The Running Thread -- 2022

Thank you both for the amazing advice. I can tell I’m in the right place, for cheerleading and honest/supportive feedback .
I’m not completely unfit, I regularly walk between 6-10 miles and hate it if I miss out on my daily 5k walk. I walk fast but I’m a pretty slow runner.
I think I’d hoped registration would be late spring so I had a better understanding of my achievable goals. At the minute i feel like I’m going in a bit blind.
I think I can fit in 4/5 days later in the year. Especially when I’m finished with a course I’m currently attending. For me it’s about routine, which is all over the place at the moment.
For me this is mostly about achieving something I’ve never thought possible. I’ve spent a lot of time putting myself down and I thought challenging myself to something like RunDisney would be a great way to overcome myself.
anyway, sorry for taking up so much of this thread. Thank you again for welcoming me 🙂
I'll tell you from my experience that I went from never running in my life to running the WDW Half-Marathon in about the same timeline you're looking at. It was work, but it was doable and it was worth it.

I upgraded to a full marathon this past year and it was WAAAYYYY harder. Like, way more than twice as hard. I don't think I could've gotten from couch to 26.2 in 8 months, and needed that Half to lay a foundation. I would've hated to spend that kind of money and make that kind of commitment and en up injured or unprepared, as opposed to being ready to succeed in my first big milestone.

The other thing I'll say is that the Half felt like an incredible accomplishment. I didn't feel like I wimped out or look (too) enviously at the "real" marathon runners. I set an aggressive goal, and met it. That's a great feeling.

You might have a better starting fitness level than I had, and ultimately you should make the decision with which you are happy. But I thought this perspective might be helpful, as somebody who was in exactly your position just a couple of years ago!

For me this is mostly about achieving something I’ve never thought possible. I’ve spent a lot of time putting myself down and I thought challenging myself to something like RunDisney would be a great way to overcome myself.
anyway, sorry for taking up so much of this thread.

When I started running (the year I turned 50), I definitely used RunDisney to overcome the voice that said "You will never be a runner", let alone the voice that said "you will never be a marathoner". My method was a little different (read: slower)--Minnie 15k in 2008, half marathon in 2009, marathon in 2010--but every person is different, and you can find what works for you as a walker or run/walker or runner--there is no one "right" way.

Also, don't apologize. This forum exists to encourage, welcome and guide people on whatever path they need/want to achieve their walking/running goals.
I’m a newer runner and I’ve somehow set a ridiculous challenge to either do a half/full or Dopey challenge at the Marathon 2023.

Walt said it the best:


When I ran the Princess Challenge in 2020, there was a sign that brought me to tears. It said "Remember when you thought you couldn't do this." There was a time when most of us thought things were "impossible" or "ridiculous" - until we went out and did them.

I’ve had a small injury and other work life balance changes lately that my running has taken the backseat.

As a member of the injured list, my best advice for right now would be to heal up your injury properly, make friends with a local physical therapist (bonus points if you can find one that is an experienced runner), and start strength training NOW. What I could "muscle through" for a half marathon became serious problems when I started training for the challenges. And you definitely want to have some sort of steady (and you can define steady with whatever works best for you) routine set up before training truly ramps up in the fall. If you honestly can't commit to that (no shame, it happens!), I would consider staying with the half marathon which is a bit more forgiving.

My last tidbit would be to try to get at least one half marathon under your belt (ideally at Disney, and better yet if you can run a challenge) before doing Dopey. There are some things that you can only learn by doing - how your body is going to react to certain scenarios, how to manage your recovery, nutrition, and sleep over numerous days, etc. - and Dopey is no place to be learning on the fly. Things that you can get away with for a 10K will bite you HARD during a half marathon or a challenge. That isn't to say that you shouldn't register for Goofy/Dopey in April, but definitely try to fit an actual half marathon race into your calendar before next January.
garmin question:

after my 6 miles my watch told me to rest for 56 hours. What impacts the garmin calculating rest time? I only use my watch for runs, not daily wear. It’s a forerunner 235
garmin question:

after my 6 miles my watch told me to rest for 56 hours. What impacts the garmin calculating rest time? I only use my watch for runs, not daily wear. It’s a forerunner 235
Your heart rate - at least for one part. I sometimes have that problem when the HR monitor gets into cadence lock, and shows my easy run with extremely high HR 170-180 for extended periods of time.
Hi, all. I'm going to be staying with my family in Fort Wilderness cabins for a week. Would any of you have suggestions for running paths/trails while I'm there? I know the Fort Wilderness area is supposed to be a bit more "rustic", but I don't have a good feel for what the paths are like within the resort, or how long they might be.
Hi, all. I'm going to be staying with my family in Fort Wilderness cabins for a week. Would any of you have suggestions for running paths/trails while I'm there? I know the Fort Wilderness area is supposed to be a bit more "rustic", but I don't have a good feel for what the paths are like within the resort, or how long they might be.

