The Split Personality Trip Report - Updated 12/16 Day 9


Welcome to the DIS where wishes come true.
Jun 25, 2003
The Cast:

Me (Lynn):
  • Disney Fan
  • Figment Lover
  • Obsessive Planner... Did I mention spreadsheets?
  • Heavy User of Exclamation Points!
It has been 6.5 years since my last visit to WDW!

Sabrina (Co-Worker):
  • Disney Fan
  • Ariel Lover
  • Bubbly
Sabrina is a co-worker who is tagging along with us. She has not been to WDW since she was 12.

Matt (Friend):
  • 1st timer to WDW
  • Tech Geek
  • Star Wars Fan
  • Eeyore Fan
(Star Wars & Eeyore? Talk about a split personality!)

Kim (Big Sis):
  • Tinker Bell Fan
Kim has traveled with me once before to WDW. I wonder whether she will enjoy this trip as much?
(The picture is of her playing "Dress Up with Zoe" at the family Christmas party)

Haley (Niece):
  • Stitch Fan
  • Pokemon Fan (as evident in picture)
Haley has never traveled with me to WDW. I am a bit worried about her being able to get up early and make it to early ADRs.

Princess Zoe (Great Niece):
  • Princesses Fan
  • Princesses Fan
  • Princesses Fan
  • Princesses Fan
  • Princesses Fan
Zoe is Haley’s four year old cutie pie of a daughter. This will be her first trip to WDW. Zoe is all about the Princesses.

Dates of Trip: 05/08/2015 – 05/17/2015

Hotel: All Star Music Family Suite (originally Art of Animation Family Suite)

The Plan was:

Sabrina, Matt, and I plan to start our drive down to Orlando (from the Middle Tennessee area) late Thursday night. We plan to drive past Atlanta and then stop for the night after we have been on the road for about six hours… we currently are planning on stopping in Tifton GA. Then we’ll get up early, eat breakfast and drive the rest of the way into WDW. It is about a 10 hour drive for us.

The other three in our party won’t arrive until Sunday as they are coming from the NOLA area, so for the first three days it is just Sabrina, Matt and I. As such, this part of the trip will be focused on the things they like and will want to do. Then Monday through Thursday is all about the Princesses and Fairies and all things girly. Then the following Friday and Saturday will be back to Sabrina and Matt.
On the Way…to my Happy Place!

Today was the day (Thursday May 7th)! I woke up early…let’s be real…I barely slept…I had to go to work for a half a day. I went in early and finished up some last minute projects. I got things settled on my desk, set my out of office greeting on and hit the road home. No time to waste. I got home at about noon. I had told everyone that I wanted to be on the road for 2pm. Matt was waiting and ready when I got home. We finished packing up the car. (or at least what we thought was the rest of the stuff) Sabrina was supposed to work until noon, go home get her stuff and be at our house by 2. I started texting her about 1 to see what her status was, with no answer…not a good start. I was starting to feel my lack of sleep and was getting hungry…not a good mix for me. Matt thought this was amusing and started to “poke the bear (me)”. He of course was getting the irate/rude responses he knew he would get out of me…all to the amusement of the dog whisperer. (she had never seen me like this…) Sabrina finally shows up at my house about 2:15 with MORE STUFF to pack in the trunk!! It took us about another half hour to repack the trunk. It was packed so tightly, that I gave everyone instructions that it was not to be opened until we were ready to unload it into the room at WDW. We went to the gas station around the corner to top off the tank and pick up something for me & Matt to eat (Sabrina was late because she ate lunch with her mom). We were finally on the road about 3pm. The drive down was fairly uneventful. The time passed much quicker than I thought it would and we made fewer stops than I thought I would have to…my doctor told me to make sure I stopped at least every two hours to get out of the car and move around…we pushed it to three hours sometimes…just because I was actually feeling okay. Here are some not so great phone pictures.

