The Running Thread -- 2022

QOTD: What does everyone do with their race shirts?

I've been running on and off for over a decade now and have accumulated quite the collection. I picked a few favorites that are in my regular running rotation. All the regular cotton type t shirts are currently in a pile waiting to be donated but what to do with the other technical shirts? They've been in a box for nearly two years so I obviously don't need them and honestly forgot they even existed but now I feel strangely attached... I've thought about the quilt or bag upcycle but the two things I need less than shirts are bags and blankets (followed closely by water bottles 😆).
I sweat a lot so I wear stuff once and then it goes into the hamper, and depending on activity, I may change shirts a couple of times a day, i.e. exercise, vs yard work vs cleaning up to eat dinner. I noticed that leading up to January, I was wearing all my old race shirts nearly every day, either to run in or just at my desk. I guess mentally getting myself fully into it. The technical shirts for running and the cotton ones for sleeping in or going to work (which still means down to the basement office).
My Dopey Challenge Instant Shirt Collection are sitting on the project pile waiting for me to convert them to short sleeves so that I can wear them for running or casual wear when this summer.

My shirt collection has also piled up a bit. Some of the tech shirts that are the very coarse material, like my 2011 WDW half shirt, I use for short runs, but darned if I'll toss it before I have to. (Glad the new shirts are the softer stuff). I realized that I really wasn't ever wearing the long-sleeved shirts, thus the motivation to do some cutting and hemming. My biggest quantify are Peachtree Road Race shirts, and I still have the one from the first PTRR I ever did, back in 93 (cue the wife rolling her eyes).
The main issue is that some of the older shirts are a smaller size than what I wear and fit a bit snug. I have no idea what's going on with that....
QOTD: What does everyone do with their race shirts?

ATTQOTD: If they are just plain ugly cotton shirts that I hate, I add them to a bag I keep in my closet for donation. Cotton shirts that I don’t hate get worn to climb in or just wear around. Tech shirts I add to my running selection. I have only been running a few years so my collection Isn’t huge yet and I just don’t buy running tops anymore.
What race are you most excited to run this year...2022?

I have two that I am equally excited for. I am signed up for the Chicago Olympic Distance Tri at the end of August. This is the last Tri distance I haven’t yet done that I want to complete (I don’t think I’ll ever do an IM). But, most importantly, the bike course looks AMAZING. And I am excited to run near the lake and by the Aquarium.

I am also registered for the Wonder challenge at the Detroit Free Press race weekend— a 1 mile and 5k run on Saturday, then the half on Sunday. I grew up in the area so I am excited to go back, and I am most excited for running across the bridge to Canada! I am obviously location motivated haha

QOTD: What does everyone do with their race shirts?

If it is a smaller race and they give me the option to not get a shirt, I will usually opt out. Otherwise, I wear the shirts that are softest (moreso than those from my favorite races tbh, as I am sensitive to fabric touch) frequently, keep shirts from important events (my 70.3 shirt has never fit me well but I wouldn’t get rid of it), and donate the others!
I'm sure you've made a decision in the last 10 pages I haven't yet read. But given all the rest of the things you do, I bet you could do it. My first yoga teacher, when she was teaching a ton and also teaching pilates and spin, did a hilly 8K in Seattle with brand new shoes, having not run in 20 years, and did great.

Whereas I have low fitness right now (various reasons) and never hit 4 miles in my Princess challenge training program. Did the 10K (slowly) but DNF the half. My ankles were gigantic for days, I have a scary blister on the end of a toe and under the nail (no clue why), the back of my knee is feeling weird, and oof my back. Not. Fun. But when I was more active overall it wouldn't have been as big of a problem.
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping. I've been a little lower activity than usual lately because life but I'm hoping that just the level of fitness I do have helps get me through it because any attempts I've made at training have failed. I did do one 8 miler, though, so hopefully that's enough. And if I have to take 2 weeks off after the race like I did after that run, I'll survive.

