The Triathlon thread

PUicked up dh's bike last night. He barely pedaled to stay with me on our 6 mile ride. Can't wait to get mine. SHould be in on Thursday!

Yay! That's exciting. Is the pic of DH's bike or yours??? What did you end up getting???
Carrie - That is so exciting, congratulations!!!

I found out that NBC didn't cover the triathlon, only CBC up in Canada did. If you want to watch the spectacular finish you can go here:
The link to watch the triathlon is on the second page of the highlight clips, with the exciting run off starting about 5 min in.
Carrie - very cool on the bike! Hope your's comes in real soon.

Leana - thanks for the link. Been watching snippets of it today (one of the channels running it and we have TVs at work).

Have short 8 mile ride on tap for tonight. Saturday will take bikes for long ride after getting in 3 mile walk. Hoping to get back into pool Thursday if schedule permits.
The pic is my bike. It's a Giant Avail. It's on the low end, but really looks like it will be plenty bike for us. plus we could get new for about what we would have spent for used.

Thanks for the links Leana! Dh and I will have to watch at home tonight.
At if you click on video and then click on "recap" or "replay" or something, they have the full men's and women's triathlons there start to finish. Watched the men's last night, fun!
Carrie--great bike! You guys are going to love those road bikes. And I've found that biking is sooooo addicting once you've started. I've only been riding for about 3 years, and biking is now more enjoyable for me than running.

So when are you going to cave in and get clipless pedals? ;)

Rotfl Steve!!! :blush: They actually come with baskets. I think it's a sign. ;) (Yeah, I know it's a sign that they're not high end too, but shoudl be plenty for us)

Watche dthe end of th emen's tri last night. What a finish!
PUicked up dh's bike last night. He barely pedaled to stay with me on our 6 mile ride. Can't wait to get mine. SHould be in on Thursday!


I've been eying this bike.. when you get it, can you give us all a review of it.. what you like, don't like?? :thumbsup2
I'm no expert, but I'll let you know. BTW, dh has teh men's version (Defy). He took it out last night at about the same effort adn amount of hills as teh tri course. He was 5 mph faster than during the tri. Now, that was a mountain bike, but still...

I do love the way teh Giant WOment's bikes fit. Just phenomenal that making teh handle bars a little narrower and teh reach alittle shorter does so much.

Suzann - So, you want to have matching suits and bikes? ;-) I have the Danskin suit too.
Ha.. that would be funny... I got the tri suit on sale at REI too!

Do you find that its odd to wear on regular training runs? I normally just wear shorts and a tank.. nothing too tight.. but when I wear that around the neighborhood it just feels weird. Hmm, maybe its just me :lmao:
I usually throw on a skirt to hide teh tummy more, so that breaks it up. When we first startd doing swim/bike bricks, I wor a tankini and skirt with compression pants underneath. :rolleyes1

Did you test ride the Trek Women's version of any of their road bikes? I'm just wondering how they compare to Giant's women's version...

Not that I'm buying anytime soon. My new bike will have to last me for a few more years! :goodvibes
I didn't test drive any Treks. Reading the info, though, their women's bikes sound similar. Can't remember if teh frame is shorter (seat to handle bars), but I know their handle bars are suppoed to be narrower too. I'll go homea nd compare the literature. I'm sure they're very similar. I'd be surprised if teh giant feel was better than Trek. Giant is much more affordable. I was just surprised how much differnce i coudl feel btwn my mountain bike and teh women's Giant. Funny, road teh men's version of my bike ot get a feel fro that. I noticed right off that my shoulders seemed stressed.
Funny, road teh men's version of my bike ot get a feel fro that. I noticed right off that my shoulders seemed stressed.

Carrie - Just a thought, if the road bike isn't fitted to you your shoulders can really start to hurt. Did Scott get a good fitting on his bike? Make sure you get yours fitted when you pick yours up as well. The fellow who did my first fitting suggested that I try it out, then come back in a few weeks after riding to see what needed to be tweaked, but it has been okay to date.

Betsy - Not sure if you have left for Penticton yet, but I just wanted to wish you a fantastic race on Sunday at Ironman Canada!!!!!!!!
Leanna - If I put my hands closer together, even just and inch or so, it was fine. That's about what the womens does. He just wanted me to see how that style rode, because that's the style I wanted. the women's 09s weren't in yet. We will go in for full measurments and fittings for both our bikes next week. Good point, though. Porper fit makes a world of difference. In fact, he told me if that my bike did not fit me right when I came in, he owuldn't seel it to me. :O Not that I want one that doesn't fit right, but it sounds like he can get some real air heads in there.
Leana - I really have. WHile teh owner's a bit scatter brained (encouraged em to all to make sure tha the reembered to put my bike togetehr when t came in), he's sepnt over 3 hours with us. Has not tried to talk us up in preice. The route he gave us fro test drives was 3 to 4 miles long and he encouraged us to go further if we wanted. Plus, tehy have free training classes and teh lead rides for 4 to 5 different levels every Thursday evening that are kind of for training too. (20 to 40 miles) Scott and I are going to try to catch the ride tonight.
Carrie...did you get your bike? How fabulous is it?
Yeah, Carrie--did you get your bike yet? We're all excited to know!! :yay:


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