Notice the back seat with Sabrina. She had so much stuff, she was literally sitting on things and sitting cross legged in the seat. We made through Atlanta with not too much trouble and stopped for dinner at Chick-fil-a. Here is my one and only food picture of the trip…

We continued driving until we needed gas around Valdosta. When we got off the exit, we came upon a pretty bad accident right at the gas station off the exit that we were hoping to go to…since it was pretty much not accessible we went to the next one about a block away. By the time we finished there, there were a multitude of emergency vehicles at the scene and state troopers were directing traffic. We were able to get back onto the interstate without much trouble. We were headed to Lake Park Ga for our overnight stay here:

We checked in and went straight to the room. Matt and I settled in to get to bed. He and Sabrina each had a bed and I got the comfy “club” type chair in the room. Notice someone missing from the picture here? This was our first clue that Sabrina spends a lot of time on the phone and she is a major night owl. She was outside somewhere on the phone. I, being the mama that I am, could not sleep until she came into the room. She is slightly older than my son, so I felt the need to make sure that she was safe before I could sleep. So I am now having another night where I am not getting much sleep. ..not a good trend for me.

So after a few hours of sleep, we get up around 7 to get back onto the road. A quick checkout, then drive through Chick-fil-a (I LOVE that place!) and we were back moving toward my Happy Place. At some time during our planning of this trip a friend of mine mentioned that you could get a “Sunpass” for the toll highways in Florida. We got one loaded with $25 (thinking whatever we don’t use, I will pass on to a friend driving down there next). That was a great investment…we did not have to stop…just slow down for the electronic thing and we were good to go. We pulled into All Star Music at about 10:30 am.
I woke up early…let’s be real…I barely slept…
Of course, who sleeps the night before Disney?!! :confused3

I had told everyone that I wanted to be on the road for 2pm.
The best laid plans... :eek:

We were finally on the road about 3pm.
Only an hour behind, that's actually not too bad! :thumbsup2

The time passed much quicker than I thought it would and we made fewer stops than I thought I would have to…my doctor told me to make sure I stopped at least every two hours to get out of the car and move around…we pushed it to three hours sometimes…just because I was actually feeling okay.
Hey, that's good news! :goodvibes

Here is my one and only food picture of the trip…
For shame. :sad2:

Notice someone missing from the picture here? This was our first clue that Sabrina spends a lot of time on the phone and she is a major night owl. She was outside somewhere on the phone.
Kids. :rolleyes2

We pulled into All Star Music at about 10:30 am.
Yay! Can't wait for the next update! :hyper:

I had done online check-in, so I went to that line. We were greeted by a cast member quickly. We got our information package. Our room was not ready, our magic bands were working and we were ready to head to a park! We had one more piece of business that we had to deal with…Matt refused to travel without his handgun…so we had to have that stored at the front desk. This is not a simple procedure. They actually have to call security to come in to handle any firearm. We were sent to the “Quiet Room” at the end of the check in counter. I could not decide if I felt like I was special in a good or a bad way when being ushered into this room. It took a few minutes for security to get there, Matt filled out his paperwork and they took the handgun and stored it. On a side note, I was very amused to see this picture in the lobby

and had to send it to her daughter (who runs a small organic farm in my area that I have a CSA option in)….can we all sing It’s a Small World now? We were instructed to leave our car in the check in parking lot until our room was ready. So we headed back there for our sunscreen and day bags. I needed to change into my tennis shoes for the park too. Now to pick up my scooter! I had rented a scooter for the length of stay from Scooterbug and it was waiting for me at bell services. We grabbed it and headed to a bus stop to head to our first park! (Sort of…)

MK or Bust!