And oof yeah that sounds like a rough experience.

If you're a Harry Potter fan, check out the Potterhead Running Club. It's a group on FB and also a website. Their virtuals aren't free, but they are well-designed medals.

Thanks, I'll check it out, see if anything looks good to me.

QOTD: What does everyone do with their race shirts?

I wear them, mostly. Some I wear more than others but at this point my running clothing is more race shirts than anything else.
Run Dahlonega 5K, Time: 28:46, 1st place Age Group.
Pretty sure this was a PW (Personal Worst), but First Old Guy Across the Finish Line!
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Congrats! That is faster than I'm likely to get at Tech next weekend. I like Dahlonega and have a buddy up that way. I'll have to put it on my watch list for next year. I'm really excited to see Bear on the Square is back.
Again, kudos on first place.
I have a appointment with a new cardio guy that is a runner on the 25th of this month. Hopefully I will get some better news, or at least let me run a half. For the time being, I am going to start C25K this week. Ill take the 8-10 miles walked at Disney last week as my prep work for that lol. Also, I learned an important lesson while there. Do not attempt to go to Magic Kingdom on a half marathon day. That bus ride took a while from CBR. Also, I am not a fan of Genie+ lol.

Is ablation an option for you? My oldest son had afib in his late teens and ablation totally resolved his problem. He is now 25 and is free to exercise in any way that he wishes.

So while I was in the hospital I was very vocal about finding some other solution than to taking medication for the remainder of my life. So I have meet with the "electrical side" Dr who would perform an ablation. My wife (A RN) and Dr both would like me to wait a little before going that route. My wife originally thought it was risky but has come around some to the idea. From what I have read, it seems getting it done earlier is more likely to produce a positive result.
QOTD: What does everyone do with their race shirts?

I keep them all. I have on side of my walk in closet that is all race shirts. As it gets filled I put the older ones in storage. I've done 405 races total up to 12/31/2021 and just about all of them have given out shirts. Whether they are cotton or tech seems to ebb and flow. It was mostly cotton for a few years, then mostly tech shirts, not it is back to mostly cotton again for anything shorter than a half. I do keep all of my Disney shirts and wear most for running and some on hot days.

A bit off topic but I've been doing Disney races since 2006 so not as long as some but long enough to see the drastic change in shirts over time. I really liked the older material and fit but I wore the 2008 half shirt for a run this weekend and man, that thing was short. It was nice material and the arms were the right length but it barely came down to the top of my shorts. The graphics look brand new though after 14 years while the graphic from the 2018 W&D weekend is already faded.
Has anyone done the LA marathon? I'm looking for my next full. March works out well for me.
How about the London marathon? That would be pretty cool to be running past Tower Bridge and the other British landmarks. Time to add another to my bucket list I suppose.
How about the London marathon? That would be pretty cool to be running past Tower Bridge and the other British landmarks. Time to add another to my bucket list I suppose.
I was just telling someone last weekend London is definitely on my list! But I think I need my kids to be a bit older so I can spend enough time there before the race to overcome jet lag. Their school is getting in the way of my running… Or I need to find some running buddies willing to travel 😁
Has anyone done the LA marathon? I'm looking for my next full. March works out well for me.
I've run it five or six but the last was in 2017. It still finished in Santa Monica when I did it. Looking at the current course map, I think it's just the last four miles that are different (turning back to Century City rather than continuing to Santa Monica). Anyway, I really enjoyed that race. Even the first time I ran it and it rained for the last 24 miles and was about 50 degrees. Great crowd support including the occasional movie/TV star.
Also, I learned an important lesson while there. Do not attempt to go to Magic Kingdom on a half marathon day. That bus ride took a while from CBR.
I sorta learned that lesson in January on marathon morning. At first, I was annoyed that it took so long to get to MK but once I was there, it was the least crowded morning of the trip. The ride lines stayed relatively short all day but there was definitely an uptick in the crowd by late afternoon when all the marathoners were coming in for their photos & celebrations.


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