I've only run around there twice, and I can't speak to the "official" running path itself, but there are sidewalks all over Fort Wilderness that you can run along, as well as on the side of the roadway itself. It's fun to go through the campground loops and see all the different types of rigs and trailer set-ups. Both times I did 5 milers around the property without feeling I'd seen everything.

If you want another fun running loop, take the boat over to MK and run to/from Poly/TTC & Contemporary. You have to walk through the metal detectors, otherwise you're free to start running again as soon you pass through.
just wanted to say hi. Not sure if I can just say hello here but everyone seemed so friendly I thought I would 🙂
So, hi, I’m Jen and hopefully RunDisney will make a runner out of me by next year!
I’m a newer runner and I’ve somehow set a ridiculous challenge to either do a half/full or Dopey challenge at the Marathon 2023.
Must admit I hoped the registration would be a bit later in the year so I could see how my training was going before I committed. Especially as it’s currently not going as well as I hoped.

Congrats on joining the group! Newish to the forums myself and everybody here is definitely welcoming and encouraging. Veterans have said all the best advice above, just giving another example of "yes, it can be done".

May 2015: Friends come up to me--"you love Disney, we're doing a half, registration ends today, join us!" FOMO kicks in and I sign up as someone who hated running and had 0 fitness level.
Jan 2016: First ever race is the Donald Half. It was so much fun I signed up for the Tinkerbell half in May 2016.
Still don't love the training (I like to say I'm sad I no longer hate running), and am nowhere near speedy, but with 10 halfs and a full under the belt, am now gunning for Dopey 2023. Definitely having a community (in-person to run together, or supporting from online) makes it all much easier.

Good luck and have fun!
Hi, all. I'm going to be staying with my family in Fort Wilderness cabins for a week. Would any of you have suggestions for running paths/trails while I'm there? I know the Fort Wilderness area is supposed to be a bit more "rustic", but I don't have a good feel for what the paths are like within the resort, or how long they might be.
I just ran on the road, and the whole thing just loops around forever and ever. There really wasn't a lot of traffic, at least when I ran, especially on the loops themselves.

I found this old photo of the running train on The portion that connects Wilderness Lodge and Ft. Wilderness is closed so it's a pretty small loop. But you can kinda choose your own adventure - it's all prety!

just wanted to say hi. Not sure if I can just say hello here but everyone seemed so friendly I thought I would 🙂
So, hi, I’m Jen and hopefully RunDisney will make a runner out of me by next year!
I’m a newer runner and I’ve somehow set a ridiculous challenge to either do a half/full or Dopey challenge at the Marathon 2023.
Must admit I hoped the registration would be a bit later in the year so I could see how my training was going before I committed. Especially as it’s currently not going as well as I hoped.

I went from my first 5K in Feb 2005 to the Disney half in 2006. Personally, if I were you, I'd concentrate on the half or maybe 10K and half and leave the Goofy or Dopey for another year. I would be concerned about injury ramping up to either challenge in my first year of running unless you are already aerobically fit from other activities/sports you do. In the end be very honest with yourself and assess where you think you can reasonably be in January 2023.

garmin question:

after my 6 miles my watch told me to rest for 56 hours. What impacts the garmin calculating rest time? I only use my watch for runs, not daily wear. It’s a forerunner 235

Unless you are wearing the watch all day, including to sleep, and have one of the newer models with the better sensors and algorithms I wouldn't take their rest times too seriously. A 235 wrn only during activities won't have enough data, in my opinion, to make an accurate prediction of fatigue.
just wanted to say hi. Not sure if I can just say hello here but everyone seemed so friendly I thought I would 🙂
So, hi, I’m Jen and hopefully RunDisney will make a runner out of me by next year!
I’m a newer runner and I’ve somehow set a ridiculous challenge to either do a half/full or Dopey challenge at the Marathon 2023.
Must admit I hoped the registration would be a bit later in the year so I could see how my training was going before I committed. Especially as it’s currently not going as well as I hoped.