So, I am a fairly good driver…of my car…but the one thing I hate to do is back up. I will not back up more than a few feet out of a driveway. I make other options because I just suck at it. I promise there is a reason I am telling you this. So I have never used a scooter before, but I knew between my knees that hate me and just still getting really tired really easily I knew I needed to use one to be able to tour the parks. So I pick up the scooter from bell services. The ones you rent from offsite generally have a “speed” setting…from “Turtle” to “Rabbit”. I set mine on turtle. I am new at this. So I practice a little. WAIT!!! WHAT??? There are no BRAKES on this thing! Holy moly how do you top it?? Yes, I almost ran over Matt and Sabrina. Good thing she is nimble and I swerved. So I practice a little more. I learn a few things…most adults will jump right across your path because you or either invisible, or they think they can beat you. Good thing I learned how to hit the reverse lever to slow that puppy down, otherwise I would have mowed down a few strangers while practicing too! So I finally ready to actually que up for the bus. Getting this thing parked is going to be fun. Matt is snickering the whole time because he knows I suck at backing up and parallel parking is unheard of for me. So the bus pulls up, and drops down, gets the ramp out and THANK YOU LORD for sending me a very kind and nice bus driver! He patiently talked me through pulling forward onto the bus (it takes skill people…it really does!) I tell him my backup issues. That is when he tells me those “magic words”. Are you asking for help backing up? I can help if you are asking (in other words, they are not supposed to offer help, but can do so if you ask). This kind driver asked me to take my key and take a seat and he parked the darn thing for me. Yeah! When we got there, he moved the thing into position to where I could drive straight forward off the bus. (even made sure I knew to have all four wheels on the pavement before turning). Whoo Hoo! We have officially made it to the Magic Kingdom. We go through bag check. We were going to take some pictures in front of the train station, but by this time it was after 1 and we were hungry. Plus this is where we saw the most inappropriately dressed people of our trip…let’s just say that Pooh bear may be cute wearing a short top, but these people should have re-thought their wardrobe for the day. (It was a rather large family with ALL of them dressed like this.) We also had to make a pit stop at town hall to get some FP+ issues straightened out (more on that later…they fixed it alright). So we stopped at town hall got things “fixed” and then Sabrina had asked to stop at the Fire Station so she could get the trading cards and start a game of Scorcerers of the Kingdom (Is that the name of it Mo?). So she started her game there, and Matt and I each got a set of cards and a map. (This was not a smart move on my part, because thanks to my friend CHICAGOMO…I knew this game was a time suck. ) So let me paint a picture for you…it is now close to 2 pm, in blazing hot and sunny (but not humid!) Florida, I have had very little sleep in the last two nights, I am starving and NEED to eat, but I have two virtual first timers about to turn onto Main Street (yes, they had not even seen the castle yet). So we make the corner by the Emporium onto Main Street, and I stop my scooter (sorta…you know, no brakes) and let them get their first look. It was kind of fun to watch. Matt had a pretty big smile and Sabrina, well I learned more about her at this point…she cries, a lot when she is happy. It kind of made me giggle to watch them. So we walk down Main Street soaking it in, and talking and decide to go to Columbia Harbor House for lunch. It is someplace I wanted to try but had never been. I knew it was in the Liberty Square area so I directed everyone that way. Only thing is, I had no idea of where it was in Liberty Square and was thinking it was near the funnel cake area…yeah I was wrong…actually had to grab a map (hangs head in shame)…we got there, they directed me to a handicap area for the scooter (which was nice), we decided on lunches (salads all around) and ordered food. It was one of the best salads I have had in a long time. Maybe it was because I was hot and hungry, but it was tasty. Did I get a picture of these tasty salads…of course NOT! I got no food pictures this entire trip. Bad DISer…I know... You all are gathering the pitchforks and Gaston now to run me off the boards… So while we were trying to find Columbia Harbor House, I think it hit Matt how much walking was involved and how hot it was and how unprepared we were (I would have been the same way had I not rented the scooter). So, I talked him into renting a scooter also. We got in touch with Scooterbug who said they could have a scooter for him at the hotel within two hours, so he went ahead and did this. Once we were cooled off, our room was finally ready, so we decided to actually go back to the room and unpack, pick up Matt’s Scooter and come back after it cooled off a little bit. We walked out of the restaurant, and Matt & Sabrina decided to take the train back around to the front of the park. The scooters cannot go on the train so I told them I would meet them at the train station. So by this time it was almost 3 and time for Festival of Fantasy parade to start. I managed to scoot up to the front just in time to park in the shade at the entrance to the train station (right near the bottom of the stairs that people use to exit the train). I only had one or two people in front of me. It was a great place to view the parade. I could see the first float about to make the circle near Tonys. Just about that time Matt and Sabrina got off the train. Perfect timing! Sabrina scooted up in front of me to get a better look and Matt hung around near me. We were able to watch the entire parade. It was Awesome! Guess who cried again? See..

