The Running Thread - 2019

I have wanted a rhodesian ridgeback since I was a teenager and read about them in an issue of Dog World magazine! I think they're gorgeous and thought about them as I also wanted a breed that could run a few miles with me as well. But my DH is more of a "normal" breed kind of guy. For me, I'd love a petit basset griffon vendeen. :P I also don't know if a ridgeback would be too spunky for my young kids. Maybe in the future!
ATTQOTD: As needed. Basically when they wear out (shorts) or get too permanently stinky or grungy (shirts). On average shorts last 4-5 years and shirts last 2-3 years. Add to that the fact that I wear them 1 year after they are due for retirement. Nothing fancy: for shorts I always go with black/dark gray. For shirts it's hi-vis orange/green/yellow.
I bought a bunch of new tank tops last summer and some pull overs and capris. I saw some sales and stocked up. Were they needed, not really, but it was nice to refresh the running attire. I don't need anything new this year or anytime soon as I have more than enough for all seasons and I think they are all still in good shape & don't stink. I have more toe socks than I know what to do with as they haven't worn out.
QOTD: How often do you buy new running clothes? This excludes socks and shoes.
ATTQOTD: Not often. I have stuff I bought 5 years ago I still wear for running. I did buy a bunch of "trial and error" things - mostly compression stuff (shorts, shirts, sleeves) that I wanted to try out during my marathon training last year as well as a few extra shirts for potential Disney race costume ideas.
The struggle is real lol. Lucky for me my wife is a champ about it and we work together to make it happen. It's not perfect, but it seems to be working.

I remember that struggle! What made it extra hard for us was that my husband was working 3rd shift at that time. We look back on those days now and just can't believe we all made it through okay.

Being motivated to run is harder now because I often feel "beat up" by the the time I get home. I think this is me just talking myself into that early morning option.

I used to run at night too, but I stopped because of the mental & physical exhaustion I felt in the evenings which led to skipping runs. While waking up at 4:30 isn't easy, it's so much better to start your day on a positive note doing something you enjoy and know is good for you. Try it, but just know that it could take up to 8 weeks to train your body to get used to running in the morning. Good luck!!

ATTQOTD: Um, in general I shop entirely too often and that includes running clothes. I have currently banned myself from shopping so that I can prove to DH that I can save the money I need to go to Marathon Weekend. :laughing:
Rhodesian Ridgebacks!!!! I got a rescue dog from the shelter when he was 8 weeks old. He was labeled a rottweiler mix and stole my heart. But as he grew, multiple people stopped me to ask if he was a Rhodesian Ridgeback and I had to look it up. He’s the sweetest most loyal dog and I love him to pieces.
QOTD: How often do you buy new running clothes? This excludes socks and shoes.

[Edited to remove my stuff from the quoted text!]

ATTQOTD: I like to try on running clothes in order to proactively avoid chafing issues. I hate going to stores to try on clothes. So I usually make myself go 2 or 3 times per year. That's why it really annoys me when the Current Style is something stupid and I can't find anything else.

I will mail order shoes and try them and return them for free if they don't fit, but somehow that seems pretty gratuitous and wasteful for things like tank tops and shorts. That's why I try to go to stores and try them on and buy a bunch.
ATTQOTD (yesterday): I don't have children yet, so it is relatively easy to fit in my runs. My main issue is the distance we live from town and our lack of street lights. That forces me to run in the afternoons after work and sometimes when work priorities take over I end up having to skip or shorten my runs. Hopefully we will be able to sell our house and move soon and I can run in the mornings...

ATTQOTD (today): I buy way more running clothes than necessary, but normally only buy from outlets. Sports bras are not supposed to celebrate a birthday, so I pretty constantly replacing mine (thanks, TJMAXX!) I have three drawers of Nike Tempo shorts, two drawers of tank tops and one drawer of capris/pants. I never need anything, but...

attqotd: I rarely shop for new gear, started 3 years ago with a couple pair of shorts and cotton(yuck) tanks. Bought two more pair of shorts and four drytech tanks, as well as two 32 degree heat base pants and shirts, done. Any other shirts are from rundisney with the exception being a short sleeve that my daughter got me to run my marathon (my now favorite of course) I would like to find some decent rain gear for running but for now I just get wet.
About breeders and puppies - I would be wary of people that do deposits for pick choice order. A good breeder should know the personalities of the dog and what type of home they are going into. Ideally through a temperament test but observations work well too. You wouldn’t want the dog with no fear or ability to listen to go to a family with children. You also wouldn’t want the disengaged dog that just wants cuddles to go to a show/performance home.

In my breed, a decent amount of breeders in the breed club actually don’t do deposits anymore. They do have potential families lined up but they know that the match might not be there. I know that can very by breed though.

If you are spending decent money on a AKC registered dog, please make sure that the parents were health tested against the parent club requirements.

I’m excited for you @LSUlakes !