Hi and welcome! Rundisney is such a fun way to experience racing! I would second shooting for a HM, giving your injury time to heal, and getting a training routine established. While it is probably doable for some folks on here, I couldn’t have been prepared for Dopey in less than a year as a new runner. The time needed to adequately prepare isn’t just about your fitness level, running longer distances requires some building up of your body to be able to perform the task. The process takes some time and jumping straight into something like Dopey is a set-up for injury and an easy way to make you hate running.
I did my first HM about 9 months after the first 5k I really raced and then spent the next couple of years improving my speed and building up my base so that each year I have come into the winter in better shape than I was the previous year. That first HM was Nov 2019. To date I have run 6 HM (7th will be a part of the fairytale challenge this weekend) and quite a few other shorter races and I just now feel like I am ready to commit to the training needed for Dopey. Not saying you will need as long as I did to get there, just that as you start training, you become more aware of how your body responds to that training and how long it takes to accept increases in mileage and intensity. For me personally, just getting across the finish line for Dopey isn‘t the goal. I obviously want to finish, but I want to be in good shape doing it. I want to be able to enjoy the experience along the way. For some, just finishing is the goal, and their path likely looks a lot different than mine.
That said, I genuinely LOVE running. All of it. The training, the racing, the nerves, the chance for big accomplishments and big failures. I think that part of the reason why is because I have taken a slower path to these longer distances and given myself time to enjoy the process of becoming a runner, not just slamming through a huge hurdle.
Hi, all. I'm going to be staying with my family in Fort Wilderness cabins for a week. Would any of you have suggestions for running paths/trails while I'm there? I know the Fort Wilderness area is supposed to be a bit more "rustic", but I don't have a good feel for what the paths are like within the resort, or how long they might be.
I stay at ft wilderness all the time. the walking/running path to Wilderness lodge is closed. You can still run to tri circle D and around the settlement. In general I would run all the RV loops. Most people decorate for everything so RV loops are more fun than cabin loops. You can actually run pretty long distance by doing all the loops. Ask me how I know 😊. If you need more direction let me know.
one of the walking wounded should also report in. I have been running for about three weeks. Doing intervals running and walking per the PT. Also only allowed to run every other day. Starting to feel better. As for goals, have been hiking. Planning the overnight hike in May after day hiking Mt Mitchell in April. Unfortunately no yoga or strength training yet. Hoping in a few more weeks to have my exercise routine in place to start those two things. Knee is feeling better. I might be in the interval thing for my long runs though.
I stay at ft wilderness all the time. the walking/running path to Wilderness lodge is closed. You can still run to tri circle D and around the settlement. In general I would run all the RV loops. Most people decorate for everything so RV loops are more fun than cabin loops. You can actually run pretty long distance by doing all the loops. Ask me how I know 😊. If you need more direction let me know.

Thanks all who have responded! @garneska, I may hit you up before I go.
Apple watch users, I have a question. Is there a way to set up intervals or plan a workout? Looking for a way to get a c25k type plan in there. First apple watch for me so I have much to learn. Got this one so if can check on a-fib and have a way to call for help if something was to happen while out for a run without having to have my phone with me. Any who.. give me all the tips on the apple watch!

Also, we are heading to WDW this Saturday and I am not sure who is more excited... the kids or the adults lol.

Not anyway I’ve found with their activity app but I use the free version of Intervals Pro any time I want to do an interval run. It runs nicely in the background while using their app for all my info and gives me a tap on the wrist and/or beeps telling me when I walk or run. Easy to set up for any time combo you want.