We were so close and the Dragon let the fire out near us…it was HOT! I guess for some reason that surprised me…you know that fire is hot, lol! So after the parade ended, we headed back to our bus stop. The bus stops at the MK were the hardest for me to navigate on the scooter…and this being my first time there, I rammed the gate…good thing I got that damage insurance! Oops! No one was there and no bus was waiting so all was okay, thankfully! We managed to get loaded without incident when a bus did arrive (thanks again to a nice bus driver). When we got back to the hotel, Matt’s scooter was waiting for him, so Sabrina drove the car around to our room, and Matt and I scooter-ed over to the room. And where were we?
Hi Lynn! Glad to be reading your TR! I tried looking for you guys at Sci Fi Dine In...but in all honestly I was just staring at the girl who dressed up as Slave Leia...everyone was. In the end, guest services had to give her a t-shirt to wear. Something about her outfit being too authentic and too revealing at the same time...anyways, hope you had fun! I will start my WDW TR soon!
I'm here and excited for your TR. I'm sorry it sounds like your first time in the parks wasn't ideal. I can't image how difficult it is to navigate with the scooters. I totally get what you are saying about other people though because they are the same way with strollers. At least we can stop easily though. By the second day I was so tired of people cutting in front of me that I told my DH the nest person who does it is getting rammed, I don't care. I didn't actually do it but it felt good to pretend I could. Looking forward to hearing more.
Hi! Joining in! Sounds like a great start! I've never seen FOFP. I'm so excited to see it. That must've been cool to watch their faces as they saw Main Street for the first time.:earseek:My mom had a scooter our last time visiting and it does take some getting use to. By the end of the trip though she was a pro. I hope as you use it you'll get better.
FIRST!!!! :banana:

...Okay, going back to read now. :laughing:

I would expect no less of you Billie...

Hoooooorayyyyyyy!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I was starting to feel like I was going to see every impatiently waiting meme out there. :) Thanks! LOL!

Joining in!

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!

:wave2: Joining in!

:wizard: Gotta love when timing works out like that!:thumbsup2

Glad you made it here. I wish we could have met up! But I totally understand both of our plans changed! :)

Joining in!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your adventures!

Thanks for coming on over!

Hi Lynn! Glad to be reading your TR! I tried looking for you guys at Sci Fi Dine In...but in all honestly I was just staring at the girl who dressed up as Slave Leia...everyone was. In the end, guest services had to give her a t-shirt to wear. Something about her outfit being too authentic and too revealing at the same time...anyways, hope you had fun! I will start my WDW TR soon!

I was looking for you guys too! It was kind of hard to miss Slave Leia! Yes, her outfit was authentic, and we did notice while in the restaurant that she has a shirt over her outfit! For a meal I was not looking forward too, this ended up being one of my favorite experiences during the trip! Trading with the Jawas was a blast! And the Storm Troopers tried to arrest Matt and the little kid at the table next to us had Matt's light saber and would not help Matt was pretty amusing. (if you saw a yellow light saber across the room...that was Matt.

I can't wait to read your report!

I'm here and excited for your TR. I'm sorry it sounds like your first time in the parks wasn't ideal. I can't image how difficult it is to navigate with the scooters. I totally get what you are saying about other people though because they are the same way with strollers. At least we can stop easily though. By the second day I was so tired of people cutting in front of me that I told my DH the nest person who does it is getting rammed, I don't care. I didn't actually do it but it felt good to pretend I could. Looking forward to hearing more.

I did get a little better with time...still suck at backing up, lol! And yes, I totally get how you feel.

Hi! Joining in! Sounds like a great start! I've never seen FOFP. I'm so excited to see it. That must've been cool to watch their faces as they saw Main Street for the first time.:earseek:My mom had a scooter our last time visiting and it does take some getting use to. By the end of the trip though she was a pro. I hope as you use it you'll get better.

Thanks for stopping by! It was fun to watch them see the wonder of the castle for the first time (or 50th for me!) :)
Yay! Joining in, too!

I'm also a bad Dis'er who hardly ever takes photos of food, so I forgive you. :)

The scooter sounds stressful, but less stressful than not having it, so I'm glad Matt didn't take too long to decide to get one, too.

Great that you got to watch the parade!