The more I think about the happier I am to be making the switch. Short version, I like what I am hearing a lot more from the new breeder. The other thing I like is we are going to meet the guy Saturday and see the parents and puppies. He asked if I wanted to see the male do some field work, which I kinda do, but its unlikely I hunt the dog so I do not want to waste his time. In case I havent stated it before, we are getting a American Brittany. I've read that she will make a great running buddy when she is of age. They are also very smart and willing to learn, as well as being good with kids. Seems like the perfect pup for us.
ATTQOTD: I bought a lot of clothes in my first two real running years since I needed summer and winter clothes. I now know what I like and own what I need plus a little stash: Super light tank tops, capris with pockets, bras, long sleeve shirts and windbreaker pants. So shopping has considerably reduced. If I see a model that I really like in sale, I will probably indulge (like a 15$ capri with pockets at my grocery store... Those are the best).
I ran!

First time in 3 months - I have been working through an ankle issue, when it flared up in January I reduced training but that didn't help, so had a complete break from running. Which was not nice! I have been walking and introducing some running intervals in there and was feeling OK, so decided to see how it would feel going for a full run. 5km later, the ankle felt fine (not great, just fine) and this morning it is feeling good, no aches or anything. I'm going to (try to) take it easy but boy it was nice to be running again!

As someone who has had one major ankle surgery and another one coming later this year hopefully, I would say get your ankle checked out. If you took a couple months off from running and your ankle still doesn’t feel great after a run I would check it out to be safe!

QOTD: How the running weather in your part of the world these days? Cold, hot, perfect?

ATTQOTD: Last week was nice and we had a decent spring IMO, but it's full blown hot and muggy from here to October now. Going to have to remember to drink a little more water during the day and not get made at my pace slowing down with the changing weather.

It has rained for about 2 months in MA. I got my bike tuned up since I can’t run and just got my first chance to ride last weekend because of the rain.

QOTD: How do you balance running and real life (job, family, relationships, financial, and other things)?

ATTQOTD: It's a difficult balancing act at times for sure. As my situation has changed (second child) it has become even more of a challenge. With just one child it was easy to just put her in the jogging stroller and go for a run. With two, that step is not as easy. Their schedule is different and by the time I would have everything ready to go it would likely be mid-morning lol. Currently, the best option is to run early in the morning, around 5AM (rarely happens, but needs to happen more) or at night. On occasion a afternoon run can happen as well. Running while important to me, sometimes has to take a back seat to taking care of the family first.

Not as well as I used to. Having 7 kids and a job makes it tough. My oldest is on the track team and that has been taking up a lot of time with her track meets. Thankfully summer is almost here and I have two months of longer days to get my riding in. But my fiancé is very supportive of my need for exercise. Not only does she never question me when I need to workout she tells me I need to because I need some “me” time.

QOTD: How often do you buy new running clothes? This excludes socks and shoes.

ATTQOTD: It's been a very long time! I am doing well on shirts since so many races give running shirts these days, but my shorts are looking bad! I'll probably need to purchase a pair or 3 this summer which will be the first time in at least 5 years. The only issue I have with shirts are the white ones. They just look bad over the years.

I haven’t had to buy any for a couple of years since my running has been limited. My clothes are lasting forever. :sad2::sad:

Has anyone else had trouble with this site this week? I usually get on with my iPad but this whole week I keep getting redirected to a spam site. It’s only happening with this site and it appears to be an IOS issue. I can’t get rid of it.
Has anyone else had trouble with this site this week?

I'm old school (anyone surprised?) and mostly use a Windows-based PC. I've had problems in the last week or so of virusy things popping up: 'Your OS is corrupt..' I wasn't going to mention it since I figure I'm the only one not using a mobile device.

On a completely different topic: thank you for the daily inspirational message. Based on the latest, now I know why my running shoes wear out so fast.
Popping in for a quick question - Does anyone know if I can return shoes I got a little mud on? About 15 miles and they are now starting to rub the back of my ankle. I was planning on returning, but now I got mud on them and I feel weird about it.
Popping in for a quick question - Does anyone know if I can return shoes I got a little mud on? About 15 miles and they are now starting to rub the back of my ankle. I was planning on returning, but now I got mud on them and I feel weird about it.

That depends a lot on the store you got them from. Our local running store would likely take them back. A big box store may all depend on who is working one day to the next and how they are feeling on that particular day. It's worth a try IMO.
That depends a lot on the store you got them from. Our local running store would likely take them back. A big box store may all depend on who is working one day to the next and how they are feeling on that particular day. It's worth a try IMO.
It's a fleet feet and they have a 60 day return window so I guess I'll try and see what happens!
I'm old school (anyone surprised?) and mostly use a Windows-based PC. I've had problems in the last week or so of virusy things popping up: 'Your OS is corrupt..' I wasn't going to mention it since I figure I'm the only one not using a mobile device.

On a completely different topic: thank you for the daily inspirational message. Based on the latest, now I know why my running shoes wear out so fast.

I’m glad you like the messages. They aren’t quite daily but I try my best. :D


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