Typing from the BLT pool at the moment but heading back north Saturday PM. A quick princess 10K while on vacation/college campus tour and back down for springtime surprise. Enjoy your trip!
Had my second Dr appointment today regarding my A-Fib situation, and well FML. Based on conversations today, I will have to worry about this for the rest of my life but the bigger issue is at no point does he think running for more than hour should ever happen again. So all race distance from 10 miler and up are off the table per that discussion. I know I should exercise for health's sake, but being told I can't do the distance running that I like really kills the drive to run at all.... In fact he said my previous marathon running could have contributed to the A-Fib situation in the first place. I know there's worse things that are out there and people have bigger problems than me being told no long distance running, but that news hurts.
They need to hurry up announce the theme for the Summer Virtual Series
That will determine whether or not I want to sign up for them.
I’m a newer runner and I’ve somehow set a ridiculous challenge to either do a half/full or Dopey challenge at the Marathon 2023.
Welcome! This group is very supportive, but also not afraid to offer constructive thoughts about challenges we face while training. I ran my first marathon as part of Dopey and loved it. However, I do not necessarily recommend that. Before signing up for the 2019 Marathon/Dopey, I had already finished 8 half marathons and 4 multi race weekend challenges. I made a lot of mistakes in training for my first marathon and I believe that my experience in finishing half marathons helped me handle the challenges that marathon training pose.
I'm not saying these things to discourage you from a lofty goal, by any means. I went from my first 10k in April to my first half in June to my first full at Marathon Weekend the following January as part of Goofy. It can certainly be done. I was athletic and in pretty good shape already when I started that journey, though. All you've given us for context is that you're hoping RunDisney will make a runner out of you, so I'm advocating a bit more caution. Only you can assess your underlying fitness and readiness to jump into the deep end of the marathon/Dopey pool. Rest assured, though, we're here to help and encourage you whatever decision you make!
I really agree with this. Training for and running my first half marathon was a series of mistakes that nearly derailed me on race day itself. While I went from couch to half marathon, I completely realize now why everyone was always saying to run a shorter distance first. Experience is a valuable teacher. My last half marathon before my first Dopey was a major disappointment. I set lofty goals and then did not meet them. Fortunately for me, my mistakes that day helped expose little things that I had not been doing in half marathon training that could have and perhaps would have been disastrous when I ran the marathon.

Best of luck on whatever you decide, but the marathon will always be there. My first marathon was a great experience and I believe it happened in large part because of what I learned from having completed multiple half marathons before.
Thank you both for the amazing advice. I can tell I’m in the right place, for cheerleading and honest/supportive feedback .
I’m not completely unfit, I regularly walk between 6-10 miles and hate it if I miss out on my daily 5k walk. I walk fast but I’m a pretty slow runner.
I think I’d hoped registration would be late spring so I had a better understanding of my achievable goals. At the minute i feel like I’m going in a bit blind.
I think I can fit in 4/5 days later in the year. Especially when I’m finished with a course I’m currently attending. For me it’s about routine, which is all over the place at the moment.
For me this is mostly about achieving something I’ve never thought possible. I’ve spent a lot of time putting myself down and I thought challenging myself to something like RunDisney would be a great way to overcome myself.
anyway, sorry for taking up so much of this thread. Thank you again for welcoming me 🙂
Don't feel like you need to apologize. I never would have attempted the marathon if not for the encouragement and patience of so many in this community who gave me real feedback, and shared their experiences both celebratory and disappointing.
I upgraded to a full marathon this past year and it was WAAAYYYY harder. Like, way more than twice as hard. I don't think I could've gotten from couch to 26.2 in 8 months, and needed that Half to lay a foundation. I would've hated to spend that kind of money and make that kind of commitment and end up injured or unprepared, as opposed to being ready to succeed in my first big milestone.
The Marathon will test you. Both in training and on race day itself. The more experience you have in knowing how to work through bad days in running, the more successful you will be if race day finds you not at your best.
Had my second Dr appointment today regarding my A-Fib situation, and well FML. Based on conversations today, I will have to worry about this for the rest of my life but the bigger issue is at no point does he think running for more than hour should ever happen again. So all race distance from 10 miler and up are off the table per that discussion. I know I should exercise for health's sake, but being told I can't do the distance running that I like really kills the drive to run at all.... In fact he said my previous marathon running could have contributed to the A-Fib situation in the first place. I know there's worse things that are out there and people have bigger problems than me being told no long distance running, but that news hurts.
I’m so sorry to hear this. I know I’d be devastated. Hopefully you’re able to find a form of exercise you enjoy.
Had my second Dr appointment today regarding my A-Fib situation, and well FML. Based on conversations today, I will have to worry about this for the rest of my life but the bigger issue is at no point does he think running for more than hour should ever happen again. So all race distance from 10 miler and up are off the table per that discussion. I know I should exercise for health's sake, but being told I can't do the distance running that I like really kills the drive to run at all.... In fact he said my previous marathon running could have contributed to the A-Fib situation in the first place. I know there's worse things that are out there and people have bigger problems than me being told no long distance running, but that news hurts.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that! I don't want to sound like I'm second-guessing the doctor, but how sports and running-focused is he? I've found that doctors who don't run themselves or specialize in sports medicine can take an overly conservative view of things. Would it be worth getting a second opinion from a sports-focused or friendly cardiologist? There may even be techniques for running safely with a-fib that he doesn't know about. It might be worth it so you're not giving up something you love based on a single doctor's opinion.


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