I can only imagine the cosplay slaveLeia! (Especially since I'm at PPokemon Regionals this weekend with my daughter! No extreme cosplay for the censors here)
Now to pick up my scooter! I had rented a scooter for the length of stay from Scooterbug and it was waiting for me at bell services.
I'm very interested to read about your experience with Scooterbug. :scratchin I used Buena Vista Scooters for the last two trips, but am going with another company for the next one, Walker Mobility. If they disappoint me in December, then I'll be in the market for a different scooter company for my October 2016 trip.

WAIT!!! WHAT??? There are no BRAKES on this thing! Holy moly how do you top it?? Yes, I almost ran over Matt and Sabrina. Good thing she is nimble and I swerved.
Oh, honey. :rotfl: I'm laughing because I UNDERSTAND! I've been using one in the parks (and occasionally outside of them when my health problems were at their worst) for so many years now, and yet I still remember my first time on one. It's a dicey situation at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature! :hug:

I learn a few things…most adults will jump right across your path because you or either invisible, or they think they can beat you.
This is soooooooo true. And yet if you can't stop quick enough and end up hitting them, somehow YOU get blamed... :sad2:

So the bus pulls up, and drops down, gets the ramp out and THANK YOU LORD for sending me a very kind and nice bus driver! He patiently talked me through pulling forward onto the bus (it takes skill people…it really does!)
HOORAY! I'm so glad you got a good one! The first time I put a scooter on a bus, I was SO stressed out about it! Thankfully, I had a good CM for my first time, too. :thumbsup2

I tell him my backup issues. That is when he tells me those “magic words”. Are you asking for help backing up? I can help if you are asking (in other words, they are not supposed to offer help, but can do so if you ask)
Yasssss! GOOD FOR HIM! ::yes:: And yes, this is very true. When I get to the top of the ramp I always let them know straight out the gate that I suck at parking it, can you please pop it into place for me? 95% of the time, no problem. :goodvibes

This kind driver asked me to take my key and take a seat and he parked the darn thing for me. Yeah! When we got there, he moved the thing into position to where I could drive straight forward off the bus. (even made sure I knew to have all four wheels on the pavement before turning). Whoo Hoo!
You DID get a good one! I'm so happy to hear this! :cutie:

Plus this is where we saw the most inappropriately dressed people of our trip…let’s just say that Pooh bear may be cute wearing a short top, but these people should have re-thought their wardrobe for the day. (It was a rather large family with ALL of them dressed like this.)
Oh, GOD. At MK in September, there was a girl wearing these shorts that were so short, the bottom of her buttcheeks were hanging out of them and jiggling as she walked. Worst of all, I was right behind her in the crowd of people, and on my scooter, so my eye-level was... that's right... staring at her jiggly buttcheeks. And I had no space to move around her. It was both terrible and hilarious. :sad2: :laughing:

I have two virtual first timers about to turn onto Main Street (yes, they had not even seen the castle yet). So we make the corner by the Emporium onto Main Street, and I stop my scooter (sorta…you know, no brakes) and let them get their first look. It was kind of fun to watch. Matt had a pretty big smile and Sabrina, well I learned more about her at this point…she cries, a lot when she is happy. It kind of made me giggle to watch them.
I love this story! I would be giggling too! I'm taking two virtual first-timers myself in December, and am hoping for a similar reaction! :goodvibes

actually had to grab a map (hangs head in shame)…
You rookie. :P

You all are gathering the pitchforks and Gaston now to run me off the boards
Pitchforks, maybe. I'm keeping Gaston for myself, though. :lovestruc

Just about that time Matt and Sabrina got off the train. Perfect timing! Sabrina scooted up in front of me to get a better look and Matt hung around near me. We were able to watch the entire parade. It was Awesome!
Yay! I love to hear this! Isn't it a fantastic parade, too? Love it! :cutie:
Home for the Next Ten Days

All Star Music Family Suite, Room 1434. Again, being the bad DISer I am, I took no photos. But, the rooms look exactly like every picture I have seen on the boards and any other site. Our room was located in the Calypso Section Building 10. We were the second room from the bottom of the “T” of the building (where the stairs are closest to the parking lot). It was VERY quiet. The rooms are spacious. They could just use a freshened-up look. Not bad or anything and well WORTH the money, they just are starting to show their age in décor. We had a garden area right outside our windows/door. The mousekeeping staff had done fun things with the kids stuff in certain rooms (as they were displayed in the windows) I love the kitchenette area, and we soon found out that it was good to have two bathrooms. We got the car unloaded and I unpacked my stuff (yes, I like to unpack). I had to get Zoe’s welcome stuff and Tinkerbelle Gifts ready (even though it would be Sunday before they arrived). Sabrina unpacked some. Matt threw his duffle bag in the bedroom and us girls got the living room (at least until Sunday). After getting familiar with the room, we decided to head back over to the Magic Kingdom to just explore…we were not going to try to do any of the FP+ we had for the night (especially since Pirates was going to stay up while we were there.)

