The things we'll eat to lose weight...


<font color=red>WISH success story<br><font color=
Jun 1, 2000
I haven't posted here in ages, but I read here quite often and I am so impressed with the accomplishments you guys have made! :) Congratulations to you all!

Anyway, I started a low carb way of eating a week ago. It's not Atkins - it's something I found on the Muscle and Fitness Hers website. Very low fat, mostly unprocessed foods. The "diet" is made up of four one-week eating plans. You follow the same routine every day for a week and then switch the next week. This is to help keep your metabolism fired up so that your body doesn't get used to eating the same thing every day (and who could eat the same thing every day?) ;)

Today was day one of the new menu. Breakfast - measure 1/2 cup dry oatmeal. Cook with water, add two scoops whey protein (we have vanilla and while it's not a Beaches and Cream shake, it is still ok). Mixed with oatmeal, however, it's gross! I do not know how anyone on Survivor can eat ants, live grubs, boiled tarantualas, etc. I could hardly eat this sticky mess! Tomorrow I am just going to cook the oatmeal with water and eat it plain and then mix the whey with water and have that as a separate shake.

I'm sure all of you have better sense and just stick to foods you know you will like! :) Anyone have any weird weight loss stories like this to share?

Keep up the great work! So far I'm down two pounds (weighed in at 153). My goal is to get to 140 by March 1st. My ultimate goal is to be a size 8 or 6 and look like a knockout in a bikini! ;) After I reach my goal, there is a maintenance program to follow so that I don't continue to lose weight, but I don't gain any either.
I've lost about 60 lbs so far, only 10 lbs to go to before I reach my goal! How I did it was cutting out all soda and sticking to water, milk, and 100% juices. I also dropped all fast food and stuck to grilled foods. Amazingly the weight melted away and friends and family couldn't believe how fast I was losing weight. I also started a exercise routine that I stay faithful to. I run every day at least two miles and work out 30 minutes to an hour every day also. I have tired many things in the past to lose weight but this self made diet was the best and something I could live with for life. Most importantly I think are cheat days, without them dieting and exercise does seem daunting and pointless.

Anywho I'm sure this wasn't the type of weird you were looking for but thought I'd share what worked for me. Good Luck! :D
Being an anorexic, I probably shouldn't be giving advice on how to diet properly, but I don't see why you have to eat stuff you don't like in order to lose weight. I lost it (and maintain it) just fine by simply monitoring the number of calories I eat every day. I mean, a healthy diet is all well and good, and I try to eat the proper amount of fiber, vegetables, etc. but I think that denying yourself what you really like is a set up for failure. If you really want an ice cream sandwich, you can have one, as long as you plan for it in your daily caloric allottment. As long as calories in are less than calories out, if you're a normal person without some sort of weird metabolic disorder, you should lose weight, right? :>

As for weird weight loss stories, I don't think you want to know the disgusting things I ate while I was starving myself down to 67 pounds. Suffice it to say that life is much more enjoyable now that I have an ice cream sandwich every night.

(Whey protein is pretty tasteless. Have you tried soy flour? It has this delicious nutty taste. I like to coat my veggies in it, kind of like you'd fry stuff in bread crumbs if you were trying to gain weight, except much healthier...)
Thanks for the replies! I was beginning to wonder if anyone read the posts over here anymore! ;)

Well, the oatmeal/whey mix was history the first day. You guys are so smart! I decided to "create" my own healthy eating plan too. The one I was following was just so strict, so naturally I overindulged over the weekend on the things I felt "deprived" of.

Spaceman Spiff - that is an extraordinary weight loss, and a very sensible plan! I power walk 5 days a week for 40 minutes, but recently have tried running. Also started working with weights about a month ago. I have seen some nice changes in my body, but I'm just not a patient person.

Tintalle - anorexia - wow! You're right, you can spare me the details, but I sure am happy to hear that you are sticking to a program of sorts and that you are not starving yourself. Exchange your ice cream sandwich with my love of cheese, and there you have it! I'll make sure I plan a cheat day so that I don't do any binging and eat a whole block of cheese instead of a sensible portion.


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