The Scrollie and Bacon Tour: 2011 - Okay, Tag Fairies - THIS MEANS WAR! Anyone...

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TAGS?? It's all about the 'likes' now!
Mar 7, 2001
...wishing to 'sign' your name, this is now an 'unofficial' petition to help me get my pretty colors and scrolling tag back. I was unceremoniously 'demoted' when the Tag Fairy took away my scrolling tag, along with the nice colors, and they haven't even explained why [for corn's sake, you can't even tell that I actually have THREE tags, not two]....


"...they may take away our lives, but they cannot take our SCROLLIE TAGS!"

1. kimmar067, present-and-accounted-for :thumbsup2
...wishing to 'sign' your name, this is now an 'unofficial' petition to help me get my pretty colors and scrolling tag back. I was unceremoniously 'demoted' when the Tag Fairy took away my scrolling tag, along with the nice colors, and they haven't even explained why [for corn's sake, you can't even tell that I actually have THREE tags, not two]....

1. kimmar067, present-and-accounted-for :thumbsup2

2. DisneyFan32WI HERE!
This will definitely keep me tagless for life, but I'm in!

3. Kwitcherkicken99
...I. just. want. my. old. scrollie. and. colors. back. PLEASE :sad1::sad::wizard:
Pakey is signing in.

My tags are almost as old as my underwear but I wouldn't want to change them either.
SCHBR'smom aka AlphaMom is here

Please, please, please, Tag Fairy, please give Kimmar her tag back the way it was. (And maybe a new tag, too.)
Kimmar without her pretty scrollie tags is just not Kimmar!

Please give her the tags back!:goodvibes

8. dislaney here
Okay I am in. Please tag Fairy give her back her nice colors she wants. We need to see the rest of her TR. PLEASE?
I'm in. I have no tags (I must not say anything interesting) so at least keep the tags on those who have writing skills!
I'll chime in, but why don't you just go into your avatar and put them back? :confused3
UHHHHHHHHHHHH REALLY - Welcome to MY world!!!!!!!!!!! Even though it was COMPLETELY MY FAULT for fiddling with my "tag" - I've been BEGGING for YEARS to get it back!!!!!! AND it's NOT even a scrolling one!!!!

Given that............... and knowing full well that the tag fairy hates me already, I will join you - in your quest - give Kim her scrolling pretty color tag back and while you're at it....................... I'd like MY RED Jambo Wildbunch Member tag back - IF you have a heart!!!!!

YES - I'm bitter - but not above begging................... PuuuuhhhhhhLEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZEEEE tag fairy - through us a bone for Mickey's sake!!!
I'm in, too.

Kimmie with no scrollie is like a day without sunshine.

(so ok, not really, but I needed for it to sound good).
Believing in the Tag Fairy is a little bit like believing in Santa Claus. Deep down, you really know that Santa presents come from your parents; just like deep down, you really know that the Tag Fairy is really some Moderator in Drag.

But....I've always been a sucker for Santa.... c'mon Tag Fairy. Give Kimmar back her scrollies.

Otherwise she gonna stay in a bad mood for ever....

And people in a bad mood should NOT be allowed to post on the Dis.

(....and then she's never gonna finish her TR!! Wait....she might never finish her TR anyway :confused3.)


This Disser is a peace loving :hippie:, war eschewing Gen X old fogie. I do not condone of any war action, irrespective of where it is held, who starts it and how good a cause it may or may not be.

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