Back to Magic Kingdom

We arrived back at the Magic Kingdom about 7 pm. We had decided to go wander around the new Fantasyland area, since I did not know the lay of the land over there and I really like to have a feel for how things flow to make sure I can get everyone to where they need to be when the rest of the gang arrives. One of the disappointing things on this trip was all the walls around the castle and on Main Street. I know they have to improve things and they do a great job of concealing the mess, but didn’t they know that I was coming and did not want those unsightly construction walls in my photos?? Anyhoo, as we were making our way over to Fantasyland, I learned really quick that people just have no clue that you cannot stop the scooters on a dime. More people stepped out in front of me (and I was being extra cautious and not following anyone too closely)…it was like I was invisible! (Yes, Billie my dear, I thought of you often). We wandered over there to where the dueling Dumbos are, and skirted around to Ariel’s Grotto and Under the Sea Ride….this is where we really lost Sabrina…she was in Mermaid HEAVEN! We took a gazillion pictures of her here…see, here are a few…

We then decided we were a little thirsty/hungry so we decided to check out Gaston’s Tavern. We all decided to have some LeFou’s Brew. Sabrina & I got the souvenir mugs with Belle on them but Matt opted to just get a plain cup. When our order came up, the very kind cast member had given Matt a Gaston Mug because she did not want him to feel left out. Our first bit of Pixie Dust! So we went explore the seating area of the Tavern. It was just us and another family in there, so we spent a good amount of time exploring and taking some photos…not many good ones, it was way too dark and we just had our phone cameras at the moment. Here are a few…

Once we finished in Gaston’s Tavern, we started heading toward the Carousel. Of course we had to “OOOHHH” and “AAAAAHHHHHH” over Beast’s Castle (Be Our Guest). Then we HAD to go into Rapunzel’s Bathroom. Well Sabrina and I did…Matt stayed outside and waited for us …for a while. Because after all, we had to look at every DETAIL in the bathroom! I must say, it is pretty AWESOME! I love that all the shelves up high have all the things you see in the movie. Thanks for pointing those out Sabrina. Here is another picture of the area outside…

By this time it was getting close to 8 pm and we had a 9:15 ADR that we had to start moving towards. So we said goodbye to Fantasyland and headed out of the park and toward the resort monorail because our dinner ADR was at Ohana’s. So when we head that way both Matt and Sabrina were excited to get their first monorail ride. And what did Sabrina do? Yes she cried…

So you remember that discussion we had earlier about me backing up…well it just gets more fun… So the monorail is pretty crowded. No problem we have lots of time, right? Well, they had some technical difficulties that made us getting there a little tight, so when we finally got a monorail, they decided to put both Matt and I squeezed into the center of one car. Both of us pulled forward. When we arrived at the Poly, can you guess which way we were facing? If backwards was you answer, you are right! This made me physically nauseous. Matt backed out first…easy peasy for him. Then it was my turn. Thank goodness they just moved the ramp so I could just straight back up, cause I don’t think I could have made it otherwise. There was just no room to maneuver if you had to….so far the scooter gods were looking down on me.
Such a bummer that we had to switch parks this night. We would have ended up in the same areas around the same time if we had still gone to MK.

One of the disappointing things on this trip was all the walls around the castle and on Main Street.
::yes:: I felt the same way!

When our order came up, the very kind cast member had given Matt a Gaston Mug because she did not want him to feel left out. Our first bit of Pixie Dust!
:wizard: :thumbsup2
What a great first day!! Sabrina's hair is just gorgeous and so adorable how much she loves Ariel!! Sorry about the scooter issues...I'm sure you were a pro by the end of the trip. Can't wait to hear about your O'hana jealous of that ADR since I couldn't get one...sigh.


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