I made the right decision. She told me to get NB990. I did and I am so happy. I was smart and got fitted. And of course they talked me into inserts. Oh well. What's wrong with spending $250 every 3 months or so?

April total:

38.8 miles

Ouch that is low. Oh well, that's life. I doubt May will be much higher but June should be better.

Race Recap from Sunday's race is coming soon. I just have to find time to type it out on the computer. It's too much of a pain to do on the iPad. I will say that it was a challenge but I'm very happy with the end result. I'm taking the week to recover (sure wish we were back at Disney. Recovery there was much easier with being in the parks afterwards.). Then back to running next week.
Yesterday’s QOTD: generally on Tuesday, which is my Saturday, but not sure how it’s gonna play out the next few months since I just signed a contract to consult on our sister restaurant’s food menus as well as the flagship’s. Took today off as part of a recovery week, which leads me to:

April totals-
114.9 miles
11779 feet vertical
ATTQOTD: I'm told that the root of my problem in finding shoes is that men tend to have wider feet than women--and since I'm a woman who wears a men's 12, I'm forever dealing with shoes that are too wide for me. Almost every running shoe I've tried on in the last two years has slipped and slid all over the place in the heel no matter how it's laced. Years back, ASICS was the exception and I had a pair of those in some model or another, but in more recent years they changed all their designs and the heels all come up too high and put pressure on my achilles tendon, making it painful even to just walk around in the shop.

Hoka Arahi 2's were a godsend. I honestly dread the day I can't buy them anymore and have to start all over again--here's hoping the Arahi 3 is similar enough to please my feet! They're light as a feather and I haven't had any injuries since I started wearing them. Right now I've just got one active pair and one pair in reserve, but I should probably keep tabs on sales and see if I can pick up more of them.

April totals:
19.4 miles
New PR's:
Fastest mile (14:21, during Sunday's Ice Breaker 3 mile race)
Longest run (4 miles, April 20--and it was a really lovely run, too)

The overall mileage is a little lower than I'd like, but this is my first month back from a winter that wrecked me pretty hard. I've come away from April feeling warmed up and ready to push ahead on training for my first 10K in June and (fingers crossed!) first half marathon in August or September.
ATTQOTD: I've been in Asics Nimbus since I started running, however, the toe box has been narrowing causing weird corns and I'm saving the last 100-200 miles of my last 17s for when I need to do serious training. I've got a few 18s to burn through sadly. I've tried the Brooks Ghost and Mizuno Wave Rider, but not enough cushion for me. I like the Brooks Glycerin and stockpiled a few when they went on super sale. I hope the Nimbus wider toe box returns. I raced in the Vaporfly 4% for my marathon and I'll probably save it for any future races (although the next% is coming out soon).

I don't relace my shoes, I just wear em the way they come out of the box.

April stats:
Total: 80.05 (10 day recovery)
pace: 8:42
April Totals

Total Distance: 103.2
Time : 14:11:28
Pace: 8:15
New 5K PR of 20:19.

Vacation and flu killed my 5K training plan and miles the first week and a half of April, and could never fully recover (I was secretly targeting sub-20). But still managed a new PR!
April Totals:
Total mileage: 395.6
Total duration: 51:46
Total elevation: 10,022

I had another killer month training!! I achieved PRs for weekly mileage (113.7) as well as monthly. I’m sitting on a 55 day run streak too! Thankful my health has been holding up, and knock on wood I’m entering taper relatively healthy. Now I just gotta ace my taper and make my final preparations for race day!!
April was something of a mess from a training (and racing) perspective. Back at the very end of February, I started having some foot pain right where the heel and arch meet. My first thought was PF, but it felt like a bruise or dull ache, not at all like the previous sharp PF pain I've had. The last two months have been spent trying to nurse it along and see if it will pass. It will get progressively better, then when I restart things in earnest it will flare back up. Very frustrating. As a result of the latest episode of trying to rest it out, my April numbers are not very good. I think an ortho visit might be in my near future just to get a professional take on things, as I would like to start back up with an intense plan at the beginning of June in preparation for another intense plan starting in September to get me to a run at a new PR at Space Coast in December. Fingers crossed, but in the meantime here are the disappointing April numbers:

April Summary
Total Distance: 52.13 miles
Running Time : 9:08:37
Average Pace: 10:43 min/mile
QOTD: Lets continue to talk about our feet today, with todays being socks! We discussed this before, but its worth talking about again for maybe new posters or someone looking to make a change. What has worked and does not work for you?

ATTQOTD: When I first started running I bought so socks from Walmart. This was also when I would run in basketball shorts and cotton shirts. As I learned with the shorts and shirts, I learned there are better options for socks as well. Balega was recommended to me and I purchased a few pair to give them a go. Love them and rarely have any issues with blisters or the socks moving around while I run. I purchase a new pair with every pair of shoes I buy to make sure I keep a rotation going. They last a extremely long time as well!


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